Saturday 12 June 2010

The UMNO Perspective....Networking!

If you are in UMNO and you are having problem understanding what is happening don’t feel too bad. It is all so confusing. Everybody is whacking UMNO. Even past Presidents! If our past presidents whack UMNO whom can UMNO depend on?  

This talk about YAB Dato’ Sri Najib and that ….that…that women from Magnolia..(I cannot mention her name lah!) is already old story. Aisehman what case? Dato’ Sri already told us he did not know that lady! If you don’t believe Dato’ Sri because he is President of UMNO then as a Malaysian you must believe the words of our Prime Minister! Those two UTK boys have confessed and have been given the duit sentence…errr I mean death sentence. The AG have decided that Razak Baginda have no case to answer so no point in wasting the Rakyat’s money by appealing the court decision. If you cannot trust the court and the AG whom else can we trust! Case close!

It is good to have our man as CJ. That CJ is a man of principle. When he found out that his marriage to Hayati was illegal he divorce her straight away…what a great sacrifice. He knows the law very well – when it is illegal he will gostan and do the right thing. We need magistrates like him in our court!

YAB Dato’ Sri Najib is doing ok lah…dia selalu turun padang. He took Perak back from the DAP and he said that he will also buy back Selangor from DAP. I am not sure if PR is in DAP or DAP is in PR but they are all communists! Communist got no God. That is why the PR politicians who are God fearing people are joining BN. We don’t mind sharing what we have with them just as long as they don’t take it from me!

Everyone is talking about money politics in UMNO. If there is so much money in UMNO how come I don’t get any? I wish when they talk about money politics in UMNO they will tell me who are these warlords and the people in UMNO who are getting the money! I can go and ask some from them for me!

Aisehman how can you say that UMNO practise money politics? We call it networking…if I need school fees for my children I go and see my YB and he will help me. If I want to upgrade my Proton he will also help. This is what networking is all about - you know where to go when you need more money. But now my YB cannot get any project. If we all don’t get any project then the economy will suffer lah…and more important I will also suffer. How can they say there is no work because the economy is bad? We make the economy better when we get work so how can the economy get better if we don’t get any contract? Give us contracts and projects and the economy will get better!

Sime Darby lost RM1billion ringgit.  How can anybody lose that much money? This Musa Hitam is not a good Chairman. He knows all the top brass in UMNO so why can’t he pull some strings and get some contracts for Sime Darby and solve all the problems. How can they lose money with that Bakun project? When you have a big project like Bakun you must share it with other contractors. Sub contract to others lah and just take your commission! But he has to ask for the projects quickly because sometimes the good projects are sold even before they go to tender! This is because UMNO follow the law of supply and demand….UMNO supply and UMNO demand!   

The Police are doing a good job! First class. What is wrong if they make a bit of money from the Chinese. We know they only take money to pay the school fees for their children. The extra money they ‘earned’ goes back into our economy. Better for the country and better for everybody…and most of them buy kanchil and proton cars. They always support the BN gomen because the BN gomen support the police!

Najib wanted to invest in F1 to bring the image of our country to international level…the same level with Louis Hamilton, Schumacher and Ferrari. What is wrong with that? Our Ketua Bahagian was already planning a rombongan to Monaco for the F1 race there. He said there might even be some project we can do there! Our batik maker can also have fashion shows in Monaco. I think Rosmah is looking into that. Our First Lady is very business minded and has got plenty of experience doing business during Najib’s days in Mindef.  

People say that UMNO is using the people money. Let me ask you this - If we do not use the people money then whose money can we use? In UMNO we call is OPM (other people’s money). The infrastructure that UMNO contractors build – bridges, roads, rails etc are all for the people – is it not? The hospitals, clinics, schools that UMNO contractors build are for the people….is it not? Everything is for the people and if we complete them the people will use them…so of course we have to use the people’s money.

It is not our fault that the sub contractors did not complete the projects. Of course the people will lose their money when the project is not completed – it is the people’s project!

You cannot have all the projects completed on time and within budget every time! It is like the casino…if all the time the gambler wins how can the casino survive? So the same with these projects…if all the time the projects are completed on time and within budget…how can UMNO survive? UMNO only take a little bit of the billions spent. We are the one that thinks about these projects, the one that tender out these projects and the one that award the projects to people we know and who we can work together with….win win situation lah. For all that we deserve some pocket money….a million here and a million there. The billions lost and projects that are not completed are because of contractors who are greedy and take jobs they cannot complete. It is JKR that monitors these projects – they are to be blamed.

They also talk about PKFZ where many billions were lost. This is an open and shut case. Not UMNO’s fault! Who benefited from all that money? MCA .…how can you blame UMNO for that? After all Transport Ministry has always been given to the MCA. Chuah Soi Lek said that MCA got RM$2 billion in assets…so that is where the money went. Where that money will go now is up to Chuah and his son…I hope they will not do what Mahathir did – using Petronas money to help his son. We in UMNO do not mind if our President take a million here and a million there but RM$1billion is too much lah!

Where do we go from here?
If Malaysia want to progress UMNO needs more money, more contracts and more projects. Let the people live within their means or below it – UMNO cannot. Let the other people adjust to the realities of global economic meltdown, UMNO cannot. Let others say that the times have changed and we all need to change, UMNO cannot change! If UMNO fails the Malay fails because there are only Malays in UMNO. The Malays fails the country fails. Malaysia fails, Asean will fail and the whole global balance will be affected. It is important that UMNO does not fail and more important…I also must not fail! I must go and get a contract or project soon. Now which Ketau Bahagian got that Bakun sub contract job…must try and get some sub sub sub contract!


  1. where got the mangolian girl , NO immigration record what !!

  2. Sir,

    Thanks for writing again. Your contributions in building a new Malaysian Order will always be remembered.

  3. Suci...hello again! I hope all is well with you. I am a little bit older and hopefully a little bit wiser and a bit more able to take the sticks and stones they throw at me...MERDEKA!

  4. Dear steadyaku47,
    "that…that…that women from Magnolia…" Oh, you meant that woman by the name of... of... ala-yang-tu-la... you know la...
    Anyways, Umno can only make profits by creating imbalance. Ultimately, Umno showed us the correct balance between supply and demand, between embellishing prospects and orchestrating them.
