Sunday 1 January 2012

London bridge is falling down...falling down...

UMNO is now a house of cards glued together by the lies, deceit, arrogance that swirls around within its own putrid ambiance and the rotting support of an MCA and an MIC that no longer has any credibility within the Indians and  Chinese community that they claim to represent! 

That house of card will start to fall day by day, week by week and then month by month as 2012 sees the beginning of the end for this once great, powerful and rich political organization – still now the largest political organization in our nation. 

Still now with million of members. 

Still now the government in power over all things Malaysian! 

But for how long?

Suasana di hadapan UPSI sebelum pihak Polis dan FRU
bertindak kasar pada Kumpulan

And we start the year with the beating of Muhammad Safwan in the early hours of this year by the hated PDRM under orders of this insidious Barisan Nasional Government controlled by UMNO! How very apt! 

UMNO talks about giving students more freedom in political matters and they start the year by beating the crap out of 100 students staging a peaceful assembly in front of the Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in Tanjong Malim….until today a sleepy town more famous for its Pau then for anything else…but not any more!

I hope to God that this will be the catalyst that will start the student revolt against UMNO and Barisan Nasional! 

I hope that all students and our young rakyat will say enough and start the process of understanding what this Barisan Nasional Government really stands for. Simply put this Barisan Nasional thinks nothing of beginning the new year by beating 100 UPSI students. 

And why do they do this?

They do this to put fear into our students minds.

They do this to show all of us that if you do not support Barisan Nasional we beat the crap out of you.

They do this to tell us all that UMNO will do and can do whatever they want to anybody they want , whenever and wherever they want. And you know what is the truth? Yes they can! And these 100 students at UPSI is an example of that!

But even as UMNO and Barisan Nasional flex their muscles by beating their own Rakyat we know that they have started to look over their shoulders even as they walk the corridors of power in Putrajaya! Even as they swagger their way amongst us for they know that our anger at them simmers just below the breaking point. This anger will rage into a wildfire soon…very soon. What happened to the students at UPSI this morning will fan this rage.

Do not forget the fire that is burning within us. The fire that burns for Teoh Beng Hock, for Kugan, for Aminulrasyid, for Sarbani and the many others that have died needlessly simply because this Barisan Nasional Government thinks that might is right. 

Do not forget Altantuya – NEVER forget Altantuya because the senseless murder of this young Mongolian women by two UTK operatives and the tale of greed and abuse of executive power by those in power is a classic example of what UMNO is all about :

UMNO is deceit. 

UMNO is Greed. 

UMNO is all about abuse of what trust the Rakyat has placed in them.

And so on this first day of 2012 we go into another year that will end  I hope, with Najib no longer PM.

With UMNO and Barisan NAsional no longer in government.               

With the Rakyat firmly in control of those who are in government on their behalf…..whoever that government is!

You are one. With me we are two. Who else will be with us? 


  1. And how much more deceit can the rakyat swallow? Is this going to be the spark that will ignite to a fire?
