Monday 12 October 2009

Cakap cakap...ISA - UMNO's Hero!

Now let us see how they handle the coming back of Isa. This is the same Isa that they banish to six years in exile – later reduced to three after an appeal. Does Isa have an axe to grind with those that colluded to ensure his expulsion from UMNO? Now its payback time? Again more kucha kachir in UMNO. Will he now come back as the all-conquering warrior that saved UMNO from further defeat after 7 lost by-elections? How will they reward this UMNO hero? Will he again be MB of Negri Sembilan to do another era of looting and plundering or will he be given a Federal posting where UMNO has much need of his corrupt and devious talents!

What an example Isa is to UMNO stalwarts…you can sin and be forgiven and come back as an all-conquering hero. Already I can see Ibrahim Ali making his own plans for a comeback into UMNO. Rahim Thambi Chik. Khir Toya. All those rogues, rapist and swindlers of UMNO now called back into UMNO to bring UMNO back to its glory days. What an orgy of looting and plundering that will now take place before the final demise of UMNO in the coming General Elections

Oh my country how you will suffer. How the people will suffer from the excesses of it’s own leaders. We now know that UMNO no longer wants to pretends that what is best for the country is best for UMNO. Their focus is on survival at any costs. Our focus is to prevent that at all cost.         


  1. "Every hero is someone else's villain".

  2. What is the price of a coconut shell these days? In my mind, UMNO can afford to buy as many coconut shells to keep the kampung folks happy under the tempurungs. Kampung folks are not too hard to manage as they like simple things in life. What for struggle when things are still idyllic? They have the 'she'll be right mentality' same as some Aussies! In other words, Insyaallah is their catchphrase day in, day out. Easy meat for BN but are they in for a rude awakening when the Bagan Pinang folks find themselves not much better than the Penans one fine day!

  3. A loss in this case is good for PAS & PR. In fact PR can afford to take another one or two losses.

    Losses will enable PAS to look at themselves and put forward a policy with the necessary action that jives with the aspiration of the rakyat.

    PAS will also have to thank Hassan Ali and PKR's Kulim wonder for their invaluable contributions.

    One swallow does not make a summer.

    The tsunami will continue.

  4. There's always a silver lining in the recent defeat. Firstly, it's a chance for PR to do some soul searching and find their esprit de corps. Secondly, Isa's win will only inflame the rakyat's wrath against BN and especially UMNO. Rakyat's fury may have subsided a little bit with PR successive victory( maybe in BP they aren't angry to begin with). But with the corrupt candidate victory and BN ( UMNO)manipulation and corruption of the govt machinery and the army, the rest of the rakyat ( not including those in BP) will get even angrier at UMNO and BN. And err.. to those PAS youth wing, pls drop all those arabic sloganeering and start using words that all the rakyat can understand and connect with. Your talk of Jihad fi sabillillah isn't helping whereas " Berjuang menentang ketidakadilan dan perkauman" would have been more effective and readily understood. Start becoming leaders of Malaysian instead of just a leader of a small PAS cawangan. Islam is not just about melayu and your own backyard. Islam is about being a responsible human being for the whole community and that is the true meaning of PAS
    (Islam) for ALL!
