
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

MidValley Bridge Collapse

Dr.Awang Mat Puteh : Apakah org Melayu miskin keberanian?

Sharing from another group:

Bacalah kalau ada masa...

Semua suratkhabar hari ini memuji ucapan Najib, dengan istilah2 islamiaahnya, tabayyun, walaq dll. Tapi aku tertarik dg satu tulisan dlm Sinar "Kita berdiri dipihak yg mana?" tulisan Dr.Awang Mat Puteh. Satu tulisan yg paling berani.

Katanya, "Tidak pernah terjadi dlm sejarah tanah air, baik sebelum merdeka maupun selepas kemerdekaan, dimana pemimpin yang dicemari pelbagai skandal dan jelik akhlaknya masih dijunjung tinggi melangit."

Katanya lagi,"Malangnya, bukan hanya pemimpin sebegini masih disanjung dan dipuji, malah mereka yang mengkritik akan dicerca, dihukum malah diheret ke mahkamah."
Malah Dr Awang, menegaskan "Mengapa org Melayu zaman moden yg hebat2 dan bijak pandai belaka ini, pada hakikatnya papa kedana, mundur pemikiran dan miskin nilai2 luhur dan mulia? Apakah org Melayu miskin keberanian?

Seterusnya ia menyatakan "Fenomena ini amat menakjubkan terutamanya untuk sebuah negara yg telah melahirkan ramai golongan cerdik pandai Melayu semenjak merdeka. Tetapi sayang yg bersuara lantang bukannya teknokrat ataupun sarjana lulusan Oxford, bukannya pula mereka yg kuat menjerit "Hidup Melayu" pd perhimpunan agung tahunan parti politik, tetapi seorang negarawan 90 tahun dan srikandi muda dari Langkawi."
"Mana teguran alim ulama berjubah Arab yg lantang bersyarah siang dan malam dikaca televisyen mengenai amal maaruf nahi mungkar"

Dr Awang Mat Putih tidak mempunyai jawapan, katanya "mungkin ramai yg takut.Tetapi persoalanya, apa yg hendak ditakuti?Ingatlah kata Pramoedya Ananta Toer, dlm hidup kita cuma satu yg kita punya, iaitu keberanian.Kalau tidak punya itu, lantas apa harga hidup kita ini? Ingatlah kata pujangga agung Usman Awang, "Anak Melayu, namamu telah diseru, jawablah, sebelum lidahmu jadi bisu." 

Terbaik dari Dr.Awang Mat Puteh dan tahniah Sinar kerana berani memaparkan tulisan2 yg baik untuk tatapan rakyat Malaysia.

The Flying Hippo & President Elect Donald Trump. the Dewan Tun Ismail, PWTC....the Flying Hippo spent over 7 minutes talking about Trump calling Najib. If you have the patience and got nothing better to do, click the above video and hear her rambling on and on and on about what happened.

She tells us that she was the one who picked up the phone (now we know that she screens all of Najib's call....aisehman she controls even his calls!). She tells us that she was told that "Donald Trump is expecting/waiting for Najib's call". She tells us that Donald Trump told Najib to bring his family over and he will arrange to have lunch or dinner with them". Whatever lah....China pon suruh Najib bawah Family. I wonder why Trump is waiting for Najib's call....nak discuss pasal that Mexico wall or about "dedak"? 

Let me put all that Rosmah said had happened, in perspective.

On the 19th Novermber  - ten days before  - USA Today listed out the names of world leaders that President Elect Donald Trump had called :

On Thursday evening President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. But who else has Trump spoken to so far? Here is the full list as provided by Trump's transition team.
  • President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri
  • Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull
  • Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau
  • President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping
  • President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón
  • President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
  • Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen
  • Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel 
  • President of France, François Hollande
  • Prime Minister of Ireland, Enda Kenny
  • Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu 
  • Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi
  • Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzō Abe
  • King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein of Jordan
  • Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Al Hariri
  • President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto
  • Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key
  • His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar
  • Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Narendra Modi
  • President of the Republic of Korea, Park Geun-hye
  • President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  • President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin
  • King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia
  • Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim
  • President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko
  • President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
  • Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
  • Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May
  • Secretary General to the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon
  • President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev
  • Prime Minister of The Netherlands, Mark Rutte
  • President of Poland, Andrzej Duda
  • Prime Minister of Iraq, Dr. Haider Al-Abadi
  • Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg
  • President of European Union Council, Donald Tusk 

TPM Zahid pi sebut "kalu nak berbohong, bohonglah BESAR BESARAN! Kalu berbohong kerap secukupnya orang akan percaya!"

Semalam masa TPM Zahid berucap kepada Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri umno saya dengar. Terkejut saya bila dia sebut zaman Hitler!

Pagi ini saya baca Msiakini. Nah! Cuba lihat sendiri.

"Zahid draws parallels between Nazis and opposition. 

Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today drew parallels between the opposition's propaganda efforts with the leaders of Nazi Germany.

In his speech to the joint opening of the annual assemblies of Umno's Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings tonight, Zahid recounted how Adolf Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels had a grip on German citizens through carefully crafted propaganda strategies.
"It was based on lies... Hitler once wrote: 'If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one and if you tell it often enough, people will begin to believe it'.

"Through creative radio and film propaganda, they succeeded in controlling the minds of more than 80 million people.

"The opposition's plot in this country is almost the same," Zahid kata.

Jadi saya pun cepat cepat check balik apa yg si Goebbels tu buat. Rupa rupanya bila Hitler berkuasa dalam tahun 1933, dia angkat Goebbels tu sebagai Menteri Propaganda dan Kesedaran Kebangsaan! [Reichsminister for propaganda and national enlightenment.]
Si Goebbels ni pi control kesemua media, pendidikan, pelajaran, komunikasi untuk tujuan propaganda! Dia control 100% radio, akhbar, wayang, pertunjkan pentas dan akhirnya keseluruhan kebudayaan German diregimentasikan!

Bertambah terkejut saya bila TPM Zahid pi sebut " kalu nak berbohong, bohonglah BESAR BESARAN! Kalu berbohong kerap secukupnya orang akan percaya!

Saya teringat RM2.6 Biliun! Cukup BESAR jumlahnya!

Teringat saya kepada US$3.5 Biliun dikumpul oleh Goldman Sachs untuk 1 MDB habis hilang dilanyak Riza Aziz , Jho Loh, Tarek Obaid, Patrick Mahony, Yak Yew Chee and gang!
Si Goebbels dan Hitler ni pula amat suka kutip lukisan klasik. Perhatikan diantara barang yang dibeli oleh penipu 1 MDB ialah lukisan oleh pelukis mashor seperti Claude Monet’s yg bernama "Nymphéas Avec Reflets de Hautes Herbes" dan lukisan oleh Vincent Van Gogh.
Saya teringat segala putar alam; mula diam tak kata apa. kemudian kata duit derma, kemudian kata duit parti, kemudian kata bagi balik!


Lihat bagaimana segala media TV,radio, akhbar, universiti yang dikuasai oleh kerajaan hari ini.

Soalan yg terpacak dalam otak saya ialah:

TPM Zahid semalam menggambarkan umno atau pembangkang ?

Laughter : The Korean Clock Lady

"sorry sorry my name you again..."

Istana Jamil Khir : Can anybody confirm or deny that the Istana does belong to him?


steadyaku47 comment : re the above posting, I have taken it off this blog until further notice. The following exchange between me and Citizen Nades R is self - explanatory.

Citizen Nades R
Citizen Nades R This Zakaria's mansion in klang. Not Jamal jamban's. I broke the story on this tags to riches tale of Zakaria may detox in 2006.
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 mins
Hussein Abdul Hamid
Hussein Abdul Hamid Tqs for the info...will make change
Citizen Nades R
Citizen Nades R Sorry, I may be mistaken. On subsequent looks at the image, it appears to be different. Will check when I get into office as I have a picture of the mansion in my files. Once again apologies for jumping the gun.
Hussein Abdul Hamid
Hussein Abdul Hamid meantime I have taken it off my blog let me know when you are certain. regards

The Latest From Felda : Tan Sri Isa (Felda) Boxing Academy.

This must be one of the most interesting follies adopted by FELDA’s leadership.

After the failures of LiDAR, Sturgeon Fish Farm, Savaro restaurant, Schneeballen Pastries and added with FGV Stock losses now the chairman has launched the “Tan Sri Isa (Felda) Boxing Academy in Serting Hilir which he officially opened today, 29.11.2016 with the aims to deliver a knockout blow for the gentler sex in its bid to produce a Felda women's boxing team to represent the country.

FELDA now has a boxing academy for women!

I have nothing against women boxing.

I thought FELDA too has nothing to do with women boxing!

steadyaku47 comment : As this nation of ours sink lower and lower into the realms of those Tin Pot Alley African Failed States.....and as we endure the ridicule of nations privy to the kleptocratic inclinations of our Bugis Warrior and his bitch/witch (whichever is more appropriate) of a wife........ the audacity of these recycled Umno criminals simply defies description. 

Isa opening up “Tan Sri Isa (Felda) Boxing Academy in Serting Hilir in a bid to produce a Felda women's boxing team to represent the country..... aisehman is this for real?

Are they going to box in their Hijabs? Which Felda parents is going to allow their daughter to box? Who will train them? Another Muslim Hijab wearing trainer? Is there one Muslim Hijab Wearing Trainer anywhere in the world? Is boxing Halal? Is boxing with a non-Muslim allowed by the Muftis? So many questions which I am sure this Isa must have looked into and found answers to before he officially opened the Academy hell he did!

Good luck to you Isa...but here is the question I would really like to ask Isa : Where is the dedak coming from and how much is coming your way?     

Humour...Husband and Wife (wife wins!)

A little humour...

A small argument between abang Najib and kak Rosmah turns violent.
Najib says: Don’t let the animal in me come out.
Wife replies: Who’s afraid of a mouse!!!


If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad & uncomfortable.
If husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy.


Do you remember the tingling feeling when you took the decision to get married? That was common sense leaving your body.

Son : Dad, l got selected for a role in a play for annual day!
Dad: What role are you playing?
Son : A husband!
Dad: Stupid, ask for a role with dialogues!


Man outside phone booth: “Excuse me you are holding phone since 29 minutes and you haven’t spoken a word”.
Najib : “I am talking to my wife”


A very intelligent girl was asked the meaning of marriage.. She said- “sacrificing the admiration of hundred guys, to face the criticism of one idiot”


Position of a husband is just like a Split AC, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor!


The sweetest msg -
Husband to wife : U should learn to embrace ur mistakes…..
She hugged him immediately. ..…

By what they do...the World makes its judgement on our Ringgit.

Danok, Bkt Kayu Hitam Money Changer today put notice to Reject Malaysian Ringgit! 
What a Disgrace to Malaysian Tourist or Visitors to Thailand?

Guts and Balls : The Difference

FGV Mafia in London?

Fleda Board Members in London waiting for Isa I suppose...while hisap ceerot from Cuba...relax aje dio orang.......the good life!

  FGV being kicked out of Bursa is just a speculation ...
Jun 1, 2015 - PETALING JAYA: The issue of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) being delisted from Bursa Malaysia is just speculation played out by ...

Despite share price plunge, Najib insists FGV still has 'prospects ...
Jul 12, 2015 - ... the public-listed plantations firm still has | Malaysia | Malay Mail Online. ... Despite share price plunge, Najib insists FGV still has 'prospects'.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

SITI KASIM : 41 Orang Asli now arrested by Forestry Department. I am heading to Gua Musang.

Siti Kasim

UPDATE Orang asli Gua Musang VS kerajaan kapitalisme Kelantan. 4.38 pm 29/11/16.
32 orang asli diitangkap. HP dan kamera dirampas, halangan dimusnahkan, rumah2 dirosakkan.

Ayuh nyatakan solidariti krisis kemanusiaan orang asli Gua Musang. GM291116. Berkumpul beramai ramai di luar IPD Gua Musang, 9.00 malam ni nyatakan sokongan kita.


Message from the Orang Asli arrested:
"Kami di kurung dalam lori mereka juga tutup dengan kemah belakang lori"
Kak ada lagi penambahan 7 orng nama2 mereka seperti di bawah..
Jamil bin Gabon
Johari bin Alang
Saharom bin Mohamad
Bahari a/l Angah
Ismadi bin Adek
Malik bin Along
Rais bin Sudin

Their cameras and phones confiscated by the Forestry people.
I was made to understand they are under the hot sun too!

Peter Yap To The Kelantan Authority Concerned:.~
Do not use your Ugama or God‘s Name to Rob or Oppress The Poor and the Helpless....
Your God is Watching !!!!!

Fanfan Baron Arrested for what ? For being an orang Asli who live in the forest ?

Bukan di Rohingya, tapi di Gua Musang Kelantan.
Demi BALAK, 52% balak Kelantan daripada tempat bantahan orang asli Kelantan. Tauke balak kata 5 hari tidak operasi rugi RM50 juta!
Kerajaan Negeri dijangka mengaut Keuntungan daripada Hasil Hutan sebanyak RM177.20 JUTA daripada buku Bajet 2017, sumber income paling banyak kerajaan Negeri.
Demi DUIT, rakyat dan orang asli sanggup diketepikan?

3 Kawasan Orang Asli buat sekatan membabitkan Kawasan;
i. Hutan Simpan Balah - Hutan simpan kedua terluas di Kelantan
ii. Hutan Simpan Perias - Hutan simpan paling luas di Kelantan
iii. Hutan Simpan Stong Selatan.

Ringkasan Pertemuan Dengan Kerajaan Negeri dan PAS;
i. Dato Timbalan Menteri Besar waktu berjumpa Orang Asli awal November 2016 lalu kata akan TURUN berunding di kawasan Blockade, nampaknya POLIS dan BLACK MARIA yang turun.

ii. Dato Menteri Besar pula, juga kata ingin berunding, tapi yang diajak mereka Penghulu-Penghulu lantikan politik, orang asli yang dapat kontrak dengan ladang rakyat. Siap orang asli (pro kerajaan) serah memorandum Sokong Kerajaan Negeri (sokong pembalakan, ladang hutan)

iii. Pemuda Pas Kelantan sebelum ini masuk bulan Oktober, berjumpa di Blockade mengatakan pada orang Asli wakil Kerajaan Negeri akan masuk berunding dengan mereka.
Janji tinggal janji, harini berpuluh puluh anggota berpakaian lengkap masuk serbu dan angkut orang asli yang juga rakyat Kelantan ic 03.

Dimanakah nilai ISLAM yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS? Apabila benda asas berkaitan perundingan pun tidak boleh ditepati.

Tiada Ehsankan PAS Dan Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan?

~ Orang Asli membuat bantahan sebab ingin melindungi hutan semulajadi mereka, mahu Kerajaan Negeri berikan Tanah Adat mereka, sebab kegiatan pembalakan jelas menjejaskan sumber rezeki mereka.

Viralkan, doakan orang asli selamat dan pasukan yang ingin mengangkut orang asli ini digagalkan. Amen
From Syam Gaz


Mohd Fauzi Mohd Azmi added 5 new photos.Follow
9 hrs ·
Kemaskini Blockade: Orang Asli vs Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan
Lebih kurang 27 buah 4wd JPNK + 8 buah Land Rover PGA (2 buah kosong) masuk ke Blockade Simpang Petei.
Sedia untuk merobohkan Blockade...

Parliament...of Baboons

Falling Down


Malaysians underestimate the damage caused by the 1MDB scandal

But the opposition has to do more to win over rural Malays

FORTY thousand people wearing yellow shirts gathered in Malaysia’s capital on November 19th, to protest against corruption and impunity in government. The rally was orderly and restrained; the response of the authorities was not. On the eve of the protest, police arrested Maria Chin Abdullah, leader of a coalition of human-rights groups that organised the event. She was placed in solitary confinement, and can be held there for 28 days. Even by Malaysia’s dismal recent standards this marked a fresh low. Ordinary Malaysians should not stand by while their leaders undermine the rule of law so casually.

Ms Chin Abdullah’s detention was justified by an anti-terrorism law which the government had promised would never be used against political opponents. The true motivation was to stifle outrage over 1MDB, a state-owned investment firm from which billions have gone missing. In July American government investigators said they thought that $3.5bn had been taken from the firm and that hundreds of millions of dollars went to the prime minister, Najib Razak (who says he has never taken public funds for personal gain). The investigators’ findings corroborated exposés written by local and foreign journalists, who have been unravelling the saga for several years.

Elsewhere the scandal would have sparked a swift change in government. But the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) has held power for six decades and enjoys broad support from Malaysia’s ethnic-Malay majority, some of whom resent their ethnic-Chinese and Indian compatriots. The party has devised many ways to protect its leaders from internal revolts, so Mr Najib found it easy to purge critics, delay a parliamentary investigation and replace an attorney-general said to have been preparing charges against him.
No one in Malaysia has been charged over 1MDB’s missing money. But a court has handed a prison sentence to an opposition politician who frustrated efforts to hush up the affair. The editor and publisher of one of Malaysia’s last independent news organisations face jail under a rule which forbids certain content published with “intent to annoy”. A competitor closed in March after authorities ordered its website blocked.

Mr Najib’s party is carelessly widening Malaysia’s ethnic and religious splits. Seeking to bolster support among conservative Malay Muslims, it is toying with a proposal to intensify the whippings which may be meted out by sharia courts. It has failed properly to condemn pro-government gangs that last year menacingly gathered in a Chinese part of the capital. Their leaders paint ethnic Malays as victims of sinister conspiracies—dangerous rumour-mongering in a country where politics is still defined by the racial violence of the 1960s.

Easily broken, hard to fix

Until now foreign investors have been fairly sanguine about the economy. But they are growing rattled. The ringgit has depreciated faster than other emerging-market currencies (see article). Last week the authorities asked foreign banks to stop some ringgit trading abroad, raising fears of harsher controls.

Rural ethnic Malays, a crucial constituency, feel that the scandal is a remote affair. Even some educated urbanites still favour Mr Najib’s government over the opposition, underestimating the damage being done by the scandal. If change is to come, the disparate opposition needs to do a better job of winning such people over; its fractious parties must overcome their divisions and present a plausible candidate to replace Mr Najib in a general election that could be held as soon as next year. Malaysia has always been an imperfect democracy, but the rot eating at its institutions is harming its international standing and its economic prospects alike.

Sopian Ahmad : Apa kena mengenanya nilai wang negara dengan kelakuan pemimpin?

Satu perhatian politik yang amat consistent ialah apabila pemimpin sesebuah kerajaan itu rasuah, salahgunakan kuasa, menggunakan undangundang negara untuk mempertahankan perbuatannya yang salah maka kesannya ialah kejatuhan nilai wang negaranya.

Mengapa? Apa kena mengenanya nilai wang negara dengan kelakuan pemimpin?
Kerana apabila keutuhan undang undang tidak dihormati, credibiliti pemimpin dan kerajaan keseluruhannya terhakis dan tumbang.

Apabila kredibiliti kerajaan itu runtuh maka luruhlah keyakinan orang terhadap mata wang negara itu.

Integriti, kelakuan dan perangai pemimpin itu dipersoalkan.

Apabila orang tidak yakin, tidak percaya, maka mereka bawa keluar wang pelaburan mereka dari Negara, pelabor baru takut nak masuk; kerana mereka bimbang dan takut tak dapat balik keuntungan atau wang modal mereka ratusan juta itu!

Itulah yang sedang berlaku kepada Ringgit Malaysia hari ini.

Oleh kerana kita banyak mengimport barang dan nilai Ringgit makin tak laku, makanya harga barang pun naiklah.

Bila duit ringgit kita jatuh nilai, kita kena serahkan lebih banyak duit itu kepada penjual untuk mendapatkan barang yg dulunya boleh dibelikan dengan duit yg jauh lebih kecil. Dulu duit kecil pun dah cukup nak beli barang. Sekarang dah tak cukup, walaupun barangnya sama.
Sebab itu kita kena tukar kerajaan yang ada. Semua pemimpin yang ada dalam kerajaan hari ini amat tidak meyakinkan.

Kita kena gantikan mereka dengan orang yg berintegriti, amanah dan tahu mengurus pentadbiran kerajaan dengan baik.

Dengan itu keyakinan orang terhadap matawang Ringgit kita kembali teguh. Nilainya akan naik semula. Harga barang pun tidaklah naik melangit macam sekarang.

Najib, let ME be clear!

steadyaku47 comment:

Najib......Let ME be clear!

I make no apologies for calling you a thief, a robber, a liar.  If good manners had not deserted me, I would have stopped there, but good manners I do not I will continue.

You also possess within your pudgy plump effeminate self, all the worst attributes that I  could wish upon my worst enemy.

You have the inability to recognize when all the stars are aligned against you and when all the odds are in favor of your nemesis (Mahathir, Anwar and Mahyuddin). It is to the advantage of your nemesis that you are blessed with the arrogance to think that you will persevere against all these odds. Politically, you are a Buffon like Idi Amin, clueless of your people's contempt for what you have done to them and their country in the name of government ala Marcos. You are laughed at and is the subject of ridicule and much amusement by your own party, partners and cabinet much like Jacob Zuma is, in South Africa today.

All that considered, let me remind you all that it is darkest before the dawn...and for the people of this nation, surely it cannot get more worst that it is for them today.

Surely there cannot be more corruption than what our nation has already endured under Najib Razak? Corruption that has seen billions flow through his and his cohorts personal bank accounts. Corruption that has made the Attorney General, the IGP and so many other "dedak" followers of Najib not only unashamedly corrupt to the core, but they also are now the subject of ridicule and contempt by Malaysians everywhere!

Najib, surely you are not waiting for more donation coming your way from China? What China will give you China will take back many times over from our country and from our  people.....but what do you care just as long as your "donation" is forthcoming!

What more does Felda have to endure?

You think your children do not know what you and your wife do?

You think your mother, your brothers and those related to you are not aware of what you do?

Your cabinet?

Umno and your BN partners?

They laugh behind your back and yet their own greed makes them slaves to the dedak you throw their way.....and as you know....always they want more! More and more dedak!

I do not know if the last nail is being nailed into your coffin. I am not even sure if you have played out all the cards you have in your hand. I know the fat lady is around but whether she has started singing her final aria is still unclear....but you know in your hearts of hearts that something has got to give. 

Maybe China is the last card up your sleeves...not to save you politically...but to give you that breathing space required before you walk the plank. All China can do is give you some time...nothing more. China cannot save you. China cannot revive you ...for China think's first of itself and of others only if others can be of use to them.

But a man in your position are not spoiled for take whatever lifeline is being thrown to you and it will only be a matter of time before this China gambit will become of no use to you because no donation will come your way quick enough to save you before the next general election. 

China's usefullness to you will disappear even quicker that what playing golf with Obama had proven to be of no use to you when the US Department of Justice went after you, Rosmah and that "anak" of yours. 

Najib do you think you can make the US and China your saviour? These nations will not even throw you bones the moment you no longer serve their geo political purpose in and around this part of the world.   

The world already knows of your colorful, laughable and odious ascend to be the first billionaire prime minister of Malaysia. 

The world already knows of the billions that has been documented passing in and out of financial institutions around the world only to flow into your personal bank accounts.

The world knows what we Malaysians already know many years back....we have a corrupt leader. 

Najib....the end is nigh. Watch your back in Putrajaya. Watch your back in your back anywhere you go! Your political demise is assured...what is not certain is how and when it will end....and that is the subject that not only we are pondering, but you can be assured that those within Umno and BN are, at this very moment, planning to make happen in the immediate future.