Wednesday 14 October 2009

Will History be kind to Najib?

Thirty years from now when Historians write about the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia – what will they write about The Most Honourable Najib Tun Razak? Will they write of your contributions in making Malaysia a land of equality and opportunity for its entire people or will they write of your part in hastening the demise of UMNO?  Will history tell of your time as Prime Minister as being a time of revival and the getting of wisdom for UMNO or will it tell of how UMNO under your watch managed to sink deeper into the abyss of corruption, greed and deception started by Mahathir? What will the historians write?

First they will write of the forced resignation of Abdullah Badawi while in his second term as Prime Minister. They will comment on the part that Mahathir played in the removal of the very man that he himself appointed as his Deputy earlier. There will be mention of Mahathir’s former two Deputies, Musa and Anwar that was removed by Mahathir and Mahathir’s relentless pursuit of Anwar through a Judiciary that did his biddings. Those who read what is written can make their own judgement of the circumstances that led to these events. Those with hindsight of past events will make their own judgement of Mahathir tenure as Prime Minister. But that is another story to tell.

There will also be mention that this same ex Prime Minister son went against the son in law of the previous Prime Minister for the UMNO youth leader’s post and lost. They will also write that despite Mahathir’s son losing, you Najib, took him into your cabinet – and left the elected youth leader out of the cabinet. If the historians are not kind to you there will be mention that in all probability the appointment of Mahathir's son into the cabinet was to pay back Mahathir for the work he did in removing the previous Prime Minister from office so that you could take over sooner.

Now into the period immediately before you took over as Prime Minister.

First they will write that in the weeks before you took over the role of Prime Minister you engineered a coup to bring back the State of Perak (then under Pakatan Rakyat) back into the fold of UMNO. You made a deal with three opposition Aduns. One a lady who was refused a new car by her party and that she, out of spite, made a deal with you to cross over to the other side. The other two were Adun's awaiting trial for corruption. There was also another Adun who was with UMNO and had crossed over to the opposition. Then you came into the picture and with your ‘persuasive skills’ managed to persuade this Adun back into the fold of UMNO. And in so doing, you brought Perak back into UMNO but not before the forced removal of the Perak Speaker from the Dewan Chambers by Police. For those historian who chose to delve deeper into what really happened in Perak methinks that they too will not be kind to your memory. They will conclude that Perak was merely part and parcel of the rot that was to come with your assumption of the PM role. 

They will write about your party putting a disbarred lawyer as your candidate at a by-election in Permatang Pasir.

They will also write about your decision to put Isa Samad, already convicted for money politics by the UMNO disciplinary committee as UMNO’s candidate in Bagan Pinang. There will be a comment that the chosen candidate was once an UMNO Vice-President, a Federal Minister and ex MB of Negri Sembilan. That he was suspended for 6 years and then reduced to 3. There will be questions asked as to why Isa who was once MB of that State and a Federal Minister would want to still contest at district level. Again if the historians are not kind there will be mention of the rich pickings to be had once Isa was back again as one of UMNO’s ‘preferred’ leaders. 

About KD Inderapura. That as if heaven itself was making your reign difficult the Navy Vessel was destroyed by fire. And here again a mention might be made by these historians that the standards within the Armed Forces including the Navy had deteriorated as a result of the top brass in the Armed Forces playing politics to ensure that they stay on the good side of the power that be in Government that decided their promotions – among other things.

About Razak Baginda. That this man was your friend and confident. They will question the RM500 million payment to Razak's company for services rendered for the purchase of the submarines from the French. Of the fact that eventually the French were adamant that it was not a commission but a bribe paid to secure the deal. And as an integral part of this Submarine deal they will mention the murder of Altantuya at the hands of UTK – that special unit of the PDRM trained to guard VIPS and “do the bidding of VIPS?” I am sure there will be historians who will chose to delve deeper into these events and they will eventually get to the bottom of what really happened. I have a feeling that your complicity in the whole matter will be proven beyond a doubt. But that will be for your grandchildren to know.

They will write about your meeting with Saiful and how you attempted to ‘manage’ the imprisonment of Anwar again under the same sodomy charges that he had been acquitted of before.  There will be mention of Saiful and yourself invoking the name of Allah to advance your case in this matter. 

They will write about the loss of Public confidence in PDRM and in particular MACC. They will write about the death of  Teoh Beng Hock as being a defining moment in the history of MACC that finally led to it being consign to the same dustbin as the ACA.

There will be a special mention about the influence of Rosmah not only in your personal life but also in the affairs of state.

They will write of 1Malaysia and they will summarize it with this words. Like the Rukun Tetangga, Islam Hadhari  …it was a failure and served as a façade to present non existence values without substance to the public – who were not in any way persuaded of their relevance.

All these factors they will summarise, contributed towards the fall of UMNO at the 13th General Elections.

What good can they write about your time as Prime Minister? Possibly they could mention the establishment of University Malaysia  Pahang. That the campus in Pekan was finally opened after many years of delay and budget overruns.

That you loosened some Financial control to encouraged foreign investment in areas that would not affect the Malays economically.

That Malaysia did enter the pinnacle of Motor sports with the F1 Team Malaysia – at a cost of a few hundred millions a year – financed by the taxpayers through Petronas and Proton and fronted by your cronies. That this venture did eventually result in Petronas coming out with a new engine oil additive that would give better engine performance for Proton cars – but that that same result could have been achieved for much much less by employing the right people in its Research and Development department – but with less glory.

This has already happened Najib and you are not even into your first year of the Prime Ministership. What is to come? I think history will not be kind to you. History will show you for what you really are. The man who could have saved UMNO but instead hastened its demise within your first term as its President.


  1. He wants to known as the Godfather of 1Malaysia.... project of dotty...

  2. ooops...typo mistake
    should be...He wants to be known as the Godfather of 1Malaysia

  3. May I add...

    The historians will also write that Najib and Isa Samad are good at scratching each other's back.

    I can still remember and still keep the book written by a political writer that highlighted how Isa Samad saved Najib from being exposed and charged in the syariah court in NS after being caught for 'khalwat' with a singer/actress in a hotel in PD. That was in the 90s.

    If it was not true, why didn't Najib or his female partner sue the writer for defamations.

    I hope the historian(s) who will write Najib's 'epitaph' will include this good quality of Najib who never forget a friend's good deed.

  4. Depends on which historian.

    Golden Boy

  5. It will be a real thick book for this Najib fler and the write up on his tenure as defence minister will be long and crooked. We are just fortunate that nobody cares to invade Malaysia or otherwise we are gone!!!!
    Sukhoi jet screw up and the entire air power of the nation is as good as cripple. At the highes incompetency level now!!!
    The naval ships aha... most of the time at the dockyard for floor cleaning and very soon you will see the submarines will be used as school children visit attraction, if we are lucky both will not sink forever.
    The army, ahoi....holes everywhere and backstabbing among their top leadership with too much playing politics and end up loosing the job of Panglima Angkatan Tentera to an Air Force clown and clueless general whose KPI below par and got the job thru royal lobbying and off course with his agenda of pursuing the eurocopter deal by hook or by crook!!!!
    So this PM era as Defense Minister alone will be ..... I donno, may be nobody wants to read about anything to do with UMNO and their past leaders with Najib being the last...ehm Pak steadyaku47- just thinking aloud!!! pity negara ku, will the time be with us, we, the people to see the dream comes true.

  6. Bro. HH and all,

    Aisehman, Proff. Dato' says all these are untrue la. Where got ? He is writing the history what!

    Najib is a good father and a good family man what! never go out one at night, always sleep at 10. You ask Rosmah if you dont believe me!

    ha ha.

  7. You are right Pak HH. Najib will not last long as PM. The vulture Mahathir is eyeing the post....with Moohydeen as his nominee. Why I agree with you Pak HH is by applying very simple logic. A man accused of murder/abetting a murder in the 'eyes of the world' can be easily manipulated, threaten and toppled by his enemy within UMNO. Just like the indians in Bagan Pinang and the natives living in remote areas in Batang Ai. They are weak and defenceless and BN capitalise on their weakness to garner votes.

    And history already shown, corrupted Parties will be defeated by Peoples Power. In Malaysia it will eb UMNO/BN's turn

  8. HH, in perak they are aduns bukan MPs
    just in case your Isabel wants to come back to our beloved bolehland
    (rasuah halal-bir haram) for an entrance test , ok !
    btw, who actually masuking the 500juta ? can share a bit ah ! cheers.
    I-kopi !

  9. ok lah have done the correction from MP to Aduns...but they all still idiots!

    The RM500 million was paid to Razak Baginda (Altantuya's boyfriend) -for the purchase of three French Scorpene submarines by the Royal Malaysian Navy, in a deal estimated to be worth USD800 million. The negotiations were done through a Malaysian company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd.Perimekar at the time was owned by a company called Ombak Laut, which was wholly owned by Abdul Razak. The contract was not competitive as the Malaysian ministry of defense paid €1 billion (RM4.5 billion) to Amaris for the three submarines, for which Perimekar received a commission of €114 million (RM510 million). Deputy Defense Minister Zainal Abdidin Zin told the Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia's parliament, that the money was paid for "coordination and support services" although the fee amounted to a whopping 11 percent of the sales price for the submarines. [Wilkepedia)

  10. Lim Kit Siang is a born nationalist because a nationalist will always go for a single nation, meaning a strong nation, and without telling we can see the logic when a nation is strong, the government will be strong too. And like a true nationalist as all other nationalists, LKS’s priority is working towards uniting our country into a single nation, before anything else can be developed. That was some 4 decades ago, his idealism has been rebutted and for that he was branded and condemned as traitor by UMNO and PAS alike. Now after 40 years, his ideal has been revised and borrowed by a plagiarist that changed it to a new name called 1Malaysia. Najib may not want to admit it in the open but in silent Najib has endorsed that LKS is indeed a nationalist whose brilliant ideal he now borrowed.

    If that won’t make LKS a nationalist, anyone who thinks less than LKS, is a traitor.

  11. FMZam. I do agree with you 100%. I am one of the minorities who voted for LKS DAP in all elections because of his vision. Now they still condemn DAP as a chinese racist party. How can that be when long time ago there are Malays Indians, chinese, Sarawakians, Sabahans in DAP. Now who is racist.. UMNO or DAP? For your info, I can never forgive Lee Lam Thye for back stabbing DAP, a party he founded, before the general elections....crying on national TV like a sandiwara baby!!!

  12. the betina toad was NOT kasi new camry BUT now (hearsay) driving a special( kaki too short) new benz !

  13. Bravo Abng HH, you said it all. Najib is to us is just a waste of time and resources.

  14. Uncle HH,

    bravo to you for a another good article well written for all Malaysians.

    You are another RPK ! and your blog is highly readable . Keep up the good works for Malaysians.

    We need your mighty pen to guide Malaysians !!

  15. HH, i think u r from the sjsteam TMP

  16. Another very well-written and strong-and-straight-to-the-point article. Syabas Abang Hussein!
