
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"I decide" says Immigration DG........Did you decide that Sirul could leave Malaysia?

The ban list is based on his own discretion, he adds.

Immigration director-general Sakib Kusmi says he is empowered by the law to decide whether or not government critics can leave the country.

Thus, he said, the ban list was based on his own discretion, as well as the advice of other enforcement agencies.

"For example, if the police say someone is dangerous, even though it (the matter) has not gone to court yet, we can take action," he said when met at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport today.

steadyaku47 comment : Whether it is the PM, DPM, the various Ministers or the KSU or DG's of the various government departments....everyone stakes out his own territory where he or she is king or queen of all they surveyed. Whether they are empowered by Law to do so, or whether they have the political pull or connection to decide.....hell even the traffic policeman who pulls you up for a minor traffic infringement....every bloody one of them stake out their territory where THEY decide what is right and what is wrong....WHY? 

Why do all the Ministry have the Minister as the one to have the final say on everything under that Ministry?

Two words...."CARI MAKAN".

I hope this Sakib Kusmi uses his "discretion" for good and not for evil...not for "CARI MAKAN" ....and while we are talking about "using his discretion"....did he had anything to do with allowing Sirul to keep his passport thus allowing him to travel to Thailand and Australia? Which Sirul? The one convicted or murdering Altantuya lah! 

And Sakib who decides on allowing all those "ladies of the night"  from parts unknown to come into Malaysia to "cari makan" or your officers?


The Late Karpal of Malaysia's truly great son's who had given his all for the nation he so loved.

    Today in the Court of Appeal, Putrajaya our appeal against my husband Karpals conviction was dismissed. But it was a bitter-sweet decision with the fine reduced from RM4000 to RM1800.

    I thank the Honourable Judges for allowing the appeal on sentence which entitles me his pension.

    However, to me it is not only about money. His pension reflects his hard work, honour and contributions to the nation both in the legal and political arena for more than 40 years.

    It should be noted the decision affirming the conviction was by way of a majority with one dissenting namely Justice Maimun who was of the view the conviction against Karpal should be set aside.

    She said Karpal as a senior criminal lawyer he was merely sharing his legal opinion.
    In relation to reducing the fine, the prosecution did not strenuously object and in fact the DPP had acknowledged Karpal's contribution to the legal field. 

    In my opinion, my husband is crystal clear innocent. Karpal never harboured any ill intention against any party. 

    I also thank my lawyers who are also my children YB Gobind Singh, YB Ramkarpal Singh and Sangeet Kaur Deo for all the effort they put into this. 

    Thank you dear friends and family for all your prayers and moral support.

    steadyaku47 comment : Madam...long after you and I are gone. Long after all those against whom you late husband have politically opposed because of what they have done and are still doing to our people and our nation are also gone....and many many decades from now....your husband will still be spoken of by the legal fraternity and the people of Malaysia as being one of Malaysia's truly great son's who had given his all for the nation he so loved. 
    And for that Madam, we are grateful.

Tussle over Kuala Kangsar seat: Syed Rosli calls Mastura ‘janda pukimak’

An open letter to the mom of the boy who fell in the gorilla enclosure

I’m going to be vulnerable with you.

And ultimately, I am writing it because I genuinely hope you read it.

I hope you’re not too afraid to open it.

Lord knows you probably are. I know that after scrolling through hundreds of articles, re-shares of the news story, and thousands of comments, all I have seen is hate directed at you. And I will probably ensue my own hate mail, but I believe this is worth writing to you.

An Open letter to the mother of the boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure with Harambe

So I want to extend an invitation of mercy to you.

Do I love animals and do I feel incredibly saddened by the death of Harambe? Yes. A million times yes. He was a beautiful and majestic creature and an animal on the endangered 
species list. And truth be told, you know that. And you probably are just as saddened as so many others are that his life was taken. But that was not your choice. And that is not on you. 

I also know that as a mother of two and now almost 3 kids, they can slip away in a single instant. They dart between clothing racks, climb to the tops of trees, and seemingly disappear even when we’re trying to pay attention and juggle life in general.

I have seen death threats and horrible things said about you. But I know that even the best parents have lost their children. They have lost them in public and it could have been any one of those people calling “neglect” to have had the exact same thing happen to them. It’s just, they lose their kids in the supermarket, at parades, at crowded malls, and even airports.

And in every one of those instances it’s about saving the child.

Your child’s life was worth saving just like theirs and the full reality of the situation is that you cannot change how it happened or where it happened.

And ultimately there was a failure from every angle.

I, and the rest of the world, will never fully understand why death trumped tranquilization. And your child should never have been able to get inside to begin with! The fact that a child under the age of five could effectively breach an enclosure meant to keep a 400 pound gorilla and ourselves separate completely baffles me.

And I am sure it was a horrifying reality to turn and in a split second realize that your child was now on the other side of the looking glass.

Of course if you would have leashed your kid like some people suggested (probably the same people that would find it abhorrent that children would ever be treated like animals, but that’s beside the point) or if you would have kept a closer eye on him, it would not have happened. But accidents happen and you’re human, just like the rest of us.

It’s easy to point fingers from behind a keyboard.

It’s easy to attack you because the mob mentality is that someone must pay and someone must be to blame. 

And it’s easy to forget that, again, you are not the only party involved.

It’s also easy to forget that you’re human, that you’re imperfect, and that you’re a mom just trying to do the best for your kids like the rest of us.

In days and weeks, many will forget. They will forget your story and move on to the next sensationalized news article. They think they’re gorilla activists, but they’re just part of a mob. An angry mob that wants justice for a beautiful animal that unnecessarily died.

I hope that you can rise above the comments. That you can become an activist for creating safer zoo environments for both our children and for the animals and that you can raise awareness of the need to respect the space of animals and wildlife. That you can even speak to local schools about zoo safety before their next field trip.

Because I believe good and great can come from tragic. 

So I weep the death of Harambe, but I also celebrate the life of your son. And I know that few have said that in the wake of the chaos. We fight for kids and their lives worldwide and just because a gorilla was involved in your story, doesn’t make him less worthy to fight for.

I wish there were easy answers for you and for your family and I know this incident will haunt you for the rest of your life. But I pray you find peace, that you rise above the hate and don’t fall victim to the world’s sharp tongue, and that your family will survive the weeks that seem like you are in the spotlight.

And I only wish you the best,


Grace and Disgrace....

GRACE....Dr Siti Hashmah

DISGRACE....Flom the Flop!
Yang Amat Berbahgia Datin Paduaka Seri Hajjah

Rosmah Mansor

Pahlawan dan Pondan....Saya share aja......

With Thanks to :
Jauh beza antara Pahlawan dan Pondan.

Quickies : Why the IGP Twit should engage his brain before he opens his mouth.....again!

Apr 29, 2016 - Temple desecrator indeed a mental patient, says IGP. ... man who desecrated idols at a temple in Ipoh was indeed a mental patient, contrary to the claim by Health deputy director-general Datuk Dr S.. .

Psychiatric report from Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta clears medical graduate to stand trial for incident in Ipoh last April.
IPOH: A medical graduate charged with damaging idols at a Hindu temple here last month is fit to stand trial, the Sessions Court was told today.
DPP Fadhli Ab Wahab told the court that a psychiatric report dated May 19 from Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta in Tanjung Rambutan stated that Fathi Munzir Nadzri, 29, was fit for trial.
Fathi Munzir, who appeared in court today for mention of the case, claimed trial after the charge was read out to him before Judge D Sunita Kaur Jessy.

He is alleged to have damaged idols at the Sree Muneeswaran Aman Temple in front of Angsana Mall about 5pm on April 24 and is also alleged to have had a machete in his possession at the time.

Under Section 295 of the Penal Code, Fathi Munzir can be sentenced to a maximum two years’ jail or a fine, or both, upon conviction for damaging the idols.

On the charge of having a machete, under Section 6(1) of the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958, he can be sentenced to a maximum 10 years jail and caned upon conviction.

On April 29, the court ordered Fathi Munzir to undergo an examination and treatment for a month at Hospital Bahagia.

It had allowed him bail of RM8,000 in one surety, which was paid on May 25 after he was found fit to stand trial.

The court set June 29 for mention and case management.

At today’s proceedings, Fathi Munzir was represented by counsel Mohamad Hafiz Jalaludin and Mior Fadhli Mior Shaifuddin. Also present were five lawyers holding a watching brief, led by A Silvanathan, who is also chairman of the temple committee.


Hmmmm...Rosmah Camna?

Israel News

Police recommend indicting Sara Netanyahu in 'PM Residence Affair'

Following a vague and puzzling public statement by police, it was confirmed on Sunday that investigators have recommended to Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit that he indict Sara Netanyahu in the “Prime Minister’s Residence Affair.”

The revelation on Sunday – confirmed to The Jerusalem Post by a police official – means prosecutors could indict Mrs. Netanyahu on criminal charges. At the same time, however, Mandelblit is not bound by the recommendation.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not a suspect, and on Sunday issued a Facebook statement saying his wife had “done nothing wrong.”

In vague off-record conversations with police, it was confirmed that the police had recommended indicting Sara Netanyahu for fraud and breach of trust charges related to using public funds for purchasing food, paying special chefs and related costs for hosting private events.

Up to a certain point, the state does pay a wide array of the prime minister’s expenses since hosting ambassadors, ministers and foreign heads of state is part of the job.

Attorney Shmuel Saadia, a criminal law expert and author of a comprehensive work on corruption cases involving public officials, said a key issue that would likely get her off the hook was that no one really knows where or how to draw the line between entirely private hosting and hosting for the job.

The same police official also confirmed recommending indicted Sara Netanyahu for using state funds to pay for a caregiver for her ill father.

Each of these instances is less well-known than “Bottlegate,” “Furnituregate,” “Bedgate” and other scandals that until now had received more coverage in the press but appear to be off the radar at this point.

One other scandal that Mrs. Netanyahu seems to have avoided being swept into, but has netted others, is “Electriciangate.” The police official confirmed a recommendation to indict Ezra Seidoff, a top deputy in the Prime Minister’s Office, and the family’s electrician, Avi Fahima, in that scandal.

Fahima was prohibited from performing work for the Netanyahus due to a conflict of interest, but allegedly did so anyway using a straw company as cover.

Part of that scandal was also that Fahima was called to work frequently on weekends and even Yom Kippur, despite rules against such invasive impositions.

In the unusual and perhaps unprecedented initial statement about the end of the investigation, the police had made no mention of whether or not investigators found evidence to support the allegations against Sara Netanyahu.

Typically, when police finish an investigation against a public figure – or even a celebrity – they write in their official statement whether or not the evidence in the case supports the allegations.

The police are always careful to say that they don’t officially recommend an indictment, but by confirming that there is evidence to support the allegations, they effectively confirm that there is basis for an indictment.

In the laconic, vague official statement issued Sunday, police said only that they had finished the investigation “that began in February 2015 following the approval of the attorney-general and state attorney and focused on a number of areas in which there were criminal suspicions, including of fraud and breach of trust.”

It continued: “At the end of the investigation, all apparent evidence, findings and understandings that were collected in the police case were transferred to the Jerusalem District Prosecutor’s Office to decide how to proceed.”

The statement was met by fierce criticism in the WhatsApp social media group run by the Israel Police Spokesman’s Office used for communications with crime reporters. Journalists said the statement was unprecedented in its vagueness, a disservice to the public and one even alleged that the content of message was coordinated with the Prime Minister’s Office.

Several hours after the message was sent out, the prime minister’s Facebook message said: “The police statement doesn’t include any recommendation to put Mrs. Netanyahu on trial. Contrary to the reports, Mrs. Netanyahu never carried out any crime. The various claims that have arisen in the press will be proven to be baseless, just like all the previous claims made against the Netanyahu family over the years.”

Saadia, who does not represent the couple, said the issues being brought against Netanyahu were problematic constitutionally, and that in the unlikely scenario that she is indicted and convicted she would, at most, receive a suspended sentence based on what other officials have received as punishments for their crimes.

Some of the allegations stem from a February 2015 State Comptroller’s Report on a range of issues with the Prime Minister’s Residence that hit weeks before the last national election and was viewed at the time by the prime minister as a major threat.

Other allegations came as a spin-off from a civil suit in a labor court by former Netanyahu house manager Meni Naftali, who won an NIS 170,000 judgment against the Netanyahus in February for poor treatment and failure to pay for overtime.

Though in terms of narrative the judgment was against the Netanyahus and they fought it hard, legally, the state was the defendant in the case.

On Sunday, the National Labor Court rejected an appeal from Sara Netanyahu against that judgment, stating that she could not appeal since she was not a defendant in the case.

The state still has an appeal pending against the judgment, but she had filed a separate appeal since the February judgment by the Jerusalem Labor Court took major shots at her conduct, which she wanted refuted.

The National Labor Court said that, at the end of the day, all of those comments were directed at Sara Netanyahu in her capacity as a witness and someone who played a role in the story, but not as a defendant – which means she could not appeal.

Last week, the couple was under tremendous scrutiny for the “Bibi Tours Affair,” relating to alleged problems with the financing of their overseas flights around when Benjamin Netanyahu was finance minister in 2003-2005.

Monday, May 30, 2016


cakap creative in your dissent...make us smile!

The political tension over us all is palpable and suffocating. Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and in places across the length and breath of this nation, there are possibilities aplenty and intrigues, lies and deciets that challenges our perception and expectations of how those in public office should conduct themselves. It seems that everyone is jostling for some breathing space in the growing uncertainties as Najib seeks a way out of the labyrinth of lies, deceit, smoke and mirrors that he had perpetrated around him to save himself from certain political death

Many years ago the fear of being "a person of interest" to the authorities was enough to keep many of us in line. For the politicians the ISA and the real possibility of being thrown into jail and being kept there indefinitely without trail cool many a hothead save for the hardy politicians for whom going to jail for what they believe in, was a rite of passage of their political life. 

Memali saw the government up the ante. We saw that the Malay Umno dominated BN government was willing, if not eager, to kill other Malays if that was needed to make a political point. 

Then with Reformasi open warfare with no holds barred became the order of the day. Political activist for or against the government became increasingly "physical" in their confrontation with each other and with the authorities. A "them against us" mentality took hold and for a time the momentum was with those with large armies and deep pockets.,,,and in this Umno excelled. 

But in the last decade or so, the sheer numbers of Malaysians who are prepared to stand up against anyone  - even the authorities - and make a stand against endemic corruption among the criminal political elites and a demand for free and clean elections have overtaken what large armies and deep pockets can do.

Their numbers are growing by the day and today the BN government, Najib and his Ministers are fully aware that they are fighting not only for their political life but also against the very real possibility that political defeat would see them lose not only their ill gotten gains and spoils of a corrupt political life, but also their freedom. Any government that comes after BN will certainly have to pursue these criminal elites if they are to have any credibility to govern in the eyes of the electorates. 

So perish the thought of a "negotiated" and graceful exit for those who have done criminal deeds while in public office. And perish the thought of any amnesty or the "close one eye and shut the other" syndrome that had plagued the Umno dominated government since the Mahathir regime. The people will demand retribution!

To be brutally honest, the jury is still out as to whom will triumph past the next general election two years away. The opposition is in disarray and a strong, credible leader is not even a dot on the opposition horizon....hell it is not even a speck! 

BN too have their problems  - change or be changed! 

In spite of the state sponsored corruption, abuse, arrest and even murder of those who stand against BN and the collateral harm done to rakyats who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, we have still been entertained by some of the antics of those who are in government and by those who are not. 

I remember during the time when the people of Egypt were trying to remove Mubarak from office....they too entertained the Egyptian masses :  

Malaysians too have been creative in their dissent.... allow me, in these trying times, to share with you all some of the images that have made us smile at the antics of the criminal elites who are unfortunately in charge of the government of our nation. I hope the more creative among us will come up with more of these images.....we need more smiles as we await the departure of the criminal elites from Seri Perdana, from Putrajaya and from any nooks and crannies where they still to hide under the guise of public office.

Busy taking Selfies?

Enough for now...Majlis Kerja Tertinggi in session at PWTC:

Until more images come our way let me leave you with one more.....

As saudara Anwar Ibrahim said : 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Diana : Paul Anka Live

Before everyone else...there was ELVIS.

cakap cakap....William WL Loo and Me.

Early Sunday morning stroll in Clementi Market to buy breakfast n fruits. I see mostly senior citizens. They walk about gingerly, some with walking sticks, some aided by their domestic helper and a few couples hand in hand. They are frail, mostly thin , greying, their skin and faces spotted and aged by the years. But then I see beyond their physical appearance and I wonder if they are content or if they have much to look forward to in the day. Are they alone or are their children are living abroad. I also wonder what stories they have inside of them for i am certain there are many. They are rich in their experience and their eyes have seen so much more. They have a wisdom that only age can bring and a calmness and serenity that they have lived out most of their lives.

steadyaku47 comment : Saudara William...I am a a senior citizen...a warga emas...a pensioner. Let me share with you what was in my heart and in my head early this morning as those senior citizens were strolling around Clementi Market....many many thousand of miles away from me. 

I was up at 5.30 AM this morning...early night the night before. 

If there is one word to describe my frame of mind it you said it...CONTENT. There is no where I HAVE to go. Nothing I HAVE to do. All that I need to do today I HAVE already done the night before....wash the dirty dishes from dinner, the washing was done overnight and all it took was a few minutes to hang them out to dry and the house have been tidied up the day I am good. 

Being Winter I made myself a Nescafe and with the heater on in the living room, sat to watch what had transpired in the world outside mine as I was sleeping...The News....and as the News unravelled my thoughts go to where my daughter is...Ontario.

I have not seen her for over six years and that is along time to not see Family. I silently close my eyes and see her before me...a lingering hug for her and my grandchildren - Isabel and Sofie - and I then leave them before my heart's hard but we old people have learn to live without those whom we love much. Sometimes there is no other way...we each have our life to live. 

As I sit in the living room I think about my wife still sleeping in the has been over two years since she said anything to me...and yet we still "speak" to each other every day...and I smile that it is so. I am content that the quality of our life is still good..... but I understand that her life is deteriorating....dementia is doing that to her... but for now it is still good. I wonder how it will be within a year....but my mind tells me that I will manage. 

We old people do a lot of thinking about our past...the good, the bad and the "what could be"...but when you reach 60 you will know that we do that because the past is more comfortable than the future. The past we already know...the future we will most probably look at while it passes us by.

And then I think about what I will write for steadyaku47....and then I am lost in my thoughts as I take myself back to KL and back to the Malaysia that I knew, the Malaysia that now exists and the Malaysia that can be....and Saudara William....that is when I start to despair if the calmness and serenity I have lived through could ever be possible soon for you and your peers.....salam.         

Quickies : HUDUD.

It was a slap on the face of PAS for UMNO to ask Azalina to move for the tabling of the bill. UMNO cannot be serious about Hudud by asking that he-she to table the Hudud motion in Parliament. I mean, how genuine can that kind of Hudud law be if it was originated or moved or put in motion by someone who doesn't even cover her aurat and so un-hudud? This is a joke on PAS.

Life....Support Humanity!

Hasan "cari makan" Arifin : Rosmah already knows that beauty fades but stupidity stays forever.

“Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence....and stupidity” (my italics)
Robert J. Hanlon

“Never underestimate human stupidity.”
Pittacus Lore, The Fallen Legacies   

Everyone has a sense of humor. Some laugh at cartoons, some at jokes. Some at funny stories......I and Tony Pua laugh at Hasan "cari makan" Ariffin
Hussein Hamid

Never under estimate the power of stupid people when they have to "cari makan".
Hussein Hamid

PAC can only accept verified info, says Hasan

Public Accounts Committee Chairman Hasan Ariffin denies Low Taek Jho's ownership of Good Star Limited, as previously reported by the Wall Street Journal.
PETALING JAYA: Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) can only accept verified information in its reports, the committee’s chairman Hasan Arifin says. 
Hasan made this statement today when responding to a recent report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), alleging that Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) had sent a letter to the PAC which he heads, stating that Good Star Limited was owned by controversial businessman Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low.
“As the PAC chairman, I deny that Good Star Limited was owned by Low Taek Jho as stated by the WSJ, citing a letter between BNM and the committee.
“Because the information received by the PAC was of ‘intelligence level’ clearance, the committee cannot include that as it goes against our work and our responsibilities.
“This could also trigger prejudice towards any side,” he said, although not specifying which report this information was initially included in.
He however did state that the information was classified under “intelligence information” by the Central Bank.
“BNM themselves stated that the information given was of ‘intelligence level’ clearance.
“PAC is not an intelligence body and the information received must be true and authentic,” Hasan clarified.

steadyaku47 comment :  Today is a good day for Tony not to be a good day when Hasan"cari makan" Ariffin has once again proven that being stupid is not a handicap to being Chairman of PAC in Bolehland! Tony Pua was right not to under estimate what stupid people will do when they have to "cari makan!".
Hasan cuba fikir sikit....why would Najib Razak instruct that Twit of an IGP to investigate how WSJ got their hands onto that BNM letter that confirmed that Low Taek Jho is the owner of Good Star Limited? THINK! Do you think it is because Najib thinks that that Twit of an IGP is spending too much of his time tweeting or is it because some one from BNM leaked the letter to WSJ? Aisehman Hasan, nanti orang kata Chairman PAC bodoh engkau marah pulak!  Nasib baik Najib Razak is not allergic to stupidity!
Stephen Hawking once said : "Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth.”..,,,now how does Mr Hawking knows so much about Umno, Najib Razak and Hasan Ariffin?
Hasan is entitled to his own opinion... but Hasan, as Chairman of PAC, you are not entitled to be ignorant....or are you just having one of your "stupid days?" There have been far too many of them in the recent past!

But seriously....Is Hasan really stupid or is he pretending to be stupid? Is Hasan being stupid because that is the only way he can "protect" Najib and still "cari makan?" 

Let me remind Hasan of this....Rosmah already knows that beauty fades but stupidity stays Hasan fikir sikit before you take your brain out of neutral and open your mouth to speak!