Monday, 30 November 2015
Be My Baby : Leslie Mendelson
Be my Baby,
Leslie Mendelson
Diplomat pleads guilty to indecent assault.
Malaysian diplomat Muhammad Rizalman pleads guilty to indecent assault in NZ
diplomat indecent assault,
New Zealand
Sopian Ahmad : Orang kampong kata: Licin macam belut!
orang komplain mengapa Ketua Menteri Melaka beli dan guna kereta mewah
seperti Mercedes Benz S400 dan Lexus R350, sementara sebuah Honda
Accord sudah pun sedia ada!
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Mercedes Benz S Class 2014 S400 |
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Lexus RX 350 |
Harga Mercedes itu ialah RM592,450.00 [July 2015] sementara Lexus tu harganya RM402,507.36 [October 2013]
Ketua Menteri Melaka juga adalah Pengerusi kepada Perbadanan Kemajuan
Negeri Melaka dan Syarekat Air Melaka Berhad.Beritanya kereta mewah itu
dibelikan untuk tugas syarekat yg berlainan inilah!
Jadi bila disoal, jawapannya cukup menarik perhatian pengundi! Bacalah jawapan yg mereka berikan dalam persidangan ADUN!
Terjemahan dari lapuran dalam bahasa Inggeris:
"Kenderaan MCM1[Mercedes] disediakan untuk kegunaan Pengerusi PKNM, melihatkan kedudukan kewangan syarekat itu adalah menggalakkan, hasil dari ikhtiar Pengerusi menarik pelaburan kepadanya. Jadi, sebuah kenderaan telah dibelikan bagi kegunaan rasmi bagi Pengerusi melawat tempat tempat projek dan untuk menjaga imejnya dimata pelabur. Pembelian itu diluluskan oleh mesyuarat lembaga pengarah Bil. 2/2015. yg diadakan pada 13 Julai, 2015."
Komen saya:
Ini macam Menteri yg melihat wang Yapeim digunakan "MENGIKUT PERATURN" lah! Dan wang tersebut di "LULUSKAN." Jadi apa SALAHNYA?
Terang terang kita boleh lihat jenis dan corak pemikiran pemimpin yg berkuasa. Dari segi "character" macam mereka ini terjabak dalam "hedonisma" yakni sukakan sangat akan "temasya hidup riang ria."
Saya dok harap, masa mengundi dulu, bahawasanya mereka yg dipilih itu akan sentiasa mengambil kira keadaan ekonomi yg serba kekurangan yg melanda nasib Bangsa. Jadi, harapan saya adalah mereka akan mencari protokol dan cara atau peraturan yang "membolehkan" mereka "menggunakan" apa jua hasil kekayaan hasil dari syarekat syarekat negeri untuk mengubah keadaan ekonomi Bangsa tadi.
Tapi yg terang kita lihat sekarang ialah, bila kewangan syarekat menggalakan,[ada untungla tu] mereka menggunakan cara dan protocol yg mereka adakan untuk membeli kereta mewah untuk pengerusi melawat tapak projek dan menjaga IMEJ pengerusi!
Dalam case Yapeim, mereka ambil adik beradik jadi pegawai dan berikan gaji tinggi tinggi! Mereka juga buat lawatan keluar negara untuk buat kursus yg PASTI ada gunanya!
Orang kapong kata: licin macam belut! Puak ni nak pegang tak lekat!
Jadi orang kapong kena menilai bagus atau tidak pemimpin macamtu. Orang kapong mesti tahu, bila mengundi nanti, pemimpin yang nak membela nasib mereka atau pemimpin yg nak jaga imej dia denagan kereta mewah yg merteka mahu.
Berhati hatilah dalam membuat pilihan. Jangan hanya dengar kempen politik dan jangan sekali kali pandang kepada "duit kopi!"
Wajib menilai dan wajib berfikir.
Terjemahan dari lapuran dalam bahasa Inggeris:
"Kenderaan MCM1[Mercedes] disediakan untuk kegunaan Pengerusi PKNM, melihatkan kedudukan kewangan syarekat itu adalah menggalakkan, hasil dari ikhtiar Pengerusi menarik pelaburan kepadanya. Jadi, sebuah kenderaan telah dibelikan bagi kegunaan rasmi bagi Pengerusi melawat tempat tempat projek dan untuk menjaga imejnya dimata pelabur. Pembelian itu diluluskan oleh mesyuarat lembaga pengarah Bil. 2/2015. yg diadakan pada 13 Julai, 2015."
Komen saya:
Ini macam Menteri yg melihat wang Yapeim digunakan "MENGIKUT PERATURN" lah! Dan wang tersebut di "LULUSKAN." Jadi apa SALAHNYA?
Terang terang kita boleh lihat jenis dan corak pemikiran pemimpin yg berkuasa. Dari segi "character" macam mereka ini terjabak dalam "hedonisma" yakni sukakan sangat akan "temasya hidup riang ria."
Saya dok harap, masa mengundi dulu, bahawasanya mereka yg dipilih itu akan sentiasa mengambil kira keadaan ekonomi yg serba kekurangan yg melanda nasib Bangsa. Jadi, harapan saya adalah mereka akan mencari protokol dan cara atau peraturan yang "membolehkan" mereka "menggunakan" apa jua hasil kekayaan hasil dari syarekat syarekat negeri untuk mengubah keadaan ekonomi Bangsa tadi.
Tapi yg terang kita lihat sekarang ialah, bila kewangan syarekat menggalakan,[ada untungla tu] mereka menggunakan cara dan protocol yg mereka adakan untuk membeli kereta mewah untuk pengerusi melawat tapak projek dan menjaga IMEJ pengerusi!
Dalam case Yapeim, mereka ambil adik beradik jadi pegawai dan berikan gaji tinggi tinggi! Mereka juga buat lawatan keluar negara untuk buat kursus yg PASTI ada gunanya!
Orang kapong kata: licin macam belut! Puak ni nak pegang tak lekat!
Jadi orang kapong kena menilai bagus atau tidak pemimpin macamtu. Orang kapong mesti tahu, bila mengundi nanti, pemimpin yang nak membela nasib mereka atau pemimpin yg nak jaga imej dia denagan kereta mewah yg merteka mahu.
Berhati hatilah dalam membuat pilihan. Jangan hanya dengar kempen politik dan jangan sekali kali pandang kepada "duit kopi!"
Wajib menilai dan wajib berfikir.
Ketua Menteri Melaka,
Sopian Ahmad
In my Life...
MCKK 1964
"YES!"...Anwar Ibrahim is in there somewhere....and "YES" that is Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Abdul Rahman Arshad...or, as we know him then, Cik Gu Rahman Arshad...who, even then we knew, was destined for greater things!
I have no recollections of the above images taken of me and my classmates when we were all at MCKK in 1964 while we were in Form Five Arts One.....but looking at those grainy images of time past brought back memories as I go from one face to the other....some are dead some are living...
"In My Life"
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
Political power comes from the people and is vested upon the prime minister to do good not evil and to govern not to plunder and pillage our nation.
If you talk to Malaysians KL, Penang, Singapore, Melbourne, London even Moscow, if you surf the Net to read what you can and peruse local and international media on their reporting of all things Malaysians, you will know that all is not well in Bolehland.
You will know that the Prime Minister is under siege from within his own Umno while elsewhere the common consensus is that he has some explaining to do about many things that has dog his tenure as prime minister of which the two most recent and most pressing would be his deposit of a RM2.6 billion donation meant (so he says!) for Umno into to his private bank account while the other, the 1MDB conundrum, threatens not only his own credibility but that of the government he leads. Both these issues hangs like an executioner's sword poised to snuff whatever political life he and his government still has left...nyawa di hujung pedang!
Already the gathering opposition within Umno has coalesce into a new flank that now dares to identify themselves publicly and declare their intent to work towards removing Najib as president of Umno!
How dare they do so! Does money no longer hold sway over Umno's ketua bahagians?
Does not the billions within Najib's purview means nothing to them? The answer to that seems to be an emphatic "NO!".
These are all manifestations of Najib Razak's failure as president of Umno, as prime minister of Malaysia and last but not least, as a decent human being. And when a leader stumbles the party he leads begins its downwards trajectory towards terminal electoral defeat, the government he leads stumbles towards irrelevance, corruption and hubris and the country he governs starts to shut itself down in anticipation of its own demise or that of its leader. That is the state of our nation today.
What is wrong with our country today is not a Malay/Chinese issue though there are Malays and Chinese who have become a problem. There is no religious conflict between Islam and Christian but there are religious leaders who have become conflicted because the views that they hold of their own religion and of the religion of others. Politics is not a problem. The problem lies with politicians. The Civil Service, the Police, the Judiciary are not problems. It is the people within them that creates problems.
And for Malaysia today our collective problem is this Najib Razak - the prime minister who has already lost the popular mandate to govern in the last general election!
For all I care the wife of the Prime Minister can indulge in her passion for Hermes bags as our wives too sometimes indulge in their passion for branded luxury items - within reasons and if they can afford it.
We know that Sultans, the rich and famous too have their weaknesses as do we ordinary mortals. All this we do to the detriment of our own selves but we know that eventually common sense and a word now and then from our peers would bring us back to our senses to atone for our misconduct and hopefully, to bring us back into the good grace of society.
These ebbs and tides that defines civilizations and societies have been our burden from time immemorial and as long as common sense prevails and there are check and balances in place to bring the errant individual back into society's grace we know that order will always prevail.
What then have we to worry about this Najib Razak?
Najib Razak has long lost his moral compass and any sense of responsibility, accountability and sense of duty towards the people he leads and the party he is president of. He has now to focus on his day to day struggle to remain as leader of a nation that no longer wants him and the president of a party that no longer wants to party with him.
The natives are restless.
There are reasons for us to worry about many impending malaputaka - a looming global financial crisis, a spluttering economy burden with terminal corruption encouraged by a complicit prime minister whose very political life depends on corruption and vulture politics. Then there is the start of open revolt within Umno and within the country that wants this corrupt and inept prime minister remove from office. No "Get out of Jail" pass, no "I scratch your back you scratch mine" and no amnesty or easy passage to exile for Najib Razak....we all want him removed from office and be accountable for all that he had done whilst in public office!
But Najib has refused to go and every day in every way our country moves towards Armageddon while Umno has started on its long goodbye to political dominance in a nation awash with Malays who once loudly proclaimed "We are Umno and Umno is us!"....but not anymore!
Our world that was once safe, secure and decent have started to implode all around us!
We do not expect the mother of a fourteen year old Malay student, Aminulrasyid Amzah, to have to grieve over his death as a result of being shot twenty one times by PDRM.
We do not expect a Chinese taxi driver and his wife to be confronted by the untimely death of their thirty year old son found on the rooftop of a building adjacent to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission where he was under custody to be questioned about allegations of corruption. The late Teoh Beng Hock was to register his marriage with his two months pregnant fiance the very next day! His death/murder left the child without a father!
An Indian family had to force their entry into the morgue because they believe that their son, Kugan Ananthan, had been tortured to death while in police custody. Their action was justified as in the end the High Court awarded Kugan's mother RM851,700 in assault and battery, false imprisonment, misfeasance, and pain and suffering damages.
Anwar Ibrahim, the courageous leader of the opposition is in Jail.
Too many politicians from the opposition has been harassed, persecuted and prosecuted on matters and issues that would not have seen the light of day in any Nation that profess to practice democracy.
All that and more...much much now happening in our country and it can all be linked directly to the sense of entitlement that those in political power claim as their own. Simply said that sense of entitlement translates into the getting of political power by any means and becoming insanely wealthy from the spoils of that political power. And no one sense of entitlement is more heighten than that of prime minister Najib Razak and his wife. I repeat...No One!
Since when have becoming wealthy through the use and abuse of political office at the expense of other people's sufferings, harassment and even death become acceptable? And for long has this been going one and for long more will it all be tolerated by you, me and all other Malaysians? When will we say enough? For it is this sense of entitlement that breeds so much greed among our leaders that have caused every single incident detailed above and more!
A sense of decency and any other form of check
and balance to ensure that society is kept on an even keel does not exists among those at the very top of our food chain - our political
leaders, those that manages the affairs of government, the Judiciary and
the Police. And most disturbing for all of us is that this sad state of affairs
is trickling down to every level of government and society..down to the policeman on the streets and civil servants that deals with
the public one on one on a day to day basis. Corruption taints too many of them!
None of
us have been spared the flow on effect of having a Prime Minister who
is an inherently flawed human being devoid of any ability to understand that political power comes from the people and is vested upon him to do good not evil and to govern not to plunder and pillage that nation.
Enough said for now!
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Kes Bully Cadet di UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA : Woi Vice-Chancellor Lt. Gen Dato' Sri Allatif bin Mohamed Noor....camna?
Wira Damai's video.

Quickies : The fish rots from the head down....Lim Guan Eng!
TOWN, Dec 31 — Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has a posher ride in a
brand new Mercedes Benz S300L, just two months after the state…
+1 Vote up Vote down
Mas -136p · 99 weeks ago
What is this nonsense about explaining that the cM has the right to use
two mercedes but is only using one? It is like saying you have enough
money to eat two buffets but is only eating one. The issue is that the
state has acquired a brand new Mercedes barely two months after buying a
fleets of Camrys. If the CM feels that a Mercedes is in keeping with
his status, then say so instead of beating round the bush. He is
entitled to it. The catch here is that if he feels it is alright to
spurge on cars when everyone has been told to tighten ttheir belts, then
he should stop criticising others for spending or whinning about price
What is this nonsense about explaining that the cM has the right to use
two mercedes but is only using one? It is like saying you have enough
money to eat two buffets but is only eating one. The issue is that the
state has acquired a brand new Mercedes barely two months after buying a
fleets of Camrys. If the CM feels that a Mercedes is in keeping with
his status, then say so instead of beating round the bush. He is
entitled to it. The catch here is that if he feels it is alright to
spurge on cars when everyone has been told to tighten ttheir belts, then
he should stop criticising others for spending or whinning about price
Quickies : Jom masuk MCA! Dinner kat Hatyai!
Henry Ong : There will never be another May 13.
The saddest part is that the scenarios have changed but unfortunately for the worse.
There will never be another May 13 because technically Chinese Malaysians have became MALAYSIANS. In this sense Chinese is just an adjective to the sentence. There is no reason for May 13 to happen again because if UMNO as Malay political is not intelligent to see it, progress for Malay people will never happen. Repeating May 13 means that Chinese Malaysians are still enemy of the Malay race.
How can the Chinese fight against 65% of the population & the control of the military & civil administration. Couple with the fact the rich Malays & Malay led GLC's control I would put at even 60% of the economy. Statistics shows Malays only own 18% because they excluded the Malay owned GLCs.
The next young generation of UMNO leaders that will lead the country have to
rethink their strategy to remain in power & retain their wealth
that they have taken from Chinese Malaysians [beras, sugar & banks
etc]. The amount the bailouts of GLCs. like MAS has taken a large bit of wealth of the nation.
This cannot go on for long with declining oil prices & commodity prices.
This part of the paragraph is a contradiction of my previous post that BN will win the next election GE14. BN will win because there is no other party that has the experience to run the country & the opposition is in disarray. Without good governance of the country, the country will regress instead of progress.
Why is the scenario getting worse?
Simple the Malay population growth rate has being so high and well paying skill jobs are not there for the Malay young to enjoy. I read that the number of unemployed Malay graduates not being able to find employment now is very high.
UMNO leaders should be more positive in their statements &
knowledge of how the world has change & how young Malays have change. Their positive statements will encourage to come in to invest & thereby create jobs for young Malaysians.
Saturday, 28 November 2015
Bank Simpanan Nasional : MOHD IESNIZA ZAINUDDIN
Shahrol Nizam
tarikh 25/11/15 jam lebih kurang 1400 hrs saya telah pergi ke bank
simpanan nasioanal cawangan Kamunting, Perak untuk membuat kad atm BSN
baru disebabkan kad ATM saya telah
sangkut didalam mesin atm cawangan Kamunting pada tarikh 24/11/15 jam
lebih kurang 2100 hrs.
Saya telah berjumpa dengan polis bantuan Syazwan
dan saya telah memberitahunya bahawa kad atm BSN saya telah tersangkut
dalam mesin atm bsn dan ingin membuat kad atm baru tetapi buku bank saya
tiada disebabkan saya dari klang balik ke Taiping untuk melihat ibu
saya sakit.
Polis bantuan Syazwan telah membawa saya berjumpa EN.MOHD
IESNIZA ZAINUDDIN, manager BSN cawangan Kamunting dan telah
memberitahu en.Iesniza bahawa kad saya tersangkut didalam mesin atm BSN
cawangan Kamunting dan minta jasa baik en.Iesniza bahawa buku bank saya
tiada kerana balik melihat ibu sakit dikampung.
En Iesniza memberitahu
saya dengan suara tinggi kerana kad saya sangkut dia jadi masalah dengan
orang atasannya bahawa mesin atm BSN jadi lebihan duit didalam dan saya
memberitahunya saya pun tidak minta kad bank saya tersangkut didalam
atm bsn.saya memberitahu en Iesniza bahawa saya ingin membuat kad dan
mengatakan buku bank saya hilang.
Lalu en Iesniza memberitahu saya kena
photostat kad pengenalan saya dikedai photostat luar bahawa photostat BSN tidak boleh digunakan untuk photostat IC saya.Selepas saya photostat
ic dikedai luar dan kemudian saya ambil no: giliran dan telah berjumpa
dikaunter 4 dengan Norzaimah bt Mat Noor
Lalu datang
en.Iesniza dengan nada yang tinggi dan kurang ajar memberitahu saya kad
atm berwarna hitam diakui tidak pernah rosak cip dan stuck didalam atm
bank dan dia memberitahu saya mungkin saya tak pandai mengunakan kad atm BSN dan tak pandai menjaganya.Saya memberitahunya bahawa kad bank BSN
selalu cip rosak saya banyak kali dah menukar kad atm dari warna merah
ke hitam masih jugak rosak.
Semasa percakapan tu ada customer lain pon
membuat kad atm warna hitam cip rosak. Saya membuat aduan ini kerana tidak
berpuas hati dengan cik Iesniza manager branch Kamunting kerana bercakap
kurang ajar dan memalukan saya di depan orang lain dan saya telah
bercerita dengan orang kat situ dan orang disitu memberitahu bahawa
beberapa kali dah en Iesniza memarahi orang tetapi tiada tindakan dari
orang lain.
Saya membuat aduan ini supaya tindakan diambil terhadap cik Iesniza kerana saya tidak mahu orang kampung dan orang lain dilayan
buruk oleh cik Iesniza.
Minta pihak hq Bank Simpanan Nasional ambil
tindakan terhadap en Iesniza yg tiada budi bahasa dan sombong.
It's that time of the year again...the Umno general assembly: Stupidity reigns! KJ is no exception!
LUMPUR, Nov 27 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak opened the Umno general
assembly today by screening slides of the bloody May 13 race riots and
LUMPUR, Nov 26 ― The non-Malays must do their part and honour the
pledges of their ancestors when they were granted citizenship during the
formation of the country, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said
today. He said Malaysia's
is the most democratic party in Malaysia as its branch chiefs get to
elect the president, Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said today, quashing
LUMPUR, Nov 26 — Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin called on Malays
today to rise and defend themselves from an onslaught of insults and
Umno general assembly
Friday, 27 November 2015
The Wall Street Journal : Malaysia's 1MDB Decoded : How Millions Went Missing
Malaysia's 1MDB Decoded
How Millions Went Missing
A Malaysian government investment fund is embroiled in a corruption scandal that is roiling an important U.S. ally. Government investigators say nearly $700 million was deposited into Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s bank account. More money is believed missing. The fund, 1Malaysia Development Bhd., is under investigation in at least five countries. Mr. Najib and 1MDB have denied wrongdoing and say they are cooperating with investigators.
click here to go to The Wall Street Journal to read more:
The Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Syrian army confirms rescue of Russian pilot
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The latest on the war in Syria, including Russian warplane shot down by Turkey. All times local:
Syria's army is confirming that it has rescued a Russian pilot whose plane was shot down by Turkey in an overnight "qualitative" joint operation with Russian forces.
A statement issued Wednesday by the Syrian armed forces says Syrian and Russian forces penetrated into areas where "terrorists" are entrenched at a depth of 4.5 kilometers (2.7 miles) to rescue the pilot.
Syria's government refers to all rebels trying to topple President Bashar Assad as terrorists.
The statement added that the rescued pilot is in "good health."
Russian officials have confirmed the rescue operation.
The other pilot of the Su-24 jet downed Tuesday by Turkey was reported dead and his body captured by Syrian rebels in an area known as the Turkmen Mountain in Syria's Latakia province.
Plane shot down,
Quickies : Lost in Translation!
Breakfast in America
Breakfast in America,
Quickies : Malaysia Endless Possibilities!
NOW sebelum ini mendedahkan dokumen bocor yang mendakwa bahawa terdapat salah guna dana Yapeim.
Malaysia, Endless Possibilities!
Monday, 23 November 2015
Steadyaku47 comment : In January 2013 I posted disturbing images
of Amir Anak Sharafuddim Idris Shah aka anak Sultan Selangor, whose
father the Sultan is, amongst other things, the head of Islam in his
state of Selangor.
Here is Part Two: The images speaks for itself.
Jakim, Jais, the Selangor Mufti, the people of Selangor....ask yourself if this is the kind of behavior you expect of the Raja Muda of Selangor? Ultimately it is Sultan Idris that has to take responsibility...but from what we know of Idris, he too is no angel. Enough said!
Sultan Selangor
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