Monday 2 January 2012

"RPK, PKR, AI and AA...what else?"

Blogger TAG said...
So this is the news you were hinting about the other day. Now I know. RPK go after one limb of PKR and you are going for the other limb. Well coordinated and timely. Take out PKR in the equation and Pakatan is doomed. No wonder you know what's coming in the news before there were even published. Both of you are in cahoots.

Sold their souls to the devils, these two buggers. Musoh dalam selimut, fifth columnist and other similar descriptions that they deserve.No I would not state them. Suffice for me to say " I carutkan mereka berdua ni! '
Monday, January 2, 2012 1:33:00 PM GMT+10:30

steadyaku47 comment:

 Hussein abdul Hamid said...
TAG you give me more credit then I deserve. In cahoots with Petra? The last time I met Petra was over 3 years ago over dinner in KL. The last e mail we exchanged was over a year ago. And if I sold my soul to the devil then I would not be cleaning a squash court at 5 a.m. twice a week to earn some pocket money!

And I tell you this because what you think of me matters! I read what you write and I know that you think before you write. I knew that something was coming out from Petra re PKR but I do not know what. I knew the details at the same time as everyone else.

Yes there is room for improvement within PKR but you do not cut your nose to spite your face. Maybe once all this over we can sit down over ice kachang and talk ...until then I want you to know that I am on Pakatan Rakyat's side. And as long as PKR is within that coalition - then we are one.

p.s if you need to see my pay slip for the past two years give me your email and I will send it to you.

Regards Bro.
Monday, January 2, 2012 1:52:00 PM GMT+10:30

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