Monday 12 October 2009

cakap cakap...carefree days in Kuantan.

It could be said of my life that my time in Kuantan was probably the last of my truly carefree days. Nothing remotely problematic clouded my horizon. I was in Lower 6 at SABS Kuantan. Our house at Telok Sisik, just across the road from Istana Teruntum, was less then a 100 yards from the sea.

My immediate memory was learning the joys of sailing from Joe – his name was Mudzaffar but everyone knew him as Joe. Imagine if you can gliding silently across the waves in shallow waters and seeing fishes and ikan pari gliding below you. I also fished from the shore for huge catfish and when I have caught them I know not what to do with them because I know my mother was not going to cook the fish into any dish. She simply will not eat that fish. What she does not, we do not eat.

I also remember camping alone by the beach in a canvas tent that my Father must have ‘requisitioned’ from some police reserves. I had everything I needed –  an ice box with cold drinks and one of those Philips portable record player playing my favorite Francoise Hardy’s LP over and over again – “If we are only Friends” and “All over the World”.

I love the solitude of camping by myself knowing that home was less than a 100 yards away. Sometime an old man would walk the length of the beach with his Jala – casting for belanaks. I knew of him because he was Joe’s grandfather and a former MB of Pahang – Dato Sir Mahmud. He did not disturb me nor I him. This was a man completely at one with the sea and never needed me to complete his time at play.  
Sometimes I will take the Aluminum Dingy with its 6HP engine and a full tank of petrol and go into the river upstream towards Kuantan town and then lose myself in the maze of inlets that branches of the river into God knows where. Always alone.

Apart from Joe and my school acquaintances I never remembered having friends in Kuantan. I never knew anybody outside school and saw nobody after school except my family and kept my own company. And yet I was happy.

My Father was the Chief Police Officer of Pahang. What I know of his job then was that he had a Holden Car with a Driver and he was saluted everywhere he went in the state. Two memorable incident stand out in my memory. I have never seen my Father saluting anybody while in Pahang until that day. We were sitting out on the balcony enjoying the sea breeze. I was in my shorts and my Father in his sarong – it being a Sunday –when suddenly a huge Austin princess swept into the compound of our house. I have never seen my Father jumped to attention that fast in my life –it was his boss Dato Hussein Sidek, the Commissioner of Police –who took it upon himself to come a calling on my father at his house on his way back to Kuala Lumpur from a visit to the East Coast.

The other time was when a Sikh Air Force Officer  -slightly the worse for drink – drove his car into our compound and came to a stop because our lamp post was unable to get out of his way fast enough. Again we were sitting out on the balcony enjoying the evening sea breeze. The officer in question reversed and then proceeded again to move forward in the same direction. Stubbornly the lamppost again refused to get out of his way. After the third time this had happened my Father walked up to the car and reached in to take the key out of the ignition switch. The Sikh Officer in full RAF uniform grabbed my Father arm and held on to it as if his life depended on it. My Father, now slightly agitated because the aroma of alcohol wafted all over the place, sternly told the Sikh that he was the CPO and wanted him out of the car. The Sikh said something he should not have said. He eyed my Father and said, “Show me your authority!” My father said “OK”. He made a call and within ten minutes the Sikh was off to jail to sleep off his hangover.

There was one other image that will forever be fixed in my mind. We were in Pekan to partake in the celebrations of the then Sultan Sir Abu Bakar. I have heard many tales of this legendary sultan but none prepared me for the sight of seeing him for the first time. We went to see him play tennis and he arrived in shorts that started from halfway up his chest to his knees. He was a huge imposing figure–all 200lbs of him. A spectacular sight for anyone to see. He had his fondness for ladies but a Sultan much loved and respected by the people of his state.      


  1. Hello Bro,

    I am from SABS too but till Form 5 only. Which year was you there?

  2. tahun 65 &66...u belum bersunat lagi kut masa tu? camna? masa tu kedai kat alor alar masih buat daripada kayu...

  3. Hello HH,

    Sorry...a few question...

    a) What is SABS stand for?
    b) Without any reference to year in your article....some of us may lsot in time

  4. sorry friends...SABS is Sultan Abu Bakar School in Kuantan and the year was 1965/66.

  5. Hussein, Kuantan is my hometown, born and bred there. Went to Abdullah School and then at Form 5 move to Abu Bakar School in Alor Akar in mid year and took our School Cert at this School in 1957, the first batch of student who take the School Cert there.

    It is a small world indeed. BTW did we cross path in those days.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Chaste in the dust posted a query in Hantu Laut asking if you're related to Pak Lah's ex-wife. Don't know why this bugger so bothered by you?

  7. FMZ...they are good for a laugh..I am in a good mood now...Lita has send me some good jokes i am sharing with you guys...go and have a look see....salam.

  8. Hello HH,
    In 65-66, I was in Form 3 and 4; perhaps we even talked to each other. It is nice to know another ex school mate.
    As for Kuantan, when was the last time you visited it? The beach now is nothing compared to the natural scenic spot of the 60's. Then we even went camping the the place where the present Macdonald's is. It's so commercialized and so man-,#made. I don't like it anymore.

  9. Salam HH,

    Glad to read your blog, especially watching Stacy 1st audition. I used to frequent Kuantan in 76. Love the beach then, but today i just just ignore TC,it sickens me to see excessive exploitation by those greedy bunch.
    have a nice day.

  10. From 1962 to 1966, there was the legendary Captain Preedy who manned the TC at his wooden stilt house just next to the then Merlin Hotel.

    He would go round checking on those who pitched out their tents on the weekends. Those times we used to peep lovers doing their acts.
    Fasttracked to 2009, TC is now dotted by KFC and Mcdonald fast food chains.

    Just wondered what MPK has done to the scenic beauty of TC. Come weekends you can hardly drive your car.
    Terrible mistake they have made. They have butchered the natural surroundings and succumbed to plain commercialisation..

  11. Of course we remember Capt. fact I have met and talked to him and at that time was wondering what that white man was doing there - but he had a good life there.

    The last time I was in Kuantan was for the SABS jublee celebration about two years back...and when I went for a drive to TC...I was sad as I drove downhill towards the beach and saw all the development...what have they done to the place? It was bad enough with the two hotels there - now there is even a McDonalds- absurd! But that is what you get when you have state govt that is more interested in development - because development brings in money. i wonder what has happened to the old VIP rest house site?

  12. Oh ok. I am 50 now that means i was 6-7 yrs old when you was in SABS. Btw its still good to know that there a number of frens here from SABS.Its a good topic to get all fomer SABS to know one another.

  13. You are right, HH about the absurd development of TC. I find it so sad that the place has been changed beyond recognition. You should see the 'great wall' meandering the beach, and they even chop down the lovely trees! I just don't understand how the locals can still vote for those greedy ones come every election. By the way, I was born and bred here, and also studied in SABS. Which form were you in 65-66?

  14. HH,

    There is only one hotel left, i.e. Hyatt Kuantan, the favourite rendezvous for Najib, JJ and his kakis to wine and dine and smoke Havana cigars!

    The other hotel, Merlin Hotel, is now in shambles, gone, hangus,'pochet' leaving to termites resting their nests there. It was the result of mismanagement of Faber Merlin Group, PASDEC could not raise sufficient funds to refurbish the once popular hotel resort.

    Probably it was the curse cast upon by the fatal suicide of the spouse of the then GM of the hotel.

    Some smart Alec who came back from USA got the idea of planting artificial Palm tress on the uphill road leading to TC. So they erected the 'palms' with night lights on in the evening. But after some years gone by, they were gone and dismantled!

    There went the taxpayers' money that landed into the pockets of the UMNO contractors!

    The VIP rest house is also in shambles and poorly maintained. Every UMNO politician is eyeng for the plot of land to be re-developed to another resort hotel.

    MP for Kuantan, Puan Fuziah Salleh of PKR should take note of this and keep track of UMNO's collusive partnership with its UMNO group of companies.

  15. Hello Bro,
    I am so proud to know that you hail from Kuantan and now settled in Adelaide or wherever as long as not in Kuantan or anywhere in Malaysia. Kuantan was a beautiful place since I came the first time here and that was in 1969 and am settled here till today.
    Yes, I totally agree with all the comments posted by many people in your blog regarding the Teluk Chempedak.
    I am disgusted with the authorities especially MPK that gave approval to the construction of Hyatt and now the sidewalks of Hyatt has been taken over by KFC. Initially some greedy but powerful guy related with the top VVVIP of Pahang got the small piece of land beside Hyatt that used to be a place where the town bus would pick up passengers, approved for a 'koiptiam'/Bistro or whatever. Now they have turned the place into a KFC restaurant. So, these guy connected to the VVVIP strike his fortune and probably left. Just opposite where there used to be a small 'hill' overlooking the TC beach has been turned into a MAC's place. Another scandal.
    Joining the chase for richness, His Royal highness's unused land at Teluk Chempedak facing the TC beach, that once used to be just plain bushy land has been turned into a car park run by a private company for the palace, I guess.During those days visitors to TC would hang out on this land as it offered shelter from the sun.
    Looking at the development at the TC beach that has been over commercialized and I blame the state for allowing that to happen. The state doesn't benefit from this commercialization of TC but the well connected person with the VVVIP does. Note: VVVIP is the highest ranking and above politics in Pahang. I'll leave it to Bro, HH to comment on that as he is 'kebal'.
    I bet you guys, if you ask anyone from Kuantan, they never want to go to TC nowadays. The TC beach front is TOO commercialized, the beach is barren compare to the 1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's. I will never forgive the MPK head who approved the projects. Of course this guy is the ball carrier of these VVVVIP's and today he is given even an higher post in the state. But at what price. One day, his grand children will curse him and people will piss on his grave.
    I hope one day when pakatan takes over Pahang, the first thing they should pledge and honour to do is remove Hyatt and all the commercial buildings from the becah of Teluk Chempedak. YB Fuziah make this pakatan's pledge in the coming elections.

  16. MPK's decision to have McDonald and KFC outlets erected at TC was the most gruesome and despicable mistake ever blundered.

    Kuantan residents have no more space left to enjoy the walk along the beach to breathe the sea breeze.

    This is the 'rape' of Kuantan's once famous priceless jewel of TC.

    Obviously those cronies close to the the Royal Palace had a hand in getting MPK approved the commercialised projects. It's all about money, money, money.

    Why the Kuantan residents are not sending any petition to voice their grievances is beyond comprehension.
