
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

This Sunday will be a good day for me. My wife is leaving for KL very early in the morning and I know that she will be very happy to leave me because by evening she will be with the light of her life (at this point of time I have been designated the candle of her life but she said  "a scented and burning bright in the night" candle) …..three lights actually, our daughter, her husband and most important of all, Izzy, our grand daughter. So she is happy that she is leaving me and I am happy that she is leaving me because I can have the most comfortable chair in the house to watch TV from. I can wash the dishes anytime I like. I can let them pile up in the sink for as long as I want to. I can watch any TV program I want – no more “Desperate Housewife”, no more “Murder She Wrote” and of course no more “Lost” !!!!

So we are both happy.…though we will miss each other’s company.

We will miss sitting out in the garden every evening so that the cats can have their run around the garden after being cope up in the house all day.We will miss having each other to get us a cup of coffee or tea when we get too settled in the chair to get up to get it ourselves. We will miss grocery shopping together - our “bonding” time together because despite knowing what to get, we still have the minor summit every time before we get the meat or fish to see which are the best bargains.

And we will miss each other’s company everyday – awake or asleep. There is strong comfort in just knowing that some one you love is sleeping near you although you still wonder why she wants to sleep with the lights on and you don’t.

So what will win in the end? Do the “missing each other” bit worth it for the independence of not having your loved one looking over your shoulder worth the parting? At our age, me 61 and she 63, it is a situation we can adjust to. I have my son with me. Yes he will be off to University during the day but we will catch up in the evenings and hopefully do some father to son bonding…this I know I will be looking forward to. And my wife? She will be far far happier with her daughter and her Izzy. 


  1. Hi there HH,

    I know you will miss her lah! And she'll miss you, too - even though she's with her daughter and the cute cucu!

    I'll be leaving Chuan in May for the same reason: to be with my daughter. And I'll miss him. Terribly - even though I'd be where I wanna be! Bitter sweet, that's what it'll be.

    But, I believe it is hardest for the ones who stay behind. I know. I was the one 'at home' when Chuan went all over the place without me!

    But the internet is wonderful lah. You can chat online, or Skype, and see and hear her in real time! And it won't cost you anything :)

  2. Que Sera sera...Hey Pat I like that "another lesson in vocabulary"..good reading and brought a smile to my wrinkled face...tqs.

  3. Sometimes I do enjoy the time away from the wifey...we can reflect upon things that we take for granted....of courselah that is the usual excuse for me to spend time with my friends in a mamak shop watching EPL or the Champions League till morning.

    I am halfway through the algebraist and that was from the last time my wife was away on a course ;-)

  4. I've been through and am going through this thingy many times over. You will take in stride, mate.
