
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Methinks the Sultan of Selangor does too much.......

It is wrong to have as our ambassador someone whose morality is questionable. It is wrong to appoint a corrupt politician to be Chairman of Felda – an authority where billions are held in trust for the benefit of Malays who depend on Felda for their future. It is wrong to allow any Minister another day in office if there is that possibility that he might be involved in the rape of a foreigner – in this case an Indonesian maid. Yes we know he has not been found guilty of any crime but this is where our integrity as a nation rests. Until he is completely cleared of that suspicion he does not have our trust to stay in office. What is worrying is that our Prime Minister does not share our concern – the frisky ambassador, the corrupt politician and the likely rapist  -should be held to the same standards that we would expect of any ordinary Malaysian. It would seem that those in high public office are not subject to the same standards of propriety that we expect of ourselves and from our peers. That our Prime Minister is guilty of condoning these wrongs speaks volume of his sense of decency.   

And now like Perak, they are using a Sultan to do their dirty deeds for them. Using the Sultan of Selangor to ‘legalize” the appointment of the State Secretary. We all know that the Sultan Of Selangor is beholden to the Barisan Nasional government for his daily bread. He has been making a good deal of money from his many business dealings where, for the most part, the BN government have chosen to quietly overlook indiscretions that he has committed. And now they are calling in the markers they have been keeping on this Sultan of Selangor. If the Sultan does go in to bat for the Barisan Nasional over this appointment of the State Secretary, then I think he will be opening himself up to a number of issues.

owned by the Sultan Of Selangor

His personal life for one. Let me get more to the point – this Sultan, who is the head of Islam in his state  - fucks around with girls in and around Kuala Lumpur. You fuck around with the appointment of the State Secretary, we fuck around with your fucking around. We can start with that non-Malay girlfriend of yours that have served as your regular fuck for a good number of years. You might think it all good fun and it really is until you realize that the Internet will tell what the newspaper will not! So tread carefully and think what it is that you are doing. Go on living your useless life paid for by the people’s money and leave politics well alone. Interfere with politics then you and your brother Sultans might see the end of your reign as the Maharajahs in India have seen the end of theirs sooner then you think.  


How the Sultan of Selangor protect his whore


Hi Uncle Hussein.... 
Once upon a time, (abt 20 yrs ago) he loves to hang up & bottle's up at HARDCOCK Cafe, Kuala Lumpur with a bunch of bikers.( I was there). He normally rides with no Helmet,(now with Nazi Style Helmet) Everytime he rides, he will be escorted by few big bikers with 2 police traffics.What a shame & stupid Malaysian Malays to honour a guy with HEAD OF ISLAMIC state who love to MINUM ARAK...He used to COLOUR his hair (blonde to be exact).. Recently he went to Amy & Awie's Double Trouble Concert in Mount Kiara, KL. also riding his HARLEY with a few bikers & not to mentioned, escorted by 2 police traffice as well.(I was there too)...
JUST SHARING MY THOUGHT.................
HARDCOCK = HARDROCK.....he he he

written by ibabonma, January 01, 2011 15:03:47

Sultan-Sultan sedarlah, iblis yang benar-benar merosakkan nama Raja-raja Melayu dan orang Melayu ialah UMNOOOOOOOO! Sultan-Sultan Melayu kita ini, tak ada kerja lain ke, betina...betina...betina, botol...botol...botol, dan duit...duit...duit.... tak cukup-cukup dan akhirnya gadai kesultanan kepada Umno, hero ketuanan.

Methinks the Sultan of Selangor does too much........":

written by singhkris, January 01, 2011 14:08:16
The head of Islam in the state goes around F**king in the state. Khalid please have the case authenticated with reports, call for the debate in the state assembly and put an end to the rule of an unislamic ruler! The former queen (Sultan's mother or step mother?) is also reported to be screwing around. It was in the Singapore papers! 

written by arazak, January 01, 2011 14:01:39

Bro Hussein,
Whammmm Bang . . ., I like this hard-hitting article and would rate it over a scale of 10 as 11! You are the Man!

So he wants to fcuk around with politics. . ., let's give him a damn good fcuk tha he will not forget!

For starters, anybody has any info on Kavita Kaur? Open the floodgate, please! 


  1. You left out Najib and his connection with the murder of Altantuya.

    You are one brave nut!

  2. selamat tahun Baru Bro ,,,, like this n3 !!!!!!!! keep it up Bro !!

  3. Good to have you back

    Happy New Year & may U be abundantly blessed with happiness, good health, loving family & kind friends

  4. all of us were born equals. i have never believe in... you're higher than me, nor i am higher than you. but malaysia, the rakyat were not given a choice, you have to accept it, or you'll be consider a derhaka. what has our country become?

  5. happy new year....dude be careful laa...thanks for the info...but pls...take it easy on the attacks on sultan...he hasn't f*cked arnd with the state govt yet....chill bro

  6. A trend that was kick-started by our national "leaders" appears to be making the Malays who are Muslims (by definition at least) change their god from Allah to money. Thus fueling corruption that is gaining momentum as time goes by. Very unfortunate and very sad indeed that it is happening in my lifetime which, I am certain, is going to affect the well being of our children and grand children. If this trend is not checked on time, it is almost certain that it will come to a boil. When that happens, there is no chance left to reverse the situation. It is most likely that the future generation's lifetime will be devoid of rulers as we know it now.

  7. ...
    written by singhkris, January 01, 2011 14:08:16
    The head of Islam in the state goes around F**king in the state. Khalid please have the case authenticated with reports, call for the debate in the state assembly and put an end to the rule of an unislamic ruler! The former queen (Sultan's mother or step mother?) is also reported to be screwing around. It was in the Singapore papers!


    written by syd, January 01, 2011 14:07:48
    This bro forgot to mention that our PM or the wife is a murder suspect.
    And the PM should be jailed for giving his ex-political secretary the submarine deal. It tantamounts to insider information, conflict of interest and criminal breach of trust.
    But these guys make the law, so they stay above it.


    written by arazak, January 01, 2011 14:01:39
    Bro Hussein,
    Whammmm Bang . . ., I like this hard-hitting article and would rate it over a scale of 10 as 11! You are the Man!

    So he wants to fcuk around with politics. . ., let's give him a damn good fcuk tha he will not forget!

    For starters, anybody has any info on Kavita Kaur? Open the floodgate, please!


    written by knilecin, January 01, 2011 14:01:06
    Woww..Pak Hussein, pls give us more!


    written by Saint, January 01, 2011 13:50:07
    This writeup by steadyaku47 is ..................unbelievable.
    Stay hidden... and hidden well if not you will met with an unexpected "accident",
    Courtesy of our caretakers


    written by eloofk, January 01, 2011 13:29:28
    This interference in the State's political affairs and administration will spel the beginning of the end for the Monarchy!!!


    written by SiHangChai, January 01, 2011 13:23:13
    Well, if Selangor was to fall back to BN UMNO as in Perak with the interference of Sultan, then the Sultan will have to answer to the rakyat why the royal is interfering into politics. Tun M was right and choose have done something more drastic not to allow the Sultans into meddling rakyat's decision It is sad when the Sultans chosen to go against the constitutions. The rakyat wants it to be fair instead of pressure and threats from UMNO.

  8. written by singhkris, January 01, 2011 14:08:16
    The head of Islam in the state goes around F**king in the state. Khalid please have the case authenticated with reports, call for the debate in the state assembly and put an end to the rule of an unislamic ruler! The former queen (Sultan's mother or step mother?) is also reported to be screwing around. It was in the Singapore papers!

  9. All sultans are slimy parasites. about time to rid of these blood sucking pests

  10. this idris feller is nothing but a glorified class F contractor only that instead of pagar sekolah or longkang majlis bandaran, he goes for mega-projects e.g public hospitals, etc.,...he has to lick umno's arse for a living

  11. Mahathir have taught his successors well.
    How to exploit those neccesary individuals place in the institutions and public offices. Leave them a long enough rope and they will get themselves entangled.
    In time you may get to pull it and they will dangle to your tune

  12. What do you expect out of Ketua Setia Usaha Negara who is incompetent and kaki bodik.
    Just look at his track record! mediocre and yet in Malaysia you become KSN.
    Lancheow la ini KSN!

  13. It is high time all these Zoltans are chased out of twon like dogs just as in Nepal and India...

    What a slimy hypocrite...screws around all day long and the masquerades as Head of Islam..he thinks we citizens are bunch of dumbos...

    If he sends his rowdy ADC and hitmen to send a bullet thru bloggers...I have a suggestion....get his kid....

    And come on...some photographs please of him in bed....just splash them across the internet...expose these "guardians of Islam"

  14. hahaha, he is a fucker alright. Yet he preach morality, just like Najib and Muhidin. Cakap tak serupa bikin.

    Corrupt and rotten to the core.

  15. Bulls eye dear Hussain,
    Its ones as you who can blast the scoundrels out of their warm seats. You shake the grounds at Putrajaya. In the coming days till the 6th--- we will see if the Sultan will become a proven stooge. Starting with the Pigtail, former Pig not forgetting the Kavita vamp--- we have lots of homework now --- as my dear arazak states----lets open the floodgates!!!

  16. betul ke sultan selangor f*** around???? I macam tak percaya aje. dia nampak alim. pls show proof.

    Bottomline, oleh kerana Tuanku sudah terlibat dalam kes setiausaha negeri selangor, maka rakyat di alam maya sedang hangat mentafsir tindak tanduk tuanku dan juga perangai tuanku.

  17. Bro steady,
    Your article is meant to tell the truth, but always remember who you are messing with.
    Your a man with good selection of words yet your still insist of strring the hornet's nest with fire?

    I am always on the side of the truth but not this way.

  18. Thank you Pak Hussein for this revelation.

    Anway, that Sultan is a scum from the bottom of the a useless true!

    Do nothing, shake legs, shake his balls, eat, drink, sleep, fuck around and the cycle repeats itself again.....all these using Rakyat's money.

    Pls write about the rapist in the Cabinet - Rais Yatim. This rapist when horny won't dare to go out and find himself a prostitute because he is afraid to be seen. So, use lah what he has at home when bored with wife.

    It is a social pressure lah for those UMNO/BN goons...they think they can let their dick go wild at home since no one knows. Going out means may be caught on camera or recognized by people.

    Bangsat betul.

    orang kampung

  19. Dear Malysian: My personal opinion, those who were born with a golden spoon live that let it be after all he is Royal blood of Malaysian. He did not disturb our daiy life.We must not have the Phd (perasaan hasrat dengki)cos this quality were the main causes that we Malaysian cannot stride fast foward above the other ethenic groups.Witout we can be the world respected people.

  20. salam....

    congratulation to Uncle Hussein, bravo and I think that 95% of Malaysian are very happy with what have Uncle said,

    Bravo and got damn fucking shittt with Sultan/Raja who thinking of their stomach and under stomach only.


  21. to anon 11.22am

    siapa yg kurang ajar ?, yg di atas tak semestinya pandai, mereka juga perlu belajar.

  22. ....the frisky ambassador, the corrupt politician and the likely rapist.....Najib can't/won't do a thing cos he is in right company ...he being the murderlinked PM! Also, his motley crew includes the randy head of coalition partner, the cowdung spouter with murderous son....oh my. Are we in Somalia, Zimbabwe or what?

  23. Well comeback bro,
    Damn great masterpiece.Bravo..keep it up

  24. latitude (2.9317 degrees) 2° 55' 54" North of the Equator and longitude (101.6831 degrees) 101° 40' 59" East of the Prime Meridian

    " have programmed the coordinates, waiting on command to enable the drone."

    Command Code: Killbox 1 Alpha

  25. The Sultan of Pahang raped a Filipino Nurse when he was the agong of Malaysia.

    His daughter is now living in America. He managed to get away from prosecution and most Rakyat is not aware of it especially the Muslim Malay in Pahang. Today he acts as if nothing had happened with the new current wife (an Indian who lived in London prior to the marriage in the 80's).

    She probably spent more time in UK because her kids study in UK. There are just too much hideous acts by our Leaders and Sultans in Malaysia - can we ever be respected by other countries?

  26. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You are damn rude Hussein.

    But hey, these leeches deserve nothing less obscene than FUCK.

    These fuckers fuck their host dry while waiting their turn for the biggest fuck.

    May be Steadyaku47 can do a Nepal to rid these fucking leeches.

  27. The Sultans had been able to survive the pages of history all these years because of their smart decisions not to partake in politics but with these current crop of sultans, their stupidity seems to precedes them.

    When they chose to immerse themselves in politics and begins taking sides, they forfeits the loyalties of a significant section of their subjects because these sultans had then become disrespectful towards the portion of their loyal subjects who has differing interest, ideology and commitment in their pursuit of their own individual welfare and future.

    Without total support of their "loyal subjects", these sultans' authorities will wane and with their stupid and reckless behaviour being continuously exposed for public consumption,it would just be a matter of time before their all empowering positions goes the way of the emperors and maharajas in the pages of history.

    Power and $$$ are definite ingredients for disaster as overwhelming power corrupts absolutely in face of $$$$

  28. Keturunan lanun lanun juga lah mereka.
    Selira sultan membelakang rakyat, kita rakyak membelakang sultan. Saya sudah lama berhenti amin kan doa hari jumaat di masjid di selangor khusus untuk sultan dan anak nya. Khusus nya apabila kita tahu yang dulu dia tuan punya bank, masih lagi tuan punya hotel ( arak di jual sana sini}. Kita yang sudah tahu semua ini tak kan nak aminkan doa untuk seorang tidak taat kepada Allah SWT. Kita serah kepada Allah swt

  29. good job bro...
    ayuh bongkar lagi...
    gua caya lu... lagi sokong lu...
    steady ko jo...

  30. Post this article to the Mufti of Selangor. Ask for his comment.

  31. I respect you for daring to call a spade a spade.
    Yes, we all know about Kavita Kaur. Please write more about her.
    In fact most of the royalties fuck around too. There is one who flies to Indonesia to fuck around . He also drinks like a fish.
    When he is back in the country he talks about morality and religious piety. Thats why they need BN to keep them alive.

  32. The issue here is not whether he is fucking with politics or he is beholden to UMNO. The real issue is he can still get it up. How many 63 year old sultans do you know who can still get it up?

  33. Uncle Hussein,
    I am a young decent man. I wanna tell you this.
    damn, i like your fucking style of writing.
    I think Malaysia got hope with right thinking man like you.
    Thank you Uncle Hussein for speaking up for the majority of Rakyat.

  34. Soon Sultan And RAJA become history.. Hoping that so much..

    Are they owner of this land actually they are robbery of this land from Indonesia.

    Using the name of islam, but doing all illegal matters. Even the country is not islamic becuase money coming from gambling,drugs, achocol,etc...

  35. Salute you man, nyatakan kebenaran walaupun pahit . i pinjam untuk blog i.

  36. Mind you that Bhutan king dethroned himself for the good for his country. He stepped down not because of the political power pressure but he loves his peoples and his peoples love him more and so on.

  37. You are the man.
    You call a spade a spade, a fucker, a fucker. And he is head of his religion. What a joke.

    The cap fits him well.

  38. Seberapa kuat dan berpengaruh kamu boleh jadi. Seberapa kuat tentera kamu boleh kuasa---sepuluh juta tentera lengkapi dengan 100 aircraft carriers and the warplanes on the decks which are of far better quality than the Americans' or only you yes only you have at your disposal the world's nuclear weapons and the cruise-missiles, nuclear-tipped missiles. When the time is ripe, you will drop just like the mango from the tree in my garden just a short while ago. We are also living witnesses to what can happen even to the most richest and the most politically powerful in their own countries. OK?------- Best regards (belated) from Ghaddafi, Saif, Ben Ali and Mubarak

  39. I'm a Malaysian living in the US for the past 30 years. While I enjoy reading the articles by some Malaysian bloggers, one thing I find very interesting is that most accusations about people, politicians, and or other entity seem to be just hear say. Now, don't get me wrong. I do want to believe about some of the things that dirty politicians are doing but at the same time, I want to see the proof too.

  40. Bla bla bla bla, same old crap, complaint about this and that but nothing to back up the story and accusations.

  41. Assalamualaikum. Thank you sooooo much :)

  42. He is a real FUCKING BASTARD...who cares to hood of the people..wellbeing.Hram jadah punya setan..

  43. Biker what a joke !

    How old is that fucker ? in his 60s and he still plays around like he is 25.

    Grow a pair and grow up o/w don't be leader


  44. DATUK YIP Kum FOOK, MCA PENGERUSI GOMBAK menghina dan ANTI Sami-Sami Buddha.

    Dengan berhormati penganut ke dalam Dhamma,

    Saya ikhlas hendaklah menggunakan bahasa secara terbuka pengalaman pahit yang sebenarnya telah berlaku di PERSATUAN PENGANUT BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI NO: 19-21 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.

    Saya tidak berpuas hati dengan Pengerusi MCA Bahagian Gombak (Yip Kum Fook) dan Pengerusi PERSATUAN PENGANUT BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (Yip Kum Fook) kerana dia menggunakan cara yang ganas dan sombong dalam membawa masuk sekumpulan individu dari tempat-tempat lain untuk memprovokasi dan memijak sucidarat dan tanpa apa-apa sebab bunyi yang dipanggil polis untuk menahan Sami apabila bertentangan untuk mengaibkan penyembah Buddhisme.

    Saya amat ingin bertanya di sini bahawa apa dosa besar dan jenayah telah dia telah melakukan setakat anda peguam Datuk Yip Kum Fook dengan cara atau oleh penjahat yang dipanggil polis untuk menahan seorang rahib yang seperti dia?

    Saya datang dari Pulau Pinang, saya adalah pendatang baru dan saya sementara meletakkan di PERSATUAN PENGANUT BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI untuk mengkaji dan belajar untuk mempraktikkan Buddhisme. Ketika di kuil tersebut, saya tidak tahan dengan cara yang peguam Datuk Yip Kum Fook berkelakuan, sikap anda tidak sopan, sombong dan tidak terkalahkan dalam merawat ketua Sami di Kuil.

    Kerana saya berkata beberapa perkataan mengenai kelakuan anda kepada anda peguam Datuk Yip Kum Fook, anda menggunakan cara-cara kotor untuk menyakiti Sami. Ia adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh diterima dan membuang satu contoh yang sangat buruk.

    Untuk pengetua sebuah sekolah, jika pelajar itu dan telah melakukan suatu kesalahan, pihak polis mestilah sebagai perkara ihsan bertemu dengan pengetua, cuba untuk memahami situasi sebenar, sebelum polis mengambil sebarang tindakan. Ini adalah amalan biasa.

    Tetapi ia memohon maaf untuk mengatakan, bahawa peguam Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang dirinya adalah seorang peguam memilih untuk mempunyai dilakukan. Jika tidak, dia tidak bertindak selaras dengan ajaran Agama Buddha dan memandang rendah kepada semangat Buddhisme untuk satu tujuan, menunjukkan bahawa dia adalah pengerusi yang kuat Bahagian MCA Gombak dan pengerusi PERSATUAN PENGANUT BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI. Beliau menuntut pihak polis untuk menahan Sami Buddha untuk merealisasikan motif beliau

    Ia amat bertuah yang disebabkan oleh hakikat bahawa agama itu sendiri adalah satu perkara yang sensitif, malah anggota polis Melayu difahami dan dihormati agama, budaya dan adat resam kaum lain, jadi mereka tidak terburu-buru mengambil apa-apa tindakan. Jika tidak, akibatnya akan menjadi bencana.

  45. Saudara-saudara dan Saudari-saudari Yang Di Hormati
    Bahawa MCA Gombak pegurusi YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya Yip Jiun Hann (Permuda MCA Gombak) bukan sahaja menggunakan kuasanya menghisap wang KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tetapi lebih dahsyat, ialah menipu wanita-wanita dan merosakan keluarga orang lain. Mereka sebenar-benarnya orang yang jahat dan tak bermoral

    Saya mengemukakan kesal yang benar ini, tujuan ialah harap orang ramai, khasnya wanita dapat mengambil perhatian supaya jangan terjerat oleh manis-manis mulutnya akhir akan meninpa kerugian dan kesakitan yang besar

    马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师与马华公会鹅唛區会叶君瀚青年圑長, 不但无耻的利用KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.宗教之名捞取权和私利之外, 叧一大罪悪是, 他们仗着权势, 甜言蜜語, 誘骗良家少女, 骗财骗色, 三妻四妾, 破坏别人的家庭. 父子两人, 无悪不做, 实是大色狼, 大老千,缺德的败娄.

    今天我把实事公告大家, 是希望公众, 特别是良家少女, 要多多小心, 提防这一娄假面具的佛教徒, 以免一失足成千古恨.

    Brother And Sister Of the respectfully
    That YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak chairman and his son Yip Jiun Hann (Youth MCA Gombak) they are not only used of power to suck Temple’s money of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(Thai) No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But far worse, they are cheating women and make people family broken. They truly wicked and immoral

    Bring forward. I regret that this is true, the purpose is to hope for public, and especially women take care not to be trapped by the end of sweet mouth will override of great loss and pain

