
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Blogging : Do not agree to buy a Dildo for anyone! Not even if they say they are Kak Rosmah!

Blogging is not for the faint hearted. Day in and day out you are required to put onto your blog things that would make it worth the while for people to want to stop by to read what you write. And while there are those who have stuck with me for many years and are forgiving for my lapse in updating my blog almost on a daily basis....for most of you steadyaku47 is only as good as its last posting....and I can live with that.

Let me share you my thoughts on blogging.

Here is the thing that worries me. Before you even write anything you have to ask yourself if what you think is worth writing about! Who wants to know about what you think? Do people consciously or subconsciously look for something that agrees with what they are thinking? Who is prepared to read what they do not agree with? Who reads anything with an open mind? Who, out there, would be able, if they so able to tear your arguments from limb to limb and expose you for the fraud that they think you are? Are you really prepared to allow people into your mind and share with them your deepest thoughts? 

These are but some of the thoughts that crosses my mind every time I power on my Mac and begin the process of "working" on my blog. So far I have been able to handle the negativity of these thoughts with ease. I have faced the dawn of each blogging day with the thoughts that I must inform and try to entertain anyone who stops by my blog if I am to get them to stay to read what I have written or shared on my blog - and more relevant - to make them want to come back to my blog another time to read more. 

In almost eight years of blogging I thought I have seen it all. From finding long lost friends to a lady asking if I could purchase a dildo for her in Australia as it was hard for her to find a "suitable" one in KL...and yes she is a Malay and by inference, a Muslim. 

I had some one got upset with me because he thought I called Dahlan Zainuddin a Banduan when in fact I was talking about his song " Kisah Seorang Biduan" which happens to be one of my ever green favourites.

I had many wonderful moments of people complimenting me about the work I do on this blog and three times - once in Adelaide and twice in Melbourne....I was greeted by people who recognised me as the blogger "steadyaku47"....yes only three times ma!

But last week I came across something else! But first some background to this story.

I have just over 1500 friends in my FB page. I remember asking my daughter a few years back how come she had over 500 friends on her FB because I just cannot see how anyone could have that many you can imagine what are my thoughts on having over 1500 friends on my FB page. 

I have that many "friends" because anyone who sends me a request to be my friend on FB is accepted by me without any questions asked....for I thought that all they want is to do is read what I write. 

That was until a year ago when I started getting many requests from ladies who wanted to be my FB "friends" and they sent me images of themselves which made me asked why would any sane girl in thongs that looked that "hot" would want anything to do with a 69 year guy? I made some clicks and found that all those "hot " looking ladies were linked to "questionable" sites that had nothing to do with politics, current affairs or dementia. So now anybody in "questionable " attire are no longer accepted as "friends".

Hello dear, how are you doing today?
And then I started getting those "Hello dear"....messages from members of the opposite sex. Being one with decent manners I will reply and usually end up "talking" with them until I grow tired of pretending to be interested in what they want to talk about and make an excuse to stop talking with them....and they usually do not want to talk about current affairs, politics or dementia. 

Last week another one of those calls came...from (initials only)...NA. Long story short a few days after we "talked" she sent me a recording of what we talked about...not about politics, current affairs or dementia....and threaten to put the conversation into the public domain and called it "Hussein Hamid Sex Scandal". As Clinton said : I did not have sex with that Girl".....and so I just stopped responding to her many many messages on FB.

She then said that it would costs me Aud2000 to get her to "NOT " post it onto the public domain.

Just a note here....for anybody who wants to blackmail anybody else I have some advise for you. First make sure the guy has money to pay and second,  do not choose some one who does not care a damm about what you want to blackmail him with. I belong to both these categories...I do not have money to pay even for my car petrol sometimes and I really do not care a damm about what anybody thinks of what I think, or what  I do.   

Long story short...I reported the matter to FB and they did what they have to do to shut her up.

Morale of the story? 

Now I am more choosy of who becomes my "friends" on FB and no more "chats" with anybody on FB...not even if it is about politics, current affairs or dementia....and....most important of all.....never agree to buy a dildo for anyone in KL. 

Not even if they tell you that they are Kak Rosmah.

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