
Monday, July 31, 2017

Lim Kit Siang

At 76, he suffered a fall , a plaster on his head and he's back again. He has NERVES and determination of steel. He never compromised, he never wavered. He stayed the course faithfully and never betrayed his cause or his calling. He continues to be a tireless, relentless and fearless champion of democracy.Sometimes you wonder whether his day has more than 24 hours! He seems to have all the time in the world to respond to every challenge on a daily basis, REFUTE every silly utterance, REBUT what is wrong, REBUFF what is unfair, REBUKE misdeeds and corrupt practices, REPROVE unethical conduct and discriminatory policies.
It's our earnest wish and hope that LKS stays strong and healthy always 

Mohammed Iskandar Kutty

Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid dan Mohammed Iskandar Kutty

Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid di Alor Setar ini dibina tahun 1908. Idea membangunkan sebuah sekolah aliran Inggeris ini dicetuskan oleh Regent Tunku Mahmud demi memberi pelajaran serta membawa arus modenisasi kepada orang-orang Kedah.
Demi memastikan hasrat ini tercapai, Kerajaan Kedah telah melantik yang bernama Mohammed Iskandar (menurut DS Zahid Hamidi ada nama Kutty di belakang nama Mohammed Iskandar) sebagai Pengetua Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid yang pertama.
Ya pengetua pertama Kolej yang dianggap antara terhebat dalam sejarah moden Malaysia namanya Mohammed Iskandar. Bukan John. Bukan Patrick. Bukan Hamidi. Namanya Mohammed Iskandar. Dikatakan berketurunan Malabari dari India. 
Kini sudah lebih 100 tahun Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid berdiri di utara. Ianya dianggap antara institusi teragung di utara Semenanjung Tanah Melayu kerana melahirkan ramai tokoh dari pelbagai lapangan. Justeru kerana pengorbanan seseorang bernama Mohammed Iskandar menjayakan dan melaksanakan cita-cita membina suatu Kolej yang hebat.
Iya Si Malabari itulah. Kerana dialah maka dua Perdana Menteri datangnya dari Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid dan Kedah; Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al Haj dan Tun Mahathir Mohammed yang merupakan anak kepada Mohammed Iskandar itu. Mahu saya senaraikan siapa lagi dari Kolej Yang Maha Hebat ini? Cukuplah sekadar mengetahui Jeneral PAT Melayu Pertama, Ketua Polis Negara yang terkorban diserang hendap pengganas, 5 mantan Ketua Hakim Negara, Mantan speaker Dewan Rakyat Tun Zahir, dua sastrawan negara; Abdullah Hussain dan Shahnon Ahmad, berpuluh menteri kabinet serta Kassim Ahmad dan Chandra Muzaffar. Jasa siapa jika bukan kerana jasa Mohammed Iskandar Kutty yang dimomokkan YB Dato' Seri Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Saya menulis ini bukan mahu melecehkan Izuddin sekolah Timbalan PM. Cuma bagi kami di KSAH, di Perak hanya ada 3 sekolah sahaja yang kadang-kadang sebaris dan senafas namun selalunya mereka semput di belakang iaitu MCKK, Anderson dan STAR. Yang lain faham-fahamkan lah kedudukan masing-masing. 
Selain itu eloklah sesiapun mahu melecehkan keturunan sesiapapun belajarlah dari Sejarah. Saya kurang pasti di Bagan Datoh itu ramainya berketurunan apa. Ada yang sebut di Sungai Manik itu ramainya berketurunan Banjar. Mungkin juga Mendailing. Mungkin juga Jawa. Namun sebelum kemerdekaan sekitar tahun 30an dan 40an itu orang Banjar, Mendailing mahupun Jawa tidak dikenali sebagai Melayu. Melayu itu Melayu, yang disebut tadi bukan. Itu kerana kerana bila tahun 40an ada rusuhan orang Banjar dengan orang Cina, orang Melayu tidak ikut campur. Mereka menyebutnya itu hal orang Banjar bukan hal orang Melayu. 
Orang Bugis dan Minangkabau beruntung waktu itu kerana sudah tertubuh kesultanan masing-masing di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ini maka tidaklah dipandang enteng mereka ini oleh orang Melayu.
Akan tetapi selepas Merdeka, sesuai dengan maksud Kemerdekaan serta Perlembagaan itu maka semuanya menjadi Melayu. Bukan kerana darah akan tetapi kerana sebuah Persekutuan yang pertama kalinya diketuai seorang putera raja dari Kerabat Kesultanan Berdaulat paling purba dan kemudiannya pada tahun 1981 oleh anak seorang pengetua yang kini dilecehkan sebagai Malabari Kutty hatta jasanya mendidik menjulang sehingga ke langit. 

No Politics, no Race no Religion ....just DURIANS!

Hello Durian Lovers

I was a durian seller for more 30 years since 1960's.

I am revealing some durian sellers dirty tricks & the quality of the durians.This year the durians are very expensive & hope readers will decide after reading it.

1) Never buy durian from display packaging pack why? becos the seller will assemble overnight or half spoilt durians into packaging pack & sell at fixed price.Actually overnight durians are almost worthless & easily get bad.If the durians taste sour pls stop eating & throw away the pack.

2) Please do not eat branded durians like Mao Shan Wang/D24/red prawns & others why? the durian farmers will spray toxic chemicals at the tree roots/bark & durians to prevent flying fox/snake/insects & others from attacking their expensive durians.As a result you can hardly see housefly & ants at the durian stalls nowadays.

3) FYI I lost 2 good friends ( died from throats cancer) by eating branded durians for few years. I did warn them😰 Just try to eat Mao Shan Wang/D24/red prawns & others you can straight away feel the burning sensation at your throat during your sleep or next morning.This indicate the toxic chemical are working.Another gd example to confirm the above that there are no housefly or ants attacking the durian packaging sale pack although the durians are very sweet. Just check it yourself.

4) Please buy durians without any pre-opening why? the durians fell from trees snakes/insects will try to eat/attack at any opening of the durians---not safe

Made sure your durians are open in front of you & any pre-opening pls do not accept as the sellers are always tricky. They try to pass the bad one to you & after all they are businessman.( I know all their dirty tricks like using hand gloves or cloth to cover the durians & pretend to open it------actually the durians are already opened or pretend sweet talk to distract you) 

Pls check all your buy durians before paying( they can switch them very fast) & also check their weighting machines.After all the durians is like the price of gold.
5) pls do not eat any durian cakes/pudding/deserts as the owners buy the cheapest quality.
P/S watch out for more update news.

Good luck & enjoy it


Zahid Hamidi : The man of the moment...actually the moronic idiot dulu and of the moment!



Dan selama lamanya!


Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black....

The above bumbling idiot, deputy president of Umno, merangkap Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, have recently said the following about Tun Dr Mahathir.

Here are the facts about Tun Mahathir Bin Mohamad Bin Iskandar : 
Yang datang dari Kerala bukan Ayahanda Tun.M tetapi Nenda Tun.M bernama Iskandar.
Kerala adalah bukan Bangsa asal India tetapi berketurunan Yaman.
Iskandar ( Nenda ) berkahwin dengan Siti Hawa Dari Johor maka Lahirlah Mohamad pada 1881 di Pulau Pinang.
Mohamad pula berkahwin dengan Wan Tempawan Bt Wan Hanafi maka lahirlah Tun.M @Che Det.
Che adalah kerana Wan berkahwin dengan rakyat kebanyakkan.
Nenda ( Iskandar ) di datangkan oleh Syarikat Hindia Timor ( British ) untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggeris di Istana.
Manakala Mohamad adalah Pengetua Pertama Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid di Kedah.
Perlu telititi salasilah dan wasilah asli sebelum memuatnaik status keturunan seseorang tanpa kepastian sendiri.
Credit Dt Key Marzuki

Seriously Wealthy Bastards!

340 properties of Nawaz Sharif in East London revealed by local Newham Daily exposing the scam by which 340 residential properties were bought in Ilford . Also the Sharifs own property worth more than 80 million pounds (Rs 8100 billions ) in and around Central London, Daily Times has learnt. Of these, the Sharif family residence, three flats at 17 Avenfield House, 118 Park Lane alone are worth around 12 million pounds (Rs 1.6 billion).Properties: The company’s website lists several properties, which include Flat 8, Burwood Place – London W2, worth 700,000 pounds (Rs 96.6 million); Flat 9, Burwood Place – London W2, worth 900,000 pounds (Rs 124.2 million); 10 Duke Mansions, Duke Street, London W1, worth 1,495,000 pounds (Rs 206.31 million); Flat 12a, 118 Park Lane, Mayfair – London SW1, worth 475,000 pounds (Rs 65.55 million); Flat 2, 36 Green Street – London W1, worth 800,000 pounds (Rs 110.4 million); and, 117 Gloucester Place, London W1 (value not listed). The website also features a piece of real estate near the Buckingham Palace, which is valued at around 4,450,000 pounds. In addition, one of the properties listed on the website – 841 Neil Gwynne House, Slone Avenue – is said to be the residence of one Waqar Ahmed, listed on the documents as the Company Secretary of Flagship Investments Limited.Also Pioneer Point two towers owned by Sharif Family.

Zardari has done the same corruption on mega scale their Swiss bank accounts contain £740 million.[6] Zardari also bought a neo-Tudor mansion and estate worth over £4 million in Surrey, England, UK.[7][8] The Pakistani investigations have tied other overseas properties to Zardari's family. These include a $2.5 million manor in Normandyowned by Zardari's parents, who had modest assets at the time of his marriage. 

steadyaku47 comment : Now I understand why anyone would want to be Prime Minister of Pakistan. Can any one tell me why any one would want to be prime minister of Malaysia? 

Hint hint....nudge nudge wink wink....

Najib Razak - Forbes Malaysia 27th Richest



Trump has a heart attack and dies. He goes to Hell where the Devil is waiting for him.
"I don't know what to do," says the Devil. "You're on my list but I have no room for you. But you definitely have to stay here, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I've got three people here who weren't quite as bad as you. I'll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I'll even let YOU decide who leaves."
Trump thought that sounded pretty good so he agreed.
The devil opened the first room. In it was Richard Nixon and a large pool of water. He kept diving in and surfacing empty handed over and over and over, such was his fate in Hell.
"No!" Trump said. "I don't think so. I'm not a good swimmer and I don't think I could do that all day long."
The Devil led him to the next room. In it was Tony Blair with a sledgehammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time.
"No! I've got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day!" commented Trump. 
The Devil opened a third door. In it, Trump saw Bill Clinton lying naked on the floor with his arms staked over his head and his legs staked in spread-eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky, doing what she does best.
Trump looked at this in disbelief for a while and finally said, "Yeah, I can handle this."

The Devil smiled and said, "Monica, you're free to go!"  

with thanks to Edward Ho.

Venezuela and Chinese Cash :

Venezuela’s Road to Disaster Is Littered With Chinese Cash

Venezuela’s Road to Disaster Is Littered With Chinese Cash
The Venezuelan and Chinese economies seem like they could hardly have less in common. The Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro has looted the state-run oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) to pay for the “Bolivarian revolution,” the socialist movement begun under the late leader Hugo Chávez. With oil prices down, the country is unable even to repair rigs or pay workers to generate income, and the government now faces the prospect of a mass uprising. Meanwhile, half a globe away, China’s gleaming malls stand in stark contrast to Venezuela’s empty shelves.
But Venezuela’s ruinous state has more to do with China than one might think — specifically, with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s plan for expanding China’s global influence through financial diplomacy. Venezuela’s collapse is about to serve as an object lesson on that plan’s high costs for China’s erstwhile partners — and ultimately for China itself.
Within a few years of Chávez assuming power in 1999, China, seeing in the new leader an ideological ally, began increasing lending to Venezuela. By 2006, the Chávez regime’s debt levels had become worrying enough that then-World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, referring to Venezuela, notedthat “there is a real risk of seeing countries which have benefited from debt relief become heavily indebted once more.”
Officially, lending from Beijing comes without strings or concerns about nonfinancial matters. The reality is more nuanced. No one doubts Beijing cares little for niceties such as human rights, environmental protection, and anti-corruption when working abroad. Until recently, even geopolitical flag planting was relatively unimportant to Chinese technocrats.
But there was still a hard-edged focus on Chinese interests. The driving motivation of Chinese investment and lending since 2000 has been an obsession with opening up new export markets and securing access to natural resources. China’s interests in gaining friends in the Western Hemisphere while securing access to oil overlapped with Venezuela’s interest in diversifying its customer base away from the United States. But that overlap of interests doesn’t mean China has ever offered any sort of discount on its loans. China lent at exorbitant rates to Venezuela. Now, China refuses to renegotiate those debts, even as the South American country’s economy and oil industry crater.
From 2007 to 2014, China lent Venezuela $63 billion — 53 percent of all its lending to Latin Americaduring this time. There was an important catch to this largesse; to guarantee repayment, Beijing insisted on being repaid in oil.
From 2007 to 2014, China lent Venezuela $63 billion — 53 percent of all its lending to Latin America during this time. There was an important catch to this largesse; to guarantee repayment, Beijing insisted on being repaid in oil. With most lending agreed to when oil hovered at more than $100 a barrel, as it did for most of 2007-2014, it seemed a good deal for both sides. However, when oil dropped to close to $30 a barrel in January 2016, this caused Venezuela’s price tag for serving its debt to explode. To repay Beijing today, Venezuela must now ship two barrels of oil for every one it originally agreed to.

If Venezuela collapses and Maduro departs unceremoniously, China faces a large risk of diplomatic and financial blowback. Opposition politicians are well aware that China propped up the ruinous Maduro rule. A new Venezuelan government could well refuse to honor the Maduro-era obligations entirely and look to Washington for support instead. That would be both economically and politically embarrassing for China, which in the past has been a vigorous supporter of the right to default — as long as the debts were owed to the West.
But a Venezuelan default could have consequences far beyond Caracas and Beijing. As part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China is planning to extend the same kind of deal it made with Venezuela to many more countries around the world. By leveraging its financial strength and expertise in infrastructure, China saw an opportunity to push its influence farther afield, winning friends and securing assets at the same time.
America’s abdication of its historical leadership role under Donald Trump has made it easier for China to push this grand geostrategic vision, especially after the Barack Obama’s administration’s failure to follow up the much-hyped “pivot to Asia” with real substance. Many Asian countries talk quietly, and some openly, about craving greater U.S. engagement in the region rather than quiet surrender to Beijing’s dominance. But if the choice is a risky deal with Beijing or no deal at all with the West, many have shown that they will choose the former.
Venezuela collapsed thanks to a malevolent dictatorship pushing disastrous economic policies aided by a benefactor willing to extend near bottomless credit. This same toxic mix is present throughout many of the countries receiving large amounts of Chinese lending under the BRI. Worried about stagnating economies, autocrats around the world see an opportunity to drive growth by borrowing from China to fund white elephant projects regardless of the long-term consequences.
While China may argue that it makes investment decisions on a purely commercial basis, its history with Venezuela argues otherwise. That has been confirmed by the problems that have already cropped up in BRI-related projects. In the short time since 2016, we’ve already seen major debt problems from Chinese infrastructure projects in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. China negotiated a swap of its debt for a 99-year leasehold in a Sri Lankan port project along with surrounding business park development interests. China provided emergency funding to Pakistan over the past year to stave off a potential currency crisis but still plans to invest $52 billion over the next few years in infrastructure projects.
Beijing likes to cite the Marshall Plan when talking about the BRI, but its deals are far more shrewd and self-serving. The BRI scheme isn’t offering concessionary lending or international aid but market-based lending rates with high-interest loans. The borrower countries then have to use Chinese firms, inputs, and workers to build out their railways and ports. China is making the loans not out of a long-sighted vision of a better global order, as its boosters like to claim, but from a calculation of the financial incentives it needs to keep its own over-indebted firms afloat and their workers working.
That’s going to come with hard costs for China. Reports indicate that Chinese officials expect to incur significant losses from their loans to South and Central Asian countries that can’t necessarily pay them back. Consider Sri Lanka, which effectively defaulted on a $2 billion loan from China but subsequently received an offer for an additional $32 billion from Beijing to fund infrastructure projects. There are also good reasons to think Pakistan won’t be able to absorb China’s large investment inflows without triggering inflation, thus undermining its ability to repay the loans.
Officially, China plans to invest $5 trillion over the next 10-15 years in the BRI. If this amount actually materializes in practice, it represents a major sum, even for China, whether in absolute terms or relative to GDP. That means that even relatively small defaults could have a serious cost, economically and politically.
There’s no surer way for China to lose goodwill worldwide than to provide large amounts of ruinous lending that pushes developing countries to financial ruin. Sri Lanka has seen widespread protests and riots over Chinese debt. Meanwhile, Beijing has been leaning on the Venezuelan opposition not to default on the existing debts. All this is already having reputational costs for China. Having witnessed the consequences of Beijing’s lending in Venezuela, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, other potential borrowers seem to have cooled on the possibility of borrowing from Beijing — or at least to be more discerning of the risks.
Large-scale lending projects without a focus on their economic viability and the repayment capacity of the borrowers are hardly the soundest basis for financial diplomacy of the sort China is attempting to practice. At best, it will lead to mutual suspicions and tensions between lender and borrower. At worst, it will prove financially ruinous for countries burdened with debts they cannot repay in foreign currency they do not possess. Unless China’s lending gets smarter, it may find that nobody’s interested in the money it has to offer.
Photo Credit: GEORGE CASTELLANOS/AFP/Getty Images

On 31hb July 2017, 1MDB via MOF is liable to pay IPIC the amount of US$ 602,725,000.00 equivalent to RM2,582,374,744.49...Mana nak cari duit?

RNS Number : 1128D
24 April 2017

International Petroleum Investment Company PJSC (IPIC), Aabar Investments PJS (Aabar), the Minister of Finance (Incorporated) Malaysia (MoF Inc.) and 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) are pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached between all parties that provides for a settlement in respect to the arbitration proceedings at the London Court of International Arbitration (the Settlement). The agreement is conditional on the Arbitration Tribunal making a consent award by 31 May 2017.

Under the terms of the Settlement, IPIC will receive an amount of US$602,725,000 by 31 July 2017 and a further amount of US$602,725,000 by 31 December 2017.

Separately, 1MDB and MoF Inc., undertake to IPIC to assume responsibility for all future interest and principal payments under the two bonds issued by 1MDB Group companies that are guaranteed by 1MDB and IPIC; (i) US$1,750,000,000 fixed rate 5.75 per cent. notes due 2022 issued by 1MDB Energy (Langat) Limited and (ii) US$1,750,000,000 fixed rate 5.99 per cent. notes due 2022 issued by 1MDB Energy Limited.

The parties have provided suitable undertakings and indemnities in respect of the performance of obligations under the Settlement.

The parties have also agreed to enter into good faith discussions in relation to payments made by 1MDB Group to certain entities.


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
On 31hb July 2017, 1MDB via MOF is liable to pay IPIC the amount of US$ 602,725,000.00 equivalent to RM2,582,374,744.49...
The Malaysian government managed to conceal this news from its citizen, where the news is obtainable from the link below: 

Don't get mad when the price of petrol is increased by 00.6 cents which will be used to supplement this payment. 
Is it worth it to support this kleptocrate government?

Come Monday 31st July, the Malaysian government has to pay Abu Dhabi Aabar/IPIC its first award payment of RM2.4 billion i.e. the Malaysian government having lost its case in the UK Court of Arbitration against a claim made by Abu Dhabi Aaabar/IPIC.
What does this mean to Malaysians? It simply mean that the billions that 1MDB had paid to another Abu Dhabi Aaabar company having about a similar name is now lost. There isn't a way where the Malaysian government led by a world renowned kleptocrat could ever recover the lost money. But behold......we know from investigation carried out by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) that the money trail leads to no other than the infamous Penang born fugitive and close associate of PM Najib i.e. Jho Low and his gang of thieves.

The question now.......where is Najib going to get the money to pay RM2.4 billion to Aaabar/ IPIC? Does he has any more money left in his own personal bank account to pay off Aaabar/IPIC; money that he is alleged to have stolen from 1MDB? Or will he get his loyal UMNO members to donate to him to pay for his own folly? Now, if indeed the likes of Salleh Keruak, Rahman Dahlan, Azalina Osman and Nazri Aziz whose loyalty is steadfast with Najib, would they want to make a personal contribution to help their boss? Let's see who among the lot will be the first to start the contribution. My bet is that no one from among the mentioned lot would make their first personal contribution. It will be the rakyat through more taxes, and that will surely be the case.
Now Najib in his desire to win back the lost support from Felda settlers towards his leadership had recently announced a number of monetary 'incentives'. The cost to Felda is said to be around RM1.4 billion. Where do you think that amount of cash will come from? Didn't Shahrir Samad, the new Felda Chairman say that Felda since 2015 has been facing a shortage of funds to managed itself to the tune of RM1 billion yearly. Can FGV help?
Come Monday 31st July too, the Armed Forces veterans are expected to gather at MIECC to show/pledge support to Najib, and to listen to an announcement by Najib of some 'goodies', supposedly for non pensionable veterans. I am quite sure there will be some cash announcement made, because that has been Najib's way of soliciting support and loyalty from the rakyat. It is sad to see that Armed Forces veterans are so gullible and could easily be enticed with a promise of cash 'incentives' (just like Felda settlers) to support a leader who is mired with all kind of scandals. I have never given any thought that the Armed Forces veterans can be treated like Felda settlers.
My question to all............does the Treasury has any more cash left to pay off all the above?

author unknown 

Lepas Election Dia Orang Semua Will be Missing In Action

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Malaysian Armed Forces deployment in Saùdi Arabia. Q&A

[29/07 4:21 pm] ‪+60 19-212 1802‬: 
I have been informed that elements of the Malaysian Armed Forces is currently deployed in Saudi Arabia, and that has been several months now.
Sometime ago, a Defence Ministry statement says that Malaysian troops deployment in Saudi Arabia was for the purpose of training. If indeed it was training, how could it be for months.
If is was for a purpose other than training eg. getting involved with the Kingdom's ongoing fight against Yemen, then we are placing our troops in harm's way. That certainly does not justify our troops presence in the Kingdom.
Based on the above matter, the questions arising from it are:
1. Whose decision was it to deploy troops to Saudi Arabia?
2. Was the matter raised, discussed and approved by the Cabinet or by Parliament.
3. Who pays while our troops are in the Kingdom?
4. Under whose command are our troops placed?
5. Are there other foreign forces working alongside our troops?
6. Under what joint military agreement are our troops responding?

Can anyone with reasonable knowledge on this matter please respond to the questions asked.

I was with the Air Force from 1966 to 1976, masa tu ta da lagi fighter squadron dalam TUDM. First batch trained for the formation of the present fighter squadron. My comments: 

Sepatut nya the Malaysian Govt hantar troops kita ka Palastine not Saudi! Tetapi malang nya troops kita Pertama: tiada mempunyai pengelaman dan kelengkapan "Desert Warfare."  Kedua :  kut terhutang budi, tanya PM and King Salman.  Ketiga:( ini penting) In 1968, semasa saya menjalankan latehan low level navigation, southern route, saya terpaksa divert the aircraft to Changi Airbase. Saya cuma di benarkan berada di canteen sahaja sampai ke esokan hari, kerana atas alasan keselamatan. Masa tu SAF baru dalam pembentokan. Apa yang saya perhatikan, Singapore mempunyai "defence arrangement" with tentera Israil. Ramai pegawai tentera dari Israil melateh, pilot, paratroopers, dan ada yang berpakayan seragam dari tentera yahudi. Ini lah masaalah nya! Kalau kita hantar troops kita ka Palastine, kita sah jadi bersempadan dengan Troops yahudi di Singapore.