Wednesday 7 October 2009

UMNO : Two words. First word starts with the letter F.

I  like to describe myself as being cool under fire. Nothing much can rattle me and I would rather walk away from an argument then try to bring someone to my point of view. Not because I am not convince that my point of view is correct but because I believe that each and every one of us are entitled to their point of view. I chose to live in Australia because I would rather let my brothers keep what they have taken of my late Father’s estate then to go head to head with them in court to take what is rightfully my part of my late Father’s estate – though I did try to persuade them to let me have my share – but I digress.

This morning I was angry. Angry enough to shut down my PC and leave my work on ‘steadyaku47’ until my mind was more settled. Sat down with my Lucy and talked. I talked and she listened. I told her that I did not want to give too much details about the lady that Isa was involved with because there are common bonds of decency that I want to observe. I told her that even if UMNO will use gutter politics to win at any costs – there must be limits to what I do. Lucy listened…and then asked me what did I write a few days back? About giving notice to UMNO that I now have my gloves off? That it is now a free for all?

That made me think. I have to walk the talk. I have not much stomach for it but it must be done. And that false email supposedly from ‘Suci dalam Debu’ was the straw that broke the camels back! I only have this to say to whoever that did that. When you want to call somebody’s bluff remember you must have him by the balls – because when you have a man by his balls his heart and mind will follow. You my friend do not have me by my balls!    


  1. Dear HH,

    keep them coming.....rakyat are no more cowed by UMNO.

    hidup HH !!


  2. Keep it cool man, anger and outrage is bad for health.

  3. Mate,

    I am sure there are more stories to be told but for our friends back in Malaysia, they stand to risk everything. But being domiciled in a country where our rights are soundly entrenched in the Australian constitution, I think you are doing a big, big favour to our ex-fellow Malaysians. Keep on exposing the bastards as you must lest they inflict more irreparable damage.

  4. Bro HH,

    Easy brother!
    We are with you, let the worms out of can of ISA and most of all NAJIB!

  5. "Go tell that to UTK!!"

    Was that the best you could come up with? Got your goat, eh!! Now you know what it feels like when someone disagrees with you. Rejection is hard to accept. I will make sure that you don't go overboard cause I don't have time to throw you a lifeline.

    And by the way, stop soliciting for funds. You sound pathetic. We all thought you were a big fish living in Australia. See, now you show us that you are just another Pak Man Telo.

    Look before you leap, big brother is watching.

  6. There is nothing wrong with asking for funds to keep the site running.
    You shouldn't feel any obligation to contribute.

    I tell you what is pathetic, the people in Malaysia that struggle to feed their children because nobody cares, should they ask for a hand out, does that make them "pathetic"?

  7. This is the price of growing big. And your blog is BIG. People on the streets are talking about steadyaku...born 1947! Cheers mate!

  8. Boss,

    I can tell you now your blog is getting bigger and more influential, you can tell and theres no escaping it.

    When have a blogger truly made it big?

    When the psuedo UMNO loving goons start to come in and try and run u down with this and that. The more of these vermin appears, the more u know what u write DOES MATTER and make a DIFFERENCE!

    Thats when you know what you are writing is starting to get to them.

    Keep it up HH!.


  9. SALUTE!

    It takes guts to do what you are doing.

    Just be Steady.......... tell the truth and it will prevail.


  10. Chaste in the dust,

    This same dirty trick using someone else nom-de-plume to deface that someone and to confuse readers, is nothing new and was started by BN/UMNO bloggers in Malaysia Today Peoples' Portal. You sound familiar to me like one of those BN blogger I know in Malaysia Today. My advice, be yourself if you are man enough, use your own pen name OK?

  11. Pak HH,

    If you were an army man, show that we ex-army men must fight like soldiers. Go on with your blog, don't fear intimidation from childish readers, and favour no one. Trust me those scare tactics don't work in blogs, and you don't run a blog if you have not the courage to take punches. Surely you know how to overcome rabbit punches from any BN paid blogger.

    Haven't I shown you how in a Kuala Lumpur based blog I didn't care at all if anyone coming in blog claiming he is that powerful Panglima Tentera Darat, and I BANTAI him left, right and center?

    So are you afraid of someone who cautioned you that the big brother is watching you?

    Remember readers, in blog, you are not what you said you are, no matter who we are, in blog we are what we write. If you write like monkeys, we give you peanuts!

    Go on with your good work Pak HH, we love your brave postings. But that doesn't mean we have to agree with everything you post. Anyone who doesn't like to be a target for posting in blog, better take your time sifting sands on the beach. This is no place for praise and cheers.

  12. It has come to a point now that the gormen and Hisab Mudin can't do a damn thing about bloggers!

    Who say it as it is...The Truth of the Matter!






  13. 'Chaste in the dust'. Let me tell you what is pathetic. UMNO/BN robbing from the poor is REAL REAL PATHETIC. All federal funds are suppose to help the Rakyat, especially the poor Rakyat. However the poor Rakyat Gets poorer with high inflation and the UMNO/BN warlords live in BIG BIG HUMONGOS MANSSIONS. And to fund their million ringgit lifestyle, UMNO/BN keeps robbing the national coffer in the guise of HUGE NATIONAL PROJECT. ANOTHER 'CORRUPTED' PROJECT FROM BARISAN NASIONAL.

  14. Sir,

    Bersabarlah. Kalau tak control, darah tinggi pulak.Lepas tu, tak boleh menulis lagilah.

    Looks like the person made a mistake and has apologized (dan saya terima).

    Let's move forward form hereon.

  15. Thank you brother, keep on coming. Build up more pressure on corrupted umno. Thats the way to get rid of them

  16. Although under enemy disinformation, artilery fire.......we must charge and forward......keep enemy busy....and finally throw a grenxxx

    keep it up....

  17. Hang Tuah bersaing dengan Hang Jebat untuk jawatan laksamana. Hang Jebat berketurunan sama dengan Sultan Mansur Syah dan juga Bendahara Seri Nara Di Raja bin Raja Benua Keling Mani Purindam. Setelah Bendahara Seri Paduka Raja Tun Perak bin Tun Perpatih Sedang berkuasa, kedudukan Hang Tuah menjadi semakin penting. Hang Tuah berketurunan Melayu daripada sebuah negeri di utara Semenanjung. Tun Perak juga telah meletakkan Raja Muhammad, putera sulung Sultan menjadi Raja Pahang tetapi bukan sebagai Raja Melaka. Keputusan itu dibuat berikutan peristiwa Raja Muhammad membunuh Tun Besar, anak Tun Perak dalam satu permainan sepak raga. Beliau melantik Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah menjadi sultan kerana Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah ialah anak saudara Tun Perak. Raja Munawar yang sepatutnya menjadi sultan tidak dilantik walaupun ia beribukan seorang Melayu tulen dan pewaris takhta yang lebih berhak. Sebaliknya, dia menjadi raja di Kampar.

    Hang Jebat cuba melakukan rampasan kuasa namun percubaan itu gagal. Hang Tuah yang dibantu oleh Tun Perak serta pasukan-pasukan tentera dari negeri-negeri Melayu di utara semenanjung termasuk Selangor, Kedah dan Kelantan menggagalkan percubaan itu. Hang Jebat dihukum bunuh walaupun ia adik Sultan Mansur. Hang Jebat memilih untuk mati di tangan Hang Tuah.

    Puak Tun Perak dan Hang Tuah terus berkuasa di Melaka sehingga zaman Sultan Mahmud Shah. Setelah Tun Perak meninggal dunia, jawatan bendahara berpindah kepada adik Tun Perak iaitu Tun Perpatih Putih bin Tun Perpatih Sedang.

    Apabila Bendahara Seri Tun Mutahir bin Tun Ali, atau terkenal dengan gelaran Temenggung Seri Maharaja berkuasa, politik Melaka dikuasai oleh penyokong Hang Jebat. Penyokong Hang Jebat terus berkuasa sehingga kedatangan Portugis.

    Penyokong Tun Perak dan Hang Tuah tidak berpuas hati. Mereka bersekongkol dengan Alfonso de Albuquerque untuk menguasai Melaka. Panglima Awang membantu Alfonso de Albuquerque dengan meriam, kapal perang dan pasukan tentera. Beliau dibantu oleh Panglima Hitam. Pembesar Melaka lain yang membantu Panglima Awang ialah Raja Abdullah iaitu anak kepada Sultan Munawar Shah, Sultan Kampar. 16 Julai 1511 ialah tarikh yang amat bersejarah. Ini kerana pada tarikh inilah Panglima Awang menyatakan sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada Alfonso de Albuquerque. Alfonso de Albuquerque membawa pasukan marinnya memasuki kota Melaka pada 24 Ogos 1511 setelah sekurang-kurangnya 25,000 buah bangunan dimusnahkan dan lebih daripada 130,000 orang terbunuh. Raja Abdullah menjadi Bendahara Melaka pertama di bawah pentadbiran Portugis.

  18. Nice blog, HH. I just love it and now have become a fan.

    Please keep it coming.

    I love keronchong too.


  19. Those who love truth ,You are STB- Simply the Best.

    But to the BEEND, you are Simply that Bad.

  20. interesting and exciting!!!
    Sounds very,very,very familiar!
    Also 2 words. First word starts with the letter A.
    I....guess you guys already known the ANSWER!
    Well done!!!

  21. HH, keep it up & GODbless to your keluarga too !
