
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sex Diplomat from Malaysia?

There are calls for the government to let the public know more about the diplomat at the centre of a alleged sex claim.
Yesterday police confirmed they arrested a man in his 30s on May 9th and charged him with burglary and assault with intent to rape, after he followed a 21-year-old Wellington woman home.
The man has since left the country.
The Prime Minister is remaining tight lipped about where the man is from, but Labour leader David Cunliffe thinks otherwise.
“I think the public does have a right to know what country he’s from.”
Well, the police report said the man was arrested in Brooklyn, Wellington.  And we know he was working at a High Commission.
A simple “high commission brooklyn wellington” gets you this:  
What would be the odds of a high commission diplomat, not from Malaysia, being arrested in Brooklyn?

Diplomat evades sex charges in New Zealand

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A diplomat has evaded sexual assault charges in New Zealand by claiming diplomatic immunity and returning home.
New Zealand police said the man, who is in his 30s, last month followed a 21-year-old woman and assaulted her. They have charged him with burglary and assault with the intent to rape, each of which carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.
A New Zealand judge has suppressed the man's name and details of the case which could identify him. Government lawyers have interpreted that order as including naming the diplomat's home country.
New Zealand's government sought a waiver of diplomatic immunity so the man could face trial in New Zealand, but was rebuffed by the man's home country, which sent him home within days of the May 9 incident.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said it was New Zealand's "very strong preference" that the man face trial in New Zealand.
"Effectively the sending country stopped us from doing that by invoking diplomatic immunity," Key said. "Though, I would make the point that it's our expectation he will be held to account in his home country."
Key said the diplomat's boss in New Zealand has been summoned by officials to emphasize how seriously New Zealand views the situation. He added that New Zealand maintains good relations with the country in question.
New Zealand's courts sometimes suppress the details of those accused of sexual crimes in order to protect the identity of any victims. Court officials were not immediately able Monday to provide reasons for the suppression order in this case.

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Mischevious comments by New Zealanders:

  • On an anatomical point of legal order, Malay men have such tiny little cocks, attempted rape is all they can ever be charged with!

  • Hmm.. I wonder if they will claim its all because of flight MH 370?

  • He's presumably a Malaysian of Indian extraction?

  • Was she a maori? He was probably just looking for a black box!

01 July 2014

Serangan seksual diplomat Malaysia di NZ - Sidang akhbar Wisma Putra hari ini

Wisma Putra berkata ia akan membuat penjelasan esok berkaitan seorang diplomat Malaysia yang dituduh oleh pihak berkuasa New Zealand melakukan serangan dengan niat merogol.

Rakyat New Zealand berang semalam selepas pihak berkuasa mendapati lelaki berkenaan, dalam lingkungan usia 30-an, telah mengekori seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun pulang ke rumah dan menyerangnya.

Akhbar di New Zealand dihalang daripada mendedahkan nama suspek atau negara asalnya selepas seorang hakim New Zealand mengeluarkan perintah melarang butiran dirinya didedahkan.

Bagaimanapun, Malaysiakini difahamkan bahawa lelaki itu adalah seorang diplomat Malaysia yang bekerja di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia yang berpejabat di Wellington.

Menteri Luar, Datuk Anifah Aman ketika diminta mengesahkannya,
memberitahu Malaysiakini dalam mesej teks bahawa sidang akhbar mengenainya akan diadakan esok.

Malaysiakini tidak menyiarkan nama lelaki itu sementara menunggu respons rasmi dari Wisma Putra.

Menurut Associated Press, polis menahan diplomat itu pada 9 Mei dan mendakwanya atas tuduhan memecah rumah dan serangan dengan niat untuk merogol, kedua-duanya membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun.

Bagaimanapun, lelaki itu mendapat kekebalan diplomatik dan telah meninggalkan negara itu.

Perdana Menteri New Zealand John Key mendedahkan pagi ini bahawa kerajaannya telah menuntut kekebalan diplomatik lelaki itu diibatalkan, tetapi telah ditolak. - Malaysiakini

Published: Tuesday July 1, 2014 MYT 1:03:00 PM
Updated: Tuesday July 1, 2014 MYT 3:17:55 PM

On Facebook, Malaysian diplomatic aide in NZ sexual assault case looks happily married

PETALING JAYA: The diplomatic aide who allegedly sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman in New Zealand appears to be a happy family man.
According to the Facebook Profile of his wife, Mohammed Rizalman Bin Ismail(pic), 38,  has three children, two of which are enrolled in primary schools while the other is a toddler.
The wife, who is from Terengganu, is a nurse. She is formerly a student at College of Nursing in Kuala Lumpur.
Their profile showed that they had moved to Wellington in October last year.
The wife seems like a simple housewife who loves her children as her Facebook profile was filled with pictures of them.
On Mohammed Rizalman's Facebook profile, he appears to be a happily-married family man.
Based on his limited profile access, the suspect posted many family pictures. He also supports Malaysian Super League side ATM FA. 
He apparently followed the young woman back to her home in Brooklyn on the night of May 9 and is alleged to have assaulted her with the intent to rape.
Some reports have also linked him to a burglary case.
Each of the offences carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.
He has returned to Malaysia. However, New Zealand authorities have asked him to return to face charges.

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