
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Marilyn Monroe

I'll never Fall in Love Again : Tom Jones.

Malaysia : NFA. Other parts of the World : Tangkap!

steadyaku47 : This is what is happening to the corrupt daughter-in-law of the Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet. All over the civilized world corruption is not tolerated of politicians and any public official. Yet in Bolehland we have the Peguam Negara, the highest ranking public prosecutor in the country, instructing PDRM to stamp that thieving Najib Razak's donation caper as NFA (no Further Action!). Duh! Malaysia Boleh!  

Natalia Compagnon, daughter-in-law of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, at the Guarantee Court in Rancagua, Chile on January 29, 2016
A Chilean court Friday brought formal tax fraud charges against the daughter in law of President Michelle Bachelet in a scandal the leftist leader tearfully admitted was a "painful" ordeal.

The case first came to light a year ago and has shocked the public in Chile, which is ranked by Transparency International as one of the least corrupt countries in Latin America.

The court in the central city of Rancagua banned Natalia Compagnon from leaving the country and ordered her to check in with police each month for a year while judges investigate.

"I want to tell you from the heart that these have been difficult and very painful times for me and my family," a tearful-sounding Bachelet said after the ruling.

Compagnon is married to Bachelet's son Sebastian Davalos, who previously worked in an unsalaried position in his mother's government.

Compagnon is one of the bosses of a real estate company, Caval, which is being investigated over alleged financial irregularities in the purchase of land.

The court ordered that Compagnon's partner in the company, Mauricio Valero, be held under house arrest for a year.

A total of 13 suspects in the case face charges of influence-peddling, bribery and tax fraud.

Critics had called for Compagnon to be held in prison pending the probe and said Friday's measures were too lenient.

Compagnon had to be escorted by security forces as she left the court, where an angry crowd yelled: "Thief!"

Bachelet was elected to her current term in 2014 on promises to fight corruption in Chile, the world's biggest copper producer.

She had earlier served as president from 2006 to 2010.

The Caval case has dragged down her popularity rating to a record low of about 20 percent.

She faces a mid-term test in October when the country holds municipal elections.

"This has clearly upset me deeply and that is a normal human feeling, but that has not for one minute clouded my sense of presidential responsibility," Bachelet said in an address Friday at the presidential palace.

Swiss Attorney General : Public request for Malaysia to assist in Switzerland’s own criminal enquiries into 1MDB. Sum suspected to have been misappropriated amounts to around USD 4 billion. Criminal proceedings opened on 14th August 2015 against two former officials of the Malaysian state-owned fund 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) and persons unknown.



29 Jan 2016

No playing games - Swiss Attorney General Michael Laubersaid refuses to condone Apandi's whitewash attempt

No playing games – Swiss Attorney General Michael Laubersaid refuses to condone Apandi’s whitewash attempt

Well after normal office hours on Friday the Swiss Attorney General’s Office detonated the diplomatic equivalent of a nuclear bomb under the attempts by Najib and his own Attorney General to bury the scandal around 1MDB.

Responding to the Malaysian AG Mohammed Apandi’s surprise announcement this week that Najib had been “cleared” of any wrongdoing by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission investigation, the Swiss Attorney General Michael Laubersaid has issued a media statement of possibly unprecedented bluntness from the traditionally low-profile Swiss authorities.

The devastating one page document, delivered in the form of a public request for Malaysia to assist in Switzerland’s own criminal enquiries into 1MDB, has blown the whistle on the entire case and laid out in astonishing terms the key aspects of the Swiss investigation’s findings so far.

In doing so, the Swiss Attorney General has substantiated each of the major allegations published by Sarawak Report and other investigators into 1MDB over the past year, since the original details from the dossier of Swiss national Xavier Justo were first revealed by this news portal.

Click here for the full press release

Detailed assault on Malaysia’s claims of innocence at 1MDB

Explaining his “request for mutual assistance” the Swiss AG has made several landmark revelations, confirming official concerns about corruption on an epic scale at 1MDB.
He has introduced a new figure of US$4 billion as the suspected amount that his officials believe has been criminally misappropriated from the fund. A sum, which, he points out, was “earmarked for investment in economic and social projects in Malaysia”.
“The sum suspected to have been misappropriated amounts to around USD 4 billion… So far it has been ascertained that a small portion of the money was transferred to accounts held in Switzerland by various former Malaysian public officials and both former and current public officials from the United Arabic Emirates” [press release by Swiss AG Michael Laubersaid]
In publishing this bold assertion the Swiss AG has shot out of the water months of twisting and turning by 1MDB and its new CEO Arul Kanda and his boss the Minister of Finance, as they have attempted to explain the billions missing from 1MDB.

All but named!

The Swiss AG does not mince his words in pointing the finger at those he believes to be responsible for the shocking misappropriation or the crimes for which he believes they should be prosecuted.

On the list of people identified as responsible are “foreign public officials” suspected of being bribed; “various former Malaysian public officials and both former and current public officials from the United Arabic Emirates”

He further reveals that “criminal proceedings opened on 14th August 2015 against two former officials of the Malaysian state-owned fund 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) and persons unknown” under a series of Swiss laws, a proceeding which had not previously been publicised.

Sarawak Report suggests that the individuals referred to by the Swiss AG under these categories are likely to include the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Jho Low, the former CEO of 1MDB, Shahrol Halmi and the former Abu Dhabi Aabar fund managers, Khadem al Qubaisi and his deputy Mohamed al Husseiny.

The above men have all been featured as key players in Sarawak Report’s exposes on 1MDB. The crimes outlined by the Swiss Attorney General, of which they are together or separately suspected are  “bribery of foreign public officials; misconduct in public office; money laundering and criminal mismanagement”

The unrelenting and direct accusations by an objective foreign regulator leave the Malaysian Prime Minister’s claims that the allegations against 1MDB have been an “unnecessary distraction” in tatters.

Swiss are investigating all aspects of the 1MDB scandal

The AG’s statement also makes clear that, far from limiting their investigations, the Swiss have extended their criminal enquiries into all the main aspects of the 1MDB financial scandal, as covered in recent Sarawak Report exposes.  He mentions four main areas of shady operations, but indicates there may be more:
“So far four cases involving allegations of criminal conduct and covering the period from 2009 to 2013 have come to light in this connection (relating to Petrosaudi, SRC, Genting/ Tanjong and ADMIC”
The fact that Swiss banks were dragged into almost every aspect of 1MDB’s activities by the main perpetrators must indeed now stand as a point of considerable regret by them.
The issues referred to by Laubersaid include the original PetroSaudi heist of a total of US$1.5 billion, as well as the series of massive bond deals conducted together with Aabar in 2012, supposedly to fund two power plant purchase deals by 1MDB.  Huge sums were recorded missing from the Aabar deals as well as from a subsequent ‘Strategic Partnership” with Aabar in 2013.

The final referrence to ADMIC shows that the Swiss are also looking into the money that was transferred by Jho Low from his Good Star company account in Zurich to his BSI Singapore account held under the name of ADMIC (Abu Dabhi Malaysia Investment Corporation).

Banks in the spotlight

Other players, who are now faced with worrying questions to deal with in these investigations, are the major banks which facilitated these deals.

Leissner has bowed out of Goldman, just as the questions piled up

Leissner (with model wife) has  bowed out of GSI just as the questions piled up

The Swiss private banks RBS Coutts Zurich, JP Morgan Zurich, BSI, Falcon Bank, and Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschilde Europe are all facing questions about the hundreds of millions processed through the accounts of these public officials and politically exposed persons.

Also likely to be highly concerned is the American giant Goldman Sachs.  The main individual behind the 1MDB bond deals, their Singapore boss Tim Leissner was reported to have taken leave from the bank only last week.  Sarawak Report has reported for months on the eyebrow raising sums paid to the bank in return for unusual and enormous bond deals raised for 1MDB.

Malaysia is put on the spot

By going public in this brutal and highly unusual way, the Swiss have made plain they want no more nonsense from Najib or his henchmen like Apandi.

Laubersaid makes yet another revelation in his jaw-dropping press release, which is that the Malaysian AG had met with his officials in September and promised full cooperation.  That cooperation, he implies, is yet to be fulfilled on Apandi’s part:
“Cooperation between the two countries was already discussed at a meeting in Zurich on 15th September 2015 between the Swiss Attorney General and his Malaysian counterpart.  This request for mutual assistance now puts the agreement in principle that was reached into concrete terms”
It means, in short, that what Apandi has said to the Malaysian public is not what he was saying in private and that his claims of there being no evidence to pursue charges against 1MDB are nonsense in the eyes of his European counterpart.

This letter refers to a “systematic course of action by means of complex financial structures” by the alleged perpetrators of the crimes against 1MDB and Laubersaid makes clear his impatience with the fact that despite this looting of billions from Malaysia’s public companies “the Malaysian companies concerned have made no comment on the losses they are believed to have incurred”.

The Swiss authority ends on a conciliatory note, explaining that, given no Malaysian company has yet raised this issue of their massive losses, the Swiss are offering their assistance to “advise the companies and the Malaysian government of the results of the Swiss criminal proceedings with the aim of finding out whether losses on this scale have been sustained”.

Wall Street Journal

Before the release of their media statement the AG and his officials also gave spoken comments to the Wall Street Journal.  Laubersaid had told the WSJ:
“We are very concerned. We have found evidence of suspicious money transfers linked to 1MDB going through Swiss financial institutions, and we believe that it is very important that it is shared with the Malaysian authorities.”
It was just hours later that he moved to action, making what may become a historic step in the fight to combat global money-laundering.

This weekend the beleaguered voices from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Bank of Malaysia and those others from the world of politics who have protested against a year of 1MDB cover-ups have found a powerful new ally from the international financial stage.

The statement in full

The statement in full

See the WSJ article below

ZURICH—Swiss authorities on Friday said they were concerned Malaysia had ended its investigation into the transfer of nearly $700 million into Prime Minister Najib Razak’s private bank account, saying the move could hinder their own probe where “strong evidence” has been found.

“We are very concerned,” Swiss Attorney General Michael Laubersaid in a statement Friday to The Wall Street Journal. “We have found evidence of suspicious money transfers linked to 1MDB going through Swiss financial institutions, and we believe that it is very important that it is shared with the Malaysian authorities.”

Earlier this week, the attorney general’s office in Malaysia announced that the $681 million transferred in 2013 to Mr. Najib’s account was a legal donation from Saudi Arabia’s royal family, and cleared the prime minister of any wrongdoing. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission said subsequently it would seek a review of that decision.

The Swiss Office of the Attorney General, or OAG, has raised concerns over the handling of the case, saying it believes evidence it has gathered and is due to send to Malaysia won’t be considered by its counterparts there.

“There appears to have been a sizable fraud taking place here, and we believe [the case] should not be allowed to drop like this,” said OAG spokesman Andre Marty. “Without assistance from Malaysia our investigation in Switzerland risks running into a dead-end.”
Swiss authorities have been investigatingindividuals tied to Malaysia’s 1Malaysia Development Bhd., or 1MDB, a public investment fund established by Mr. Najib in 2009 to encourage economic development in the country. The future of the Swiss 1MDB probe, which has found evidence of suspicious transactions made through Swiss banks, is now uncertain.

The Swiss OAG said Friday it was disappointed with the decision of the Malaysian authorities, especially after an agreement between the two countries’ attorneys general last year to support each other’s investigations.

Mr. Lauber said that “strong evidence” had been collected so far, without elaborating. Investigating cases of suspected financial wrongdoing is central the integrity of Switzerland’s financial center, he said. “In this fight we need reliable foreign counterparts.”
Following the announcement from Malaysian authorities on Tuesday, the Swiss attorney general’s office contacted the Malaysians directly and asked for mutual assistance between the agencies to continue, and for evidence unearthed by the Swiss to be considered.
So far Swiss authorities haven’t received a response from the Malaysian Attorney General’s Office. The office didn’t respond to a request for comment.

In July, The Wall Street Journal reported that an earlier Malaysian probe found that the nearly $700 million had entered Mr. Najib’s account through banks including a Singapore branch of Zurich-based Falcon Private Bank AG, as well as other companies and entities linked to 1MDB. Three financial institutions in Switzerland have been linked to the transfers.
In August, the Swiss attorney general’s office opened a criminal probe of two unidentified 1MDB executives and what it termed “persons unknown,” for suspected money laundering and the possible corruption of foreign officials. The following month, Swiss authorities said Malaysia’s attorney general had agreed to provide assistance by arranging for the interview of key witnesses.

Swiss authorities have also asked for information about money transfers, and account ownership details.

The Swiss have frozen tens of millions of dollars in assets at unspecified Swiss banks as part of their probe. The Journal has reported that the investigation has focused on transactions made using Falcon, which is owned by an Abu Dhabi sovereign-wealth fund that has done business with 1MDB. Falcon hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing.
As part of its announcement earlier this week, the Malaysian attorney general’s office said evidence doesn’t show that the Saudi donation to Mr. Najib “was given as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do anything in relation to his capacity as a prime minister.” All but $61 million of the money was eventually returned to the Saudis, Malaysian authorities said.

However, a Saudi government official said the Saudi ministries of foreign affairs and finance had no information about such a donation being made.

Meanwhile, the Swiss expect to make requests for information regarding their own investigation in the next few days.

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Aduh Seroja


Sarawak Report

Our latest story is now online - Court Case Opens Against Najib In France.... How Come Not In Malaysia?
We remain blocked in Malaysia over our ‪#‎1MDB‬ investi...

The day after Najib's AG refused to press the charges recommended by the MACC, France opened its own court case .... into further corruption by Najib!|By Sarawak Report
Go to the profile of Sarawak Report

Court Case Opens Against Najib In France…. How Come Not In Malaysia?

Along with the Scorpene submarine case the murder of Altantuya has again re-surfaced
The very day after Najib Razak’s own appointed Attorney General refused to press the charges recommended by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission against the Prime Minster, France opened its own court case …. into further corruption by Najib!

The case relates, of course, to the long-running scandal over the blatant kick-backs paid by the French defence contractors Thales to secure the Scorpene submarine contract when Najib was Malaysian Minister of Defence.

The details of the case and the huge sum of 114 million euros, which were paid to a shell company Perimekar owned by Najib’s personal negotiator in the case, Razak Baginda, have been widely exposed in both Malaysia and France.

And yet it is only in France that action has at last been taken. Why?

After all, it is the Malaysian public who paid for all this graft and so are the principle victims in this case. Why are the forces of law and order in Malaysia turning a blind eye, therefore, to the purchase of three lousy second hand submarines, which have proved entirely unfit for purpose, to the tune of billions of ringgit, in combination with a massive kickback to the assistant of the key decision-maker in the deal, who was Najib Razak?

Malaysians of course know why and with the case now finally coming before the courts in France, with their own Prime Minister Najib Razak cited at the top of the official prosecutor’s charge sheet as the named recipient of these bribes, their national shame is complete.

Not just corruption but murder

Azilah Hadri the senior officer in the murder team has applied for a royal pardon — the grounds are believed to have been approved by Najib
Of course, as widespread evidence and public coverage has also amply informed the world at large, there was another shocking victim of this Scorpene affair, which makes it a case not only of financial corruption, but of murder.

Altantuya Shaaribbuu was the pretty interpreter used by Najib and Baginda in these dealings and as copious court documents and sworn statements have shown, she was threatening to expose these French bribes unless she got a US$500,000 payment to help her with a pregnancy she had incurred in the process.

She had taken to shouting her woes, supported by a group of close girlfriends from Mongolia, outside of Baginda’s house and it was from here that in 2006 she was abducted by two bodyguards who were working directly for Najib Razak and driven to a lonely spot and shot.

Weapons grade C4 explosive (only accessible through a signed authorisation from the Minister of Defence) was then wrapped around her offending midriff and she was blown to smithereens. Unfortunately for the murderers, a local fishermen heard the explosion and called the police who detected the remote bomb-site.
Fellow murderer Sirul Azah Umar has been represented by UMNO party lawyers while detained on the run in Australia. He too is expecting his freedom soon.
They also detected the cellphone trails of the two bodyguards leading to the spot and obtained witnesses to the kidnap and eventually the signed confessions of both men. A good job by the Royal Malaysia Police force that could not easily be swept under the carpet.
The bodyguards were convicted and sentenced to death, but their subsequent attempts to gain release and the stories of what happened to various other witnesses in the case have kept Malaysian’s gripped by the story ever since.

Suffice it to say that the bodyguards have claimed that they were scapegoats, but represented as they are by Najib’s own UMNO party lawyers, they have declined to explain why they murdered a woman they didn’t know in such a way.

Both men now have pleas for clemency before the King. It is believed that they will receive this clemency in return for their silence and a fat pay off. Indeed, texts from Sirul to his lawyers obtained by Al Jazeera have revealed blackmail threats from the bodyguard demanding cash and freedom to be negotiated with the Australians in return for his silence.
“This way I won’t bring down the PM”, texted Sirul.
So, it seems that Malaysia has become a place where billions can go missing from public funds; where hundreds of millions can turn up in the Prime Minister’s bank accounts (many directly traced to public funds) and where murderers get let off if they worked for the Prime Minister.

In short, it is on the brink of becoming a nasty dictatorship, as anyone who has tried criticising Najib in the face of his brand new media, defamation and ‘anti-terrorism’ laws well knows.

Najib’s eventual problem may turn out to be that other countries retain the rule of law and that his reputation can no longer be covered up merely by appointing his own officials to “clear” him in Malaysia.

See the translation of the article in Le Parisien below:

Submarines sold to Malaysia resurface before the French courts

The case of French submarines sold to Malaysia in 2002 surfaced in court: a first indictment was issued against the former boss of an international subsidiary of Thales, suspected of having corrupted the present Prime Malaysian minister

Bernard Baiocco, 72, former president of Thales International Asia (Thint Asia), was
 indicted Dec 15 for “active bribery of foreign public officials on people Najib Razak”, at the time Minister of defense, and one of his advisers, Abdul Razak Baginda, said Wednesday AFP judicial sources familiar with the matter.

After 48 hours of police custody, the former boss of Thint Asia, together with the Directorate of Naval Construction (DCN) for the sale, was also indicted for complicity in misuse of corporate assets, the sources said, confirming a report revealed by Challenges.

 A complaint to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption NGO Suaram had started a preliminary inquiry and a judicial investigation opened in 2012. Thales and DCNS in searches (formerly DCN) had led to the seizure of numerous documents.

“This is an important and encouraging step,” responded the lawyer of the NGO, William Bourdon, contacted by AFP. “The French judges show, even if the investigation goes on, their ability to dissect complex corruption mechanisms. In some respects, the investigation is just beginning,” he said.

– Assassination of an interpreter –

 At the heart of the case, which recalls the case Karachi on arms sales to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia: the sale in 2002 after several years of negotiations, two Scorpene submarines and a sub Marino Agosta to Malaysia for nearly a billion euros. At the time, international standards on the remuneration of consultants had been tightened.

The judges rightly interested in contracts of this type, past the margins of negotiation and they suspect of being used to pay for bribes. One of them, called “C5 commercial engineering”, provided for the payment by the DCNI, a subsidiary of DCN, 30 million euros to Thales International Asia, in respect of selling expenses for export (FCE).

But the survey shows that another company, Terasasi, whose main shareholder was the adviser to the Defence Minister Najib Razak, has touched almost the same amount for consultations. Investigators suspect the consultations from being a front for them bribes.
To counsel for Mr. Baiocco, Jean-Yves Le Borgne, the indictment of his client based on “legal acrobatics” because “there is no evidence” that the former minister had received funding and its advisor must be considered a “commercial agent”, therefore outside the scope of corruption of public official.

Another contract, providing for the payment by Malaysia with a local company, Perimekar, 114 million euros, interested judges but could escape the investigation because the facts would not have taken place in France.

The controversy was fueled by the assassination in October 2006 of a Mongolian interpreter and intermediary, Altantuya Shaariibuu, who had participated in the negotiations. 28 years old, this model had been killed by bullets and sprayed his body with explosives in a jungle near Kuala Lumpur.

According to the testimony of a Malaysian private investigator admitted, this woman who was the mistress of Abdul Razak Baginda, harassing him to recover commissions that had been promised him. Two police officers were sentenced to death for the murder.

Najib Razak is facing another scandal in his country, after the revelations on the payment of nearly $ 700 million (€ 635 million) of his personal accounts. The opposition, which demands the departure of Prime Minister, sees a connection with the failure of a public company.

The Attorney General, Mohammed Apandi Ali, said Tuesday that it was a gift from the Saudi royal family, belying the assumption of corruption.

Originally published at

Laughter the Best Medicine.

Hakim: Betul kamu dah fikir masak-masak mau cerai ?
Ali:Ya tuan.
Hakim: Tidak menyesal ?
Ali: Tidak tuan, saya tidak tahan sendiri perangai isteri setiap malam ke pub dan karaoke.
Hakim: Isteri mu malam malam mabuk ?
Ali: Tidak tuan.....
Hakim: Isteri mu ada lelaki lain ?
Ali: Tiada tuan
Hakim: Jadi .....buat apa isteri mu malam malam ke pub dan karoake ?
Ali: Dia datang mencari saya tuan....!

Friday, January 29, 2016

There is more prostitution and massage parlors in Kuala Lumpur than in the whole of Sydney, Melbourne and London put together!

steadyaku47 comment : I first posted this in 2014 and came across it in one of the FB pages of a fellow through it and thought it still have relevance today.

First posted on Friday, November 29, 2013

Malay leaders are the worse offenders of morality...Rahim Thamby Chik, Shahidan Kassim, ex CJ, Idris of Selangor and the list goes on and on and on!

For most of my adult life I have lived abroad longer than I have lived in Malaysia. This is not something to be proud of nor it is something I want to crow to the world – I am just stating a fact. It is so because in my life so far, I come and go as I please. There has never been anything significant in any country that has made me want to settle down for anything longer than four or five years..…until now! Melbourne is now home because all that I want in life is here. And all that I want in life is to live a life of my own choosing. Melbourne is a city that allows me to do as I please because I know nobody here and yet it is the most exciting and alive city that I have ever lived in – London, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur included.  Imagine how liberating it is to walk around Melbourne and not know anyone else but the family you love. ……but I digress.
I started this article wanting to have my say about the hypocrisy of Malaysians who shun Western culture because it corrupts Malaysians – especially the young! Huh!
Having lived abroad for so long, I know what western culture entails and being Malaysian, I know what Malaysian culture or more exactly, what Islamic culture in Malaysia is like.
Let me cut to the chase.
There is more prostitution and massage parlors in Kuala Lumpur than in the whole of Sydney, Melbourne and London put together!
There are more extra marital affairs, mistresses kept by sugar daddies, businessmen, politicians and men in high public office in Malaysia than in Sydney, Melbourne and London put together too!
Chaste Malay girls? Yes there are plenty of them around in Malaysia but so are there many unchaste Malay girls running around KL and the other urban areas. All looking for a good time, money and rich husbands – ready to become second, third or fourth trophy wives or mistresses and girlfriend of rich Malays or be kept by expatriates and rich businessman of any nationality - more than Chinese or Indian girls. It grieves me so to see Malays divorce their first wives of many many years with children in tow to marry young trophy wives who will trade their youth and looks for money – lots of money!
Like the proverbial Dato’s - throw a stone and more often than not you will strike a Malay girl whose idea of a good time is having high tea at a Five Star Hotel coffee house and then adjourning with her paramour for the evening to an upstairs room and there continue with her tête-à-tête with a Dato’, a Tan Sri or just anybody with enough money to make it worth her while to do as she is told. A few hours on her back will buy her all that her heart desires!
No I am not saying that Malay girls are loose and lack morals but it would do good if the religious authorities busy themselves with these kind of sexual activities between consenting unmarried Malays (I say consenting because when you have good money to throw after bad girls the girls will invariable consent to any activity that is requested of her). Sultans do it, Ministers do it, KSU’s do it, Generals with any number of Stars do it – even police inspectors do it!
All these going on in a nation where the religious authorities seize corpses of presumed Muslims converts from grieving non-Muslim families to give these people a Muslim burial? Huh they are nothing more than grave robbers!
All this in a nation where a Muslim girl can be caned for drinking liquor but a Malay Minister is appointed envoy to Washington for his raba raba activities?
A nation that thinks it is heroic for religious authorities to raid clubs, hotels and private homes to catch consenting adults committing khalwat? And in doing so have caused the death of people, stripped officials of their positions and even mistakenly arrested happily married couples!
Who cares if footballers are caught fornicating with actresses?
What I care for is when the head of Islam in a state – the Sultan – is caught fornicating with an actress.  The Sultan should lead by example! If you want to do moral policing doing it first on our leaders for they, of all people, should desists from doing any of these “evils” that these religious hypocrites are hell bent on preventing from happening.
Malay leaders are the worse offenders of morality. Who can forget Rahim Thambi Chik who raped an underage Malay School girl. Shahidan Kassim who has made Malay girls pregnant while he was MB and also fathered a child out of wedlock with a Thai lady? Our intrepid ex Chief Justice who dared to marry another one in Thailand without asking permission from his first wife and then double dared the Judiciary by tearing the marriage certificate in the mistaken belief that he could hoodwinked the same judiciary that was later to head! The randy Razak Baginda and Altantuya? The Sultan of Selangor and his model “whatever you want to call her” girlfriend? And the Father of that Sultan who married a girl many many years younger – but all done legally of course! And the many stories of Ministers and their kept girlfriends and mistresses? I can go on….but all this morality being bandied about by the religious hypocrites with the tacit agreement of UMNO leaders is just hypocrisy at its worst.
How can Beyonce and any other female entertainers from the western world morally corrupt the Sultan of Selangor and the other fornicators any more than they are already corrupt morally? How will any skimpy dressed female singer from the western world hold a candle against the dangdut singers and the ‘action’ in the dangduts bars that Muslims hang out at every night of the week?  How can going to a concert make the prostitution and the massage parlors along Bukit Bintang any worse than what it is now? Will banning another of these concerts stop corruption and cronyism already rampant in this nation of ours? Or do these fornicators want the people of Malaysia to be shielded from these evil…but aisehman, do let them carry on with their fornicating! Huh!
It is all just show! It is all just a sham to show whoever who is bothered to look that UMNO is a champion of Islamic values even as UMNO leaders are themselves mired in corruption, arrogance, cronyism and rampant sexual hijinks that would put even Lady’s Chatterley lover and Casanova to shame!
Go check the five star hotels with their half day rate room’s rentals  - see who are using them? Go check the private mess dotted all over KL! Go see what Malay Actresses and Malay actors are up to! Go see what some religious enforcers are doing with the Malay girls that they have caught in Massage parlors, dangduts bars for khalwat! Do this and you will see the hypocrisy of it all!
I tell you that Islam is not preventing any of the maksiat that is being committed by Muslims in Malaysia. Islam protects them because the lowly religious officials will not go after the big fish. There will go raid a hotel in Jalan Raja Laut but God forbid if they can even think about entering a five start hotel room where they know a Muslim VIP is fornicating with his mistresses.
We do not have that hypocrisy in the western society that I have lived in for most of my adult life. Here consenting adults are free to do what they like in the privacy of their own rooms. Here brothels and massage parlors are licensed. Yes you are shamed if you claim to be a good family man and is caught having an affair behind your wife’s back – because you lied and you can be punished in a civil court if your wife wants a divorce. And if you have sex with an underage person the full fury of the judicial system will be unleashed upon you. Society policies itself on morality and no religious authority – not even Islam – dares to break into a room where consenting adults are doing what comes naturally for all of us – fornicating.
When will it change in Malaysia?
When will we be rid of these religious authorities who tells us what we can and cannot do in the name of Islam?
Not for as long as we have leaders who offends moral and legal edicts with impunity because they can! Time will put all this right because everyday more and more of our people are realizing that the power to change what they do not like rests within themselves. Yes they can ban Beyonce from performing in Malaysia but they can only do so now with accompanying protests from many of us who are people of Malaysia – Muslins and non-Muslims! And every time they do so it is another nail into their coffin…and we have enough nails in reserve to put more nails into the coffin every time they give us a reason to do so.

Until then, hypocrisy will still win the day. Until then UMNO will still rule and the religious authorities will still catch you if you eat in public during Ramadan. They will catch Muslims caught in close proximity with those to whom they are not wed. They will continue to seize corpses of converts from grieving relatives to do (so they claim) Gods work and give these dead Muslims salvation with an Islamic burial. But in truth it is these religious enforcers that need salvation. They live in a world isolated from reality because our leaders wants to use them to give them credibility as Champions of Islams….and as long as these leaders exists so will these religious morality enforcers who are in reality nothing more than paid coolies of these politicians. I rest my case.    

The Bugis Warrior has no Clothes.

Who will tell that Bugis Warrior that he is a leader without his clothes, followed by his spouse similarly attired and a host of jesters, hangers on and like minded self proclaimed warriors more suited to be clowns not ministers?

Methinks our "Bugis Warrior" might protest that his Willy is a tad larger, longer and thicker than that depicted here...that is for him and his spouse to know...and I really really do not want to find out!


Gout and Hernia are two very painful afflictions...and when you are burdened with is not very pleasant...and that my friends has been bothering me these last six weeks.

Gout I have had these last three years but it only dawned upon me that it was gout only two weeks ago when I googled the severe burning, tingling pain and swelling that I keep having in and around my right toe. Google told me that it has to be Gout!

And the bulge in my groin and that dull ache from my groin right down to my testicles (testicles seems to me to be a more polite way to say "balls" testicles it is!) that has bothered me intermittently these last two months or so, is Hernia.

When the pain became unbearable these last two weeks I finally went to see the Doctor this morning at 9.30.

The Hernia he confirmed as soon as he saw the bulge in my groin area. The Gout he said , would require an Ultra Sound and blood tests to confirm. And that will be done tomorrow morning at St Vincent Hospital at 11am.

This is not the way I wanted to go into the weekend . Not the way I want to be when I need to care for my wife.....but that is the way it is. .....that is life!

Quickies : This question needs to be asked of Umno!

Cakap cakap...Let me be the devil's advocate!

Let me be the devils advocate.

Let me, for just this brief interlude put myself in Najib Razak's situation. Let me share with you the trials and tribulations that he faces every time he draws a breath into his lungs to keep himself alive, every time he eats or take a drink to sustain himself in that life, every morning he wakes up to again face yet another day in his increasingly sordid and disgusting life.

Now ask yourself how does he find the strength to go on from day to day?

How does anyone wake up to the possibility that each day may be the last day he has in that most prestigious and most powerful office in the country - that of being prime minister and president of Umno?   

How does with the fact that over half of the electorates have cast their votes for Anwar Ibrahim to be their leader and not you?

How do you handle a wife like Rosmah who constantly ridicule and shame and relegate you to the position that she knows you deserve - that of being her spouse rather than the other way around?

What will you do if the Saudi Royal Family deny that they have ever "donated" that RM2.6 billion?

What can you do if they deny that you have ever returned any of those billions back to them?

What if Sirul or Azilah ...or both of them decided to "sing" about who it was that "instructed" them to murder Altantuya and from there will unravel the whole sordid saga that started when Razak Baginda's company was the one awarded the purchase of the Scorpene Submarine by Mindef - which then had you as it's Minister?

How will you deal with the possibility that the Ketua Bahagians within Umno have decided that you will no longer be their choice as President of Umno?

That your Deputy have made the decision to challenge you for the leadership of Umno because he has heard the "call" from within Umno and from the people of Malaysia who no longer wants you as their president and as their prime minister?

What do you do when the real unraveling of 1MDB starts because those that matters and have profited from 1MDB have realized that the game was up and they do not want to sink with you and the 1MDB ship - and so they start to distance themselves from you and so begin the process when they will put the blame for what has happened within 1MDB upon you!

What if Deepak starts to sing about his real connections with you and Rosmah and what that all entails? The presents he "gave" to Rosmah? The "favors" he did for both of you? His real role in the saga of the late Bala?

That all the things that you and your wife have done legal and illegal, good or evil, the lies, the scams and the swindling...that all the people who were complicit with in you perpetrating these deeds upon the people of Malaysia and upon our nation...what will you do if they all started "sing"...all to save their own skin at the expense of you and your wife?

That all the sexual innuendos, truth or fiction of that tryst in Port Dickson, sexual hijinks's in Five Star Hotels in KL, Singapore and abroad ...all of these starts to unravel as individuals come forward to tell us all about their involvement in these "activities" and more!

That your ministers begin to desert you one by one as they realize that you are on the way out and each of them will be vying with the other to tell their "side" of the story and distance themselves as far away from you as possible - and if that involve exposing you for what they have done "under your instructions"  during their time in public office - they will do so to save their skin!

All this will happen with frightening speed, and once begun, you will know that dismissal from office is inevitable.

And so you begin to look for a graceful exit.

An exit that will include a plea for no persecution or prosecution of your personal self and of your immediate family for anything criminal done during your time in public office - as MB of Pahang, Minister of Defense and as DPM and PM...and anything in between.

You will also begin to understand that staying put in Malaysia is not a wise thing to do given the amount of vitriol, contempt, disgust and hatred many have for you and your wife.

So you begin the process of looking for another country to go to.

That country from  where your son in law is from? Not bloody likely because even if at one time your daughter's marriage to that guy seems a good idea then - you also understand that he would not be in a position to make your life bearable there.

And your wife will certainly veto that idea given that there are more "interesting" shopping to be done elsewhere.

And so begin the search for a suitable place of exile. You must find a country where the government will not want to upset the Malaysian government if they agree to your residence there. That will rule out most western countries that do not want to upset the sensibilities of the government that comes after you.

Now of course if that happens to be a Pakatan Harapan government under Anwar Ibrahim ...the search gets harder...much harder...but you will have to keep looking because living in Malaysia will not be wise for you and your wife. Being spat upon by those whom you have upset while you are in public office is not very pleasant.

Of course the money you have accumulated from the spoils of your political career may shield you away from most of these unpleasantness ...but for how long and to what degree?

I doubt if you will get safe and secure passage out of Malaysia if the people of Malaysia have any say in it.

I doubt if you and your wife will escape punishment for the civil abuse and criminal acts you have done while in public office.

I doubt if you can hide from the hunt by the authorities in Malaysia to make you responsible for your deeds  - whether it is complicity in murder, economic sabotage of our nation's
past, present and future or any deliberate wrong done by you upon others whose only fault was to have disagreed with your political inclinations and the manner you choose to govern our nation for your personal gain!

How will it all end for you and your wife?

We will do upon you what you have done to others!

We want you to be arrested, handcuffed, held in police custody without bail until you are trialed and convicted for all that you have done wrong in the name of government.

Then we want you to be dispatched forthwith to Sungai Buloh where we want you to spend what is left of your contemptible life behind bars, in solitary confinement and without any consideration for the cutting short of your sentence for good behaviour because that is what you deserve.

And as for Rosmah Mansor...I personally have no desire to wish evil upon any member of the other fairer sex...but to a bitch who is also a witch....damm...throw the book at her your Honor and let her rot in Sungai Buloh with Najib Razak!

Now think about all that I have written above and ask yourself if this Najib Razak deserves our pity or our contempt? Does he deserve our pity or our disgust? Camna? 

Quickies : Arab Tak Tahu, Malaysia pun Tak Tahu.

Arab tak tahu siapa kasi 
Malaysia pun tak tahu siapa kasi 
Arab tak tahu siapa terima balik 
Malaysia pun tak tahu siapa terima balik