
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Tthe lives of any OVERSEA China's concern.

REPRISE : First posted on Monday, 14 November 201
Let us get one thing clear.....the lives of any OVERSEA China's concern. They will not hesitate to use whatever military or economic arsenal at their disposal to protect these Overseas Chinese they have threatened to do in Indonesia!
China and Malaysia has signed 14 MOU's worth RM143.64 billion. I will leave it to your own imagination what kind leverage, economic and political arm twisting China can inflict upon Malaysia with RM143.64 billion worth of trade!
We already know what having millions of Indon and other pendatangs have done to our community. But though there are millions of legal and illegal pendatangs in Malaysia, their government have no say in the sovereignty of Malaysia because they do not have the economic muscles to threaten the sovereignty of Malaysia should the lives of their citizens be in danger during their stay in Malaysia. 
China has that economic muscles. 
And even though they do not have Chinese citizens living in Malaysia in any sizable in Indonesia, China considers Malaysian Citizens of Chinese descent to be under their protection!
I have no opinion on whether China should or should not protect the interest of Malaysian citizens of Chinese descents....all that I know is that they do! And because it is so, I suggest that Najib and this Umno led BN government reconsider what it is that they are doing with China in case what the Red Shirts are now doing on behalf of Umno gets out of hand and they start killing Chinese the way the Indonesian Muslims have been killing Chinese in the thousands in the name of religion, race or whatever other reasons they might have to kill Chinese. 
And ditto for any other May 13 incidents and ditto for any Umno idiots who would want to wield the Keris and threaten to kill any Malaysian Citizen of Chinese descent in any Umno Assembly, Kampong Baru or anywhere these Umno idiots congregate! 
What would I do if I am a Malaysian citizen of Chinese descent? 
I would go to the Airport to welcome Najib home from China where 14 MOU's worth RM143.64 billion was signed. I would say thank you to Najib for allowing not MCA or Gerakan or any other political entities to look after the interest of Malaysian citizens of Chinese descent but has instead brought in China, lock stock and barrel, wjho will ensure that nothing untowards will happen to a single Malaysian citizen of Chinese descent in Malaysia. China can do this better than MCA, Gerakan or DAP.
Then after doing that...I will look towards my Motherland (China lah!) and give thanks to Tun Razak and Toh Puan Rahah, for bringing into the world a saviour for Malaysian citizens of Chinese descent in the form of that Bugis Warrior we all affectionately call Jibby aka Najib Razak and make him an honorary Malaysian Citizen of Chinese descent!

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