Saturday 3 October 2009

cakap cakap.....KUGAN

Kugan's death: 
We have to give credit where credit is due. For once PDRM have done themselves proud. They checkmate us this time. They have done what UMNO has done. UMNO, a party championing Malay rights, have been going after other Malays that have upset them – Anwar Ibrahim comes to mind – and they do it so well that we Malays are sometimes beguiled into believing them – but only before the truth comes out. Now PDRM have got an Indian, Navindran Vivekanandan, to charge for killing another Indian, KUGAN. Do not worry yourself too much about what the charges are. Kugan’s family lawyer N. Surendran should get the truth out of him once he is put in the dock.

The part that PDRM overlook is why only one policeman is being charged? As I have said in my earlier posting, PDRM do not have the guts to go one on one when interrogating suspects – there will be at least three of four of them. Again N. Surendran should be able to get to the facts on this with the right questioning.

The AG explained that Navindran could not be charged for murder because

 “There is no evidence that the deceased suffered an instant death. Instead, the deceased died four days after the alleged beating”.

As I have wrote before, Kugan was murdered over his four days in custody – daily beatings, daily torture, daily sufferings. Of course not daily murder. Mr. AG we have a word for people like you….good manners and an education at MCKK prevents me from saying what it is!   

Some advice for Kugan’s lawyer. Control the urge to grandstand this case. You have the entire government machinery focused on taking you out the moment you blink. You have the opportunity of showing us all what PDRM stands for – a sadistic, bullying and corrupt vehicle the government uses to intimidate and murder its own people. Get your act together and just go for it. Good luck. 
You will need it.  


  1. HH, my bet is that Navindran has been paid megabucks to take the small fall. He'll get a slap on the wrist and then vanish somewhere to spend his million(s) courtesy of the contract-renewed IGP's "business" pals! Hey, we have seen all these before, from AI,Razak Baginda, and the 3 Perak state stooges and more.

  2. Boss,

    I dont know how much Surendran can do.

    This is a murder case, what is going to happen is the AG is going to represent the prosection in charging the Indian policeman who will prob have his own lawyer.

    Surendran is not going to have any locus standi in this case.

    Can u imagine this???

    To me, the AG is fait accompli in this whole Kugan case.

    An accomplice becoz like u said, it beggars belief that one policeman can do this torture alone.

    By charging one person, the AG is hiding something, an accomplice to murder!!!

    Its like asking one of the murderers of your family member to b the prosecutor of the suspects.

    How sick is the whole Malaysian Judiciary!Prob the Judge is bought out also!


  3. there must be karma...sooner or later the truth will come out!

  4. IF i shoot X in his chest ...he cant die immediately but the bullet stays for 5 days inside then mati = this is NOT murder laa , ok ! (good blood)
