Monday 4 March 2013

cakap cakap...let sleeping dogs lie!

This blog is beholden to no one. Nobody pays me to write what I write on this blog though I am constrained, at times, by what my son thinks of what I intend to write. This he does not do very often because it is simply not in his nature to read what I write. Not that I know if he at all reads what I write but I will bounce of ideas and my intentions to write on certain issues off him and ask what he thinks of it. And what he thinks matters to me – matters enough for me think again about what I intend to post on steadyaku47. Apart from him there is also that cousin of mine in KP who from time to time (when his spirits moves him – which is not very often!) will tell me in no uncertain terms that “if you want to do, do lah…but ………..” – and both my son and this cousin of mine in KP are not financially likely to scratch my back while I am scratching theirs by writing what they have ‘suggest’ I write….but I digress.

What I am trying to say here is this – I write and do just about anything I want with steadyaku47 just as long as I do not upset the majority of you! Your opinion of what I do also matters to me. After all who wants to write without anybody wanting to read what they write! So thank you for reading what I write.

Recently I took off from this blog and from the list of popular post on steadyaku47 a posting on the Sultan of Pahang. Why did I do so?  Let me tell you why. The day before I pull it of my blog I learned that the Sultan Of Pahang – Ahmad Shah – is 83 years old. My first reaction upon knowing that was to tell myself to stop harassing the old man….that is why I took off that posting from my blog. And for no other reason. As I have said before wisdom comes with age- so at 83 he deserves to be left to his own devices if wisdom is already not with him!

If that is the case why then do I proceed to hantam Mahathir who is older? Well this Mahathir goes out of his way to court publicity and continues to put himself into the Public Domain – live by the sword…die by one.

That brings my humble self into the equation.

Am I perfect? As perfect as anyone of you out there! What have they got about me that can shut me up – one  word – PLENTY! It is for me to know and for them to dig it up and use it against me. When they do it would be up to you all to then make your judgement on me….but I know that these kind of matters are double edged. So bring it on anytime. I will give as good as I get.

Now where am I going with all this?

I have been informed that questions are being asked and data is being compiled about I, me and myself by the very people that I have been ‘supporting’ since I started blogging.

Will I flatter myself by thinking that I may be a person of interest to these people to the extent that they are compiling data on me or do I get upset (read angry!) and throw a tantrum ala Tunku Aziz? There may be some amongst you that will say that I do flatter myself by putting myself in the same sentence as Tunku Aziz! Perish that thought! It is Tunku Aziz that should be flattered that I allowed him to be in the same sentence as me! Anyway….

As I have said earlier….live by the sword, die by one.

This blog is not beholden to anyone! And that is the way it will stay. I am far far away from the maddening crowd – and all it takes for me to switch off from any harrassment is the same effort that you take to dismiss steadyaku47 from your PC – a simple CLICK!

So for those of you that spend time ‘monitering’ what I write I have this to say “Do not waste your time”.

For those of you that are upset with what I write and can do nothing better than tell me to F@#K off…..I can only say “KEMBALI”.  

For those that are inclined to go further and leave offensive comments on my blog, forward me abusive emails  and from time to time hack into my blog  - I have this to say….stick and stones may break my bones but anything else do not bother me!

In closing I do know that we are now into the final furlong (to paraphrase a horse race) before the finishing lines looms large in front of us - the 13th general election! Barring any physical or mental malaputaka – I intend to continue with my work on steadyaku47 come what may….which basically means that I will continue to do as I like with this blog. Now if my son or that cousin of mine from KP tells me to do otherwise then that bridge will be crossed when I come to it. Amen.  


  1. I like reading your posts. You call a spade a spade although your language can be quite colourful at times! I think people sometimes close their minds to truth because truths can be painful.Anyway,it's your blog and those who don't like it need not read it, right? (Just as I don't read the blog by that deceitful, senile old man! Hahaha)

  2. Good on you mate! At 60+, the only thing I can say to my children is that whatever they do, make sure it is the right thing and that it does not create misery for others. I like your style and the manner you put your thoughts in words. Do keep it up and God bless!

  3. Sir,

    Tulis, jangan tak tulis selagi hanyat dikandung badan.

  4. Uncle Hussein, I read and enjoy your blog daily and when you are not writing I feel a void. I find what you write interesting and thoughtful and most enlightening. Please carry on writing and ignore those idiots. you do know Malaysia have many of those. Take care and also your lovely wife. Salam
