Saturday 3 July 2010

Cakap cakap...As I write...

As I write this I know that there is a sense of despair, hopelessness, and shame at what our country has become. Despair that politics adversely pervade all aspect of our life. The price of essentials. What we watch on TV in the privacy of our homes. What we read in the media. Our children’s education. Hopelessness because the future looks bleak and without much promise of change for the better. In fact the expectations is for  worse to come.
As I write this the absurdity of the Bala and MACC saga plays out in front of me – in the full glare of a media hungry for any scraps thrown their way. The pro opposition media ridicules the government pathetic excuses to not go through an exercise which, without fail, no matter its outcome – will only harm Najib. The government media is desperately back peddling to justify whatever actions taken by MACC. If MACC goes through with the interview they will find good reasons for MACC to do so. If MACC does not go through with the interview they will find good reason for MACC not to do so. But this is the part I cannot understand. Bala has lied before. Money motivates his actions. Not national aspirations, not justice not the truth! If he has anything else to say just put it out in the public domain and let the people decide its authenticity. But we know that will not happen. He needs money to survive. PR needs this issue to embarrass Najib. And so the dance continues.
As I write this Mahathir’s crooked bridge is in the news again. Why? There is money to be made there for the privileged few! There is money to be paid to the main con – many millions  advanced to Mahathir for UMNO many years ago. And there is pride for Mahathir to be salvaged.  So damm National interest! Money, ego and more money takes precedent.
As I write this Taib Mahmud is playing out the last chapter of his political life – if not his own. And this is what the people do not understand. He has extreme wealth. What need has he of power too?  How can anyone of us understand the mind of a self centered power seeker blinded by their acquired power and might? ‘L’Etat, c’est moi’ (I am the State) proclaims Taib.  If only he will use what intelligence and reason that he has for the good of the people of Sarawak! Taib the corrupt uses democracy to  seek, keep and abuse power…and confiscate the wealth of his own people. Taib is numero uno in this context. No one comes close!
As I write this Najib is also seeking a name for his pussy. I say just call it Pussy Two. There is already one in his house. So logically the next pussy should be called Number Two. This is how bankrupt Najib is…anything he can do to engage the people’s attention span – however brief – he will do.
When people accept that the government is corrupt then we have a problem. When UMNO regards the AG’s office’s as their own private law firm where are we heading to? Now here is the worry for me. The people in UMNO are all Malays. Let us not get too technical here. Mahathir is Malay. And that Azeez Abdul Rahim from Putra UMNO is also a Malay. These are all Malays. And I know how some Malays get when they have money, power and start thinking that they are God’s gift to women. How do I know? Take a look at the Sultans that we have. In some aspects the Malays in UMNO are way past the Sultans - in the acquisition of wealth and sexual shennanigans. In some aspects not. But I have a fair idea that they are all heading in the same direction. Dammnation. And hell if I am going to be a part of it …to do so would be a tacit acceptance that there is no hope left for our country. Whatever way out – peaceful or violent – I do not care. Just get UMNO out.  


  1. As Hitler used to take pic with the huge german shepherd although he was fond of the little poodle just to portray his manliness.., najib, quite the opposite wants to portray his humbleness by a pussy he he
    Good try. Malays must do away with umno. The real cause of Malay uncompetitiveness is because of umno and madey.

  2. Uncle, you're absolutely right.

  3. Dear Pakcik Steadyaku47,

    Ilove reading your articles and when you stop recently, I was quite devastated. Anyway I'm glad you are back. Your most recent articles says that you are so absolutely exacerberated (sorry if the spelling is wrong)by the nonsense coming out from the people of the UMNO. I share the same feelings. Please don't feel down. Like you said..., I'm 1, we are 2. Please carry on as you and the other writers give small people like me hope. Thank you.

  4. It is just a parody or to take a leaf from Obama in naming his dog.Deep down he wants to be like OBama a reformer I think.

  5. "Bala has lied before. Money motivates his actions...."

    Bala "lied" under duress, I believe reading from prepared text which is probably not his own. How many will risk the safety of their family when threatened?

    I believe you are not being fair to Bala. He could choose to just live with what Rosmah gave him or if he is greedy, he can choose to try to blackmail Rosmah or Najib. But he chose the more difficult path which is to come out in the open with what he believes is the truth. What money is there in that for Bala?
