
Saturday, November 3, 2012


Jawapan-jawapan di dalam Parlimen oleh Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz yang mempertahankan habis-habisan individu-individu yang disabitkan di dalam skandal wang Umno Sabah berjumlah RM40 juta menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya.
Sebagai seorang menteri kanan yang dipertanggungjawabkan menangani kes-kes rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram (money laundering) yang sensitif seperti kes RM40 juta ini, Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz perlulah telus, bersih dan dilihat tidak mempunyai sebarang kepentingan dengan mana-mana individu yang dipertahankan beliau.

Malangnya, KEADILAN mempunyai bukti bahawa kaum keluarga beliau mendapat manfaat terus (direct benefit) dari sumbangan Michael Chia, iaitu individu utama yang dituduh di dalam skandal RM40 juta.
Anak kepada Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz iaitu Nedim Nazri Aziz dan keluarganya mendapat manfaat melalui sebuah kenderaan mewah jenis Hummer hitam dengan nombor pendaftaran WNX 9776.
Kenderaan mewah Hummer hitam WNX 9776 ini dianggarkan berharga lebih RM459,000  dan dimiliki oleh Michael Chia. Hakmilik ini boleh disahkan melalui carian saman di laman MyEG.
(Sila rujuk Lampiran A)
Saman bernombor 1100105197 bertarikh 1 April 2011 (Gambar A1) mengesahkan bahawa kenderaan Hummer hitam (gambarnya disertakan sekali di dalam carian saman MyEG seperti dalam Gambar A2) adalah dimiliki oleh Michael Chia atau Chia Tien Foh (670406-12-5261).
Melalui kerjasama dengan Sarawak Report, KEADILAN telah menjalankan siasatan kami sendiri untuk mengesahkan bahawa kenderaan mewah Hummer itu benar-benar digunakan oleh anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz.
Bukti-bukti berikut (diperolehi melalui siasatan mengenai latar belakang anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz dan pemantauan Hummer WNX 9776) mengesahkan bahawa kenderaan tersebut digunakan sepenuhnya oleh anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz:
1.      Kenderaan tersebut berada di parkir Clearwater Residence, Damansara Heights iaitu kediaman anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz
Pemantauan kami menunjukkan bahawa Hummer WNX 9776 dipandu oleh pemandu peribadi keluarga Nedim Nazri Aziz. Rutin harian kenderaan tersebut banyak berkisar di antara Clearwater Residence (kediaman anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz) dan Bangsar Shopping Complex (kedai anak Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz).
Lampiran B (Gambar B1 – B6) menunjukkan gambar-gambar pemantauan di lobi Clearwater Residence yang jelas membuktikan bahawa kenderaan itu berulang-alik dari Clearwater Residence dan dipandu oleh pemandu dan pengawal peribadi keluarga Nedim Nazri Aziz.
2.      Bukti-bukti bahawa Nedim Nazri Aziz tinggal di Clearwater Residence
Lampiran C menunjukkan 4 gambar.
Gambar C1 adalah petikan skrin (screen shot) laman Twitter Nedim Nazri Aziz @nednazri mengajak rakan-rakannya bersantai di kolam renang di unit kondominium mewahnya di Clearwater Residence, berlatar belakangkan Kuala Lumpur.
Gambar C2 adalah petikan skrin (screen shot) laman Twitter Alwi Kamaruddin @alwi77 yang mengesahkan bahawa Nedim Nazri Aziz tinggal di satu unit di Clearwater Residence.
Gambar C3 menunjukkan gambar kolam renang di satu unit di Clearwater Residence berlatarbelakangkan Kuala Lumpur seperti yang diambil oleh petugas KEADILAN yang berjaya memasuki unit di situ. Gambar ini mengesahkan bahawa kolam renang di kediaman Nedim Nazri Aziz adalah salah satu kolam renang di Clearwater Residence.
Gambar C4 menunjukkan petikan skrin (screen shot) dari laman yang mengesahkan mengenai kolam renang seperti yang dirujuk oleh Nedim Nazri Aziz.
Lampiran C mengesahkan bahawa Nedim Nazri Aziz tinggal di Clearwater Residence.
3.      Bukti-bukti yang mengesahkan keluarga Nedim Nazri Aziz menggunakan Hummer WNX 9776
Lampiran D menunjukkan 5 gambar.
Gambar D1 adalah petikan skrin (screen shot) dari laman Twitter Bee Khan @BeeKhan yang mengesahkan bahawa akaun Twitter itu adalah milik isteri kepada Nedim Nazri Aziz (rujuk twit yang merujuk kepada @nednazri sebagai “daddy”).
Gambar D2 adalah petikan skrin (screen shot) dari akaun Twitter @BeeKhan yang menunjukkan gambar bayi mereka di dalam sebuah Toyota Vellfire, iaitu satu lagi kenderaan yang digunakan keluarga mereka.
Gambar-gambar D3 hingga D6 adalah petikan dari pemantauan yang menunjukkan dua individu yang mengendalikan Hummer WNX 9776 (seperti yang dibuktikan dalam Lampiran B) adalah individu-individu sama yang memandu Toyota Vellfire yang berulang alik ke Clearwater Residence.
Ini membuktikan bahawa dua individu tersebut adalah pemandu dan pengawal peribadi keluarga Nedim Nazri Aziz yang turut memandu Hummer WNX 9776 yang dimiliki Michael Chia.
KEADILAN mempunyai bukti-bukti lain yang cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa Nedim Nazri Aziz, anak kepada Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz mendapat manfaat kewangan melalui penggunaan kereta mewah Hummer WNX 9776 yang dimiliki Michael Chia.
Dalam keadaan Michael Chia disiasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz bertanggungjawab terhadap SPRM, kenyataan-kenyataan Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz yang bermati-matian mempertahankan Michael Chia sudah pasti menimbulkan perselisihan kepentingan (conflict of interest). Ini sudah cukup untuk menimbulkan keraguan bahawa ada unsur-unsur rasuah di antara Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz yang melindungi Michael Chia melalui kenyataan-kenyataan beliau kerana si tertuduh membiayai kenderaan mewah yang digunakan oleh anak beliau (Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz).
KEADILAN mengalu-alukan maklumbalas Dato’ Seri Nazri Aziz yang sebelum ini begitu gah mempertahankan Michael Chia, sebelum kami mengambil tindakan yang selanjutnya. Beliau juga harus sedar bahawa penafian membabi buta kononnya beliau tidak tahu menahu mengenai urusan peribadi anaknya tidak boleh diterima rakyat.
(semua gambar boleh dimuatturun di laman dan dikepilkan di dalam dokumen)
[wm.kl.5:55 pm 01/11/12]


the politician, his son and the crony

There are many more ministerial children of whom we have heard nothing, yet.
If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then the way to an Umno politician’s heart, is through his spouse or children. In Malaysia, cronies beat a path to the politician’s door, to provide material goods for his family members.
Only the naïve would think their acts charitable. Cronies do it for personal gain: tenders for contracts, to avoid the law, a means to fleece the public through subsidies or when government projects are ‘outsourced” like the AES (Automated Enforcement System) aka “speed traps”.
Plum jobs and multi-million dollar government contracts are reserved for the offspring of Umno politicians, their cronies and pro-Umno civil servants.
The rakyat have heard of a few of the children of ministers who are allegedly involved in cronyism and corruption, but there are many more ministerial children of whom we have heard nothing, yet.
Whose son was allegedly awarded the RM128.4 million air traffic control system contract, through a “closed tender” process? This air traffic control system was allegedly faulty and risked the lives of millions of airline users.
Whose children are allegedly hiding in New York, at least until the furore of the scandal they are involved in, dies down? Were Muslims aware that this Hari Raya Haji 3,000 cattle had to be imported from Thailand for sacrificial slaughter? The irony is that farmers’ needs have been sacrificed for the vanity project of an incompetent family. This money should have filtered down to the farmers, to help them earn a living, to help the economy and the cattle industry.
Whose sons are indirectly involved in the latest launch of the airline, Malindo Airways? An online newpaper alleged that one of the companies investing in Malindo, had poor financial and safety records, and that its accounts had not been audited since 2007.
Which daughter of a former top civil servant owns a major interest in alternative energy projects in Malaysia? Her companies were allegedly set up recently and despite the lack of experience, still managed to secure a controlling interest in the alternative power generation needs.
The list is endless. Children of past and present politicians and also VVIPs, monopolise the multi-million ringgit projects, providing much needed goods and services, which you and your children have no alternative but to use. You also pay through the nose, for them.
When quizzed by reporters about the involvement of their spouses, children or friends, these politicians brush prying questions aside with:
a) My husband does not tell me what he gets up to.
b) What my wife does is private.
c) I don’t know what my son (or daughter) is doing.
d) My businessman friend wanted to surprise me with the contents of his briefcase.
No conflict of interest
Yesterday, Nazri ignored criticism of his son’s relationship with Michael Chia, the businessman who is embroiled in the RM40 million money laundering saga. Despite assertions that this money was destined for Sabah Umno, the members of Sabah Umno claim to have no knowledge of this donation.
Nazri also said that his reputation as a Cabinet Minister had not been compromised and he could see no conflict of interest in his or his son’s friendship with Chia.
An online newspaper reported that Nazri had said: “I don’t sleep with my son. I am not gay (homosexual). My son is not my wife, my son is not my lover. What he does, he doesn’t tell me.
“That is between my son and Michael Chia. If he (Chia) wants to give [Nedim] a Hummer or a Ferarri, it is Michael Chia’s business… its not like he (Chia) is giving it to me… and I am the minister, not my son.”
“What has he committed, tell me? He is not a minister. Where is the conflict of interest? He is my son”.
Cynics claim that the parliamentary ministerial code, which details the conduct expected of Malaysian MPs, can’t have been shown to Umno politicians like Nazri.
Despite being accused by the PKR strategy director, Rafizi Ramli, of having a conflict of interest, Nazri mocked reporters, “But I am still minister today, my friend. This is not going to hurt me one bit. I don’t think I am going to be affected by gutter politics”.
Last week, in Penang, a man was arrested for impersonating a member of the Kedah royal family. He and 12 others in his group, will be charged under Section 420 and 419 of the Penal Code, for cheating and dishonesty, and under Section 108 of the Road Transport Act 1987, for making false statements.
A few months ago, Nedim Nazri claimed to be a member of royalty, when a security guard at a luxury condominium in Kuala Lumpur denied entry to Nedim and his bodyguard. The guard was assaulted for doing his job, but last week the case was closed.


  1. The corruption virus has embedded itself so deeply into Umno that their conscience has gone numb to such acts of corruption! To these despicable people who hold positions of power, they think whatever they do is always right. They have to be held accountable if there is a change of government!

  2. Not only they are corrupted but cocky, arrogant and boastful knowing nobody can touch them in Bolehland. Very vote counts. Make sure we kick these bastards out in the coming GE.

  3. They think that the rakyat are stupid. When caught they gives stupid excuses like don't know what husband and sons are doing even though they are sharing the same bed and lives under the same roof. In the latest scandal one botak said he don't know how his son is driving a RM500k car and has nothing to do with it. As a law minister he doesn't even know the meaning of conflict of interest since he has a part in the said case.

  4. strange-- durians only fell to political leaders houses n not elsewhere// see all fat contracts goes to pirates n CRONIES

  5. Read Mahafifuan's reply to the reporters when asked if there was a conflict of interest when Maha being Petronas advisor when his son's company is being awarded 700 million dollars of contracts by Petronas! Umno is and will always be the same! Completely without cure!
