Saturday 10 October 2009

cakap cakap...tipu menipu...

Fraud, bribery and corruption characterize UMNO modus operandi for the past two decades since Mahathir took over the reins of Government from Tun Hussein Onn. But these deceptions have been done under the cloak of the NEP, Ketuanan Melayu and generally whatever projects, proposals undertaken were “Untuk Negara”. I now detect a disturbing trend these last few years.
I first became acutely aware of this when Pak Lah stood in front of the media and stated catergorically that the 2008 election would not be on and then immedeitly announced that the election was on a day or to later. I though I knew Pak Lah. I thought he would not lie. Saying that he had not got the King’s agreement was a technicality. In essence he lied to the people.
And then there was the matter with Radzi Sheikh Ahmad – the Secretary General of UMNO that Pak Lah himself appointed. Radzi told him that Shaidan Kassim can no longer be MB of Perlis because Shahidan had fathered at least one child out of wedlock and impregnated many other young Malay  girls. Proof of this was brought to Pak Lah - but in the end what Pak Lah did was to shoot the messenger. He appointed Tengku Adnan as Sec Gen without telling Radzi and then asked Radzi to leave. If it is possible to have a friend in Politics Pak Lah lost a good friend in Radzi when he did what he did. I was in Radzi’s PWTC office helping him pack to leave on his last day there and I can fell the sense of betrayal done by Pak Lah on a loyal friend. 
This worrying trend of not accepting truths and a tendency to lie without remorse to the people of the country has now become the norm rather then the exception. Today with Najib it is 1Malaysia and then whatever he does can and will be part and parcel of this 1Malaysia concept. And he goes on the world stage to shout it from the rafters that 1Malaysia will not only be the savior of Malaysia but of the world.
Does this idiot really believe that? Or is it a deliberate lie to deceive us and the world? Think my friend. Think hard. This Prime Minister of ours talks about 1Malaysia and at the same time micro manage the selection of a corrupt candidate for Bagan Pinang. I say mirco manage because as in all things UMNO, the President decides. He is the President. From day one it was Isa. Then having decided on Isa they found the reasons for doing so….“the people’s choice”…and what have you. This is our Prime Minister deliberately lying to us and then going on to deviously plot with UMNO to have the outcome they wanted.
Now tell me this. If the Prime Minisiter is like this – what of his cabinet? What liberties will these Minister take knowing that it is alright to lie, it is ok to spend money to win an election. It is ok to say that the military should not be accessible to any political party and then promptly have the Minister of Defence bring the MB into the army camp to give $100,000 for whatever reason and promise them a swimming pool and futsal faculty if they elect their corrupt candidate! In the name of getting votes? What do you think we can now expect these Minister to do in cabinet? I shudder to think of the possibilities. That not only Najib and Mahyuddin but the entire cabinet plundering and pillaging our country’s treasury for their personal gain. The mind boggles….can you imagine the whole PWTC being turned into a dungeon infested with thieves and robbers…protected by the government of the day and aided by the Police in their deeds? God help our country.   


  1. They are not really re-inventing the wheel.

    All they will say is somebody else did it before us, isnt now our time?

    Its all started by Mad Hatter......and then Rafidah lah, Muhd Muhd Taib lah, Khalil Yakub lah, Muyideen lah, Thamby Chik lah, Isa Samad lah, all already corrupt like crazy.

    These bunch of Minsiters and Mentri Besars now is just saying "Its our turn now"

    We should really kick BeeEnd out. To those who say all politicians are the same, they ARE NOT!


    Because you can be darn sure the PDUM (Polis Di UMNO Malaysia) , MACC etc etc etc will b watching Pakatan like a hawk when Pakatan takes over the Federal Govt.

    So its not the SAME!!!

    F all the Corrupt BeeEnd politicans!!!!


  2. Nothing has change and nothing will ever change. All we have is nothing but rhetoric slogans which are norm whenever a new broom takes over.

    It's always changing covers but the shit inside remains.

    Najib is only keeping to tradition and hoping the rakyat buys what he's cooking (the Rock's favourite) n this helps to entertain the media, political analysts, and those blinkered UMNO/BN diehards.

    The show continues..

  3. god help those who help themselves..maybe we need not god, but brave hassan ali drunk ,...walk in and shoot everybody ...of course with some cowhead ?

  4. Hai yah !!! ... these are common in the politics, especially in Malaysia. It happen on both side of political divide.

    They'll back-step their brothers, sisters, or comrades for their own gain or benefits.

    It's not only in UMNO and coalition partners but also in PAS, PKR, and DAP.

    The latest is in MCA, see result here:

    Te only difference is as to whether those are kept secret or leaked out.

    Perhaps, these are inherited since our independence or we got screwed in between in trying to follow the Westminster model of governance.

    That is why the people must take back the country and not just leave it to politicians. The people must have realization and guts to change and not being complacent.

    At this juncture, PR "IS ONLY A HOPE" but that doesn't guarantee that everything will be well and we could live happily ever after.

  5. Ask me NO questions & i shall NOT lie !
