Friday 11 June 2010

cakap cakap...steadyaku47

To those of you who are old friends of mine from six months ago I say salam and regards. It is just past 9.30p.m…a bit cold because winter is already here. I am in my sarong and slippers though I do have to make concessions to the cold – socks and singlet to keep me warm. KL is about two hours behind so most of you should be just about to sit down for dinner...I am waiting for the Football to start - Mexico and South Africa!

I stop working (yes it is work to me – but I do enjoy it) on my blog six months ago. The only reason I could give for stopping then was that it was not something I wanted to do anymore at that point of time. Two months ago I started writing again –  sending my articles to Malaysia Today and they were kind enough to use what I write. The more I write the more I realize that it was time to do some work  - the general elections is less then two years away and there is much that we can all do to assist PR. …and more important…to assist ourself to a better life under a decent government. And so I write again.

I can see that nothing much has changed in the way BN rules the country. If anything they are more entrenched and have their claws digging deeper into our flanks. Even if I am far away I cannot start my day without reading what I can of the happenings in KL – in our country of birth. I go first to MT and then the others…including NST and the other government medias for their take on the news. Always I read what they write with a smile…letting my mind read between the lines and second-guess what really happened in the things that they write. It is a game we play. They write how they see it – after all the reporters there also have to earn a living. And so my day begins…

I am at a point in my life where I do what I want. Not because I have FU Money (Fuck you money! that allows anybody that has it to do what he/she wants without caring what others might think of them...Daem has got FU money!) – no.. I do not have FU money…but I am at that stage in my life (63) where I really do not care what others think of what I do…and so the stage is set for me to write what I want.

And I am not being brave when I write about BN and their corrupt leaders. I can write what I want and there is nothing they can do to me because I am here in Adelaide and they are in KL…so good luck to them!

So this is what I intend to do…not only will I write about BN and their corrupt leaders but about anything else that interest me…PR leaders too, PAS, DAP….as they can write about me if they so wish.

But steadyaku47 is also about my life, my interest, my thoughts, my friends and anything that interest me – so indulge me. Feel free to say what you want because I will give as good as I get…and so my friends let us start again..and do not forget to be happy and enjoy what we do along the way. Life is for living.



  1. I miss you when you don't write, HH.

    I miss the cakap cakap.

    So it's good news to me that you're back and bad news to those you are going to write about lah! :-)

  2. Been a while did not read your post in your own blog HH as you've gone on a "silent" mission. Your articles in MT was a relieve.

    Went back to Malaysia early this year and made sure my wifey get registered as a voter. As for me, i've changed my address to current to ensure the next GE i will not miss it.

    Anyway ... welcome back HH.

  3. It's really great to hear from u again. Looking forward to your coming articles! Cheers!
