Sunday 4 October 2009

What to do with this Samy Velooooo?

(This is a newspaper article on Samy Velu. I have left it as is and added my comments in bold italics below the relevant paragraph.) 
PORT DICKSON, Oct 4 — The Indian community has responded positively to the many initiatives announced by the government for them, especially through the Cabinet Committee on Indian Affairs, MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said today.
 (So far so good)
He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak who chaired the committee’s meeting last Sept 28, had promised to ensure the MIC’s recommendations were studied and implemented where possible.
(Ok just to confirm – Najib has promised that MIC recommendation will be studied and implemented where possible! – in other words HE PROMISED NOTHING!)
“It is not merely proposals but practical measures that would be met by the government, and the prime minister was very receptive to (these measures),” he told reporters at the MIC Operations Centre here.
(Houston we have a problem here…still nothing…just Najib being ‘receptive’ to the proposals!)
He said the measures were carefully drafted by a team of MIC leaders and experts in the economic, educational and social fields led by MIC vice-president and Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam.
(Nothing, nothing and nothing!...but a good plug for his man S. Subramanium – what the ‘S’ stands for is anybody’s guess…but you can be assured that being part of “THE PRESIDENT” means that he is financially secure for life!) 
“Many of the recommendations made by the MIC in previous meetings of the cabinet committee have been implemented,” he said.
(Word of advise for Samy the Velu…next time when you say the above it would be the best time to announce to the Indian Community what recommendations have been implemented and win yourself some points  - unless NOTHING has been implemented. Then susah sikit lah to win points!)
Samy Vellu said among the recent recommendations made by the party was to ensure adequate government funding for Tamil schools irrespective of whether they were partially-aided or fully-aided schools.
(Same here…try identifying which Tamil schools were funded, what amount of funding was given – and what was done with the funds….unless you disagree with the government interpretations of ‘adequate government fundings’ – adequate for the Tamil school but not adequate for your “need”)
Other recommendations include speeding up recruitment in the civil service and government-linked companies, opening up more opportunities for Indian businessmen and contractors, and increasing opportunities for Indians to do matriculation courses.
He said the MIC would follow-up on the recommendations to ensure their implementations by the various departments and agencies.
(Oh oh…caught you there Samy…the recommendations HAVE NOT been implemented because you said that MIC ‘would follow up to ensure recommendations are implemented – again NOTHING).
On the Oct 11 Bagan Pinang by-election, Samy Vellu said the MIC machinery was in full swing and had started a door-to-door campaign.
He said the Youth, Wanita, Puteri dan Putera wings of the MIC had also launched their campaigns by targeting their respective groups.
“We will hold a Deepavali open house on Oct 8 and we invite all Bagan Pinang people to attend in the spirit of 1

(At last  - in this final sentence he is confiming that something is being done! – A Deepavali open house – on Oct 8 and ALL the Bagan Pinang people are invited. Methinks the three towkays are also invited!)


  1. HH,

    I come from Sungai Siput, to be precise I stayed there from 1996 to 2003. Now I am in Canberra, and every year I go back home to Sungai Siput where my parents still stay.

    And to be more precise, my home is actually at Ladang Sungai Krudda, yes an estate, about 8 miles from the Sungai Siput town. This estate and the ones surrounding it all comes (well, used to anyway) under Samy's jurisdiction.

    And let me tell you, when Samy says he has given funds to Tamil schools - that is utter bullshit. The Tamil school near my home, which has students coming from 4 or 5 estates around it, has holes in its blackboard. Yes, I ain't kidding. Just ask anyone from these parts.

    Now the problem was, these people have been voting for Samy and MIC for 52 years without ever blinking their eyes, let alone question him. Only those who lost their money through MAIKA shares hold a grudge against him, but even then they are too scared to mount a resistance towards him.

    Of course everything changed on March 8. How these people from the estates managed to get the wind of Hindraf I have no idea. These people have no access to the Internet, and they only read the local Tamil mouthpieces, which only serve Samy and gang.

    Some of them didn't even know about the Nov 25th rally.

    So how these guys managed to oust Samy still remains mystery. I for one, don't care. As long as he is out, everyone is happy.

    P/S: On a related note, since March 8th, Samy's men in Sungai Siput have been harassing Dr Jeyakumar, the current MP for Sungai Siput. They have petty demands, like money for electricity bills, money for that, money for this etc. The poor guy is swamped with all these petty demands, and the word on the street is that he is not doing enough to be seen as working for the people.

  2. Samy survived all the this while in the GE is not totally of its own but UNMO. So, why must UNMO submit to his demand.

    After all, Samy took more for himself than giving to the Indians who's in need.

  3. Semi value Quote ÜMNO ADALAH JIWA SAYA, UMNO ANDLAH NADI SAYA".This came from his own filthy mouth in bad BM pronounciation. Now what do you say? Aiseh man, your jiwa and nadi not there anymore kah? Bagan Pinang shall give you another nail to your coffin.

  4. bro me fiji-indian, i love the fijian people cause they never mass murdered indians, for that there must be a god.
    MALYASIA is sinking into wide scale corruption, greed and power hungry polis (never trust them and the inglish based westminister style govt, as it causes corruption and neopotism). Time to have a look at ur own people in power and see what they are doing in the name of 'democracy'. This is how the english created so many tax-havens around the world, their compnaies come and est in Malyasia n fiji and take all the resources for themselves, create divide n rule policies (via govt) and everybody fights (indigenous and foreigners) and resources keep getting ripped out and the profits goes off shore and polis have links to companies and take bribes. That is why Frank tookoevr to put a stop to corruption and neopotism in Fiji. Same needs to happen in Malaysia. By the way did u know the Samy's name has been linked to killing of Rajiv Gandhi by the Tamil Tigers? His mobile phone number came up sevral times with Tamil Tigers.

  5. I suggest he become the new CO of K.D. IP...send him down with the ship, in loving memory of the country's largest ship and pride of the NAVY before the Subs came!

    Oh make him a TUN first, he is the only man without that much craved for title!
