
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Steadyaku47 is a labour of love. I was determined that if this is to be my last posting in 2012, then I must not disappoint you….what more myself!

I have tried so very hard  to come up with something clever to share with you all at the end of 2012. Something that would test your mental faculties and challenge your academic prowess. I must confess that I was intimidated by the many postings on the net that had the same idea. Some funny,some cleaver and some serious. But none had much relevance to Malaysia.
If it had relevance to Malaysia none had relevance to politics. And if it had relevance to politics none had relevance to UMNO. And if there was some relevance to Malaysia, to politics and to UMNO, none had relevance to Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin, Nazri, Hishamuddin and their peers.  
I say all this to make you understand that I take this task of finding something ‘interesting’ to post at the end of 2012 that would be relevant to Malaysia, to politics, to UMNO and to those in UMNO who are its leaders, very seriously.
Any lesser man would have given up long ago. Any other blogger would have just cut and paste “DESDERITA” and commented on its relevance to life, life experiences etc etc. The learned ones would quote Shakespeare or borrowd Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do, ask what you can do for your country” or Martin Luther’s “I have dream ….” speech.
I did think about doing likewise but then I would be remiss if I were to do so because steadyaku47 is a labour of love and I was determined that if this was to be my last posting in 2012, then I must not disappoint any of you….what more myself! After 10 minutes of thinking this is what I came up with:
“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness!”
― C. JoyBell C.

Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi (with Allah as my witness), I swear I do not know or have any connection with the Mongolian woman,” 
"I am Malay first, but being Malay doesn't mean I am not Malaysian," 
When you meet this Minister your
first impression may be that he is a
pompous, arrogant and obnoxious ass of a man....
but once you get to know him you
will find that he really is a pompous, arrogant and obnoxious ass of a man!

This guy is here because his father was once PM and his cousin is now PM. He will never be PM!

My Question to each of them?

Out of 100,000 sperm, you were the fastest?

Happy New Year Everyone!







Plane crashes into highway

RAW video: Russian plane overshoots runway and crashes into highway.
A passenger airliner has careered off a runway at Russia's third-busiest airport, killing four people.
There were eight to twelve people aboard the Tu-204 belonging to Russian airline Red Wings. The aircraft broke up and burst into flames in the crash on Saturday.
Emergency officials said several people were in critical or serious condition. Interior Ministry spokesman Gennady Bogachev told the state TV news channel Vesti that two people were killed.
Vesti showed photos of the plane's wreckage, with the cockpit clearly sheared off from the fuselage and a large chunk gashed out near the tail.
The crash occurred in light snow, but other details were not immediately known. Initial reports said the plane crashed while landing, but later reports indicated it was trying to take off.



4 Dead in Moscow Airliner Crash

A passenger airliner careered off the runway at Russia's third-busiest airport and partly onto a highway while landing on Saturday, broke into pieces and caught fire, killing at least four people. (Dec. 29)
There had been no previous fatal accidents reported for Tu-204s, which entered commercial service in 1995. The plane is a twin-engine mid-range jet with a capacity of about 210 passengers.
Vnukovo, on the southern outskirts of Moscow, is one of the Russian capital's three international airports. The airport was closed after the crash and flights were rerouted to Moscow's other airports, Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The appointment of the Mentri Besar of Perak after General Elections 12: As written by Mat Saman Kati

With thanks to : weehingthong

Mat Saman Kati writes on  the appointment of the Menteri Besar after General Elections 12:

Semalam, Perak Today menyiarkan satu artikel didalam Bahasa Inggeris yang bertajuk 
Perkara yang sama diulang-ulang walaupun sudah jelas satu pembohongan.
The ‘gift’ given by PAS government to the Perak DAP leader is said so that PAS could put Adun Pasir Panjang, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin as Perak Chief Minister at the time.
Aku dah bagi tau, perlantikan Nizar sebagai MB dibuat oleh Raja Nazrin. Ada lagi satu perkara yang aku tak pernah cerita.
Perlantikan Menteri Besar selepas PRU 12 sebenarnya menemui jalan buntu. Raja Nazrin meminta SATU nama dari Pakatan Rakyat untuk dilantik menjadi MB tapi setiap parti menghantar calon masing-masing untuk jadi MB. PKR menghantar nama Jamaludin, DAP menghantar nama Ngeh (ada hati juga Ngeh nak jadi MB..he.he), manakala PAS menghantar nama Nizar.
Raja Nazrin memerintahkan ketiga-tiga mereka mengadap dan ketiga-tiga wakil PR ini tidak dapat memberikan persetujuan tentang satu nama yang diminta. Masing-masing nak jadi MB. Akhirnya, ketiga-tiga mereka menyerahkan kepada Raja Nazrin untuk membuat keputusan.

Bila Raja Nazrin memutuskan untuk memilih Nizar, Jamal dan Ngeh cuba membantah tapi dimarahi oleh Raja Nazrin dan kedua-dua mereka terpaksa diam dan menurut perintah. Tapi bila selesai mengadap Raja Nazrin dan bersedia untuk majlis angkat sumpah Nizar, Jamal mengugut untuk keluar parti kalau Nizar di lantik. Ngeh juga menentang perlantikan Nizar.  Itu sebabnya majlis angkat sumpah MB terpaksa ditangguhkan. DAP pula menuntut supaya semua jawatan EXCO diberikan kepada mereka.
Penyelesaian hanya dilakukan dengan campurtangan Anwar, Hj. Hadi dan Kit Siang.
Itu cerita lama..dan tak ada campurtangan Nik Aziz dalam pemilihan Menteri Besar.
Blogger’s translation and summary:
Yesterday, Perak Today published an article in English entitled ,The Manitoba Land Issue: PAS Supporters Fail To Understand Between Letter Of Support And Letter To Transfer Land.
The same lie is repeated..
What is this lie? The ‘gift’ was made by the PAS government to the Perak DAP leaders to persuade (bribe) them to agree to the appointment of Pasir Panjang assemblyman, Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, as Mentri Besar of Perak.
The initial attempt to appoint the Mentri Besar after PRU 12  was a stalemate.. Raja Nazrin asked for  ONE name from the Pakatan Rakyat for appointment as MB. However, each of the three parties wanted their own candidate to be MB. PKR proposed Jamaluddin, DAP proposed Ngeh (YES, *Ngeh had the ambition to be MB…..he he…), while PAS submitted Nizar’s name.
Raja Nazrin ordered all three to come up with ONE name but they cannot. Each wants to be MB. Finally, all three of them agreed to accept the decision of Raja Nazrin.
When Raja Nazrin selected Nizar, Jamal and Ngeh tried to protest but were scolded by Raja Nazrin and both of them had to shut up and follow orders. But when the swearing before Raja Nazrin was about to begin, Jamal threatened to quit the party if Nizar was appointed. Ngeh also opposed the appointment of Nizar. That is why the swearing in of the MB had to be postponed. DAP demanded that all EXCO positions be assigned to them.
A solution was possible only with the intervention of Anwar, Hj. Hadi and Kit Siang.
That was how it happened and there was no interference by Nik Aziz.


Authorities in India have been preparing for the possibility her death could ignite more protests after riot police were deployed on the capital's streets in the wake of the attack amid simmering anger at the daily dangers women face.
The 23-year-old was airlifted to Singapore on Thursday after she was attacked by six men on a bus in New Delhi on December 16, raped, hit with an iron bar, and thrown from the vehicle.
Some Indian medics had criticised the decision to move her.
"We are very sad to report that the patient passed away peacefully at 4.45 am (2045 GMT) on 29 December 2012," Kelvin Loh, the chief executive of Singapore's Mount Elizabeth Hospital, said in a statement.
"Her family and officials from the High Commission of India were by her side."
The woman had remained in an extremely critical condition since being admitted to the hospital, Loh said, with doctors mounting a last-ditch battle overnight to save her life.
"Despite all efforts by a team of eight specialists in Mount Elizabeth Hospital to keep her stable, her condition continued to deteriorate over these two days," Loh said.
"She had suffered from severe organ failure following serious injuries to her body and brain. She was courageous in fighting for her life for so long against the odds, but the trauma to her body was too severe for her to overcome."
India's High Commissioner to Singapore T.C.A. Raghavan said the woman's family was "shattered" by her death.
"The scale of her injuries (was) very great," Raghavan told reporters at the hospital.
"It was very trying for the family. The girl of course was unconscious... I must say they (the family) bore the entire process with a great deal of fortitude and a great deal of courage."
He said arrangements were being made for the body to be returned to India in line with the family's wishes.
The decision to fly her out of the country by air ambulance was taken at a meeting of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's cabinet on Wednesday and the government had promised to pay all her medical bills.
Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said the government's only concern was to ensure the victim received "the best treatment possible".
But Indian newspapers suggested the authorities, who have struggled to contain the nationwide protests over the attack, were keen to have her transferred out of the country.
An unnamed doctor who was part of a team of experts consulted about the transfer told The Hindu newspaper they had only been asked whether it was safe to move her and not whether it was the best course of action.
"The question was not whether there were any deficiencies in treatment that would be met by moving her... She was being given the best possible care," the doctor was quoted as saying.
Samiran Nundy, chairman of the organ transplant and gastro-surgery department of Delhi's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, told the paper the transfer made little sense.
"I just can't understand why a critically ill patient with infection in blood and body, high grade fever and on the ventilator is being transferred," he said.
Singh has ordered an official inquiry into the gang-rape and new laws to protect women as well as stiffer penalties for the worst sex crimes.
And he said Delhi police would soon launch a drive to recruit more female officers as a confidence-building measure.
The government has also announced plans to post the photos, names and addresses of convicted rapists on official websites to publicly shame them. The campaign will begin in Delhi, which has been dubbed India's "rape capital".
India was rocked by a wave of protests in the week after the attack, prompting authorities to seal off large parts of the capital and to deploy riot police with water cannons and tear gas.
The Delhi gang-rape has shone the spotlight on a crime that occurs on a daily basis in India, with most such assaults taking place in rural areas.
Police said on Friday that a 15-year-old schoolgirl had her throat slit after being gang-raped in the Pali Muqimpure area of Uttar Pradesh state. A hunt has been launched for three youths after the attack the previous day.