Sunday 11 October 2009

Cakap cakap....Bagan Pinang

I was up at 6am this morning. Had my shower . Cleaned up the dishes from last night and tidied up the kitchen. I do this every morning because If I do not do it my wife will have to do it. What I can do to help her, I will. Made my cup of tea. Then watched the morning news because my son Zach was  on the computer doing his thing.
Even though my eyes were on the TV my thoughts was in Bagan Pinang. On my two schoolmates there – Fauzi and Kamarulbahrain. The talking is done. Their work is done. Now the people decides. Always this is what we must not forget. Isa can have three towkays to help him. He can have all the Kings horses and all the Kings men to back him up…but in the end the people decides. We are the people. Yes it is not our turn in Bagan Pinang but it will be elsewhere come the General elections. And this is what will keep us moving forward relentlessly against all that UMNO can throw at us. The one that puts the cross on the ballot paper is us.
And because it is so I am hopeful that the people in Bagan Pinang will see through the BS that UMNO has been subjecting them to in these last few weeks. That our soldiers are able to understand what hope they hold in their hands for the rest of us and make the right decision when voting. That the Indians are with us despite or should I say inspite of what Samy Velu had done. That the Chinese are inspired by the goings on in MCA to throw their lot with us. And that the Malays have finally seen the light of day and understood that this Isa will not be their savior  - but that the choosing of him to represent UMNO once again meant that UMNO has not change. That they are still the corrupt, greedy and deceitful UMNO that we have all come to know. 

For now we can only wait, hope and pray that all will be well by the end of today.


  1. TQ bradur for keeping us informed and reminding us that we all have to do our part by using our voting power to change our lives for the better. Time is not on our side. For those who are still waiting for the BN to reform, wait no more because they have proven repeatedly that change is not their forte. Enriching themselves and stealing from us is what they are good at and they will continue to plunder come rain or shine. For those of you voting today, the power is in your hand so use it wisely.


  2. People of the blog,

    If UMNO wins today, they win because of the Army vote and this time they wins three and more of the four thousands army personnel who they have managed to buy out with the extended hands of their Chief himself. There's no denying anymore, it was so very clear that UMNO had been campaigning in the military camps and the army had condoned that act and had shown that they had been associating deliberately with UMNO.

    People, remember this, in near future when all the soldiers in PD camps bathe in the swimming pool, they will be swimming in the pool of the blood of the rakyat they had cheated. When all the soldiers in PD camps kick the ball in the Futsal field, they will be kicking the heads of the rakyat they had betrayed.

    All the soldiers of PD, remember, that you all will be living forever to see those monuments built in your yards are there to remind you that they are the symbols of your sins to the rakyat, not anything at all that can make you all proud of being soldiers but that will make you all and your children bear the shame of being soldiers.

    From now on all the soldiers in PD camps who vote for UMNO in the most despicable manner, the rakyat declare you not as the People's Soldiers, the rakyat declare you as The Soldiers of UMNO.

    One day the rakyat will fight back and there will come a time when the rakyat will take on all the soldiers in PD who voted for UMNO in Bagan Pinang and make you all clean the PD camps from all those monuments of sins, including the sins in yourselves.

    Soldiers of PD, you may dream about swimming in the pool and playing football in the Futsal field, but remember everytime you do that, you are swimmming in the killing pool and playing in the killing field of the people of Bagan Pinang.

    The people of Bagan Pinang will not forget and all the people of Malaysia will remember that this Army is not the army of the people of Malaysia but the army of Barisan Nasional. Therefore you are not our Army, you are the invasion Army of UMNO, you are truly the enemy of this country.

  3. All the shouting and talking is over.

    Lets see this evening and hope good prevails over evil.


  4. Whatever the outcome in Bagan Pinang, it is important not lose sight on the ultimate aim: To assure PR win at the next GE.

  5. Sorry folks the ARMY is nothing!

    God will decide the outcome ULTIMATELY!

    TRUST HIM ALWAYS...amin.

  6. Dear all,

    Let us not talk about UMNO to reform because they will not reform.
    Let us not talk about UMNO to change because they will never change!

    To us UMNO is dead and buried. The 'TALQIN' will be by the GE13.

  7. That's right, the REAL "pandemic" is called CORRUPTION or MORAL ROT and it is spread by the deadly B1N1 virus! But don't allow yourself to succumb to FEAR and be vaccinated with more toxins. Stand in the sun and open your heart to the big wide sky of hope... and take lots of Vitamin C (for Courage)!

  8. We'll see tonight Najib and most of UMNO big guns in Bagan Pinang celebrating their victory for the first time since March last year, for March last year Najib and Pak Lah were all frowning with long faces at the final announcement which saw the people had handed BN a victory they cannot celebrate.

    The victory tonight will not only be a revenge so sweet for Najib but for Isa too and of course for one particular person who has everything to gain from this victory is none other than Mael Polin, the Army Chief, who made sure the soldiers vote for UMNO overwhelmingly.

    As komando said it, the ARMY is nothing! God will decide the outcome ULTIMATELY! Lets not just leave to god and wait for god to help us, lets help ourselves first before we leave anything to god because god will not help us unless we help our own selves first.

    "To finish first, first we have to finish." (David Coulthard when he was with Mac Clarens F1). So we must continue to fight against this corrupt Malaysian Army and rid it from corrupt general because if we let loose of the example shown by the Army in Bagan Pinang, there are many more postal votes and soldiers vote in many other places in Malaysia.

    Don't just wait for god to help us, because any school boy can say that god is supreme and then doing nothing than just keep saying god is all supreme.

    Wake up folks!

  9. Army votes is just an excuse. If all of us malaysians excercise our rights as citizens of this country...that is vote at all elections, no amount of postal votes and no amount of money can prevent us from winning the war against corruption, injustice, tyranny and cronyism. We the people are the ultimate king maker. let us all not forget this.

  10. if...if...a 'titatnically corrupted
    haram hantu ' could win ....DOOMED !
