
Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm sorry, says UK woman who binned cat.

A woman who was caught on CCTV dumping a cat in a wheelie bin said on Wednesday she was "profoundly sorry" for what she described as "a split second of misjudgment".
Footage of Mary Bale throwing four-year-old tabby Lola into a bin sparked an angry online campaign, with some animal lovers calling for her death on social networking site Facebook.
It also led to an investigation by the RSPCA, which plans to interview Bale later on Wednesday.
In a statement released to the media this afternoon, Bale, 45, said: "I want to take this opportunity to apologise profusely for the upset and distress that my actions have caused.
"I cannot explain why I did this, it is completely out of character and I certainly did not intend to cause any distress to Lola or her owners."
The bank worker, from the Stoke area of Coventry, added: "It was a split second of misjudgment that has got completely out of control.
"I am due to meet with the RSPCA and police to discuss this matter further and will co-operate fully with their investigations.
"I wish to reiterate that I am profoundly sorry for my actions and wish to resolve this matter to everyone's satisfaction as soon as possible."

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