Friday 2 July 2010

Cakap cakap...a country they call their own?

All countries have political parties. In Malaysia the political party has a country: OURS! … And that my dear friend is our sorrow. That our country is in the hands of UMNO to do as they so please. They have had our country for over fifty years. UMNO controls just about every facets of government effectively: Finance, Judiciary, Defense, The Police, Education, Culture…everything. And right now there is nothing we can do about it. If they so wish they can pick up anyone of us and have us locked up without trial indefinitely. If they so wish they can steal from our Treasury and disburse what has been taken to anybody they like without accounting for what they do. Their hold on us is complete and our country is in need of saving. 
Does Najib wants to save the country or does he wants to save himself? Save himself from what? Criminal charges of murder? The opening of a Pandora box that will put all that has come after Altatntuya in the shade? The wrath of the first lady of our country who some of you impolitely insists on calling Fat Mama…not me…I am not going to call her Fat Mama? What does Najib want to keep silent? What does he want us not to know? One word answer to all that. Plenty! UMNO warlords have him by the balls…and when you have a man by his balls as I like to say…his heart and mind will follow!
They say it is the Malays that are fighting for their survival. In reality it is UMNO.
They say that Islam is not being respected. I can tell you that the other races practicing their religion know better then to invoke the name of Prophet Mohammad SAW or ALLAH under any circumstances. They have enough common sense not to do so. So in reality it is not Islam that is being trampled it is UMNO!
UMNO has lost touched with reality. The excess of wealth amongst UMNO’s and Barisan Nasional elites has reached astounding levels. The extremely rich within UMNO’s sphere have been able to detach themselves from understanding our contempt for their stealing of our money. The world sees this as a major problem that decimates UMNO’s credibility.  UMNO does not see this as a problem! They cannot see the forest for the trees.
There is a new reality now. PR has emerged from all that UMNO can throw at it with its resilience intact. Once considered invincible UMNO realistically faces the prospect of defeat at the next general election as it lies trapped in its own web of corruption and money politics.  This by itself is already our victory.
With PDRM, the Armed Forces and the Judiciary to do their bidding they still do not have the gumption…or should I say balls…to stand up front and face us….face this Raja Petra one on one! Just picture this in your mind…Najib and Hishamuddin unwilling to go one on one with Pete! Hell I am 62 and if Pete plays fair I will stand one on one against him! Just as long as he plays fair…okay!
And that my friend is what the Barisan Nasional government is all about. In spite of all the firepower that they have, in spite of all the bluster, cannon and thunder they can muster, when it matters they will crawl into their bunker and send out the Special Branch to fight their battles for them. Two words for them. First letter of first word starts with an F and first letter of second word starts with a Y!
Now the other races are asking us Malays to stand with them to rid ourselves of  UMNO  and Barisan Nasional. We Malays must not fail them. Let us take back our country from that political party – that political party that has our country - which for now, they call as their own! 


  1. Very sad indeed to read how UMNO has hijacked Malaysia for their own selfish interests at the detriment to the country.
    One of the countries that have benefited from BN's discrimination has to be Australia.
    Read how migrants are now leading Australia's academics:

    Malaysia can keep on dreaming about WAWASAN 2020 lah. Mind you, TDM won't be around by then to witness his 1Bullsh*t brainchild.


  2. In a rubber estate, for a short period before you fell old trees to make way for replanting, you tap them deeper and make more cuts. This maximises the latex extracted. It is called slaugher tapping. Do I have to explain the parallel to what is happening to our beloved country now?

  3. Please continue to write and enlightened all of Malaysian to the atrocity this BN government especially the parasite UMNO that they will be history when all Malaysian unite to defeat them.
