Sunday 11 October 2009

steadyaku47 a plagiarist and wannabe political scientist?



Our man in Australia is not only a wannabe political scientist but he may also be a plagiarist.Read the story here and the comments here.

Most right-minded bloggers would name the source or author of the article they put on their blogs, if it is not their own.Most would link it to the original source.That is blogging etiquette.If you don't know this simple rule than you may one day get yourself into trouble.

If the man with the blurred mind didn't questioned the origin of the article it would have been solemnly his.

What say you Lim Kit Siang, he wrote about your son, he seems to know Lim Guan Eng pretty well.


Steadyaku47 comments:

A friend of mine this morning brought my attention to the above posting in a blog call Hantulaut. I do not as a rule go visit blogs around the net (and I certainly have never heard of this Hantulaut) so if she had not told me about it would have escaped by attention. Below are the relevant emails I received about the posting in question. I did not ‘lift’ the Lim Guan Eng article from any blog – it was sent to me by ‘Sam’. I thought it good enough to share with others and I posted it on steadyaku47 and mentioned that I have done so to Sam – thinking that he was the one that wrote the article. The article is written as a ‘first hand’ account and you all know that I am a Malay, that I am not a member of DAP and that I live in Adelaide – so logically it would not be me. But maybe I should have been clearer on that fact.

I posted the article with ‘good intentions’. But I detect sacarsm in Hantulauts comments. No I do not know Lim Guan Eng but I think Lim Kit Siang would know of me. Kit Siang has posted over 30 of my articles on his blog. In fact 38 to be exact. 

Methinks my comment on his posting of me should see some improvements on Hantulaut blog stats.

Site Summary









Average Per Day




Average Visit Length




Last Hour








This Week











Average Per Day




Average Per Visit




Last Hour








This Week



Hantulaut at           1.15pm: SUNDAY         78

Steadyaku47 at     1.15pm  SUNDAY         2396.

I am being rude here but I have this to tell hantulaut – if you cannot stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

Possibly Hantulaut should have just pointed out this mistake of mine and I would have said ‘sorry’ and that would be the end of it…but to call me a Plagiarist and a wannabe Political Scientist is a bit strong –is it not? He should at least pay attention to what he preaches (Say what you like - but keep it civil).  Anyway life goes on…..and this is the end of this matter as far as I am concern.

Emails re the above Lim Eng Guan article:

From: SAM B 


Sent: Sat, 10 October, 2009 5:57:42 AM

Subject: FW: Untold Story about Guan Eng


I have tried to post it in your comments box(cakap cakap...Guan Eng...he walks the talk!), but was told it was too big. 

I have enjoyed your blogs and was directed there via Malaysia Today and I am now going back to your older entries...I hope you continue to write exposes...




Subject: Re: Untold Story about Guan Eng


Sam - I have just posted the article you forwarded to me. Was it you that wrote it? I have only done one posting on Guan Eng because there is nothing much that I know about him. I know what he has done in Penang and I want to write more about him. If you can forward me anything on him that could assist me in this I would be grateful. Please keep in touch. Regards.

 RE: Untold Story about Guan Eng



View Card


Hussein Hamid 

Dear HH,

No, I am not the author...the message was forwarded to me by someone who also received this in his mail. LGE is not perfect, (who is?) but he stood for something that he believed in and did the right thing, how many of us can say that?

I am a Penangite by birth and hope that he will right some of the wrongs by the previous government. I will send you any info about LGE if I received any and also other articles that may come my way..I hope you can carry on with your crusade and perhaps vanquish some demons along the way.

Take care!



  1. No offence, but it would have been better for you plus your readers to mention that that post was from an email forward to avoid confusion. When I first read it, initially I wondered was it Husein who was writing about Guan Eng, and only after reading a few lines, I realised I read it somewhere else then skipped elsewhere.

  2. Be careful. I mean the young ones. Do not give out your e-mail addresses to Uncle Hussein. You can engage him here as a blog commentor. I know he is a "hamsup" fella. Sorry, but like I said, somebody has to keep you honest. I am still watching.

  3. Pak HH,

    You seem to have to do some answering to those allegations posted not only by Hantu Laut but by his blog readers too. I don't care whatever Hantu Laut called you but I care for all those who came joining your blog with all honesty and a firm belief in your leadership to fight a noble course against a government we believe is evil.

    I take honesty of a person writing blog from his profile, I believe in the profile, until someone questioned your integrity and we came to know about it, you cannot just let go of it, you have to make your defend and protect us from their ridicule of humiliation that make us in all helplessness to protect you.

    I don't care if they said you are a convert - from a muslim, a malay to a christian and I don't care if you are a citizen of a faraway land. I care for what you fight and I care for you are fighting a war that is not your war. You are fighting our war alongside us.

    Have you not put in Hantu Laut post here, I would not have known about it. Now that we all know it and I believe we have started to read Hantu Laut.

    I beg you to put up a stand for it is only a matter of our believe in you that will make us all fight against not just Hantu Laut but all other Hantus of BN and UMNO.

    You may not declare your fight is a crusade against evil BN and UMNO but you don't have to do that to make us think that you are one hell of a crusader. So make us all feel right about this crusade doesn't matter if this crusade is led by any leader of any religion.

    You are our leader, we stand next to you, not behind you.

  4. I just could not bring myself to read anything at the Hantulaut...just another prick in the wall and rocky {plagiarist xpert].

  5. The "expert" hantulaut:

    Whilst both the DPM and Mustapha both admitted that UMNO is still behind PAS in Manek Urai, my friend HANTU LAUT, from across the South China Sea, harbors the possibility of UMNO upsetting PAS. The following is what he posted:


  6. Hantu laut is the plagiarist and wannabe political scientist.

    Remember I called you a lallang and I still stand by it

    Hey hantu laut, getting the taste of your own medicine

    This is HH blog, get lost if you are not happy.

    anti hantu laut

  7. FMZ after i got your comment I was a bit confused about what you were writing about - so i went to hantulaut site again and found out what you were talking about - that his reader was calling me a christian convert. Seriously FMZ I did not read about that the first time I went there - I only got to know about it after you sent me your comment - even if I am a Christian convert it is my own business and nobody's else.

    As I have said before I do not read other peoples blog unless there is something specific or they have become friends with me. That this hantulaut guy has written twice about me - an old man living far far away in adelaide tells me that he has nothing better to do.

    I am not a christian convert.If you want to know about my problems with my brothers you can read about it in my blog under

    "I AM WITH MAHATHIR" (or what you can get away with if you can say that)"

    somewhere in my blog.. As for why I ask for donations - I decided one month ago to do steadyaku47 full time because I believe in what i do. I have no other income. I live on my savings.I share a computer with my son and to get high speed internet access costs money in Australia. To secure 'steadyaku47' against hackers will also cost money. Money that I do not have.

    He can go on writing about me if he wants - that is his right and it is done on his time.
    Let us move forward. regards.

    P.S. this Chaste in the Dust cannot even be consistent...spells Chaste as "Chase" - aiyah...kalau nak menyamar pun do it properly lah.

  8. Ok guys cukup lah tu...camna kat Bagan Pinang? I am following Zorro who is broadcasting live form Bagan Pinang. My PC is on all the time. This is the kind of people that I respect. He is there on the front my posting today i said I got two schoolmates working hard in Bagan Pinang - Fauzi and Kamarulbahrain... sorry forgot another one..that guy call Anwar...son of Ibrahim lah! - Our head honcho down there ! Go Anwar go!....steady aja!


  9. HantuLaut is a damn idiot , capable of ZERO independent views and comments.

    You know the difference between Pakatan and BeeEnd blogs?

    Pakatan , we dare to actually voice out what our conscience says, sometimes its not pretty to see disagreements bewteen PAS, DAP and PKR but we dare to call a spade a spade.

    And blogs like HantuLaut? No matter what, they will parrot the UMNO line.

    Perak? Tak salah
    Altantuya? Tak exist
    PKFZ? Tak salah
    Scorpene Submarine? Bagus!
    MACC? Bagus
    PDUM (Polis Di UMNO Malaysia)? Cekap!
    Najib punya suami? Gemuk dan cantik!

    etc etc etc


  10. who !? hantu ...hantu wat? ... tiu !!

  11. Pak HH,

    Trust me, I believe in you than Hantu Laut because you have face while Hantu Laut is faceless. And I tell you all guys that it is very simple to see honesty in a blogger by just looking at the profile. I said blogger not reader like us, and a blogger like Hantu Laut is one blogger we all cannot trust no matter how good he writes and how well he posts.

    Hantu Laut is really a Hantu and like all other Hantus, a hantu will always hide his identity and in Hantu Laut case he dare not put up his own photo other than a Manta Ray. He is faceless and a faceless blogger is one we all cannot trust. That's my first rule.

    Second rule, he is not a fighter but a ridiculer and he writes like a paid BN Blogger that's why he is faceless, he is not a masked avenger to wear a face of a Manta Ray.

    And Chaste in the dust, so now we know Hantu Laut is what you meant as "The Watcher", no big deal, and I am glad we now know Hantu Laut is a "HANTU BELAAN UMNO", just like you.

  12. hantu luat, i use to visit this site before the fall of pak lah. he writes very well and his arguments are indeed sound, just like wenger khairy returns and samangkol ak47. however, after the fall of pak lah and the rise of najib, hantu luat and wenger khairy returns changed their tune (samangkol changed his when isa was nominated to stand at bagan pinang). all 3 blogs have since stopped their fight against corruption, but have instead channel all their efforts into all that umno stood for. i have since stop visiting their site. at steadyaku47, i can't help but notice that you and anwar are good mates, and should pr ever win the next election and anwar becomes the pm and not only fails to stamp out corruption but encourages it (it's just my distrust for mankind when great amout of money is involved) then i hope you will not like hantu luat and the other 2 change its tune.

  13. I cannot help but be good mates with Anwar because we spend many years together at MCKK. If you read what I write of Anwar in the past you will see that my concern is to keep him on the path of our cause - a decent and responsible government. Please go read my article as follows: " anwar ibrahim live by the sword...die by one...and so it has come ...
    Feb 05, 2009" and "Monday, August 24, 2009 Anwar Ibrahim" - maybe you will have a better understanding of why we need Anwar for now. Salam.

  14. Way to go HH...! Let not these pricks sway you from your intended task and journey.
