
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Three Robbers Dead - one by a Tan Sri one by Zulkifli and another by one of PDRM's own.

steadyaku47 comment : Let us watch how PDRM will handle these three cases of murder of robbers  - one by a Tan Sri one by Zulkifli and another by one of their own.Let us watch and learn how PDRM do their work!

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Friday, 5 July 2013 | MYT 2:22 AM

Tan Sri shoots parang-wielding robber dead at clinic in Cheras

KUALA LUMPUR: A Tan Sri undergoing a medical check up at a clinic in Cheras shot dead a parang-wielding man who had tried to slash him during a botched robbery attempt late


During the 10pm incident, three men barged into the clinic and demanded that everyone in the clinic hand over their valuables and cash.

When one of the robbers pointed a parang at the Tan Sri, who is in his 50s and from Pahang, he produced a gun and told the suspects to leave or he would shoot.

Instead, the robbers, ticked off at the sight of the firearm, lunged and attacked the Tan Sri, who then fired multiple shots, killing one of them.

Cheras OCPD Assistant Commissoner of Police (ACP) Mohan Singh said the men then fled the clinic located at Jalan 2/90 in Taman Pertama.

"We found one of them dead some 30m away, with gunshots in his knee, stomach and buttocks."

The body of the dead suspect, believed to be in his late 20s, was sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a post mortem.

"We do not know if any of the others who fled were injured," ACP Mohan said.

He said the three suspects had entered the clinic and threatened the patients and staff, while an accomplice waited outside.

"The Tan Sri sustained slight abrasions on his stomach, as one of the robbers had tried to slash him with a parang," he said.

Police recovered a knife at the scene and a Nissan car parked outside the clinic, which was stolen in another clinic robbery that occurred in Taman Mahkota Batu 9, Kajang on Wednesday.

ACP Mohan said this indicated that the robbers were also connected with the earlier case.
He said the Tan Sri's gun was retained by the police for investigations, adding that he had a licence to carry the firearm.

The case is being investigated under Section 395 and 397 of the Penal Code for gang robbery.

Meanwhile, clinic nurse Litya Gunasegaran, 24 said there were seven patients and four staff members, including a doctor, at the time of the incident.

"They burst in and everyone got a shock. One of them was carrying a parang and held it to people's necks.

"He said 'kasi wang!' (give money)," said Litya, adding that the men were dressed in shirts and shorts, and weren't wearing masks.

She said they went to each person and demanded their handphones, wallets, watches and jewellery.

"They took my necklace and went to another person, that's when I heard the shots," she said, adding that the Tan Sri was a regular patient at the clinic.

TUMPAT 19 Dis. – Seorang penjenayah yang cuba menyerang anggota polis semasa menyamun sebuah kedai serbaneka 24 jam di Taman Desa Putra, Wakaf Bharu di sini, ditembak mati awal pagi ini.

Mohamad Zulkifli Ismail was arrested for allegedly killing a robber at his house in Kampung Labohan, in Kerteh, Terengganu, on December 7. ― File picMohamad Zulkifli Ismail was arrested for allegedly killing a robber at his house in Kampung Labohan, in Kerteh, Terengganu, on December 7. ― File picKUALA LUMPUR, Dec 31 ― A Terengganu man who allegedly killed a robber is now the subject of a growing online movement to prevent him from being charged with murder.
The campaign includes an online petition with more than 800 supporters and a Facebook page named “Selamatkan Zulkifli” created by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Youth central committee member, Nik Aziz Afiq Abdul, which has obtained almost 55,000 “likes”.
“The page is set up to garner sympathy for Zulkifli's family. We will launch a fund to pay for his family's expenses,” he told Malay Mail Online.
Nik Aziz explained that 50-year-old Mohamad Zulkifli Ismail allegedly stabbed two men who were trying to rob him at his house in Kampung Labohan, in Kerteh, Terengganu, on December 7, claiming self defence.
One of the men died on the scene.
Zulkifli was then arrested and remanded until December 21. The case was investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code that covers murder.
“The case was then changed to [Section] 304. He was allowed to be bailed for RM15,000 but his family did not have the funds and only bailed him out the next day,” Nik Aziz explained. Section 304 pertains to causing death by negligence.
But he said that when the case was heard in court on December 27, the prosecution team switched the charge to Section 302 and added another under Section 326 for causing grievous bodily harm.
Murder is a non-bailable offence and carries a mandatory death sentence upon conviction.
The next trial date is on January 24 and Zulkifli is now being held at the Marang prison, Nik Aziz said.
Zulkifli has three children, with the oldest 9, followed by an 8-year-old who is autistic, and a 3-year-old.
His detention has also prevented his family from operating a restaurant near their home that is their main source of income.
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The Closing of a Life....and yet it is also a celebration of life.

steadyaku47 comment : A sad story by a NYC Taxi driver but at the same time it is a celebration of life. We are indeed our brother's and sister's keeper. Happy New Year everyone....!

A NYC Taxi driver wrote:

I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. 

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets.

There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.'

'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive through downtown?"

'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly.

'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice.

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice..'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired. Let's go now'.

We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.

They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse.

'Nothing,' I said

'You have to make a living,' she answered.

'There are other passengers,' I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly.

'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life..

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.What if that woman had gotten an angry driver,or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.

But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

Into 2016 dengan Najib Razak...siapa lagi ? The corrupt, lying, "monday I call prepare the cheque" malay leader lost in hubris!

Shopping trips to London - will no longer be funded by the public purse. No more personal assistants, and no more motorcades

steadyaku47 comment : For the following article, instead of Nigeria read MALAYSIA and instead of Nigerian read MALAYSIAN! As for the Nigerian names....please read whatever Malaysian names you think appropriate...Najib, Zahid, Ahmad Maslan etc etc.

High life over for Nigeria's 'Big Men' as crackdown looms on big entourages and VIP travel

New president bans from politicians from first-class flights and employing crowds of hangers-on at public expense

"Have you got a receipt for this?" Nigeria's new president, Muhammadu Buhari, seen right with predecessor Goodluck Jonathan, wants all politicians' expenditure accounted for. Photo: REUTERS
With their luxury air travel, five-star hotel rooms and vast entourage of hangers-on, the life of a Nigerian politician has long been more akin to that of a rap star than a public servant.
But after decades of draining government coffers with their lavish spending, the country's political elite are finally having their business-class wings trimmed.
Muhammadu Buhari, the stern former general elected as president in May, has introduced tough new rules slashing the amount that any of his staff can spend on perks such as personal assistants, and foreign travel.
Out goes the days when Nigerian ministers could could act like a state-funded version of Sean "P Diddy" Combs, travelling the world in private jets.
From now on, public servants will have to obtain prior permission for any trips outside of the capital, Abuja, and will only be able to travel business class if they are on an official government mission. 

Mr Buhari has also made it clear that private journeys - such as shopping trips to London - will no longer be funded by the public purse. 

The new measures have only just begun to bite, as it was only last month that Mr Buhari finally appointed his cabinet, having spent the previous six months scrutinising the accounts bequeathed to him by his predecessor Goodluck Jonathan. 

A major fraud investigation is now under way over claims that up to £15 billion in oil revenues had been siphoned off during the Jonathan administration. 

"No more personal assistants, and no more motorcades" 
The new politics of parsimony have had a mixed response from Mr Buhari's new ministers, who - if the rules are observed - will now be the first generation of Nigerian politicians to be banned from lining their pockets. 

Arguably the biggest culture change of all is the decision to stop funding the "entourage", which has long been the way for any Nigerian "Big Man" to show he is a figure of influence.
Sometimes numbering 30 or more people, the entourage traditionally travels with a VIP wherever they go, meaning that even the routine commute to work is done in a large, ostentatious convoy. 

While they add vastly to the cost of ministerial hotel bills, most entourage members have nebulous titles like "personal assistant to the personal assistant", and do little except applaud their boss during speeches and meetings. 

Official guidance makes it clear that this practice now has to end. According to a document from Nigeria's Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission, areas for efficiency savings include: "Eliminating or limiting the number of personal assistants", and "Reduction of large use of motorcades by officials". 

Another way in which Mr Buhari hopes to shrink the size of entourages is by reducing the number of police assigned to each politician, some of whom often end up as little more than personal escorts who barge their bosses convoy through traffic jams. 

Nigerian media has reported that Mr Buhari is to redeploy most of the police on escort duties back onto the streets again. 

True, ministers will not exactly be roughing it: those on official business will still enjoy a spending allowance of around £100 per day. 

But at last month's Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Malta, the Nigerian delegation brought in their own chef with them, cooking simple Nigerian dishes in the hotel to discourage delegates from dining out in the restaurants. 

"The Nigerian food was for free," said one source who was at the meeting. "If they wanted to eat fancier stuff, they had to pay for it with their own money." 

The measures are in part driven by necessity. Thanks to the slump in world oil prices, Nigeria can no longer afford such profligacy among its politicians. 

But Mr Buhari himself, who also ran the country as a military ruler in the 1980s, has always courted a Spartan image, which has done much to win him popularity with voters. 

In September, he declared himself to have just £100,000 in his personal bank account - a fortune by the standards of ordinary Nigerians, but a relative pittance by the standard of fellow politicians.

Quickies : Tak Pernah Jumpa Orang Yang Bodoh Macham Ahmad Maslan!

Tabung Haji : Liar, cheat, con artist, perjurer, phony, deceiver, fabricator, falsifier, fibber, trickster, deluder.

Tabung Haji in process of selling TRX land, says Azeez

Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji is in the process of selling the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land that it had bought from debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) for RM188.5 million after promising earlier this month to do so within a fortnight.
Its chairman, Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, said the pilgrims' fund was in the process of sealing the sales and purchase agreement but did not elaborate further.
He also declined to reveal the potential buyer of the land, adding that the information would be revealed once the due process has been completed.

"Yes, we have a buyer. We will inform later (about it)," Azeez said when met by reporters at the Tabung Haji building in Kuala Lumpur today. "It is in the sales and purchase process, with a little pr
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Tabung Haji in process of selling TRX land, says Azeez

Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji is in the process of selling the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land that it had bought from debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) for RM188.5 million after promising earlier this month to do so within a fortnight.
Its chairman, Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, said the pilgrims' fund was in the process of sealing the sales and purchase agreement but did not elaborate further.
He also declined to reveal the potential buyer of the land, adding that the information would be revealed once the due process has been completed.

"Yes, we have a buyer. We will inform later (about it)," Azeez said when met by reporters at the Tabung Haji building in Kuala Lumpur today. "It is in the sales and purchase process, with a little profit."
Tabung Haji has an RM920 million bond in 1MDB's real estate development Bandar Malaysia and last month bought 0.63ha from the TRX financial district, which is another 1MDB development.
Its purchase of the plot of land from 1MDB for RM188.5 million, or RM2,774 per sq ft (psf), for the purpose of building a residential tower has created uproar among its depositors, some of whom withdrew their savings.
Opposition politicians were quick to note that Tabung Haji was paying far more psf than what 1MDB had paid at RM64 psf when it first bought the land from the government, causing some to call the deal a "bailout" given 1MDB's massive debts.
Following widespread criticism and public outcry over the purchase of the land, Tabung Haji announced on May 9 that it was selling the plot to a buyer at a profit of at least RM5 million and that the deal would be concluded within the next few weeks.
Azeez, who is also Baling MP, said that Tabung Haji had received three offers from interested buyers for the prime land.
He said then that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had advised him to dispose of the land so that the fund's reputation was not "tarnished" due to its business transaction with 1MDB, and in order to respect the "sensitivity" of the depositors.
Najib is also finance minister and chairman of 1MDB's advisory board. – May 26, 2015.
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Tabung Haji in process of selling TRX land, says Azeez

Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim says today the pilgrims’ fund is in the midst of selling its Tun Razak Exchange land. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, May 26, 2015.Lembaga Tabung Haji is in the process of selling the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land that it had bought from debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) for RM188.5 million after promising earlier this month to do so within a fortnight.
Its chairman, Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, said the pilgrims' fund was in the process of sealing the sales and purchase agreement but did not elaborate further.
He also declined to reveal the potential buyer of the land, adding that the information would be revealed once the due process has been completed.

"Yes, we have a buyer. We will inform later (about it)," Azeez said when met by reporters at the Tabung Haji building in Kuala Lumpur today. "It is in the sales and purchase process, with a little profit."
Tabung Haji has an RM920 million bond in 1MDB's real estate development Bandar Malaysia and last month bought 0.63ha from the TRX financial district, which is another 1MDB development.
Its purchase of the plot of land from 1MDB for RM188.5 million, or RM2,774 per sq ft (psf), for the purpose of building a residential tower has created uproar among its depositors, some of whom withdrew their savings.
Opposition politicians were quick to note that Tabung Haji was paying far more psf than what 1MDB had paid at RM64 psf when it first bought the land from the government, causing some to call the deal a "bailout" given 1MDB's massive debts.
Following widespread criticism and public outcry over the purchase of the land, Tabung Haji announced on May 9 that it was selling the plot to a buyer at a profit of at least RM5 million and that the deal would be concluded within the next few weeks.
Azeez, who is also Baling MP, said that Tabung Haji had received three offers from interested buyers for the prime land.
He said then that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had advised him to dispose of the land so that the fund's reputation was not "tarnished" due to its business transaction with 1MDB, and in order to respect the "sensitivity" of the depositors.
Najib is also finance minister and chairman of 1MDB's advisory board. – May 26, 2015.
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3. Tabung Haji flip-flop over purchase
Amazingly, Tabung Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim had first denied the contents of the blog that revealed the fund's purchase. He admitted to a miscommunication after his officials confirmed they bought land for a condominium tower.
Also amazing considering that Tabung Haji's managing director Tan Sri Ismee Ismail also sits on the 1MDB board. Was there any conflict of interest declared, or did Ismee refrain from
taking part in the Tabung Haji purchase decision?
Would a company chairman not be told of a RM188.5 million purchase, or for that matter any other big purchase? By his managing director who is on the 1MDB board?
Or was this such a deep dark secret on a need-to-know basis within Tabung Haji? What does it say of other Tabung Haji purchases then, considering that it is funded by savings made by would-be pilgrims?
To be fair, it would appear that Tabung Haji did get a good price for the TRX land but it is not as good as what 1MDB paid for the land, that is, at RM64 per square feet against the RM2,773 per square feet in the Tabung Haji purchase.
That is a lot of money for what was a few years ago was just government land for civil servants. – May 8, 2015.
- See more at:

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 29 — It would be unwise for Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) to sell off its plot of land in the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) as it is a great investment with promising returns, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said. 
According to Malaysiakini, the minister said this in a parliamentary reply on December 3 when explaining the delay behind the fund’s plan in May to sell the 1.56-acre plot.
LTH had purchased the land from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) for RM188.5 million in April but was subjected to much scrutiny from various parties for allegedly using public funds to bail out the state investor. 
The pilgrimage fund made a decision to immediately sell off the land soon after but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak insisted in August that LTH was making a mistake by doing so. 
LTH has yet to sell off the land despite promising to do so by end of May.

steadyaku47 comment:
Chairman Tabung Haji in the above video tells us " Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri ....menasihat kami untuk menjual tanah ini". 

Jamil, Minister in the PM's Department then said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak insisted in August that LTH was making a mistake by doing so.

So who do we believe? 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Compassion, Respect and a Sense of Fairness & Justice.

One of the first lesson of how one should behave in a civil society was taught to me in London where I went in the mid 60's supposedly to continue with my studies. I say supposedly because I did everything else, including marry, but study! 

That lesson was imparted upon me by my cousin with whom I have decided to stay with in Finsbury Park. Finsbury Park in those days is what Chow Kit is to KL today. It is a safe place to be in provided you behave yourself and know where NOT to go once the sun settles. I could afford the rent and the neighbors were the same shade as me - though darker, much darker. 

It was Winter and having unpacked my stuff onto whatever space there was in the Bedsit that was to be my home for a good many years, my cousin said that we had to go and get something for dinner. That something, whether it was dinner or lunch was invariably chicken, invariable fried and invariably eaten with rice for that was the extend of our culinary expertise. 

So off we went to the local grocery, picked up a chicken and I made my way to the counter to pay with the crisp pound notes I had brought with me from Malaysia. As I did so my cousin grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me towards him with some considerable force and hissed "Tunggu!". And with a nod of his head signalled for me to get to the back of a line of blacks, Asians and white people all  waiting to pay for what they have bought. I looked at the line and as untidy as it was, it was indeed a line of people patiently waiting their turn - a Q. 

And that was how I first learned that in London you wait for your turn to do whatever it was you wanted to do when there are others who are there to do the same thing before you. Everybody wait with patience, good humour and a an unshakable belief that it is expected of them and they in turn expect it from others. When a deserving individual - a pregnant lady, aged seniors, disabled  - joins that Q, everyone will insists that that individual go to the front of the Q and be served first. 

That, I have learned, is the foundation of a civilized society. To each his due, respect for others, compassion and a sense of fairness for those who are less fortunate than you and the expectation that others will do as you do. Anybody that deviates from this norm is immediately taken to task, punished and if they persists in their anti social behaviour, ostracised. No exceptions. 

We all have expectations in life. Expectations moulded upon years and years of living with each other. There is respect, tolerance and a genuine liking, even love for each other's way of life. For a long time we have not bothered being "politically correct' when addressing the Chinese as Towkay, Nor have the Chinese been bothered about addressing the Malays as Encik or just the plain simple "Lu". The Indians have always been the race I love most to interact with  - not in a depreciating manner - but because their sense of humor mirrors mine. All I had to with my Indian friends was to look their way and with a shake of my head and a shrug of my shoulders say "Dey?"....and get a smile and a shake of their head in return. and from there life gets better! 

Today we can no longer do all that with the innocence that we once had. For you see the Q system that most of us have learned to respect and follow in our life are no longer  the way things are done since this Umno led BN government started to divide and rule our people and our nation.

Today that Umno led BN government have put the Malays and Islam at the head of the Q. 

Ketuanan Melayu ensures that a Malay is at the head of the Q in education, housing, job opportunities - in everything - even death. The Malay burial grounds are conveniently located while the Chinese and Indians are further afield. 

Islam now imposes its tenets and its "beliefs" upon the other religion in many ways. How impossible is it for the Christians to build a Church, how many Indian Temples have been demolished? How many bodies have been snatched from loved ones. And we are familiar with the issues surrounding the use of ALLAH and the seizing of Bibles. 

Once the Q system starts breaking down so will the fabric of society that has been built primarily on the premise that in life a few fundamentals must prevail:
  • Respect.
  • Fairness and a sense of Justice.
  • Compassion for others.
When those fundamentals are deliberately breached or dismissed for political gain then our society will begin to crumble and disintegrate - as it is now doing. 

That it had affected the non-Malays more than the Malays in the past three decades is a given because we know that the Malays are the "tuans" that this BN government are sending willingly or unwillingly, to the head of the Q.

What has made the situation untenable is that there are now many many Malays who are refusing to be sent to the head of the Q because their sense of fairness and decency tells them that it is wrong. Now even those Malays who have willingly taken their place when sent by BN to the head of the Q are beginning to realize that those sending them to the head of the Q had ulterior motives for doing so - they were expected to pay for that "privilege" of being sent to the head of the Q by giving their votes to their political"champion". 

Pay in a manner that has resulted in the Malays to become a race ostracized by the non-Malays, pay in a manner that demeans the Malay race as being unable to comprehend the basic rules of a civilized society. 

And more worrying this Umno led BN government now demands the Malays return the favor of being sent to the head of the Q by giving them carte blanc political license to be corrupt and arrogant in government.   

That is where we are at now. A people divided and governed by a corrupt and arrogant BN government devoid of any sense of justice, compassion and fair play!   

I am now 67 - a far cry from that teenage lad then newly arrived in the London of the mid 60's - but I have not forgotten that lesson of life that my late cousin, Aziz Yahaya, taught me - In life fairness,compassion and a sense of justice must prevail if we are to live in a civilized society. In essence we do not have that in Malaysia today. 

How each of us deal with this lack of compassion to respect and to help each other will decide what future we will leave our children and our children's children. Let us not allow politics, race or religion be the reason our future generation will not inherit a future better than the one we now have. Think and do what you think you must whether you are within BN or Pakatan Rakyat but tamper whatever you do with compassion and respect for others who are different from you.  Only by doing so will others do unto you what you do unto others.  

The most worrying part of this sorry saga of YaPIEM is that this idiot of a Ketua Pengarah thinks that we will buy his story that the buying of the Golf Simulator is a business investment and will be YaPIEM's contribution towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan"!

steadyaku47 comment :

The Ketua Pengarah of YaPEIM, Abibulah Samsudin, tells us that the money used to buy the Golf Simulator came from revenues or profits from businesses conducted by YaPIEM. 

Can he also explain where the money to invest in those businesses came from? Whether it comes from the government or from contributions, it is still our money - public money - money that should be used responsibly. Please note the following "nilai nilai utama YaPIEM's" outlined by YaPIEM :  

Nilai-nilai utama yang dihayati dalam budaya korporat YaPEIM :
  1. Amanah
  2. Jimat Cermat
  3. Bertanggungjawab
  4. Cekap
  5. Profesional
  6. Peka
Buying a Golf Simulator to be installed in a Four Star Hotel (which he says is what their present building in PJ will be turned into) is not a responsible thing to do because:

1.  Who plays Golf? Enough said!

2. What is the current status of that four star hotel that is to be built? Sudah ada pelan? Are the finances in place? How long before they start the conversion or are they going to pull down the present building and built another one in its place ? What sort of time frame before it is a done deal? One year...two years? And by then would not the Golf Simulator be out of date? Meantime will the Golf Simulator be kept in storage or used by the Pengarah himself and his cronies? Will they be using the Golf Simulator for free or will they pay for the use of that Golf Simulator so that some income can be got by YaPIEM? And what are the projections of income for the Golf Simulator - what is the projected ROI on their investment of the said Golf Simulator?   

The most worrying part of this sorry saga of YaPIEM is that this idiot of a Ketua Pengarah thinks that we will buy his story that the buying of the Golf Simulator is a business investment and will be YaPIEM's contribution towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan"! How stupid does he think the average Malaysian is?

Buying a Golf Simulator is NOT a business investment! You and your cronies got together over some lunch or dinner paid for by YaPIEM, most probably overseas, in some fancy restaurants and decided to buy that Golf Simulator so that you can all have some fun at the expense of the public.

It will not contribute towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan" develop sports for the masses to make society more inclusive, more healthy and robust. Golf is for those with do not need to help those with money to play more Golf. Let them pay for it themselves!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Half of Nation's government in prison.

Vanuatu court sentences MPs, including former PMs Carcasses and Vohor, to jail for corruption

Vanuatu's deputy prime minister Moana Carcasses has been sentenced to four years in jail for bribery and corruption, joining 13 other MPs — or half of the nation's government — in prison.

On October 9, Vanuatu's Supreme Court found Carcasses had made illegal payments amounting to 35 million Vatu ($452,000) to his fellow MPs when they were in opposition.
Justice Mary Sey ruled that the payments were designed to influence MPs in their capacity as public officials.

Jailed Vanuatu MPs

  • Deputy prime minister Moana Carcasses: 4 years
  • Speaker Marcellino Pipite: 3 years
  • Foreign minister Serge Vohor: 3 years
  • Lands minister Paul Telukluk: 3 years
  • Public works minister Tony Nari: 3.5 years
  • Youth and sports minister Tony Wright: 3 years
  • Climate change minister Thomas Laken: 3 years
  • Sebastien Harry, Jonas James, John Amos, Steven Kalsakau, Silas Yatan, Arnold Prasad, Jean Yvees Chabot: 3 years
  • Finance minister Willie Jimmy: 20 months suspended following guilty plea
Upon sentencing, Justice Sey said those who "occupy a position of trust or authority can expect to be treated severely by the criminal law".

"Furthermore, where an offence involves a breach of trust, the court regards it as a significant aggravating factor," she said.

The parliament's speaker, Marcellino Pipite, who led an unsuccessful attempt to pardon himself and the convicted MPs last week, has been sentenced to three years in prison.
The other MPs, including former prime minister Serge Vohor, have also been sentenced to three-years jail. Carcasses, another former prime minister, received his four year sentence on multiple counts, to be served concurrently.

As the MPs have been sentenced to two years imprisonment or more, they are not permitted to sit in Vanuatu's parliament.

Carcasses' lawyer told local media he will be lodging an appeal against his sentence later today.

Finance minister Willie Jimmy, the only MP to plead guilty to the corruption charges, was given a suspended sentence.

Ahead of the sentencing, Justice Sey called bribery a cancer and denounced the politicians' actions.

Marcellino Pipite heads to jail from Vanuatu's Supreme Court  

"I remind myself that you are the first in Vanuatu to be prosecuted for this offence in your capacity as members of parliament at the time of the offending," she said.

"You were given power and authority. With power and authority, comes an obligation of trust.
"You betrayed that trust and in the cause of doing that you undermined the very institution that it was your duty to uphold.

"For that reason, as I've previously said, a fitting custodial sentence is required that fully reflects the need for denunciation and deterrence."

Pipite sparked a constitutional crisis when he pardoned himself and 13 other MPs of corruption charges while he was acting president.

That move triggered another pending court case for 11 of the now-jailed MPs, and three lawyers, for conspiring to defeat the cause of justice.

Family comes First...always!

Quickies ...Die Happy Ma!

KUCHING, Dec 28 — Tongues are wagging over Sarawak federal minister Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun’s recent marriage to a woman 34 years his junior, after…
steadyaku47 comment : Let us hope that Joseph was able to raise more than eyebrows on his wedding night! Nudge nudge...wink wink!
steadyaku47 comment : For Joseph that is one down and 498 other things to do! 

Ahmad Maslan..."Bukan bodoh tapi kurang Cerdik!"

If one looks stupid, talks stupid, acts and insists on keeping oneself always in the "stupid zone" what other inference can we have but that he really must be stupid? Yes I am talking about Ahmad Maslan....before him there was Samy Velu and then Bung Moktar Radin and a few others not worth mentioning...and then along comes a worthy contender to the "Bukan bodoh tapi kurang Cerdik!" title...Ahmad Maslan!


Umno lawmaker Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad…|By .

"education does not equal intelligence. Intelligent people will always be educated, be it formally or informally, but educated people can never acquire intelligence if they don’t have intelligence from the get-go".

Local comedian Harith Iskander also appeared to take a dig at Ahmad, posting via Facebook and Twitter that although he was a known as an emcee, writer and actor, among others, it did not mean he held so many jobs.
“I am a comedian, emcee, writer, actor, coach, director. That does NOT mean I have 6 jobs. It means I do 6 different things. In the context of a government servant you could say I hold 6 different posts.

“A job is something you do every day all day. So for a person to have TWO jobs that would mean they work minimum 2 x 8 hour shifts a day. That’s 16 working hours. A day,” he said. –

So move aside Samy Velu and Bung Moktar Radin....Ahmad Maslan has arrived! By popular demand and acclaim we hereby crowned this idiot as the first among equals of many bloody idiots within BN who also happens to be an Ahli Parliamen, Timbalan Menteri and Ketua Penerangan Umno. 

And of course Umno always has a hand in giving us such an Idiot!