Wednesday 14 October 2009

cakap cakap....steadyaku47

“Blogging is the leading form of alternative media available for the public to voice out dissent and criticism against the Malaysian Government. Due to the strict media controls and censorship laws such as the Internal Security Act and Sedition Act imposed by the Malaysian government, the internet is often used as a form of media to circumvent the restrictions.” Wilkipedia

As of two months ago I have been working on this blog as my full time job. Why do I want to do this? These are some of the comments I have received from our regular readers:

·      Pak HH. You are one. You and me makes two. You and me and my family makes 9. Together we can topple BN in the next GE. Marcos and Suharto toppled because of peoples power not money power. 

·      I think it is very important that your writings goes to the deepest recess of the kampung, to every Malay. I think that the Bahasa Malaysia (or Melayu) deserves a post of its own, not as an afterthought to the English version. 

·      It would be good if your articles could be translated into Malay and distributed to the masses who have been for so long brainwashed not to question the authorities.

·      Me, my darling wife, my three lovely children and their spouses, eight of us, but are you coming back for election?

The challenge for steadyaku47 now is to reach the rural areas and the young. We hope our readers and those who write to us will become active participants in the political process to bring the change we want.

To do this we require resources that is beyond my financial capacity to extend. It will require for me to have my own dedicated computer (for now I am sharing with my son Zack), high-speed broadband wireless, dedicated technical support to ensure we operate free from outside interference and a full time commitment from me to work on the site. I have no idea if steadyaku47 will work. But I am exhilarated at the prospects of what steadyaku47 can do to try and make a difference. This will be my main professional priority. My Family are committed to working around a budget that will allow me to continue my work with steadyaku47 and we will have to adjust our lists of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ but they are with me.

I am asking regular readers of steadyaku47 (that’s you!) to become patrons of steadyaku47 by contributing any sum of money you feel appropriate to enable me to continue to write on a full time basis.Please click the ‘DONATE” button in the right hand column of this blog. If you need to ‘talk’ with me on this issue please email me at ‘ and I shall be more then happy to talk further with you on this subject.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Salam HH,

    yeah The Road Is Long & Winding, I'll do my part.

    Hav i nice day
