Sunday 4 October 2009

cakap cakap...Business the UMNO way - Privitisation.

What would it take for Mahathir to understand what harm he has done to this country? What would it take for him to realise that when he gave his children, his cronies and UMNO leaders business opportunities at no risk (if they make money they keep the profits, if the lose money the government bail them out) the cost to the country will be too much for it to bear?

All our basic and essential services were privatised:

·     Electricity is privatised.
·     Telecommunication is privatised.
·     Water is privatised.
·     Sanitation/Sewerage is privatised.
·     Roads are privatised.
·     Public Transport are privatised,
·     Health care is privatised.
·     Even entertainment is privatised.

If all these public services were in the private hands of his children, his cronies and UMNO leaders–what then was the role of the government?

Is the government role to provide these cronies with fail safe means of making money at the expense of the poor and lower income group? The same group who would most have needs of these same services? Would it not be the duty of the government to ensure that these crucial services are made available to the poor and lower income group at an affordable level – instead of giving control to their cronies this same services for them to manipulate and extort to their hearts contents?

None – not one of those privatised amenities ever brought any benefit to the Rakyat. All it resulted in was a rise in the cost for the usage of these amenities – and sooner rather then later – the bailout of these privatised concerns that cost the Rakyat billions and billions of ringgits. Only Mahathir’s children, his cronies and UMNO and Barisan “preferred” leaders made their pile of money…..some to live in grandiose istanas and indulge in ostentatious consumptions, some fled overseas to escape legal prosecution and responsibility for their contemptible crime against the Rakyat and yet some continue to have their snouts in the troughs and still plunder and pillage our country. They do so from within UMNO and continue to be protected by UMNO. We know who there are. Do not waste your breath by asking me if they can sleep at night when they have abuse the trust placed upon them by the Malays. I know that not only can they sleep at night but also they sleep in air-conditioned istanas with Gucci Furniture, Armani Table cloth and Dior curtains. They drive cars that can easily buy the house that the rakyat lives in many times over.

And still Mahathir and UMNO continue to shout and yell to all who will or will not hear them –

·     “See what we did for the Malays”
·     “See what we did for the country”
·     “See what fifity over years of UMNO has brought to the country”. 

We see. We have had enough. We will no longer allow you the opportunity to do so the moment that power to stop you is in our hands! Meanwhile we wait for the next General Elections – but we will not wait quietly.

Every word you say,
Every bond you break, every step you take,
Every game you play,
Every move you make and every vow you break,
Every claim you stake,
Every single day,
We will be watching you. 


  1. Dear Sir,

    I love your articles a lot. I do agree with some of your thoughts. However, I would disagree with you on privatization. I think Tun Dr. Mahathir did a good job on privatizating on certain government services. With privatization, we can ensure waste will be reduce. Private company runs services or businesses more efficient than government agencies. This is very true for USA, Malaysia, China, other countries government agencies. The true problem with Malaysia is corruption. If we've more transparent government I'm certain that our GLC will run more efficient and profitable. Thus, maybe Proton would have been profitable now. Then maybe we can have cheaper cars, more jobs, bigger market share in Asia. Sadly, UMNO is so corrupted that they forget about serving their race and other races too. I only hope we've more people like you to remind us how corrupted our governments are.

  2. Hi agree with you that privitisation is the way to go - IF there is transparency and it is run as a business should. But privitisation in Malaysia is ruined by corruption....and because of that we re not ready for privitisation the GLC are not profitable and who suffers - the people. Too many bail out. Too much money being charged...proposal for privitisation are all about making money.Look at puspakom - the idea is good - but we know that if you have money you can get away with no inspection...let us hope that things can get better. regards and keep in touch.


  3. Uthayakumar. Read this article and I can tell you that you are not fit to be a leader. To call citizens to boycott an election shows that you dont have any standing. It is either you vote for BN or you vote for PAS. There is no such thing as you dont vote for any of them as this means you lose your rights as Malaysians. Is this the leader you Indians want...a leader who dont know what priority means. You took to the street and cried Makkal Sakthi but after less than a said boycott the election. I like to tell you that no any one race is an island...which simply means that no Indians nor Chinese nor Malays can rule this country on its own. either you are with BN or PR. There is no two ways about it...unless you are trying to deceive the Indians to benefit BN. Please grow up Uthayakumar!!!!

  4. Yes you hit the nail right on the head. Those bastard use the OSA to protect their illegal loots.
    They use the Police as their private body guards to threaten the Rakyat whenever it suits them. The Rakyat tak boleh tahan any longer!! We demand to take back what is rightfully ours. We demand that the more than 1billion Oil money owe to Kelantan be paid to them. We demand that Sabah and Sarawak get it's rightful shares of development.

  5. No, I don't agree with Anonymous on the subject about privatisation. He miss the real essence of what true privatisation means. Those privatisation done by Mad Kutty was no privatisation, it was more like monopoly where there's no actual competition.

    Just like HH pointed out, they privatise the profit and nationalise the debts.

  6. The privatization of those amenities help reduce the public expenditure and increase efficiencies. Yes, they are sure indeed.

    But, the greed beyond boundaries aka corruption turns those projects into piratisation.

    Initiated in the 80's, recycled in the 21st century beginning with PLUS.

  7. Privatisation in name;
    Piratisation in essence !

  8. assalamualaikum bang hamid.
    betul kata pak hamid. pengswastaan lebih pada keburukan. lihatlah bagaimana kemajuan di pelabuhan sebagai contoh. kami memanggil muzium pelabuhan. tak nampak kemajuan.

  9. maaf tertinggal perkataan..
    pelabuhan kuantan

  10. dat's why : besides his bini & daughter , his 3 sons =
    US$8 billions ...BUT many2 of us r 'money is not enough' ....@#$%^&* !

  11. Assalamualaikum

    Another fantastic article. Yes Privatisation would have been good for non-essential goods and services but certain services ought to have remained with the givernment. Moreover, privatising the way Mahathir did (at no risk to the investor cronies, who will take profit if it comes and give loss back to government) cost taxpayers billions...Keep writing sir!

  12. Privatization doesn't work
    Even in UK it failed
    It happened too in Canada
    Dr M knew about it
    Yet he went ahead
    For a reason then
    To help his cronies

    The essential services
    Shouldn't be privatized
    It is to serve the needs of the people
    Not to the pockets of crony related companies
    Milking money people pay for its failures

    Years down the road
    We saw the failures
    And his cronies all laughing to the banks
    And they still do

    Services to the people
    Nothing really help
    We are burned in our pockets
    Now we are wiser...........
    Too many stories floating
    In cyber-space

    And telling us
    We will cut down the employment in government
    Yet the opposite is true
    The employmet increases
    We have to pay more
    Services aren't better than years ago

    Privatization cronies gain
    The people suffer paying more
    Monopolistic approaches
    The people have no choices
    We pay waiting for changes

  13. Privatisation is in order for the private sector to provide services for a reasonable fee. However, the abuse of the system had ended up bankrupting the nation especially with the Government guaranteeing the bonds issued by the private sector.
    Witness a few
    1. MAS;
    2. Highways where the toll keep going up even when the traffic had gone up many times the projected traffic flow;
    3. Telekom where the cost of calls keep going up;
    4. Electricity, where Tenaga is paying for expensive fuel and passing it to consumers. Just see the process when a consumer wants to have power supply or upgrade;
    5. Puspakom is a place where you wait the whole day or find a quick solution
    6. Driving licences where you get failed or find a quick way to pass;
    7. The multiplicity of get rich quick schemes run by cronies under the "watchful" eyes of BNM;
    8. The "Mother of Grandeur" PKFZ and Kuala Dimensi

  14. hi guys

    pls remember one thing . It is onlythe malays who have to change the country. The others just can only help you guys.So rememebr no point crying remeinded again saudara saudari do not bring in religion in to politics and make fool of ourselves when the UMNO arrogant bastards "screw our back"

  15. Yes, fully agreed that Mad Kuty's privatisation is in name only.
    In essence it is " piratisation " at its worst.

    Just look at MAS which
    was "privatised" and taken over by his crony Tajuddin Ramli. Before TR's takeover, MAS had a healthy balance sheet. After this, TR just siphoned off the money into his own private companies resulting in MAS running into debts of more than 10 billion ringgit.

    What happened ? Tun Mahathir had to bailed TR out by purchasing MAS share it a ridiculously high price using taxpayer's money.

    Similarly for Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd. MISC had to bailed Mirzan Mahathir's KPB with debts totalling 1.7 bllion. Halim Saad's bailout from Renong( 3.2 Billion )was also done in the name of privatisation.

    Yes, in Mahathir's "privatisation", the profits will be kept by the privatiser but any losses will be borne by the taxpayer.

    In these privatised projects, the privatiser were not interested in boosting the company operations and profits of the companies which they had took over.

    Worst still , they siphoned off the fixed and liquid assets into their own companies.

  16. This is what i wrote to Fomca, KPDN & JPM:


    TM Streamyx tidak berfungsi selama seminggu dan saya telah memaklumkan/ mengadu kepada pihak TM lebih kurang 15 ++ kali dan mereka tidak mengambil langsung tindakan apa-apa sehingga kini. Saya sebagai peniaga kecil-kecilan telah mengalami kerugian kerana
    tindakan sambil lewa pihak TM yang asyik memberi alasan yang tidak masuk akal dan tidak profesional.

    This is what happening in Malaysia right now. We talking about private companies. We rakyat aways hope this private companies give good services for us but this companies only what to make easy money and we rakyat dont have choice and end of the month need to pay the bill whether we like or not. Better they give free service if their service like sh*t!

  17. Aha! You lupa satu yang memang absolutey PRIVATISED!!!

    Printing money! Apa nama? Malaysia punye minting company? Lupa ler!

    Bank Negara is owned by the private banks, ada satu dua kononnya GLC bank yang diurus oleh orang2 yang bank rubbed!

    -Rob Bank-

  18. All the politicians who partake in politics have got one thing in mind:

    To make money using other people's (rakyat) money.

    Mahathir thought he was the boss of Malaysian Inc. since he controlled the company (Malaysia Inc.).

    Mahathir was the Executive, legislation, judiciary, Bukit Aman, Prosecution, jury, witness.. everything..

    Mahathir was able to carry out any of of all his illusions at his whims and fancies with impunity.

    It's every entrepreneur's dream to create a golden goose during the hey days so that when he/she retires, the golden goose will provide an unlimited supply of income during one's retiring period.

    Electricity is privatised.
    Telecommunication is privatised.
    Water is privatised.
    Sanitation/Sewerage is privatised.
    Roads are privatised.
    Public Transport are privatised,
    Health care is privatised.
    Even entertainment is privatised.

    These are the golden geese Mahathir has created for him, his wife and children and cronies.

  19. As long as the greedy BN is in power, the poor rakyats' monies will continuously and always being sucked by all these 'golden geese' created by Mahathir.

    So you are right Sir, these essential amenities should never be privatized in the first place in order to be reduced to BN's golden geese at the expense of the poor Rakyats.

    It should be in the hand of the government (Rakyats' servant). If the government (Rakyats' servant)is lackadaisical in managing these essential services, the Rakyats can always sack the government replacing with a more efficient and different government.

    But with the essential services at the control of the politicians' cronies, these cronies could manipulate the golden geese at their whims and fancies so the poor Rakyats (the BOSS) are being damned.

    It's time the Rakyats (BOSS) retaking back all these golden geese (basic services) back from the BN greedy cronies and restarting to be the BOSS of Bolehland again instead of being the slaves of all these BN and cronies greed- since Mad Kutty usurped the power from the Rakyats (BOSS) 28 years ago.

  20. I can't agree with you more, Abang Hussein. Overall, this mamak Lordship has done more harm than good to the country, and privatisation is not the only thing. Not many Malaysians realise that we are actually paying MORE for LESS, whereas many other countries, eg Singapore, the USA, UK, etc, are paying less for more. No thanks to the mess this Tun has done to the country.

    Thanks for your very objective and intellectually-stimulating posts. Do continue with your postings - love to read them!

  21. ABANG,,


  22. Remember how he planned to privatize healthcare at one stage? He hoped to get the endorsement of doctors - who after considering the socio-political damage it would do to the country, had voted overwhelmingly against it.
    Thank heavens that privatization project never materialized .... or Malaysia would've been like Zimbabwe today.

  23. I have read all your comment at least twice...made me feel good - full of semangat ! Thank you. Thank You. Thank You....I salute you all too for giving me your time. MERDEKA!

  24. privitisation = piratisation !?

  25. Dear HH, I love your articles, keep them coming. Maybe you can do an article on racist Biro Tata Negara in the near future.

    The rakyat is being saddled with a yoke that is getting heavier by the day. You left out those crony UMNO monopolies in the food sector...rice, turkey, oranges to name a few. Due to this, most people don't realise the $100 in their wallets is only worth about half at most when they buy into goods n services. Also, the fact that this country's majority is Malay, it means UMNO is robbing the most, from the very people they claim to help.

    angela ooi

  26. angela - re BTN two of my friendss headed BTN and they are still alive, well and kicking not want to upset them too much lah! Suffice to say that whoever has control of BTN has a very powerful tool at his disposal...
