
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Girl 'raped by 38 men' in Malaysia


Girl 'raped by 38 men' in Malaysia

At least 13 people detained after allegation that a 15-year-old girl was gang-raped in 

the northern state of Kelantan.

Last updated: 30 May 2014 14:10
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Almost 3,000 rapes were reported to the police in Malaysia in 2012, of which 52 percent involved girls below 16. [EPA]

Malaysian police have detained 13 men and are looking for other suspects following allegations that a 15-year-old girl was raped by 38 men in the country's northern region, Reuters news agency says quoting local media.
Astro Awani television and The Star daily reported that the assault took place in the northern state of Kelantan on May 20 when the girl was lured to an empty hut reported to be a local drug haunt.
The men took turns to rape her for hours. Police were also investigating whether her 17-year-old friend was also raped.
Media accounts, quoting information from district police chief Azham Otham, said 38 men were involved.
Several of those detained had tested positive for amphetamine, the reports said. The New Straits Timessaid a man and his two teenage sons were among those detained.
Police said action could have been taken had villagers reported the addicts' presence.
"It is very disturbing to me that no one in the village was even suspicious when the closest neighbour was a mere 20 metres away," Otham told The Star newspaper.
'Extremely worrying'
The alleged attack, one of several brutal cases this week underscoring the violence to which women are being subjected across Asia, sparked outrage among women's groups.
Politicians from a Muslim party running the region said their proposal to introduce Islamic hudud law, with harsh penalties, would deter offenders.
Suri Kempe, an official with women's rights group Sisters in Islam, told Reuters that the frequent number of rape cases being reported was "extremely worrying".
"Boys are being raised in a culture where being masculine means being aggressive, and that it's perfectly acceptable to use violence to get what you want," she said in a statement.
Almost 3,000 rapes were reported to the police in Malaysia in 2012, of which 52 percent involved girls aged 16 and below, according to police statistics.
Convicted rapists face up to 30 years in prison and whipping, but many have called for stricter punishment.

Please lah...stop complaining! Think!

Sebab itu lah Bangsa2 lain masih ada HAK untuk menyoal hak pendidikan Bumiputera!

Comment by Wan Imran Chik

         Wan Imran Chik Kelakarlah komen2 Melayu2 BENGONG kat sini. Yang peliknya kalau dah RAMAI yang Berjaya konon dari UiTM di kalangan2 Dato-Dato, Datuk, Dato' Seri, dan juga Tan Sri yang ada sekarang ni, yang PELIKnya kenapa mereka tidak menyumbang kembali kepada UiTM semula?
         Kalau BETUL nak jadikan HAK BUMIPUTRA untuk Pendidikan Bumiputra, kenapa perlu UiTM di BIAYAI menggunakan DANA WANG KERAJAAN yang datangnya juga dari Hasil Cukai yang di bayar oleh hasil Titik Peluh bangsa2 lain???
         Sebab ITU lah Bangsa2 lain masih ada HAK utk menyoal. Kalau buat macam Kolej atau Sekolah2 Vernakular Cina di Malaysia di mana ia DI BIAYAI 100% oleh Dana Wang Hasil Kutipan sumbangan dari golongan2 Melayu2 dan Bumiputra yang BERJAYA, dan tapak Tanah pun juga di beli dan menjadi Milik misalnya sebuah Persatuan Pendidikan Melayu/Bumiputra misalnya dan BUKAN tanah kerajaan. Kalau macam tu, BARU lah bangsa2 lain TAK ADA HAK nak menyoal, sebab Tanah, Bangunan dan Pembiayaan semuanya milikan PERSENDIRIAN samada Individu mahupun sebuah Kesatuan.
         MALU lah sikit, dah Abad ke 21 dah, Melayu yang BERJAYA kata dan RAMAI konon yang berharta dan berpangkat, tapi isu Pembangunan dan Pendidikan Melayu/Bumiputra masih di BIAYAI sepenuhnya oleh Kerajaan semata-mata dan bukan menjadi Tanggungjawab Komuniti orang2

Melayu/Bumiputra Keseluruhan seperti apa yang di amalkan oleh Bangsa Cina SEBELUM Merdeka lagi pun??? Itu persoalannya sekarang. Kalau TUKAR cara pembiayaan dan Hak Milik Bangunan dan Tanah, mesti tak ada sesiapa soal lagi dah kan?

Masalahnyer wahai Melayu2 BODOH...ia menjadi HAK sekiranya ia TIDAK melibatkan WANG CUKAI yang juga turut di KUTIP oleh golongan BUKAN Melayu dan BUKAN Islam tetapi mereka dan anak2 mereka TIDAK dapat menikmati kemudahan yang SAMA.
         Itu bukan HAK lagi dah, itu TIDAK ADIL namanyer.
Kau ingat SEMUA SRJK atau SJK mendapat bantuan penuh Kerajaan ker??
         Belajar Sejarah sikit lah. Sesetengah Sekolah Cina di Malaysia ini tubuhkan SEBELUM Merdeka lagi ketika Zaman British lagi.
                  Nak persoalkan aku lebih baik ENGKAU tu belajar mengenai sejarah Pendidikan Bangsa2 lain di negara ni yang boleh memberikan PELAJARAN SEDIKIT mengenai kesatuan mereka dan juga antara sebab Kemajuan Mereka juga berbanding Bangsa kita yang Tamadun pun lebih kebelakang berbanding mereka. Jangan nak buat Bodoh Sombong sebab sifat ITUlah yang di bawa oleh pemimpin UMNO sekarang yang menyebabkan Melayu masih mundur sebab enggan utk BELAJAR dan mengambil iktibar dari contoh yang BAIK

Melayu/Bumiputra Keseluruhan seperti apa yang di amalkan oleh Bangsa Cina SEBELUM Merdeka lagi pun??? Itu persoalannya sekarang. Kalau TUKAR cara pembiayaan dan Hak Milik Bangunan dan Tanah, mesti tak ada sesiapa soal lagi dah kan?

Old Time Rock & Roll

Rockin Pneumonia Boogie Woogie Flu.

Sweet Georgia Brown : Trini Lopez

Friday, May 30, 2014

DYANA : From Babi to Babe...ALRIGHT!!!!!

Cooking is an art! And these people are artists in their own right!

So you think you can dance? Watch this!

From the streets to the stage! Contortionist dancer Turf overcomes homelessness to become early America's Got Talent favourite

America's Got Talent producers will be clapping their hands with glee - not only have they earned themselves an early favourite, but he has a sob story to go with it for extra oomph.
The incredible dancing contortionist, known as Turf, wowed the judges as he flipped his limbs this way and that, creating a series of utterly bizarre shapes with his body.
The young hopeful, who said he has been homeless for two years also had a shock of red dye in his hair - not that he needed any extra pizazz considering his eye-popping moves.
Doesn't that hurt? Contortionist dancer Turf could be a rags to riches story after spending two years homeless
Doesn't that hurt? Contortionist dancer Turf could be a rags to riches story after spending two years homeless
Doesn't that hurt? Contortionist star Turf could be a rags to riches story after spending two years homeless
The wow factor: Turf twists his body into a series of bizarre shapes - all with a smile
The wow factor: Turf twists his body into a series of bizarre shapes - all with a smile
The 21-year-old and his inspiring story, together with his contortion, had fans gossiping on Twitter.

On online user wrote: '#Turf on #AGT was great had me crying,' while another said: 'This Kid Turf was pretty incredible he was Moon-Walking on his tip-toes Slow-mo #AGT.'
Overcome with emotion: Turf was clearly overwhelmed with the support
Overcome with emotion: Turf was clearly overwhelmed with the support
Overcome with emotion: Turf was clearly overwhelmed with the support

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Rustam Ali, his daughter's wedding and Kachip Fatimah...reprise!

Good one Ali! Kita orang M’sia!

First posted by 
 | October 8, 2012
The 130,000 guests who had the sponsored 'energy drink' must have had a jolly good time during and after the wedding – especially after the wedding.

How many of you go into debt to fund the wedding of your anak tersayang?
All those people who are calling for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate how Malacca Chief Minister Mohamad Ali Rustam could afford to invite 130,000 guests to his son’s wedding are just suffering from the sour grapes syndrome!
Now tell me, how else can Ali Rustam make the people of Malacca forget his stupidity in bringing the Eye on Malaysia from Tasik Titiwangsa to Kota Laksamana in 2008.
That Eye of Malaysia had to be dismantled in October 2010 – there was that slight oversight to pay the Belgian based owner, Fitraco NV, 60% of the estimated ticket sales estimated at RM5 million a year.
Ali Rustam said in February 2010 that:
“We respect the decision of the court and Fitraco’s right to do whatever it wants with the ferris wheel. If it does decide to remove it from Malacca, the state will get another one to replace it.”
I do not know if Fitraco was paid anything but I do not think Malacca got another ferris wheel to replace the Eye on Malaysia
The problem that Ali Rustam has now is that while we may have forgotten about the Eye of Malaysia fiasco, now however it is time for Eye on Ali Rustam!
But fair is fair. I think you all are being very mischievous to highlight that while Najib Tun Razak could only attract 100,000 guests to his recent Aidilfitri celebration in Putrajaya, Ali Rustam had 130,000 people at his son’s wedding.
We must still commend Najib for even being able to get 100,000 people to come to a celebration where our FLOM, Rosmah Mansor, is the co-host! It is still a grand achievement for Najib to get so many people to come. So please give credit where credit is due!
As far as I am concerned, if Ali Rustam said that it only costs RM600,000 to feed the 130,000 guests, then so be it. I am sure you all know that from time to time even McDonalds have got great deals for meals and these great deals are on offer for anyone that walks in.
Here in Australia, McDonalds have a Loose Change menu where you can buy a complete meal for a couple of dollars (coins you can find between the cushions on your couch!).
Now Ali Rustam is Chief Minister of Malacca. I am sure he can find more than coins between the cushion of his couch and if he asks McDonalds to cater for his son’s wedding, he could surely negotiate one hell of a deal.
The same goes for Mamee Sdn Bhd and Orang Kampong Drinks Sdn Bhd – any food manufacturer and caterer would throw in even their grandmother for free to cater for 130,000 people.
Giving a tight squeeze
How good a deal Ali Rustam can squeeze out of this people will depend on whether he is negotiating with them while holding their (ahem!) in his hands.
When you are squeezing somebody so tightly – their hearts and mind will follow anywhere you want them to go. I just hope that after the ‘negotiating’, Ali Rustam did not forget to wash his hands with dettol.
I am proud that Ali Rustam had insisted on having a “Malay wedding with kampung-style cooking” with Kacip Fatimah drinks (whatever this drink is!).
I put it to you that this is better than what Najib served at the engagement of his daughter where the menu included “an array of lavish Wagyu beef, smoked salmon, lobster bisque and scallops”.
Good one Ali! Kita orang Malaysia!
But I would like to respectfully inquire of Ali Rustam why Kacip Fatimah gave 50,000 cans of their drinks for advertising casts? Were they advertising by having their logo on the wedding invitations? Were their drinks advertised on banners and buntings on the wedding day itself? Camna?
I am told that these Kacip Fatimah drinks are not only Herbal Power Energy Drinks, but also “this superb and excellent Kacip Fatimah Herbal Power energy drink is to boost women energy levels and as aphrodisiac supplements”.
If this is true, then those 130,000 guests must have had a jolly good time during and after the wedding – especially after the wedding. Let us hope that nine months from now, after the erection is over…errr I mean after the election is over, the hospitals in Malacca are ready for a population explosion.
As for using equipments from state government agencies for the wedding festivities, come on lah, let us not be trivial! If DBKL can send a bill to S Ambiga for the costs they incurred during the Bersih 3 festivities, I am sure when push comes to shove, Ali Rustam will say that he is waiting for the state government agencies to bill him for use of same.
And who can say that these state agencies are not contemplating on doing just that?
So let us not worry too much about whose money was used to pay for Ali Rustam’s son’s wedding. I am sure Ali Rustam’s cousin, Ali Baba did contribute to the costs of the wedding – with or without the help of his 40 thieves.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.