
Thursday, April 4, 2013


The Capo di tutti i capi or capo dei capi (boss of all bosses), numero uno, Alpha male, the person that has to be obeyed, el Presidente, mamak him what you like or whatever name he deserves to be called (and I have a few choice ones myself that I would like to call him - but good manners and common decency stops me from doing so)....well Mahathir, the Man himself has spoken! Corruption and money politics is akin to makan babi!

From what Kadir Sheikh Fadhir has spoken that means a few....okay make that a lot ...of UMNO Supreme Council Members dah makan babi...a hell of a lot of the 2000 delegates also dah makan babi....UMNO Ministers in the Malaysian Cabinet dah makan babi....and most probably Mahathir, Najib and Muhyiddin too dah makan babi or at least paid for UMNO members to makan babi. As to how much babi they makan is for you and me to speculate. Going by the billions spend on money politics I would say much more babi (in terms of value) than what all the Chinese in Malaysia have consumed!

Camna? Betul atau tidak?    

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