
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pakatan Rakyat....Akhirnya Sebuah Impian.

Kenyatan media Setiausaha Organisasi Kebangsaan DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Seremban Loke Siew Fook pada 29 Julai 2014 di Kuala Lumpur. DAP menyeru pimpinan PAS pusat untuk mengambil satu pendirian yang tegas untuk menjauhkan diri dari cadangan Dr Zuhdi dan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya untuk mengembalikan keyakinan penyokong-penyokong Pakatan Rakyat khasnya DAP di seluruh negara terhadap PAS. DAP amat terkilan dengan pendedahan mesej Pengarah Operasi Pusat Penyelidikan PAS Pusat Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki dalam “Whatsapp AJK PAS Pusat” yang berbunyi; “Kalau kita keluar PR kita boleh retain Selangor malah untuk seterusnya. Kita 15 kerusi+TSKI+seorang lagi ADUN PKR+12 UMNO, dah bentuk simple majoriti. UMNO dalam kenyataannya mutakhir ini boleh terima TSKI jadi MB..Lepas ini kalau DAP, gereja dan non Muslim melalak isu serbuan, kalimah Allah, kita boleh jentik saja mereka. Hujung tahun ini ubah sempadan kembalikan semula kuasa politik Melayu Islam. So mana-mana suara non-muslim, gereja, kita boleh sergah macam sebelum ini...” Yang pertamanya, Dr Zuhdi tidak menafikan menulis mesej tersebut tetapi cuba mempertahankan dirinya dengan mengatakan bahawa apa yang ditulis oleh beliau adalah “analisis senario” kepada cadangan oleh seorang pemimpin kanan PAS supaya PAS keluar dari PR. “Analisis” sebegini lebih-lebih lagi dari seorang pemimpin PAS pusat adalah sangat tidak bertanggungjawab dan ada unsur-unsur membelot kepercayaan rakyat. Walaupun cadangan untuk kekal atau keluar dari PR adalah hak pimpinan PAS, namun cadangan untuk bergabung dengan UMNO dan membentuk kerajaan negeri Selangor adalah satu pengkhianatan bukan sahaja kepada PKR dan DAP, tetapi juga kepada rakyat Selangor khasnya kaum Cina yang telah memberikan mandat yang jelas kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU13. Mana-mana pemimpin yang berfikiran sebegitu dan melontarkan cadangan tersebut perlu dikutuk dan dihina dengan sekeras-kerasnya. Saya ingin mengingatkan Dr Zuhdi dan mana-mana pimpinan PAS supaya memahami analisa politij bahawa kemenangan kerusi-kerusi yang dimenangi PAS di Selangor adalah melalui sokongan kuat kaum Cina yg menyokong DAP. Pimpinan PAS tak perlu berlagak sombong atau bongkak kerana DAP memainkan peranan besar dalam PRU13 yang lepas. Kalau mengharapkan sokongan kaum Melayu semata amat mustahil untuk PAS menang 15 kerusi DUN di Selangor! Yang keduanya dan lebih mendukacitakan ialah seorang Pengarah Operasi Pusat Penyelidikan PAS yang sepatutnya diamanahkan sebagai “think tank” kepada PAS boleh “mengimaginasi” untuk “menjentik DAP, gereja dan non Muslim” apabila ada pandangan yang berbeza. Ke mana perginya sifat keterbukaan dan toleransi slogan “PAS for ALL”? Saya juga tidak pernah ada imaginasi bahawa seorang pemimpin PAS boleh “mengimaginasi” seperti UMNO untuk mengembalikan kuasa politik Melayu Islam melalui persempadanan semula kawasan pilihanraya. Bukankah cadangan seperti ini seolah-olah bersekongkol dengan SPR dan tiada beza dengan agenda dari PERKASA? Cadangan dan pemikiran Dr Zuhdi ini amat mencemarkan imej positif PAS yang selama ini dilihat sebagai sebuah parti politik yang memperjuangkan keadilan dan kuat berpegang kepada prinsip. Saya yakin majoriti pemimpin PAS Pusat bersama DAP dan amat tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan dan pandangan Dr Zuhdi. DAP menyeru pimpinan PAS pusat supaya mengambil satu pendirian yang tegas untuk menjauhkan diri daripada cadangan Dr Zuhdi dan mengambil tindakan tegas yang sewajarnya untuk mengembalikan keyakinan pengundi-pengundi dan penyokong-penyokong Pakatan Rakyat di seluruh negara terhadap PAS. PAS juga perlu memecat Dr. Zuhdi bagi menghormati dasar kerjasama dengan DAP. Ingatlah bahawa DAP tidak memerlukan PAS sebaliknya PAS yang memerlukan DAP untuk mendapat undi kaum bukan Melayu. Setiausaha Agung Organisasi DAP Kebangsaan LOKE SIEW FOOK

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Man who would be King? I think not!

For me there has been a sense of wonderment bordering most times on the incomprehensible for the path that Anwar Ibrahim has chosen to thread from the time that he decided that the very political entity that was responsible for his incarceration while he was a student leader will also be the political entity he would hitch his political fortunes to. Quite like a moth morbidly attracted to a flame...the very flames that will ultimately be the cause of its death!

"Thus hath the candle singd the moath." Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice, 1596.

How, I asked myself, could Anwar who has stood for everything that the Umno led BN had not - truth, welfare of the poor, needy and downtrodden, the vibrant future that youth promised, the freedom that the common people so craved, democratic principles in did Anwar convinced himself that there is logic in him joining Umno? Were the personal gains on offer from Mahathir for his capitulation to Umno too irresistible for Anwar to ignore? It certainly must have been!  

Time, however, has proven to Anwar Ibrahim the folly of his choice to join Umno. 

The raw genius of Mahathir in enticing Anwar to Umno cannot be argued but it still needed someone without moral courage to take the bait. Anwar Ibrahim was that someone! That it has not worked out to the ends that Mahathir had anticipated is due more to the fact that Anwar loved himself more than he loved the Rakyat ...or for that matter....anybody else. Anwar became more adept then Mahathir at using that "any means to justify a desired end" principle that Mahathir had already made his own. 

The lines between politics and business became blurred as Anwar consistently called upon one to support the other in his madcap helter skelter unbecoming rush to be DPM and eventually, so he thought, be PM.

Even as Anwar publicly professed reverence and respect towards Ghaffar the then DPM, he was deftly, with politics and money, ensuring his own ascension to the number two post. More than anyone else before him and we hope, never again, Anwar Ibrahim used money and politics to promote his own vested political interest. 

Anyone else but Mahathir would have succumb to the Anwar Ibrahim tidal wave but in the end guile and the naked use of raw executive political power by Mahathir meant that Anwar was to spend many years incarcerated in Sungai Buloh.

Now he is again doing the same thing to Pakatan Rakyat and PKR is his weapon of choice.  

Time, or the lack of it, has forced Anwar to show his hands earlier rather than later. As always, Anwar has no compunction in using anyone and anybody to achieve his own ends. Reformasi, DAP, PAS, Bersih.....PKR, his wife, daughters and friends...many many friends....have been used, abused and discarded just so his personal political agenda are met. 

Azizah has been used and abused too many times for the political needs of Anwar Ibrahim, that not only has her credibility been tarnished, but more damaging for her, all the reserves of goodwill and reverence we all once had for a long suffering wife has been used up and is now on empty. In the latest charade we are expected to believe that she is the best person within PKR to be MB of Selangor!   

That best person to be MB of Selangor was once Khalid Ibrahim. Like many others Anwar Ibrahim has used Khalid for his needs and now Anwar wants Khalid gone. 

How long before he discards Azizah?

And if you think Nurul Izzah is another family member on stand by...think again! If she cannot hold her own family together what good is she to us? 

Will Anwar Ibrahim get out of his present predicament? 

For sure he will and must! It is the nature of the beast within Anwar to find a way out of anything....even sodomy....but I fear that his "get out of jail" card will be secured at too great a cost to PKR and Pakatan Rakyat. Some would say the loss of Selangor to BN is already a done deal....but more worrying, what will all this mean for Pakatan Rakyat come the next general election? You all will have your thoughts on this....but for me Anwar had done to PKR and PR what he has already done to Umno....make every thing else superfluous to his needs! 

superflous : When something is so unnecessary that it could easily be done away with, like a fifth wheel on a car or a fifth person on a double date, call it superfluous .

I will no longer take Anwar Ibrahim for what he wants me to believe him to be....the leader of the opposition, a man prosecuted and persecuted by BN for no other reasons than that he is the most credible threat to BN's political survival and the man who would be Prime Minister of Malaysia! We deserve better!

If you have a shred of decency and common sense in your head, you too would have by now abandon any pretence of accepting this Anwar Ibrahim as leader of the opposition  - what more as a potential PM. Our country have no need of someone like him to be PM or leader of the opposition. He has no business to be in politics, no credibility to be a leader nor has he the decency to understand that loyalties by those who have served Anwar Ibrahim should not be cast aside when it serves Anwar Ibrahim's interest to do so.        


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Me and Bobby McGee..

This is Janis Joplin recording "Me And Bobby McGee" for the first time at Columbia Studios in Hollywood - Janis sounds amazing and completely nails it in one take. The sound is raw and unedited and features studio conversations at beginning. Sadly, just nine days later, she would pass away due to an overdose of heroin.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dear God....let more Israeli Soldiers die!

Today I heard some good news after a horrendous week of killings in Gaza and MH17. 

But first I want to tell you that for me the death of any one for any reason has never been a moment for rejoicing or happiness because every human life is precious. 

This week we have seen the slaughter of women and children by Israeli soldiers as they boasts of 'surgically' targeting civilian areas in Gaza...and now they are on the ground in Gaza presumably continuing with their 'surgical' murder of more children and women. 

What the Germans did to millions of Jews during the Second World War the Jews are now doing to the Palestinians with as much precision and enjoyment as when the Germans were killing Jews whether in the Gas Chamber or shooting them for sport.

What many others have done throughout history to the Jews in many parts of the world, in treating them as the worst human beings that could walk on this earth...the Jews are now doing to the children and women of Palestinians. 

And as I see more and more of the carnage in Gaza there is a rising anger within me that has allowed me to start to understand why the Jews have been treated as pariahs by the Germans and by many others throughout history and only descendants of Pariahs and the worse of human beings act the way the Jews now act against the women and children of Gaza.

And what was the good new that I heard today? 

13 Israeli soldiers have been killed by Hamas! These Jews are vulnerable. They can be killed by Hamas and they now know that they cannot continue with this slaughter of innocent human lives without harm to themselves! And if more Israeli soldiers are killed...then public opinion in Israel will demand that their Government look at other options...and that is why I am happy to hear of the killing of these Israeli soldiers. I grieve for the families of the soldiers but if their death and the death of more Israeli soldiers means that the Israeli government becomes less arrogant start thinking of a ceasefire....then dear God....let more Israeli Soldiers die!

Believe in your Kid! Put money on him!

Rory McIlroy's dad to cash in huge on 10-year-old bet

Devil Ball Golf, Yahoo7 SportUpdated July 21, 2014, 12:20 pm
    A decade ago, Rory McIlroy was a 15-year-old kid with some skill at golf and a dad who believed in him wholeheartedly.
    So much so, in fact, that Gerry McIlroy and three friends put together £400, about $700, on an audacious bet: young Rory would win the Open Championship before he turned 26. The odds? 500-1.
    McIlroy is now 25. And he went on to win the British Open by two shots this morning.
    That crazy little bet doesn't seem so crazy now, does it? The bet will pay £200,000, or more than $365,000. Assuming each of the four partners threw in equally, that's about $90,000 apiece. Not a bad return on investment, yes?
    Here's the BBC's Andrew Cotter confirming the bet:
    And in case you're still not convinced:
    McIlroy joins an elite list of golfers to have won three of the four major titles, but he had to battle all the way against Sergio Garcia and Rickie Fowler.
    He joins legends Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus as the only players to have achieved that feat by the time they were 25 and he is the first European to have won three majors.
    He also becomes the second most successful British golfer of the modern era behind the six major titles won by Nick Faldo.
    The lesson then: parents, bet big on your kids. Sure, their love and gratitude is nice, but so's a six-figure cash payout.
    McIlroy and his father. Source: Supplied.

    Friday, July 18, 2014

    Anak OKU hilang bapanya di MH17.

    Anak OKU hilang tempat bergantung bila bapanya hancur bersama pesawat MH17

    Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai dan Pengerusi Malaysia Airlines, Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Sepang, hari ini. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim, 18 Julai, 2014.Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai dan Pengerusi Malaysia Airlines, Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Sepang, hari ini. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim, 18 Julai, 2014.Seorang kanak-kanak kurang upaya (OKU) kini hilang tempat bergantung apabila bapanya, salah seorang krew pesawat MH17  mati dalam tragedi di Ukraine itu, kata Kesatuan Kebangsaan Anak-Anak Kapal Kabin Malaysia (Nufam).
    Setiausaha Nufam Mohd Akram ‎Osman berkata Mohd Ghafar Abu Bakar, salah seorang krew yang berada di atas kapal itu mempunyai anak kurang upaya.
    "Kita semua merasa sedih dengan insiden ini, kita kenal kebanyakan daripada mereka, siapa ahli keluarga mereka dan seperti MH370, MH17 juga terdiri daripada orang lama, orang senior dalam MAS.
    "Kita akan cuba bantu daripada segi kewangan atau sokongan emosi," kata Mohd Akram kepada The Malaysian Insider.

    See more at:


    Today again Malaysian awoke to the grim news that another fully laden MAS plane carrying 295 passengers from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, MH17, is missing. It has crashed over Ukraine with no survivors. It would seems for MAS and Najib's government, that even the Gods are conspiring to remind them of the unfinished business of MH370...and have now compounded their anger at the manner in which the aftermath of MH370 was managed with another MAS tragedy - again played out on the global stage - a place we know that Najib and his BN government are most uncomfortable with for it afforded them little protection from anything but the truth.

    Our immediate thoughts are for the families of those who have lost love ones in the unfolding tragedy of MH17 but I am sure for Najib and his Ministers there is no sleep after sahur today. I was unable to sleep because of a heavy cold with a racking cough and as I went out of my room for a drink to sooth my throat, my son who was watching the news at 5 A.M. told me of the MH17 crash...and his words "shot survivors".......rang in my ear as I stood in front of our TV taking the news in....and there and then I knew there was no sleep for me until I could get some details of what happened and post the news on my blog....and one hour later I am still at it.   

    There will be much said by many parties in Malaysia tomorrow morning. The media will have a field day and the politicians to will make what they can of the situation. 

    I know this is what we should and must do.

    In moments of great tragedy such as this when the eyes of the world is again upon us all...we must close rank and stand with our Prime Minister, his Government and with MAS....and let us hope that our Prime Minister, his Government and MAS are up to the task doing what is right for our country, MAS, for all of us and for the passengers who have lost their lives in the crash of MH17.     

    Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash: 'Nine Britons, 23 US citizens and 80 children' feared dead after Boeing passenger jet 'shot down' near Ukraine-Russia border

    The airliner was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur

    Nine Britons, 23 US citizens and 80 children are reported to be among those killed when a passenger jet crashed over the eastern Ukraine border amid claim and counter-claim that it was shot down.
    Pictures and video emerging from the scene show bodies strewn around the site of the crash amid charred and burning wreckage of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 near the town of Grabovo, about 50km from the Russia-Ukraine border.
    The Malaysian national carrier said that the British passport holders were travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on board the Boeing 777. The aircraft is believed to have had 295 people on board – 280 passengers and 15 crew.
    A spokesman from The Foreign and Commonwealth Office said it was working to identify any British victims of the tragedy. “We are aware of the reports and are urgently working to establish what has happened," he said.
    The Ukrainian Interior Minister is reported to have said that 23 US citizens and 80 children were also on board, according to various agencies reporting from the scene.
    Ukrainian rebels, who are backed by Russia, and the Ukraine government have accused the other of carrying out the ground-to-air strike, with both issuing firm denials of any involvement in the disaster.
    A man works at putting out a fire at the site of the plane crashA man works at putting out a fire at the site of the plane crashThe Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko rejected claims by Ukraine rebels that Kiev was responsible and said his country's armed forces didn't shoot at any airborne targets.
    “We do not exclude that this plane was shot down, and we stress that the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not take action against any airborne targets,” he said. “We are sure that those who are guilty in this tragedy will be held responsible.”
    According to the Telegraph, an official statement from the Ukraine government blamed Russian air defence systems it claimed are protecting "terrorists" in the area.
    It said: "A large passenger aircraft Boeing 777, performing a flight between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur, was shot down in the eastern part of Ukraine. According to the General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces, the airplane was shot down by the Russian Buk missile system as the liner was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
    "Ukraine has no long-range air defence missile systems in this area.
    "The plane was shot down, because the Russian air defence systems was affording protection to Russian mercenaries and terrorists in this area.
    "Ukraine will present the evidence of Russian military involvement into the Boeing crash.
    "The leader of the terrorists Igor Girkin (Strelkov) immediately commented on the airplane catastrophe, believing that it was the Ukrainian jet that crashed down: 'In Torez An-26 was shot down, its crashes are lying somewhere near the coal mine “Progress”. We have warned everyone: do not fly in our skies.'"
    Anton Gerashenko, an aide to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, wrote on his Facebook page that the Boeing airliner, which was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was at an altitude of 33,000ft when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher and crashed near the city of Donetsk - a stronghold of pro-Russian rebels.
    Earlier, Aleksandr Boroday, Prime Minister of Donetsk People's Republic, denied the jet had been shot down by the rebels, who are backed by Russia, and called the incident a “provocation by the Ukrainian military”.
    “We confirm that the plane crashed not far from Donetsk,” Boroday said. “Representatives of Donetsk People's Republic have headed to the scene of the plane search.”
    Emergencies Ministry members work at the site of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash in the settlement of Grabovo in the Donetsk regionEmergencies Ministry members work at the site of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash in the settlement of Grabovo in the Donetsk region“Self-defence forces have no air-defence, which could target transport aircraft at that height,” he told Interfax.
    In separate reports by Interfax, an unidentified pro-Russian separatists said they have found the jet's black box flight recorder.
    Russia’s military has also said that none of its military planes have been flying close to the Russia-Ukraine border on Thursday, RIA Novosti reported citing a military official.
    Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 takes off from Schiphol airport near AmsterdamMalaysia Airlines flight MH17 takes off from Schiphol airport near AmsterdamThe US senator John McCain has warned that there will be “hell to pay” if the Russia military or Ukrainian separatists are deemed to have had any involvement in the 'incident'.
    He said: “If the Malaysian plane was shot down, this is obviously a game changer and has horrific consequences."
    “It has the earmarks of a tragic mistake made by someone who had the capability to just shoot down an aircraft, and we know at least from the last couple of weeks that that could be Russian or separatist Russian capability.”
    "But if it is the result of either separatist or Russian actions mistakenly believing this was a Ukrainian war plane, I think there’s going to be hell to pay and there should be," he said in an interview on MSNBC, citing previous reports of separatists shooting down Ukrainian fighter planes.
    The aircraft involved is understood to be a Boeing 777 with flight number MH17, which departed from Amsterdam at 12.14am local time, 15 minutes later than scheduled, according to flight records.
    It was expected to arrive in Malaysia at 6:10am local time, but did not enter Russian airspace when it was expected to, a Russian aviation source told Reuters.
    The Interfax report said the plane came down 50 km (20 miles) short of entering Russian airspace. It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.
    The Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has ordered an investigation into what he has called an "airplane catastrophe", his spokeswoman Olga Lappo said on Thursday.
    His comments were followed by a tweet by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who said he was "shocked" by reports of a plane crash, and that an investigation was being launched into the incident immediately.

    This video posted online purported to show the aftermath of the crash
    A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk.
    Malaysia Airlines posted a tweet on its official account confirming it had "lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam".
    "The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow."

    Virgin Airlines, Lufthansa and British Airways have confirmed that they are diverting most of their flights away from Ukrianian airspace.
    A spokesman from BA said: “The safety and security of our customers is always our top priority. Our flights are not using Ukrainian airspace, with the exception of our once a day service between Heathrow and Kiev.
    “We are keeping those services under review, but Kiev is several hundred kilometres from the incident site."