Sunday 4 October 2009

Sharing with you what happen these last two days...

It was early Friday morning and I have been doing “research” on Bagan Pinang. Reading what was on offer on the NET, emailing our friends for info, ideas, thoughts and comments on what was happening there…the usual suspects, but nothing defining. Nothing I could grab and make something out of. 

Around noon I stoped for lunch. Angel hair spaghetti with chicken wings and onion – fried with a lot of seasoning – the way they cooked char kueh teow back home. Then back to my PC. 

At around 2.30pm I got what I was waiting for…the spark that gel everything that I had in front of me from my research that morning! The email began simply enough: “There will be 3 fulus provider for Isa to facilitate his campaign to win Bagan Pinang……”.   It was from an old and trusted friend. I cross checked and double checked the information he sent me. It was good. I spent all afternoon honing all the information, data and feed backs I have received from our friends into “Bagan Pinang. One Tan Sri. Two Datuks”.

Since I started blogging I have never gone out of my way to ‘promote’ what I write….hell apart from my classmates in MCKK I have not even told my friends that ‘steadyaku47’ was mine. Apart from posting what I have written on my own blog the only other person I have forwarded them to is Lim Kit Siang – because he was the one who first liked my posting enough to have it posted on his blog – and since then I have sent him almost everything I wrote and it was up to him to decide what he wanted to use. 

Now I decided to do things different because I thought that “One Tan Sri. Two Datuks” should be read by as many people as possible – Bagan Pinang is important. I started by asking two of my ‘original’ friends (in fact they were my only ‘friends’ for a long long while) – Pat and Lita – and I asked them to forward the posting to their friends. They obliged me. Then I also requested that all our friends from steadyaku47 to do the same….and then I waited. 

From 9pm Friday night to midnight I received 2000 hits. Midnight to Saturday morning when I woke up -  another 5000 hits. Over 100 e mails by breakfast. Then I received this email from my old friend that started this story: “U should also fwd to M2day...” and this was my reply to him “Malu nak cakap tapi I tak tau macham mana nak forward to M2Day - normally they pick what they want to publish from my blog. I will try and see what i can do....” I think that email from me is self explanatory – if MT2day printed anything from my blog it was because they picked it up themselves and I was honored that they do so. Now I have to send my article to them? Aisehman malu lah – But I had to do it if I want to get the exposure for the article – MT2Day can do it for me. So I asked my friends how to do that – and they told me… so I make dunno only and send them that articles and two others “ You are one. With me we are Two” and also ‘Corruption is corruption. Even in Mecca” and MT2Day posted them . All these articles I wrote with ease because there were all in my head wanting to be posted.

There were even friends that translated these article into Bahasa and sent them to me telling me that they want the Malays in the Kampongs to also read what has been written. Thank you Gurila Rakyat. 

I can only give you an idea of what kind of support and fantastic response I have had by sharing with you some of the hundreds of emails I have recieved since Friday night…it is a long list …but if I took the trouble to read every single one of them…you can read a few. I must confess that there were a few that I read two even three times…especially those that put me on a ‘feel good’ level because they said nice things about my ‘steadyaku47’. For this ‘self serving’ activities I respectfully ask for your indulgence. Kasi chance lah.. 

To everyone that has helped to tell others about Bagan Pinang – thank you very very much. I know that however small, we have contributed to making things advance a bit more towards what will happen when the next GE comes around. But for now our focus is Bagan Pinang. 

I have told my wife that I am not to be disturbed today (Sunday) because I have work to do on steadyaku47 – her reaction? No if I told you guys what she told me sure to 'jatuh standard' – but it is along the lines of ‘I want to do my Yoga exercise now” which basically means “If you want coffee –get it yourself”. 

Anyway friends here is a list of the emails and comments I have received since Friday – just a small selection to share with our friend. It has been a good few days for me. I wish the same for all my friends out there – may the FORCE be with you. "

Your 3rd Datok (Yap Kap Boon) is not correct/update/ current. Datok Yap has been financially paralysed by the ExMB Mohd Isa privatised Market project because the Seremban Market refused to move!!! Datok Yap is getting by now (after the fall of Isa) through illegal activities like prostitution, ah-long business.... .go check your facts!

Isa also gave Tan Sri Gan several thousand acres of land near Seremban in 2004 just before he step down as MB. 

I have only one regret, that the poor Bagan Pinang Injuns will not get to read your points. By keeping them in an ignorant situation all the while, these Semi Values have kept themselves in power. To this power drunk pigs, I give you the ancient indian curse - "May a thousand peacocks laugh over your dead body".

I dont think it can be that bad n BB Nilai cos after all, Isa has his huge bungalow there...hmm, was this a freebie too?

Itu Tan Sli Chan Ah Chye Developer Talam talak involve ka ? Ol lia sikalang juai kuih tepung talam saja ? Wa mau beli lumah lagi satu sama lia :-) 

Haha - you just need to look at that failed township called Bandar Baru Nilai to know the extent of this man's folly .... 

Md Isa went to the big washing machine in Mecca to launderette himself up after dirtying himself with all the eating of PKNNS , MAIS etc money. He expects that the spring cleaning will wash him clean. 

1more Thingy: More than enough time to exact collateral & irreparable damage to Port Dickson's original rustic beauty & charm with those unwanted ugly development based on tourism 'hubrism'. I stop having my occasional weekend fast escapades to PD for the past 1.5 decades. No thanks to the PD destroyer, Isa (Y)ang (B)isa! I hope by the grace of a miracle Isa gonna lose, albeit by a razor-thin margin! Then me gonna party all & 1night long... 

In umno, the bigger the crook, the bigger the lanun, the more he stole from the Rakyat, the more despicable he is , the more immoral he is, the higher he rise !!

In New Zealand I am the minority but the difference is that It does not matter. I have all the machinery of government to ensure that I am entitled to the rights and privileges of being a citizen. Being a minority does not matter. 

To pak hussein; I'm a follower of ur blog and i'm inspired by ur latest posting. Fwd here the translation in BM for you to go thru 1st and repost it in ur blog for better reference of kampung malay folk in Bagan Pinang. Keep up writing and kudos of ur great works. Gerilla Rakyat 

aravind has left a new comment on your post "You are one. With me we are TWO.": Dear En. Hussein, It was an excellent post. With me and my family, you have 5 votes secured already. This country has gone to the dogs....corruption is at an all time high. Its so sickening. Take care sir and I look fwd to more of such. 

ptui, i will spit on his grave. worms r clawing out , tks ! 

Calling all the soldiers in Bagan, your sacred duties is to defend the country and her people, so in this by-election, you are called upon to do your duty , defend against the thieves and evil !! 

Latok Chua (know by Seremban boys as Siow-Chai) wont be there, he got his big one through Isa 's help in approving his Era Commercial Complex project,linking it with Seremban Main Bas Terminal. His RMcash will be channeled through Latok Yeow/MCA Chief/another Isa partner. and Latok Yeow will walloped half of the money for his own by making dummy acconts.

"Tan Sri Gan will be there with his mistress ….(name deleted as I do not have confirmation of this information)... Mdm will be openly campaigning, speaking and handing out $$$$ " 

Dr Yeow Chai Thiam (Defeated Ex EXCO of Lukut n current State MCA head) the REAL PIG-TOWKAYs (MB ISA n EXCO Yeow) behind the PFA(Centralised Pig Farming Area)Project in Bukit Pelandok, Datul Khoo Chai Kah of Brem Holding(PLC) is only their front(company) . ExMB ISA the UMNO candidate through Yeow direct all infra-structure developments at the 5000acres projects.They used State organs (EXCO n Imapro State company)to compulsory acquired this rubber-estate lands from Guthrie(PLC) -Ask Tan Sri Khalid -he was the Guthrie CEO-he knows- Get him to come n speak in Bagan Pinang- he can confirm how xMB ISA armtwisted Guthrie over their estate-lands in Tanah Merah and Nilai through compulsory acquisitions and engineered their nominees to make the killings. BREM’s Datok Khoo has to pay for Isa/Yeow's behalf the conversion/subdivis ion fees of 1000 acres industrial lands there. That's how former Datuk Rais's State govt fixed price of RM 14,000 per acre to the displaced pig-farmers is jacked up to RM140,000 per acre under ISA/Yeow regime. and they got these net saleable converted industrial lands of 1000 acres from Datok Khoo FREE! All the records and documents is still in the State govt today . 

posted on my facebook too, thx HH..seremban hakka boy 

ganchuayap / yapganchua / chuayapgan / ganyapchua / yapchuagan / chuganyap @#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@ ....! (p.s – I could not make sense of this email…but I think we can safely assume that sender of email is upset with something …possibly UMNO, ISA ……..just guessing!) 

We must give BN a deadly punch by winning vast majority, otherwise BN will use the police ,law and judge to cling on to power and won't let go.We need more than just you and me........we need an army of voters, young and charge, register and vote. Starts telling friends,relative,colleque, ..........charge,....forwad... 

Good job Bro HH. Promoted in Singapore. All the best... 

Dear Hussein Sir, When my daughter comes back this weekend, I'll have to remind her to register as a voter. I know my eldest already voted in the last GE. Thanks for the interesting article. Have a great weekend ahead!!! 

I and my whole family will definitely continue to vote PR come next we did 20+ years ago. We are so fed up with the blatant open mismanagement/corruption of public funds which directly negatively affected out lifes..for the worse that is. Because of these leakages of public fund, we Malaysians are forced to pay higher petrol, pay higher toll and high cost of living. Vote out BN for a better Malaysia. 

Hi Bro HH, you make me proud to be Malaysian no need for the Prefix '1' the bastard politicians break us Malaysians of all different races and religions apart for their selfish and greedy needs. I will pass these great article around, By the way you know anything about the rumor last GE the NS MIC chief had RM 10 million stashed at his house. I'll make sure the 6 members of my family will vote these greedy BN & MCA Leeches. 

Sir, we was under a spell for some fifty one years and on March 8, 2008 we broke that spell. From that moment henceforth we shall change the course of this beloved country of ours Malaysia for the better. That One Vote does matter as can be seen on March 8, 2008. It does changed the political scenario of the country. It look like we all did a great job, just because we love this country more then we love any political party. 

We shall spread your article around. We also need to tell the voters "Take the money from UMNO but vote for PAS". I am so glad there are still kind souls like you around. 



Hi Saudara Hussein Thanks for adding me and for writing. I deeply appreciate this gesture and more importantly, am really inspired that there are people like you left in this world. It can be a very lonely journey and I went through a lot myself (if you google my name you can get an idea) so my blogging is subtle unlike before and I throw in a post with a political theme in between the other stuff in unplugged. You are doing a great job, sir and I will give you a few ideas. Basically, Malaysians are unaware of the truth re the ruling govt. The scandals must be exposed and the extent of the plundering must be revealed. Lambasting with sarcasm and below the belt comments are unlikely to persuade the fence sitters and it is writers like you who have the flair, finesse and facts who can ride the storm and take us to victory one day. Moles are everywhere. Do be careful. Thanks for writing too and keep up the wonderful work that you are doing. The battle has just begun! 

I have email your posting to friends to forward to those in NS and BP in particular. 

Bro HH. Yes, we'll do it together! The fight is on!!! 

1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+......= End of BN 

To Bagan Pinang voters, The choice is yours. If you hold your dignity dear show Isa Samad the way out. Tell him that corruption is a crime and it's evil. If you lack will power to send the message then you're with are corrupt too. Once again the choice is yours. You're smart and should be one. Send him the message and clear your conscience. Tell him that you despise is corrupt act. You can do it. Do it at the ballot. 

Bro HH, Me, my darling wife, my three lovely children and their spouses, eight of us, but are you coming back for election? or Undi Pos? he he. 

BTW, where were you all the while Hussein? What took you so long to come out? Doubt? We need more people like you to come out of Umno and tell us as it is ...." 

I'm determined to get my sister to register as a voter and vote for PKR. That's one more vote AGAINST umno. And I'll do the same to all my family members, relatives and friends.. 

Well done Pak Hussein for the exposure. These UMNO guys tak tahu malu. It is only money that they think off. I will do a posting to support your cause in my blog. 

Done. Posted on my FB Salam.

I have gladly posted your article on my Twitter & Facebook accounts. Keep up the great expose. The countdown to GE-13 has definitely begun. 

Hi there I've posted it on FACEBOOK! Both the postings are great!!! Good on ya. I'm going to send them out via email too. Brilliant job, HH, thanks.

THE END (...for BN?)...sorry guys could not help myself!


  1. HH, if you have a Facebook account it would be faster to reach more people.

    Your posts about the two money-pushing Datuks and the "You are one. With me are two" have already been put up on Facebook and its being circulated around.

  2. I have linked your blog to mine (though mine is a very personal and apolitical blog, read only by my friends), and also linked your articles into my facebook account. I am praying for a better future for all Malaysians, with fairness and equality for all. It is only a dream right now, but it is a dream worth working towards! Keep up the excellent eye-opening articles!

  3. yapganchua or ganchuayap = combined pigs !
