Monday 5 October 2009

We give notice to UMNO and Barisan Nasional that we will no longer be bound by the limitations of decency and good taste in our fight to bring back our rights to a decent and good government for the people of this country. We do so not because we have our backs against the wall. Not because we hunger for power. Not because our cause requires such tactics in order to have hope of being accepted by the people. No, not for any of those reasons.

You UMNO and your co conspirators in Barisan have shown us the way. You have made conspiring with the corrupt, the sleazy and murderers as your modus operandi. You choose to prosecute our leaders on trumped up charges – incarcerating them in prisons for years and years – not on criminal charges but for their beliefs. You choose to have disbarred lawyers and convicted politicians as your representatives in elections – surely an overt display of your disdain and contempt for the common people whose votes you seek. You chose to have as our Prime Minister a man unwilling and unable to defend his reputation in court and yet you dare to charge our Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy. Murder and sodomy? What arrogance you have in doing so!

No more. No more will we be bound by common decency and good manners in our fight with you. We start here with Bagan Pinang. Tomorrow I will say what I have to say about Isa and why he is not fit to represent the people of Bagan Pinang. If the religious authorities in Pahang chose to cane Kartika for having a glass of beer let us see what the religious authority will say about Isa after tomorrow. God help us.


  1. I believe the reason they have allowed DSAI to drag their case is now they are not sure what to do.

    Jailing DSAI now on a second round of trumped up charges I believe will rally the rural Malays around Pakatan.

    In 1999, the rural Malays was with us, only that time we were let down by the Chinese and Indians. Not now anymore.

    Jailing DSAI will b their single biggest mistake!

    Something like Japan bombing Pearl Harbour and awakening the giant!

    Mampus UMNO if they dare.

    Boss, this article on Isa also, shld b circulated to LKS blog and also hopefully MT picks it up.


  2. MT and LKS will pick it up esok...after our friends read the third installment first!

  3. Hussein,

    I told you that you will not have time to reply mails with the way that you are going. But my sentiments exactly on your latest post.

    With Rohaizat chap and then Isa, Najib and Muyidin have not ceased to amaze me on how much lower they can go. If I can only type/translate Cantonese vulgarities as fast as I speak it, it would be here in this post. How can the entire goverment, the top 2 guys in the country, allowing character like this to be in the picture. They are condoning it.

    Really 2 words for them, first word starts with an F.

  4. Waiting gleefully with the mother of expose'!! Agree with you wholeheartedly that you can't fight a clean fight if the opponents are the ones who first drag you into the mud! You just can't keep yourself to the rules when they keep hitting you below the belt.

  5. Sunwayopal,

    Totally with you mate. Najib knows that if he were to jail DSAI, it will be the begining of the end for him and UMNO.

    By the way, have you read Sakmonkol's blogs, lately. I think he is showing his true colour as a typical UMNOPUTRA.

  6. Sak is diff vs the UMNO-ultras.

    I like most of his articles and although he is defending the 'undefensible Isa', I guess he has decided party first above morals.

    I can understand his worry on Bagan Pinang. If mother of all upsets happens here, UMNO may not b able to stop the momentum building up.

    They have 2 last barriers to hide behind.

    1) The rural Malay folk.
    2) The Sabahans and Sarawakians.

    The moment we establish a beach-head in these 2 constituents will b the tipping point, ie the point of no return. :)

    But we need 2 answers to the above. Pray Bagan Pinang can give us the kick start to answering one.


  7. Bro HH,

    Najib said to the students in Paris that the charge on Isa Samad was only 'a technical matter', my God! corruption and money politics in Umno are only technical matter!!!

    What say you brother!

  8. ...and that stupid idiot is our Prime Minister !

  9. Dear Sir,

    You are doing a great job in exposing the corruption , abuse of power, mismanagement, divide and rule and all the misdeeds by Barisan Najis.

    I express my sincere gratitude to you Sir.

  10. is saifool involved or cerut has been tooled for vibration or .....?
    pls hurry , ok ?

  11. UMNO will punish whom they want lightly and kill off who they don't want at ALL!

    That has always been their spirit!
    So why bother about what they say or do...?

    Look around and see what has been happening from day one!

    Playing games with UMNO is a big laughing matter, just like kids do it all the time: "satu hari kawan esok jadi lawan next day kawan baik pulak!"

    So, forget it, they have no more game plan, no more jokers, and obviously & certainly playing the END GAME now!

    We will all have the last laugh when all the chips and cards comes crumbling down, never again to be played! Just like humty dumpty who sat on the wall and fell!

  12. I am sure Altantuya is also 'a technical matter' Belakang masuk also technical matter. Ha ha ha

    Is Najib finding another Altantuya in France...Cannot eat fat chicken everyday....
