Friday 11 June 2010

PDRM is an equal opportunity sort of an organization....


What is a 14 year old Malay boy doing driving a car without a license after midnight? But for whatever reason that he was driving on Persiaran Kayangan without a license, let me tell you that you do not shoot dead a 14-year-old boy, or for that matter anybody, for driving without a license.
By Steadyaku47
But let us not blame PDRM for killing a Malay boy - for by the killing of this 14 year old Malay Boy, PDRM can now say that they are an equal opportunity killer. They hantam that Indian Kugan to death, pushed that Chinese Teoh Beng Hock to his death and now shot an unarmed Malay school boy dead.
For now the other minority racial groupings will have to wait their turn until PDRM comes across a Portuguese, a Sabahan, a Burmese or maybe a Mat Salleh doing what they have to do to get shot by PDRM – whatever that will be! 
My immediate response to the news about this latest killing is simply this. This is modus operandi for PDRM. In as long as we have a Prime Minister with a government that condones these senseless killing by PDRM – then the killings will continue. In as long as we have an IGP that will NOT take responsibility for those under his command – then the killings will continue. And in as long as we have a Home Minister that is more interested in the formation of another Special Panel to “investigate” this murder rather then to resolve this PDRM rampaging – then our country will continue to be regarded as a pariah by other civilized societies.
But what does it matter to the IGP, the Home Minister of the Prime Minister if we are the pariahs of other civilized societies? Why should they concern themselves with the grief of this Malay boy’s mother? Or the rumblings of our people who are increasingly having their fill of the murderous antics of our Police Force? No, they do not care a damn for all this. If Najib can ignore Altantuya, how can he take PDRM to task for the murder of a 14 year old Malay boy, or the murderous bashing of Kugan and the audacity of MACC to “neutralize” Teoh Beng Hock so effectively? It would be a matter of the pot calling the kettle black … or should I say UMNO claiming that they are more corrupt than MCA or Samy Velu (not MIC but Samy Velu … please note!).
These killings will continue in as long as PDRM know that they can get away with it. Corruption will continue in as long as UMNO and Barisan politicians know that they will get away with it. Decency for them is driving a luxury car brought from the proceeds of corruption. Decency for them is staying in power at all costs – and be assured that it does “cost” a lot.
Decency as we know it is dead. Scum will continue to be rewarded with Datukships for their “services” to UMNO. Is it not ironic that the Sultans have been much maligned for awarding Datukships to those who have been of “financial” assistance to them but UMNO award Datukship to scums who have been “of service” to the Nation – as Razak Baginda has been amply rewarded for “services rendered” to who knows whom. Methinks it is the head honcho himself! 
And so my friends we go helter skelter towards another day in hell. Expect more bashing, more torture, more murders from PDRM. Expect more audacious behavior by these UMNO thugs who strut around the political platform without much thought of what is to come after their fall. And fall they will come the next election. For now I will wait. For they will surely hang themselves with the rope that we are now giving them.

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written by Taikohtai, May 05, 2010 16:27:50
Guess a lot of the rakyat still have mentalities to match their masters as the law of the hutan rimba reigns supreme in Malaysia as witnessed in the recent by-election in HS.
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written by malsia1206, May 05, 2010 15:44:27
Let me put it bluntly. If PDRM do this to my boy, I would not sit and wait for them to convene the Special Panel to investigate. Since they shoot first and ask questions later,I think you all know what I mean.
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written by kashyn, May 05, 2010 15:08:42
Whatever you think the government should do for the people, then just believe.
Because they won't know what you are thinking until you say what you are trying to do.
People are to be SURE in the government, not doubt in them.
The police did break the law, but don't forget the boy also break the law.
The public should think positively towards this issue and believe that the government are trying their best to solve this problem.smilies/tongue.gif
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written by prelude3372, May 05, 2010 14:27:18
At times when you realy sit and think...just wondering. What is the qualification of this PDRM, MACC and the enforcement officer from the local council?

Phd? Master? Degree? SPM??

Sorry not trying to be seen as be an arogant with eductaion level. But just think for a while, we been given a very high level of respect (doesn't matter if its only due to fear of the guns rather than real respect) to this people but what is their level? 
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written by Bullchick, May 05, 2010 14:19:37
The Home Minister says that the rakyat should not be always criticizing the police but should show them respect! Let me tell you that respect in any form has to be EARNED and frankly from the performance of the police to date, they have not earned any! In fact, if the police are able to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice, they should not gloat about it and expect the rakyat to shower them with praises. They will be just doing their jobs, either well done or poorly done, which the rakyat is paying them to do! When they perform poorly in their duties, they should expect the rakyat to reprimand them and not react by saying that they will call the force from the streets. Statements to that effect by none other than the top dog himself is therefore totally unacceptable by the rakyat. Similarly, the statement by the Home Minister that people must respect the police is pure nonsense! RESPECT cannot be DEMANDED but must be EARNED!!!!
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written by Aduh, May 05, 2010 14:13:38
In Malaysia a killer need not end up with conviction. That has been ingrained into the police head and condoned by beEND law makers turned breakers.

A static target at shooting range is not challenging enough. It does no help much to test and sharpen one's shooting skill. So they go for moving live targets in the form of human beings.
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written by cheekhiaw, May 05, 2010 12:51:18
The PDRM is just living like their tuans - in lawlwessness.

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written by popuri, May 05, 2010 12:37:52
All right boys, now bring out the big guns and let's go shoot some mat rempits while they're out for their midnight romp.
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written by ganbing, May 05, 2010 12:32:07
This is the result of the sleepy head Bodohwi not forming the IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints nad Malpractices Commission) as recommended by the RCI. His reason was that the IGP and police were against the IPCMC. But of course! Nobody wants an independent panel to overlook them. They would rather have "police investigate police". The IPCMC has to be forced on the police. Since when can an IGP overrule the PM?

As long as there is no IPCMC these killings will continue. Bad publicity doesn't faze the police. They are shameless. If bad publicity has an effect on them, Kugan would have been the last one.
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written by arazak, May 05, 2010 12:31:45
Bro Hussein,

When I was growing up in a tiny kampong, the elders used to spook children that if they did not return home before Maghrib, the Hantu Kopek will catch them and hid them under its "kopek" before bringing them behind the "reban ayam" and feed the kidnapped child with worms.

Fast forward now, curfew hours for our young 'uns are not maghrib (sunset) any more, but before mid-night. Times have change. So now, I have been spooking my children, nieces and nephews that if they do not return by midnight. The police are going to catch them, beat them up and worst, shoot them at the back of the head. I do not know whether I have really spooked them with this new version of the "hantu kopek" aka the PDRM?

Nevertheless, the police have no right to shoot our young children wondering late at night, even if they are without a valid driving licence. This PDRM, is worse than "Hantu Kopek"

Note: "Hantu Kopek" , a ghost with big breasts (no, no. . ., I know what you are thinking! Hantu Kopek is not like Dolly Parton or Pamela Anderson, although I wish they are!)

By the way Bro Hussein, it is good to have you back!
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written by ibabonma, May 05, 2010 11:46:59
Drugs pun tak boleh selesai.
Mat rempit pun tak boleh selesai.
Illegals pun tak boleh selesai.
Judi haram pun tak boleh selesai.

Apa boleh selsai?

I think Malaysia will be a better place to live without our policemen! Rest them all and force them do desk duties for one year. Allow the arm forces to handle enforcement and see the result.
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written by Beezee_Beezee, May 05, 2010 10:47:17
Apa pun kesudahann nya Pencapaian DiUtamakan. Ini adalah pencapaian yg cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang bagi Kerajaan BN [UMNO] Ptui........
Peruntukan berbillion bellion dari kerajaan UMNO kepada komponent party BN adalah bagi menutup mulut kesemua mereka-mereka yg berkepentingan. Bukan RAKYAT yg didahulukan.
Semoga Rakyat Malaysia akan membuka mata dan hatiperut mereka untuk tidak lagi menyokong BN diPRU-13 yg akan datang. Insyallah Rakyat akan memilih kerajaan yg bukan BN dan komponent nya.
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written by my oumrie, May 05, 2010 10:42:25
They say history books are always written by winners, but you've proved them wrong, even though your article is too short to be called a book! Steadyaku47, you must be psychic, cos you've read the thoughts of the majority of Malaysians. HIDUP RAKYAT! HIDUP KEADILAN! smilies/smiley.gif
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written by NSTPravda, May 05, 2010 10:40:39
In as long as we have a Prime Minister with a government that condones these senseless killing by PDRM – then the killings will continue. Soooo? Pengganas Di Rasuah Makan is just fulfilling their NEP/NEM quota of killings. Hasn't our beloved PM encouraged (tacitly at least) the use of C4 on mongolians? Now all he has to do is to swear on the Qu'ran again that he doesn't know what's going on. Al-UMNOdollarlah! Semua-nya OK! smilies/tongue.gif
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