Friday 11 June 2010

UMNO the Village Idiot !

“materialism” that will be the be all and end all of all that UMNO represents"

In the village of Politics, UMNO is the village idiot! I despair at seeing grown men bringing themselves down to the embarrassing levels of making fools of themselves in the public domain with the regularity of monkeys adept at making us laugh at their antics. While the monkeys do so because it is in their nature to act like a monkey and do what a monkey normally does – these politicians descend to these levels because somewhere along the lines they have lost sight of their duty and responsibilities as politicians … and that is to serve the people who elected them.
Instead, as soon as they are elected they promptly delude themselves with their delusion of grandeur – to power, to richness and to their pomposity to self serve themselves to oblivion! Playing politics takes precedence over all else – over their responsibility to govern well, over their responsibility to the people and thus contributing to their forgetfulness that there is always an election looming over the horizon.
Ahhh there are so many idiots within UMNO. And then there are the idiots that jump into UMNO and Independent idiots that are really UMNO in everything but name … so many of these idiots around that I wonder if there is hope for us all in Malaysia! There was a time when I look at Indonesia and the Philippines and despair if their own people could ever take their leaders seriously. And now I look at the President of Indonesia and the President of the Philippines and then at Najib and I realize that the world has turned.
I am ashamed that we have Najib as our Prime Minister. I am ashamed that we have a Prime Minister that is tainted by corruption charges, tainted by politicking at the baser levels in order to try and salvage a desperate UMNO from losing in the coming General Election … in any elections, tainted by his inability to walk the talk he has been making about 1 Malaysia – and most embarrassing of all, tainted by the likelihood that he is somehow involved in the murder of Altatntuya!
And yet this Najib does not understand that being a Prime Minister does not absolve him of doing the right thing. In this case, doing the right thing is going through what Anwar Ibrahim is going through after being accused of sodomy by Najib’s government. Anwar goes through a trial! Although he is to be judged by a Judiciary we know is tainted. That the judicial process is stacked against Anwar is already a given fact. We know all this but he still has to go through the charade of a trial. We hope somewhere along the line, the truth and justice will prevail as in his last trial where he had to wait many, many years before proven innocent of the sodomy charges.
What of Najib? He has no balls to submit himself through the same process. When he has no balls, he has no respect from the people. As time goes by, this lack of respect for this leader of UMNO and all things UMNO accumulates. Unlike a rolling stone that gathers no moss, this is different. From day to day, we the people grow more disenchanted with UMNO as we watch their antics and their manipulation to stay in power.
We are fed up with their lack of finesse in ridding themselves of all those people that seem to stand in their way and in the manner they impose their whims and fancies on us Malaysians through means mostly foul. UMNO's seemingly relentless pursuit of the mighty ringgit - this above all else angers us most. If only UMNO has a sense of the anger that the people feel towards their never ending pursuit not of power but of the mighty ringgit! If they only realize that this anger will be translated into votes and cause their defeat in the next general election then it will shock them into the consciousness that defeat is staring them in the face not more than two years away. But then again, if they do become aware it will only trigger them into a frenzy of take, take and take whatever they can from our richness for themselves. The people lose either way.
But UMNO has become a way of life for too many of its followers pulled into a web of “materialism” that will be the be all and end all of all that UMNO represents. Nothing more and nothing less. And so its end nears. And UMNO will not go quietly. UMNO will not go gracefully. UMNO will want to win a battle they have already lost.
Mark my words people, there will be no orderly transfer of power from the loser of the next General Election (UMNO) to the winner (PR). UMNO will be dragged screaming, fighting tooth and nail to stave off the inevitable. In their fight they will use all means foul and bring down their own race, the Malays, - the people – even the country – if that is what it takes for them to cling to power. Declare an emergency, use the ISA willy nilly in their desperate attempts to eliminate the opposition. Let us hope that the people will stand together and will not break ranks to allow UMNO to do this. UMNO numbers are vastly outnumbered by us. UMNO’s resources though seemingly limitless financially is still outnumbered by our strength in the physicality that we have numerically. Not in the hundreds of thousands but in the millions. They cannot do the ISA on all of us, they cannot kill us all – we have the numbers to win! And win we will!
p.s. this was one of the articles i sent to MT while I was on "leave" from case you guys did not see it.

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