
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PAS DAP reconciliation initiative: by Peter

Hi Hussein,

I published a post Solution for DAP PAS disagreement re hudud and Islamic State"
which I think is a viable solution if only PAS accepts it. In fact I am thinking of starting a "PAS-DAP reconcilliation initiative" (copy Haris Ibrahim who started so many initiatives like the "Saya Anak bangsa Malaysia" initiative... to study the issues, collect info and seek solution to propose to PAS and DAP. Here is the article in question:


Solution for DAP PAS disagreement re hudud and Islamic State

The issue of implementation of Islamic Hudud law (Syariah) and an Islamic state for Malaysia has cropped up again and can pit pro-hudud and Islamic state PAS against pro-secular state DAP which could lead to the unrevalling of the Pakatan Rakyat just like what happend in 2001 when DAP left the Barisan Alternatif coalition.

The dislodging of the decadent and decaying UMNO/BN from Putrajaya and introduction of badly needed reforms to Malaysia is seriously threatened by this possibility and all reasonable Malaysians will not want this to happen. The current momentum should be maintained at all costs especially now that there is a possibility to win Federal power. We have seen how the dastardly UMNO/BN has used their federal power to frustrate the state governments governed by Pakatan Rakyat.

However PAS will never be able to give up its aim to introduce hudud and make Malaysia an Islamic state probably because a Muslim is obligated to make these 2 a reality in their life. If PAS continue in its current stance, there is great danger of losing non-Malay and non-Muslim votes even if both PAS and DAP continue stay in its Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

On the other hand, DAP will find it extremely difficult to drop its insistance on Malaysia remaining a 
secular state and reject hudud. DAP if it continues to stay in Pakatan Rakyat in partnership with PAS while PAS continue to harp on hudud and Islamic state will also lose votes and may even be trounced in the election like what happened previously. 

I appeal fervently to both PAS and DAP in particular and PKR in general to consider my suggestion to break this deadlock. Please please please do not play into the hands of UMNO/BN and hand them victory in the next general election. I have written on this issue before in
 Pakatan Rakyat should be a formal political party and not just a loose coalition. Below I will build on that.

Here is my opinion for a solution to the above. Pakatan Rakyat now has the Pakatan Rakyat
 CPF (Common Policy Framework) drawn up in December and which is a great platform on how PAS PKR and DAP can cooperate to win Federal power. May I humbly suggest that all the parties in Pakatan Rakyat should be political in the sense that its purpose is to win elections and form governments and its actions and policies should be solely based on the CPF. In this way, the aim of Pakatan Rakyat will not be jeopardize by this very major and fundamental difference between PAS and DAP. 

My suggestion to for PAS to solve its delicate delima is as follows. PAS shoule separate into 2 bodies which I will temporaly refer to as "political PAS" (
PAS for all will fit in here extremely well) and "religious PAS". "Political PAS" will be ONLY for the political purposeof cooperating with DAP and PKR within Pakatan Rakyat as mentioned above. All others such as the intention of PAS to make Malaysia an Islamic State and introduce hudud should striven for within "religios PAS". 

In this way a member of "religious PAS" will not feel that he is neglecting his religious obligations but which he may practice and pursue within "religious PAS". Further, by doing this, PAS will then not need a "PAS Supporter Club" anymore as then all non-Muslims who support PAS can join "political PAS" and withoug any controversy can stand for elections and become office bearers. Conservative PAS members who feel strongly and negatively about the presence of non-Muslims within its party will no longer have any reasons to fee such.

Please PAS do seriously give some considerations to this suggestion and not jeopardize this real chance of becoming part of the
 Federalgovernment.If you think this is a good idea to break this deadlock, for the sake of Malaysia, I hope you will help spread this message.

Update: From
 Dr M says meritocrats are racist too:Mahathir: "Islamist party PAS also did not escape coming under fire from the veteran politician who said that it was using religion for political gain"

Perhaps when PAS separates its religious striving for Islamic State and hudud and its political ambitions, perhaps that would be an answer to Mahathir's accusation.

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