
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Drugs and Prostitution makes more money for PDRM than the Bribes they take from us on a daily basis!

Ex-con: I paid cops RM50,000 monthly

 | July 2, 2013

PETALING JAYA: A former drug pusher claimed he paid between RM30,000 and RM50,000 a month to the police in Negeri Sembilan and Malacca for information on police stakeouts.
“If I receive information that the police are going to hold a stakeout, I would put the (drug) business on hold and go into hiding until they tell me it is safe again,” he claimed.
The former drug pusher said this in an interview with FMT in the presence of anti-crime watchdog MyWatch chairman R Sri Sanjeevan in a secret location recently. He refused to be identified or shown in a video interview for fear of repercussion.
He claimed he had been in the drug syndicate for about three years, pushing drugs with the help of the police.
He was arrested and jailed two years under the Drugs Prevention Act in 2005.
“I have not been in the business ever since I got out. It is time to turn over a new leaf and I am now running my own business,” he said.
“But I often receive phone calls from top cops I used to work with, asking me to start pushing drugs again. They say there are new ways to evade the law and they will ensure my safety this time around,” he added.
Other than paying a lump sum each month, he claimed that the police would call him daily requesting for cash ranging in the thousands.
“Everytime they need money, they will call me. I’ve even paid for family holidays for top cops and given ‘ang-pau’ for every festive season,” he said.
“On occasions, I would treat them at nightclubs and discotheques. They would also requests for the latest mobile phones and apparel. I have no choice but to comply as I need to keep the syndicate in business,” he added.
‘Syabu for cops’

The former drug pusher also alleged that a handful of policemen would call him daily requesting for methamphetamine, known locally as syabu for their own consumption.
“There are drug addicts in the police force and they will call me daily to supply them with syabu.
“This means I must always have stock to meet their needs or they will turn against me,” he claimed.
The reformed man said he bought the drugs for about RM10,000 and sold it for double the amount.
“Each pusher can earn up to RM100,000 a month and the syndicate consists of about 10 men.
“Sometimes the police even conduct raids and seize our drugs, only to be sold back to us at a higher cost. That’s why you only see huge drug busts on the news, the smaller ones are all covered up,” he added.

IPCMC needed
Sanjeevan meanwhile recommended the implementation of the Independant Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to oversee the police abuses.
“We definitely need the IPCMC, that is the only way the police can be monitored as well. For now, they have no one to be afraid of. Who is going to conduct urine tests on the police?” he asked.
“The IPCMC will play a role and help keep the police force free of corruption,” he added.
Sanjeevan said the police often took complaints lightly and never followed up with the complainants on the status of the case.
“I had lodged a police report for a death threat and another for assault, until today no arrests have been made,” he said.
“They don’t even bother getting back to me to give updates on the case. The investigating officers even ignore my calls,” he added.
Sanjeevan said the police had mistaken MyWatch for an enemy when in fact they worked together with the police.
“We have been misunderstood, we are not the enemy. We want to help improve the system and reduce crime,” he said.
“MyWatch has faith in the new IGP Khalid Abu Bakar and we hope he will allow us to work together as a team,” he added.

steadyaku47 comment: Drugs and Prostitution makes more money for PDRM than they bribes they demand from us! Below is my post in May 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Prostitution -a source of income for PDRM?

                        INTEGRITI AMALAN KITA ?????? HUH?

15 foreign masseuses held at reflexology centre
JOHOR BARU: Fifteen foreign female masseuses were detained in a raid at a traditional reflexology centre in Jalan Pingai, Taman Pelangi here last week. Of the 15 women, eight of them were believed to be victims of a human trafficking syndicate.

The eight, seven Cambodians and an Indonesian, between the ages of 18 and 20, were believed to have been brought into the country legally under the pretext of securing jobs in factories.
The raid was conducted by a team from the Federal Police Anti-Vice, Gaming and Secret Societies (D7) division following a tip-off.
     Let me tell this as it is – as it should be told rather then the above media headlines which seems to tell us that PDRM is on top of everything. In this matter what they are on top off is open to conjecture. I want to say here categorically that 90% of these “reflexology centre” in this country are fronts for prostitution. Full stop!
     Let us take Jalan Bukit Bintang. The massage centers, SPA, reflexology centers on that street and on the side street running off Jalan Bukit Bintang are centers for prostitution. The Massage Center at the Federal Hotel – a center for prostitution that not only has the vice squad officers on a monthly retainer but also entertains them on a need basis – not their needs but PDRM needs. This massage center is confident enough to have Malay girls on their premises without fear of being raided by PDRM or the religious authorities.
     You can see the cars carrying these ladies of the evenings to and fro along these streets delivering them to the various hotels and massage parlors for them to do their “business” and their business is prostitution!  Chinese from China, Cambodians, Thai, Burmese’s, Indons, Russians – for a price they can all be got in Jalan Bukit Bintang.
     Stake out the back of Federal Hotel – the road between the Hotel and the Bowling alley – and you see the activities of these pimps with their females. Gone are the days when only Protons were exclusively used (a fact that Mahathir would have approved – the use of Proton I mean!) – but no longer because Proton cars die too soon though you do see them sometimes – but there is no denying the existence of these pimps and their charges – and where are the Police? Where are the Federal Police Anti-Vice and D7 officers?
     I am accusing them of complicity  - if not all of them then the majority of them. Of complicity in ensuring that not only do the trade in these females flourish but it also stays beyond the reach of the law and religious authorities. Are you telling me that PDRM is not aware of these activities? That the IPK Selangor situated in the heart of things – in front of the Pudu Jail -  is totally ignorant of this lucrative business in Bukit Bintang?
     I tell you that they are in cahoots with the heavenly kings that control this trade. I tell you that the senior officers are receiving monthly retainers to turn a blind eye for amounts of Ringgits that would tempt many of us to want to join PDRM in droves. I tell you that this rot snakes itself from the lowest ranked constable to whoever is needed to ensure that the trade continues to thrive.

     As Sgt Schultz of Hogan Heroes said”
“Shoud it ever happen again I will report you to your superior officer and then to his superior officer and even to his superior officer. I will report it all the way up until it comes back to me and if I ever report it to myself…you are going to be in trouble!”
(Please refer to the above Sgt Schultz clip for more info!)

So all bases have to be covered and it starts with complicity at the highest level in PDRM.
     Where should PDRM start if they want to clean up Bukit Bintang from these activities? Pick any of these establishments. Any one of them and do a stake out in the open. Just place a police patrol car out front or at the back entrance.  Take photos of anyone visiting. That will stop all the customers from frequenting these places. When the customers stops coming – the business closes. The girls have no jobs and they will have to go back to Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Indonesia – wherever they came from. No worries about them not being able to leave just because they have overstayed. A system already exists between them and Immigration to allow them to leave anytime they want once they have paid what the immigration officers wants to allow them to leave our country without any hassle….see how accommodating immigration can be when there is something in it for them on a personal level!
     So Mr. IGP – are you denying that you and your officer turn a blind eye to these activities? The public who frequent Bukit Bintang can see what is happening. The Public does not have to stake out any establishment. They do not have to spend hours investigating what is going on  - it is there in front of their eyes! Is PDRM idea of passive containment for mutual gain?
     I am not even going to write about Jalan Chow Kit ! If you cannot manage Bukit Bintang then let us just pretend that the drugs dealing and the flesh trade in Chow Kit does not exists. Let us just pretend that all is good in that part of town. But do not think that we do so because we are heeding your demand that we leave PDRM in peace to do their job.
     Why IGP are you telling us to let a sleeping tiger alone? That PDRM is the sleeping tiger? Huh! You stand up and talk your head off about us doing what PDRM wants us to do. You go on and on about PDRM being maligned and bad mouth by the public. Mr IGP Tan Sri Sir you choose to not see what your officers are doing. We cannot because we are at the receiving end of it all. We bear the brunt of your PDRM thugs pushing their weight around in order to line up their pockets. Your constable on the beat have to work hard for their share of our money because after all their officers are getting monthly pay-off of up to $20K to $30K a month in Bukit Bintang alone. And these are not figures I pick out of the air. Go to IPK Selangor and see for yourself what car your officer drives, what car their wives drives – and just for the fun of it – search the pockets of each and everyone in that IPK building and see what you get! 
    So much corruption. So much abuse of power. So much complicity in c   rimes with the criminal elements of Kuala Lumpur. And so many of your officers involved. …and you wonder why we look upon PDRM with contempt and disgust? 


  1. I say man, all those massage parlors are with licenses,no crime was committed unless our policemen go undercover to detect (enjoy) such prostitution crimes. And to do that, we need more manpower (as all our police officers are busily monitoring all those rallies and seditious Opposition and escorting VVIPs). Therefore, our superlative and dynamic IGP has plans to ask for more manpower and MONEY from the government to start a crime prevention division because that wasn't his job before.

  2. Recently at Complete Food Court, a makan place off jalan Besi, KL was raided by some officers from the Immigration Department. About forty China Dolls were caught but instead of deporting them back to China which was the normal procedure they were instead "fine" RM2000 each and were released to be "allowed" to "work" at the food court again. You think the police or the Immigration officers really want to get rid of prostitution or close down the massage parlors or prosecute those drug lords? Doing so is akin to killing the goose that lay the golden eggs for them. And the IGP always say we must respect his boys for working so hard helping to reduce crimes. He must be sleeping on his job if he do not know what's happening around him if common folks like us can see clearly what's going on.

  3. Sorry, made a mistake. Should be Jalan Sungei Besi instead of Jalan Besi.
