Monday 2 January 2012

RPK, PKR, AI and AA...what else?

Fool that I am, I have always been confused that RPK is PKR and PKR is RPK! Just as I have been confused that AA is AI and AI is AA. I now know that the first part of that confusion has now been cleared up with RPK latest salvo after salvo after salvo against PKR or really against AI but leaving, for the time being, AA intact! So for now we are done with RPK, with PKR and AI but when will AA be done with? That is the Durian Udang Merah (Ang Hae) D 175 question!

I would have though that alphabetically AA should have been the first to be ‘dealt ‘ with! How? You know…against the wall and on the count of three ‘FIRE’ – and then for the  officer in charge to execute the coup de grace – another bullet to his temple to ensure ‘done deal!’. Instead he is still left standing…a bit unsteady on his feet but still standing. So what went wrong? So far he has led a charmed life…and he is quiet charming himself when he wants to be.

But put yourself in his place today.

He is ‘almost’ the leader of PKR.

Reminds me of that Bill Cosby skit….Bill Cosby is in the hospital and he does not know where to go to find the patient he is looking for when an orderly pushing a patient on a stretcher trolley passes by – and Cosby calls out “Hey you almost the Doctor!”….but I digress.

AA is ‘almost’ the leader of PKR. He has (according to himself) been taking care of his leader’s family while his leader was in Sungai Buloh. He also was the ‘wedding planner’ for his leaders daughter’s wedding. There must be other ‘duties’ he has assumed while he was with his ‘dear leader’ but this he has not divulged and so it for us to assume….so assume whatever you want!

All the information that I have indicates that he has the numbers within PKR to take control of PKR. And more to the point he has his leader blessing to do so. So what is preventing him from doing so?

Political wisdom will tell you that one will take whatever one can get away with in politics – and that includes commission, bribes, donations and of course power aka positions of authority.

Is he waiting for his ‘dear leader’ to be put away first? Is DAP and PAS – despite shutting one eye and closing the other – still does carry the big stick making AA nervous about assuming the position? It is all so intriguing and full of ‘guesstimations!’

I suggest we wait for the time being. I have my thoughts and these thoughts are centered around what they do after a boxer receives that knockout punch. You know where the referee starts the count. One, two , three, four….with AA he is the one that got the knockout punch and the referee has reached the count of four or five!                

If he gets up by the count of nine then PKR is f#*ked. If he does not get up at the count of nine then he is F#*ked! So you will have to tell me whether you want him to get up or to stay down at the count of nine. Me? Nak cakap salah, tak cakap salah…jadi semua serba salah but the conventional wisdom indicates there is another A in there somewhere...a NIA! 


  1. salam,
    pkr is never know
    whether AA will stand up at the count of 5 is to know his character.
    first,AA will never do anything that DS do not consent.
    secondly,AA gets things done when
    DSAI ask him to.
    thirdly,AA prioritise his struggle
    identical to DSAI.
    these are islam,malay and trying
    to achieve higher ideals in life for ummah.
    back AA and Malaysia will be a better place for all.

  2. So this is the news you were hinting about the other day. Now I know. RPK go after one limb of PKR and you are going for the other limb. Well coordinated and timely. Take out PKR in the equation and Pakatan is doomed. No wonder you know what's coming in the news before there were even published. Both of you are in cahoots.

    Sold their souls to the devils, these two buggers. Musoh dalam selimut, fifth columnist and other similar descriptions that they deserve.No I would not state them. Suffice for me to say " I carutkan mereka berdua ni! '

  3. If DSAI goes,what's wrong for AA to assume the post.AA has the calibre to be the no1 in PKR if not the potential PM.I support him.Just remember when tunku goes,razak took over.when razak died hussein came over n when he resigned mamakuti came into the picture followed by the sleeping beauty n the flip flop.noone is indispensible in this world.

  4. AA has been bidding his time. Nurul is a great threat to his political advancement but then she is his leader's daughter. Come Jan 9th, I expect a very different face from AA when his leader is jailed.
    PKR was created with the best of intentions but was doomed from inception. That is why many hands and feet have since moved allegiance to PAS and DAP.
    Irregardless of the PKR household chaos, my vote is still ABU.

  5. TAG you give me more credit then I deserve. In cahoots with Petra? The last time I met Petra was over 3 years ago over dinner in KL. The last e mail we exchanged was over a year ago. And if I sold my soul to the devil then I would not be cleaning a squash court at 5 a.m. twice a week to earn some pocket money!

    And I tell you this because what you think of me matters! I read what you write and I know that you think before you write. I knew that something was coming out from Petra re PKR but I do not know what. I knew the details at the same time as everyone else.

    Yes there is room for improvement within PKR but you do not cut your nose to spite your face. Maybe once all this over we can sit down over ice kachang and talk ...until then I want you to know that I am on Pakatan Rakyat's side. And as long as PKR is within that coalition - then we are one.

    p.s if you need to see my pay slip for the past two years give me your email and I will send it to you.

    Regards Bro.

  6. AA told about him helping to take care of AI's family when AI was in Sungai Buloh and helping AI's daughter's wedding when he was questioned about his loyalty to AI during the last PKR election. What's wrong with that? AA does not brag about it as if the issue has to be remembered forever.

    So what's the issue here? Is AA not functioning as PKR's number 2? Is AA corrupted? Is AA doing things against PKR's struggle? Is AA not in the same tune with PR's common platform? If he is then by all means we should flush him out. But if not, please let him continue to do his part in our struggle to oust UMNO/BN. Yes NIA has a bright future and she is in the right path but for now she can wait.

    Pok Li

  7. YAB Anwar like Tiger Woods has failed to protect his brand and have sinned against themselves. They are now damaged goods no matter which way the court deceides. OOMNO, too, put all their eggs in the basket of Sayfull. For them, too, it is a lose -lose situation no matter which way the court deceides.

    The rest of us Malaysians now have to look beyond YAB Anwar and OOMNO for our salvation.

  8. Pok Li agree with you that what is needed to be flushed out should be flushed out. But how? Will a guilty verdict flush out Anwar? Not in the eyes of PKR and others. If I give you proof that AA is behind that poison pen letter re NIA recently - will that flush out AA? Not bloody likely! Did the failed 16th September announced take over of the federal government by anwar branded anwar as a liar? No it did not..there were (according to him) mitigating circumstances! So anyway you look at it, anything you bring will not flush anything or anybody. BUT the weight of public opinion will! And that is what matters for now!

  9. Sein, yes the weight of public opinion is what matters. And do not under estimate public opinion. By all means please bring out the prove that AA is behind that poison letter about NIA and I would not hesitate to be the first one to denounce AA.

    As for 906, it seems that the weight of public opinion is still with Anwar's reasoning, so we just need to respect that.

    Whatever, we are on the same path for ABU. Let's not be derailed. You are one, with me we are two......

    Pok Li

  10. Thks. Mr. Husein for your your remarks, will just follow your writings and be of support. knowingly that you are with PK(PKR)and so do I following all comments on FMT. We need to really make a wake up calls to those outside, who are not IT SAVY, which we need to reach out to update them on the situation, as we dont want any more bn/umno.
    There are more SOLID issue that we have to convey especially to those RURALS. I will update you with certain issues that should be high lighted, provided it has not been AIRED. Keep me abreast.
    thks. Nelson(Tuak60)

  11. ...We shall not wait, we must put ABU in high gear and hoping Harris is belted in the front seat. The focus is ABU now and right up to GE13.
    The energy can be depleted by concentrating at the High Court on 109 and as you said, the 100 thousands to gather there will be NAZIBBED (blown to bits).
    A quote from Susan Loong:
    "Upon the plains of hesitation,lies the bones of countless millions, who upon the treshold of success sat down and wait...and in waiting they DIE."

  12. Sir

    I think there is a possibility that Azmin Ali be voted since Bukit Antarabangsa folks dislike his performance based on what I read from another blog, Is he a good representative that serve his constituency? I don't know. I just hope PKR can be lead by Anwar's daughter or Zaid Ibrahim.

    James Loh

  13. Sir

    I think there is a possibility that Azmin Ali be voted since Bukit Antarabangsa folks dislike his performance based on what I read from another blog, Is he a good representative that serve his constituency? I don't know. I just hope PKR can be lead by Anwar's daughter or Zaid Ibrahim.

    James Loh

  14. I meant Azmin Ali voted out by Bukit Antarabangsa voters.

    James Loh
