
Friday, January 27, 2012

Who are the Malays?

Who are the Malays? 
Is this man a Malay?

 Or is this guy a Malay?

Maybe this is the real Malay?

I am so confused! Because here comes another one that has her hands up telling me that she too is a Malay!   

Now if they are all Malays how soon before this guy becomes a Malay? How soon !!!!

Or this guy!

This is what happens when race and religion becomes the purview of the government to decide. This is what happens when education and the means to earn a living is, to a large extent, decided  by what race you are and what religion you practice. 

This is what our country has now become. 

Ethnic engineering done to serve the interest of UMNO. 

Ethnic engineering done to serve the interest of UMNO politicians : Politics as practised by these UMNO politicians is now a profession that insists in sharing the same bed of the oldest profession known to man - and it does so because politics as practiced by UMNO and  Barisan Nasional has sunk below the oldest known profession : PROSTITUTION! So for UMNO, sharing the same bed as the oldest profession is one step up! 

It is not enough that there are so many "engineered Malays" who are now in UMNO but these "ethnically engineered Malays" are now Melayu "keturunan India, Indon, Burma and so on and so forth" and they have been send forth into the rural and urban areas to go forth and multiply - and in time to come ensure that these "keturunan Melayu" will numerically eclipse the non-Melayu and ensure that UMNO will forever reign in a Malaysia that not only is populated in large numbers by the Malays but also by all these keturunan Melayu that are now enthusiastically being engineered by UMNO! 

It would be a dream come true for UMNO - a Malaysia full of Malays and those of "keturunan Melayu." But have they ever considered what 'stock' these "keturunan Melayu" are descended from? 
Not from the best of genes that any sensible  "ethnic engineering" should  be  engineered upon but really the worse  and most base of human genes that have come to Malaysia because they are not able to make it in their own country. And from these genes will our Malaysia now be build upon. It does not need an Einstein to figure out what sort of a society will evolved from these genes. But does UMNO cares? UMNO would prefer to be in the land of the blind - for in the land of the blind, the one eye is King - and UMNO intends to be that one eyed King.

Look no further then UMNO itself. How many of those "India mari keturunan Melayu" are depriving the real Malays of their rights? These 'Melayu keturunan India" began breeding prolifically with the coming of Mahathir! And now UMNO has enough "keturuan Melayu India" to make Indians think that UMNO should establish a 'recruitment center' in INDIA - preferably base in Kerala!  

You cannot fault these opportunist who will seek any which way to become Malays especially when UMNO started tinkering with Race and Religion to make as many "Melayu" as possible who would be beholden to UMNO for their "Melayu" brand.And where it suits UMNO, they move the goal post to make as many "Melayu" as possible. There is no doubt  that they have already taken a foot hold within UMNO. Now we Malays, together with the non-Malays will just have to wait their entry into our homes - Mahathir have already done their entry into government!  

That is why we need to get rid of this "ethnic engineering UMNO government". They will stop at nothing to stay in power. It should not matter if you are a Malay or a Non-Malay. If you are a citizen of Malaysia then you are on par with everyone else. This is what 1Malaysia means!  


  1. Met a friend who claims to be close to Ridhuan Tee.
    Says that Ridhuan told him, don't be so close to Christians because they don't recognise Muhammad as the last Prophet.
    Is this true?

  2. First photo - the nose looks like those who come from Kerala.
    Second photo - whatever name he carries will not change people's perception of his original race.
    Third photo - not too much different from the one in the second photo except his dressing ma makes him look more classy.
    Fourth photo - if she's a Malay then Juhi Chawla, Ashwariya Rai are also Malays.
    Fifth photo - this ex-Indian community's 'Sivaji the boss' should have passed as a Malay based on the above personalities criteria.
    Sixth photo - this guy is more Malay than the Malays as he seems to be more religious.
    All this while I thought I'm a pure Malay but now begin to wonder where do I stand as I am nowhere compared to these guys.

  3. The real destruction caused by racial and religious bigotry is not so much that it benefits some unfailrly. It protects the criminal and keeps the incompetent and delusional in power.

  4. RM 6 billion for a highway from Banting to Taiping. Woo hoo! Kita jadi kaya raya.

  5. Ridhuan must be an idiot. If one belief or recognise Muhammad as the last Prophet, then he or her must be a Muslim. Otherwise one can be a christian, buddhist, hindu .. etc or without any religion.

  6. By our constitution, they are all Malays, so I'm not wrong to call them "the constitutional Malays". In fact all Malays in Malaysia are constitutional Malays, and that includes some of the constitutional monarch where one day (or maybe has already been) a Malay sultan can be anyone of these kind of Malays!

  7. Who says Mahathir is Melayu?
    Ptui the keturunan sesaorang tu ikut siapA BAPA NYA.
    Sah dan saheh mahathir tu keling tetapi Melayu UMNO bodoh maka kena bangang la semua. huhuhu...

  8. If you are in UMNO, you are classified as a pure malay. But if you are not in UMNO and yet you are malay (or so it says on your birth certificate and NRIC), you are a second class malay to the elite class UMNO malay.

  9. Policy is clear we mean muslims. No more arguments plesase.

  10. Read the Sejarah Melayu. One Raja Suran from India (he came from India in glass box which travelled like today's submarine) married a a girl in Sumatera (one of two sisters, either Wan Empok or Wan Malini). The Malay race has spread to the entire Malay archipelago, Madagascar and South Africa. Some definitely would look Raja Suran

  11. Alamak, like sour grapes lah. If a mamak wants to call himself melayu, what u lose? What's ur problem? The mamak can't be chinese, cant be indian (because he becomes a minority within a minority) so he becomes melayu, lah. Bigger group, bigger opportunities. Who wants to be in a minority? Also, a mamak not stupid. He can read. He read Malaysian Constitution. Malaysian constitution says he can be a melayu if he follows malay custom,islamic religion. So he become melayu lah.

  12. Las time, i stupid. I big ego. I say i indian. Go to university. Want to get scholarship, MIC reject me, MCA (no need to say lah - i too black and beautiful). Also tried Indian High Commission. They told me to try Pakistan Embassy. I learned. When u try to become minority within a minority, u standing all alone. Finally got a Johore State Scholarship.

  13. Now, i not stupid. If you pay me enough i can be whatever u want me to be.

  14. hey, give me RM250,000,000.00 & name me as YOUR race , ok !?

  15. hello friend, nobody gives u something for nothing. U got to do the work first. To be a malay, u change ur religion. Then u follow malay customs. Then u join the queue of all those who want RM250,000,000.00 for doing nothing. Good luck. Ps, in the event u get the RM250,000,000. Please remember who gave u this advice. I will give u my bank number later.

  16. This Malay, Chinese, Indian talk is idiotic. This is what got us into this mess in the first place. We blame each other's race. But take a close look at the leaders of each party, UMNO, MIC, MCA. Who got the RM250,000.000? It wasnt me and it wasnt u.
    Our political discourse should be on good governance, transparency, and accountability. Who gives a shit whether Mahathir is a Mamak or not? I am more interested in who is stealing the nation's wealth

  17. the constitution is very clear. it does not tie the constitutional malay category to the blood lineage. if you are muslim, speak malay habitually and live ordinarily with peninsular malay cultural norms, then you are one. maknanya, in malaysia asalkan sanggup berasimilasi masuk ke dalam bangsa melayu, it doesn't matter what race your parents are, which also means adopted children from chinese backgrounds into malay families are accepted as malays. if not, still malaysians, but not malay. this is a better safeguard of the persistance of the malay culture in this land, compared to blood lineage alone. i mean, orang melayu yang dah jadi kebaratan, tak ada rupa budaya melayu lagi, is they a vehicle to perpetuate the malay thought and culture? tentu tidak. budaya itu yang penting, darah keturunan itu cuma pembawanya sahaja.

    objektif utama anak bumi malaysia yang asalnya dari kerantauan pulau-pulau melayu ini sebenarnya cumalah dua: walaupun bermasyarakat majmuk, biarlah budaya dominan itu budaya bangsa-bangsa asal rantau ini, dan kedua, supaya agama islam itu kekal berdaulat di bumi malaysia. yang lain itu kita boleh bertolak ansur dan berubah sama-sama dengan bangsa lain. saya fikir sebab itulah perlembagaan tidak mengikat status melayu itu dengan pertalian darah.

    (saya melayu mengikut perlembagaan dan juga pertalian darah.)


  18. Dear Akbar Khan,
    I like your comment (29 Jan 12:37) and will nominate you to be the most not stupid mamak after TDM if there is such a contest.
    Constitutional definition of a mamak malay is one who is willing to sever all ties with his roots for financial gains.
    It is because of this mentality that many pay blind loyalty to the grand thief and refuse to call a thief a thief.
    With the minority within a minority not seeing the thief and another 50% of the majority not willing to lose the TONGKAT, they rather allow the grand thief to steals everything including their under-wear, how and when are we going to talk about good governance, transparency and accountability?

  19. Dear Akbar Khan,
    I like your comment (29 Jan 12:37) and will nominate you to be the most not stupid mamak after TDM if there is such a contest.
    Constitutional definition of a mamak malay is one who is willing to sever all ties with his roots for financial gains.
    It is because of this mentality that many pay blind loyalty to the grand thief and refuse to call a thief a thief.
    With the minority within a minority not seeing the thief and another 50% of the majority not willing to lose the TONGKAT, they rather allow the grand thief to steals everything including their under-wear, how and when are we going to talk about good governance, transparency and accountability?

  20. Dear Anonymous
    Thanks for your nomination. I am honoured. But allow me to address your post:

    1. I wish more people would give a name to their voice. In this thread, of the 20 comments, only 2 have names. And guess what? both muslims. I wonder what has happened to my indian and chinese brothers. (to know why, pls read the blogsite article on The Chinese: Dont have windows in their houses)

    2. The mentality that contributes to the stealing of our national underwear. This finger pointing to one community needs to stop. The thieves are Malays, Chinese and Indians. And i blame Mahathir, Ling liong sik and Samy Vellu equally. But there was an accomplice to all this. The rakyaat. And that means you and me, bro. Because we kept quiet. There is a price that needs to be paid if we act deaf, dumb and blind. This mentality is fuelled by fear. (see, people here all become anonymous!!)

    3. Last Thursday, a chinese friend of mine said this: "the chinese will sell their grandma if there is a profit." A bit crude but what it means is this; if it is a choice between rice-bowl and a friend the chinese will choose their rice bowl first. Now if the mamak also wants to be like the chinese and sell his grandma, don't look down on him, yah

  21. I want to say the Malaysian rakyaat should be more tough and should grow some balls but that would not be accurate.

    According to a famous quote,
    1. Balls are weak and sensitive
    2. If you want to get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding

  22. To put this matter at rest on who is a Malay, let me give u a definitive source, ie Tun Mohammed Suffian Hashim, Lord President of the Federal Court from 1974 to 1982 and who had previously served as Chief Justice of Malaya.
    Tun Suffian had a long association with the Constitution of Malaysia, first with its drafting and then with its operation as a member of the Legal Department, and finally with its interpretation from 1961 when he was elevated to the bench of the Federal Court.

    "A "Malay" is defined by Article 160(2) of the Constitution as meaning a person who professes the Muslim religion, habitually speaks Malay, conforms to Malay custom and who satisfies residence requirements. To be a Malay for the purpose of the Constitution, one need not be of Malay ethnic origin. An Indian is a Malay if he professes the Muslim religion, habitually speaks Malay and conforms to Malay custom. Conversely, even a genuine ethnic Malay is not Malay for the purpose of the Constitution if, for example, he does not profess the Muslim religion. See Tan Sri Mohammed Suffian bin Hashim, An Introduction to the Constitution of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur; Jabatan Chetak Kerajaan, 1972), p. 247"

  23. AK is another BS artist that claims to speak about the Chinese from facts garnered from the most fake Chinese of all - Bangsar Chinese.

    If he says Chinese would sell Granma for a profit.

    Then an Indian no matter Dravid or mamak would sell not only his Gran but his entire family, generations and country to marry a Chinese - that's both women and men.

    Can see it all around you - indians of various sorts following Chinese around like lil pariah dogs hoping for a few scraps here and there.

    That's how self racists and pathetic they are.

    now that is crude.


  24. Oh, dear, someone's got his knickers in a twist. heex3

    Dear Anonymous January 31, 2012 9:40:00 (ur mother and father gave u a good name, and u are ashamed to use it? sigh)

    Ok, u have had ur rant. Got it off your chest? good.

    Now stay with me and stay focussed.

    1. This thread is abt - who are the malays. It insinuates that Indians/mamaks are not Malays. So in this regard, they continually harp that Mahathir is not a malay. Whenever anyone says that, they display an abysmal lack of knowledge and understanding of the Malaysian Constitution.

    2. It is ok to disagree with what i have said. So provide your counter argument. I don't see any counter argument in your post. And please stay on the topic under discussion.

  25. After dealing with the first issue,viz., the constitutional definition of malay in malaysia, let's look at the second issue that is the "real malays" or melayu tulen.

    If there is a totem pole depicting malays, then surely the mamak-malays occupy the lowest rung. Second would be the Malay-look alikes (these look more like the indon construction workers), then come the Malay-arabs (they are fair, good looking, u know lah). I am generalizing here, so u got to allow some editorial freedom, ok.

    The malays generally don't like to be associated with the indian mamaks presumably because they are darker. who likes the negroe? (except maybe his mother). Without exception, they all like to be associated with the Arabs. Even the mamak-malays themselves. So the two lower categories always like to claim some arab bloodline. The arabs being right at the top, take pains to say they are arabs first and melayu second.

    Complicated? Hang around. it gets more interesting.

    Sometime during Mahathir's reign the issue of Melayu tulen came about for the first time. Presumably it was to somehow sideline the Wily One but him being a mamak-malay managed to avoid the schemes and plots of his melayu bretheren.

    There is no way we can ascertain the pedigree of the melayu tulen since the Malay archipelago was a meeting point of various groups of people. That is probably why our founding fathers thought it necessary to define the term "malay" in our constitution. But we have now found a way to divide the Malay community into components.

  26. The third and final issue i like to raise is concerning the comment, "It should not matter if you are a Malay or a Non-Malay." I think it matters and it matters greatly. But more on this issue later.

  27. AK is a joker.

    As if anyone cares what he says or thinks.

    the arguments have all been made - RE-READ it !

    Also unlike you, I'm not a wannabe politician thus i can use any MF name I want.

    Get it ?

    Lastly no, no pure mamak can be a malay.

    I believe at least 1 of your parents must be malay.

    why do you want to be malay?

    ashamed of being indian ?


  28. tsk, tsk

    another one with his head buried in the sand.

    Yes, u are right. No one should listen to me. I am a nobody.

    But let's look at what u are saying:

    "Lastly no, no pure mamak can be a malay.

    I believe at least 1 of your parents must be malay."

    Are u trying to define the constitution? And who are u? What are your credentials?

    look at his statement: "i believe ..." What is this belief based on? on fact? on what?

    I have given Tun Mohahammed Suffian's interpretation of the constitution where it says clearly that an indian is a malay if ... (reread my earlier post). I have also given the book reference. What has this person given? His belief...... sigh.

    If u cant do any better than providing your belief as a source of your argument, can i suggest u keep your head buried? Ignorance they say is bliss....

  29. Let's look at the 3rd and final issue:
    "It should not matter if you are a Malay or a Non-Malay."

    It matters because the Constitution has given the Malays certain priviledges. I don't want to go into a protracted argument of what these priviledges mean and the debate between rights and priviledges. Suffice to say, a distinction has been drawn in the Constitution. And that distinction has undoubtedly a rationale.

    Nations reserve the right to determine whether they favour the melting pot or multi-culturalism. For example, America favours the melting pot. Whereas in Malaysia, it is multi culturalism.

  30. Lun to your pot.

    Answer the question -

    Are you ashamed of being Indian

  31. Am i ashamed to be an indian?

    1. I already answered the question. It is NOT profitable for the mamak to be an Indian. It is better for them finanancially to be a Malay.

    2. If they call themselves as indians, they become a minority within a minority. Their interests are not looked after.

    3. The constitution allows mamaks to call themselves as Malays. So why shouldnt they take advantage of the benefits. As long as they don't do anything illegal, unethical or immoral, is it your business whether they call themselves as Malays or as hotttentots?

    Since you have asked me a question, let me ask u in return. Why can't the mamak call himself a malay? Please provide your justification.

  32. " Why can't the mamak call himself a malay? "

    What a fucking stupid question.

    Because that is not up to him.

    That is for the Malays to decide and the answer is an unerring NO.

    I take it from this and previous half truths and lies your kind so famous for that you are indeed ashamed of being Indian.


  33. If Malaysia is to progress, we need to recognise the idiots among us and contain them.

    This is the question i asked:

    Why can't the mamak call himself a malay? Please provide your justification.

    Because that is not up to him.
    That is for the Malays to decide and the answer is an unerring NO.



  34. I am posting an extract of Article 160 (2) of the Malaysian Constitution below which defines what is a Malay.

    "Malay" means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and -

    (a) was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or is on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or

    (b) is the issue of such a person;

    From the above, it is clear that one who professes just 'the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom', but is not born before or on Merdeka Day in the Federation or Singapore or descendants of at least one parent who is born or live in the Federation or Singapore on Merdeka Day is NOT a constitutional Malay.

    Similarly, a latter day migrant without any family roots in Malaysia, who arrives after Merdeka Day, CANNOT be a Malay even though he professes 'the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom'

    Can someone correct me if I am wrong in the interpretation?


    Ah HAHA

    Copying = 1st sign of panic and defeat.

    AND who are you to tell us ?

    we need to recognise the idiots among us and contain them.

    LOOK in the mirror that's where you will find all of them.

    ha ha

    Are you telling us now that - a Malay can't decide who is Malay or not ?

    What a load of Bullshit.


  36. I guess there is a problem when your race becomes a huge determining factor in your future. It matters not if the person is ashamed to be whatever he is, and claims to be something else. If akbar khan haneefa is ashamed to be mamak, so what? Are you then going to make fun of him being mamak and therefore prove that that there is a reason to be ashamed?

    I think, it matters more on what is the "push factor" for people to go as far as to decide to change their race. If it's financial, and in most cases, it is, clearly there is a problem, not in the definition of the race, but in the distribution of wealth and opportunities in our country.

    I am a constitutional Malay. I resent people saying that I am ashamed of what I am. You see, is it fair for me to lose out on the opportunities that my brothers are so readily given?

    Now, is the solution to this problem, to redefine the constitution to exclude mamaks, or chinese convert? Or is the real solution to ensure proper division of money? I believe it is the latter.

    antiselfracism, you asked if a malay can decide who is a malay or not. Of course they can. That's how the constitution was written, was it not? Malays chose people to represent them and those people chose other people to write the constitution which made the definition of malay glaringly obvious. As far as I know, which admittedly, isn't a whole lot, I'm only a student, there isn't a lot of debate amongst the malay crowd today on whether mamak people should be let into the exclusive club of kelab melayu. So I don't think that the answer is an "unerring no" The Malay people have spoken and it has already been decided what the definition of Malay is. Clearly, a larger number of Malays benefits Malays because then quotas for Malays would increase and other races become minorities. Whether this is good or not is an entirely different issue.

    I believe the spirit of this article was not to question anyone's heritage or to question the constitution's definition of malay. It was to bring up the point that, if it were not for the distribution of wealth according to race and religion, then we would not have such a massive exodus of mamaks into the malay race.

  37. "If akbar khan haneefa is ashamed to be mamak, so what? Are you then going to make fun of him being mamak and therefore prove that that there is a reason to be ashamed? "

    Another fucking cockbrained statement fro the bangsar yuppie fag brigade.

    If he ashamed of being Indian = saying something wrong with being Indian = RACIST.

    How you seem to eager to be anti racist EXCEPT when it comes to the Indian race ?

    What a load of bullshit your anti racism is?

    It is just a save face cover for you to outbreed out of your Indian skins.

    Bottom line, I have no respect or someone who is self racist and I will certainly make it my business to obstruct his perversions and not only will I laff at him but if I see him in the street I will tell him straight in the face then we'll see what happens .

  38. oh that was me :

    anti self racism

  39. Chow YW

    if the migrant is a migrant in malaysia, he is not a malay. To be a malay, u need to be a citizen. Tht's my understanding.

  40. Anon February 3, 2012 7:09:00 AM

    your last statement, has two parts:

    (1) the spirit of this article was not to question anyone's heritage -- I think it was questioning the heritage. The distinction that is being made is that there are the "constitutional malays" and the "melayu tulen". My point is that all malays in malaysia are constitutional malays.

    (2) if it were not for the distribution of wealth according to race and religion, then we would not have such a massive exodus of mamaks into the malay race. --- it cannot be considered as an exodus. The mamaks are not lying or cheating when they say they are malays. They are exercising their right as enshrined in the constitution. In 1957, the population of Malaya was roughly in equal proportion between the Malay and the Non-Malays. Our founding fathers thought it wise to bring into the fold as many malays as they could into the community. Today there is a challenge to that wisdom. In the same way the Non-malays are challenging malay rights and privileges. In itself this is not wrong. The Constitution can be changed and indeed if it needs be it should be changed in the light of changing circumstances. But for today, u cannot argue that the Mamak is NOT a malay. It was already decided by our founding fathers.

  41. laws are not followed in Malaysia, any fool knows that.

    UMNO decides who is Malay, too bad for you old fool.

    I think this new wave of dravid mamaks are mostly fakes, in it only for side benefits.

    Puiiii to you.


  42. Allow me to share my view. I am 3rd generation of Chinese immigrants of Malaysia.

    The true Malays people have now been fooled since decades ago especially by Mathir who is not a true Malay.

    The quota system for example for university intake is one of the reasons causing true Malays to be unable to be at world stage today.

    You have to go thru hard time to excel. Look at the 1st generation of Chinese in New Villages? Just ask one of those 1st generation of New Village which established by British 60 years ago. The 1st generation of Chinese started the New Villages and there were about 450 villages after world war 2.

    Even during world ward 2, Chinese went into jungle and hid away from Japanese army. Life was also hard in jungle.

    During world war 2, Chinese became communist to counter Japanese armies. After world war 2, they countered British occupation.

    It was such a hard time for the 1st generation of Chinese living in New Village where Emergency (Darulat)Ordinance was imposed and the Chinese lost their freedom during that time.

    The 1st generation of Chinese in the New Village built from zero on the limited land giving by British.

    Today, we see FELDA and FELCRA are assisted much by present UMNO government. Consequently, the UMNO government has not given the chance for the true Malays to go thru hard time since 1957.

    You have to let your children to go thru hard time, to study hard and not to let them be Mat Rempit or hanging around in street.

    The true Malays have failed to notice that open competition education is the most important like the one faced by Chinese today.

    Chinese always believe that even being poor, we could not be poor in education.

    Another thought is that Chinese have the option to go for Christianity, but today majority of Chinese are non Christi1ans. In Indonesia, they also have freedom to choose their religion. But Indonesia is still the world largest muslim country.

    My point is they have to give freedom to true Malays so that they could excel in life. But today, we see too much fear has been on the true Malays becaue they have not freedom and choices.

    They, the government, should assist the true Malays to excel in education not imposing quota for university intake because they think they do not need to excel academically and still could go to university OR they would think "doesn't matter" when their parents have not paid much attention.

    Today, we see MARA also fails because true competition in open system (like the one in Singapore) does not exist in MARA.

    Today, we see Malays in Singapore are much better off than Malays in Malaysia.

  43. ahhhh.

    You were doing so well until you brought up that pariah dog cuntry Singapore.

    Never ever assume MY Chinese all support Singapore.

    Wo shi huaren wo zhi dao singapore bu shi yigezhende huaren guojia.

  44. keep forgetting to sign off.


  45. Parish dog country Singapore? It doesn't matter how parish is Singapore.

    The most important is Malays in Malaysia today could not compete with Malays in Singapore.

    Malaysia Ringgit today could not compete with B$ or S$ although all almost the same 40 years ago.

  46. It doesn't matter how parish is Singapore.

    The most important is Malaysia has national debt while Singapore does not have. This is about managing national resources.

    You still want to appoint the MD (UMNO) and his managers (MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PBB, etc.) to manage your company (Malaysia) when your company (Malaysia) is losing money and they taken out your profit RM888 billion from year 2000 to 2008 as reported by Global Finance Integrity :

    I would certain fire these MD and all those managers.

    The problem is true Malays have been fooled long ago by Mathir who is not a true Malay. Mathir was good at privitisation to give money to his cronies.

    That is why we see Malaysia's debt is mounting every year.

    Giving RM250 million to Sharizat (who is also not a true Malay) a family to run feedlot?

    It should be 250 (Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthu) each get RM1 million to share on the feedlot!

    No wonder rural areas of Malays in Sarawak are still without electricity while Taib having billion RM property overseas: see his property portfolia at

  47. You know nothing, I actually loved in the doghole down south for 5 years.

    no corruption ?


    yeah of course that's why all the press is owned and controlled by PAP.

    heard of the bukit nassim condo scandal involving the Lees?

    result? they were somehow " cleared" by a parliamentary
    " committee"

    SG gov. never loses money ?

    tell that to the millions of Sgers who saw their funds shrinks by something like 30BSGD in 2009.

    It's a FACT admitted by their own press.

    Efficient gov. my ass.

    And by the way it's PARIAH like you not " parish " whatever the fuck that is supposed to be.

  48. Yes, I like to be called pariah. It doesnt meatter!

    The most important is what is published here openly by this writer. The loser in Malaysia is the Malays!

    The one who labelled others as parish are themselve parish 1st! All religions teach everyone is equal. So, the one who labels other as parish, they themselves could not tahan to tell other as parish.

    Singapore is least corruption while Malaysia is full of corruption everywhere (culture bred by Mathir. Even at kampung level, we see how corrupted these people even buying banana at a small town, they added extra amount to original amount. A seller of banana told so!

  49. LOL

    Some dumb c**ts don't understand the difference between Pariah and Parish, and they still dare talk like they are English experts.

    Must a Bangsar Malaysian.

    More corruption in Msia cause it is a much bigger country than SG.

    More per capita I doubt it.

    60bn SGD loss is 150BnMYR.

    A huge sum !

    And YES it is not corruption perse but it still evidence against the lie that SG gov. is efficient and accountable (Tony Tan is now President of SG - what bullshit )


    parish haha haha

  50. sad Malays are ruled over and cheated by the Malay Indian breed. always being spin around, i think Malays should start defensing themselves from the United Mamak National Organisation.
