
Thursday, December 4, 2014

May God protect us and Malaysia from mischief makers like Musa Hassan‎ and may no future IGP of PDRM damage PDRM the way this man has done. Amen.

Statement by Tan Sri Robert Phang on the Settlement with Tan Sri Musa Hassan

Malaysians will remember that I sued former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan after he made false statements against me in 2012 alleging that I was involved in some contracts with PDRM. Musa Hassan knew his allegations were false and yet he made it with the intention to smear my name and PDRM which was then under the leadership of IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar.
Malaysians will also remember‎ that Musa Hassan is the most scandalous IGP who was upset when his contract was not renewed and thereafter he attacked the government including then Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein. It was at that time that he also attacked me and also made false allegations against Dato Ramli Yusuff whom he had fixed up leading to Dato Ramli being eliminated from the PDRM. When Dato Ramli Yusuff sued him, Musa Hassan settled by apologising and paying cost of RM10,000.
On Monday 1st December 2015, my suit came on for trial. I accepted Musa Hassan’s proposal to settle because he agreed to apologise in open court and pay my nominal solicitor’s cost of RM10,000. I did that in deference to the Court which had mediated for us to settle. I agreed since his public apology in open court would not waste court’s time and because I sued Musa not for money but to seek the truth.
However, I read reports that Musa Hassan stated that his settlement was to protect PDRM. How can that be? How can a man who caused so much damage to PDRM; who attacked his successor IGP; who fixed up a Director of CCID with false charges; who caused 6 rank and file officers to also be charged; who was called by a Judge in a trial as an unreliable witness and to be discredited (which is a euphemism for a liar); who was named in the affidavit of a criminal, say that the settlement was to protect PDRM.
The fact that Musa Hassan apologised to Dato Ramli Yusuff and also to me in open court after being sued for making false allegations against us show that this man is, as called by the Judge in the Sabah case, a liar. This is a shameless man‎ who would do anything just  to save his skin. This is a man without honor. I say this openly and I stand by my word.
I say Musa Hassan is a liar so that future courts and all Malaysians can see that this man is without remorse. He is, as said, by his former ADC, ASP Azizul, in a Statutory Declaration‎, a Pengkhianat. I say he seek settlement because he knows I will expose him as a liar in court.
May God protect us and Malaysia from mischief makers like Musa Hassan‎ and may no future IGP of PDRM damage PDRM the way this man has done. Amen.

Tan Sri Robert Phang
Social Care Foundation

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