
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

cakap cakap....OPPORTUNITY

If you ask me what was the first thing needed to rid ourselves of Barisan Nasional I will answer with one word “OPPORTUNITY!” That opportunity will come with the 13th general election.

If neglected it will be gone forever. If not seized now it will be lost and we will forever wonder what might have been. If we wait it will pass and never come back. If you do not see it coming then you are blind.

If you do not know it is there then you have failed yourself. If you miss it, it will haunt you for ever. Opportunity like this does not normally come knocking on your door. It is your obligation to seize it for the future of our country. Embrace this opportunity. If you fail to embrace it then you would have failed yourself, your family and your country

We all know that our nation is now in crisis. When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. The danger comes from Barisan Nasional. The opportunity lies with us NOW!

But we must not be complacent for with this opportunity also comes the possibility of failure. Why failure?

Failure because some of us are already thinking of giving up before we begin. They bitch about Pakatan Rakyat lack of resources. They complain that PR is only a coalition of convenience and an alliance of three totally opposing political organization without the cohesion needed to face a BN armed to its teeth with money and resources. That PR is waiting to implode at the first sign of disagreement on any religious or racial issues. There are so many ways to fail for PR, so many ways to go wrong!

Yes there are many ways to fail but are we not even going to try? Forget failure. "We must act as if it were impossible to fail" Dorothea Brande. If we fail trying then I say we have succeed because when we fell down, we did not stay down. We will gain wisdom through this failure. We and our nation will be the better for it.

For those of you that are still waiting in the wings to see which way the wind will blow I tell you that it is time to commit yourself not to PR or to BN – but to that opportunity of change for it will come most probably only once in our life time. We know it is now.

Those corrupt and arrogant politicians know not what will hit them. They know not because they cannot even see what is at the end of their noses.

They do not understand that when the Inspector General of Police cowardly strikes a defenseless person held in custody he encourages a culture where other police officers will strike other suspects in custody with impunity. This IGP also encouraged other police officers to gun down Aminurasyid. This IGP encouraged the police to murder Kugan in such a callous and inhuman manner. For by hitting DSAI so cowardly this IGP is telling other police officers that it is alright to harm people under their custody.

They do not understand that when Mahathir uses our money to bail out the business of his son he is telling other BN politicians and government servants that it is alright for them to steal the peoples money through any means in order to take this money for their own personal use. Corruption we call it. They call it income.

Najib and Rosmah fails to understand that they must lead by example. That it is wrong to do the engagement of their  daughter while they are on an official visit to the country of the daughter’s fiance. The Prime Minister and his wife does not understand that the decent thing for his wife to do is to show some thrift in her spending because as our First Lady, she of all people, should lead by example and show thrift and common sense in her expenditure. When she shows thrift it permeates down to the people around her doing the same thing…and then to everybody else who sees her example. This is how they lead by example.

For Najib what sort of an example is he showing to those that he leads? That it is okay to have Isa Samad, a man convicted of corruption, to stand under the banner of BN? That it is okay to allow his friend, Razak Baginda to make such a hideously amount of commission from those Scorpene submarines purchased for the nations defense?
That when an MP is accused of indecently assaulting a waitress he is not only not punished, but is instead rewarded with a posting as our Ambassador to Washington?

That it is alright to not front up for the Altanatuya court proceedings and now the DSAI sodomy Two trial?

We all know this. We all know about the OSA being used to protect their cronies who are making billions from Privitization and IPP contracts. We know that most of these government secrets that they keep from us is because they do not want us to know the things that they do in order to enable themselves and their cronies to make billions out of their time in government.

Greed is the problem. The blind pursuit of profit drives these BN politicians. And I say this wrong. What Najib and the other BN politicians are doing is wrong.

We have the opportunity to make all this right. Use the opportunity at the 13th General Election. Vote for change. Vote for Pakatan Rakyat. 


  1. Why ABU/ABBN?
    1) First Lady thinks she owns country
    2) Unrebated corruption, contracts that siphon billions of taxpayers money
    3) PDRM, MACC, Judiciary system, AG chambers - the hatchet guys
    4) Education system that sucks
    5) Rising inflation
    6) Lack of direct foreign investments
    7) Projects given to cronies (eg. IPP's
    8) Polarization of races - divide & rule through castrating BN's smaller partners while fanning Perkasa
    9) Mismanagement of countries assets - MAS, Petronas, Sarawak's timber etc
    10) Stupid PM that can win votes only through "you help me, I help you."
    11) Shall we go on?

    Solution? Pakatan Raykat

    1) Don't give excuses that can't find suitable candidates by selecting anyone that is free on nomination day.
    2) Just shut up & do a decent job in the States they are already in control
    3) Tell DSAI, don't go around thinking he is Godfather and telling people to take it (his grand plan of things) or piss off -like in Sabah & Sarawak. Just by one guy Baru Bian winning by a small majority is nothing to shout about.
    4) DAP should show a humble front which isn't the case in Penang, Sarawak & infighting in Perak & Selangor.
    5) Ask someone to keep his dick in his pants or at least don't get caught with his pants down (joking lah)- but seriously, don't give ammunition to people to accuse him. There isn't smoke with a fire. Also, while sleeping, never let your boyfriend take photos of you.

    Ma Ying Jeou (Taiwan) once said that his father prepared him for politics since young - avoid scandals & live circumspectly. We are still a Muslim, Asian & conservative society. If not, why our deep repulsion for FLOM?
    6) Forget "hudud" unless impliment it in Kelantan and let the world see how it works.
    7) Give concrete plans on how to fix the economy. The economy wasn't exactly flying when DSAI was Finance minister. For good or bad, it was Daim that saved the day while...
    8) Etc, etc...

    Can PR still win? I hope so.

    Tok Rojak

  2. Hudud or no Hudud, I will still vote for PR. I am a non-muslim and there are certain laws are good to be implemented. If possible amend some of the Hudud laws which are acceptable by the Bosses (WE)..
