
Friday, July 22, 2016

cakap cakap...another bran neu day!

'Tis the morning after....7.23 AM in the morning here in Melbourne...all is quiet and the day beckons. I can hear no cars yet on the road...just the distant rumbling of a tram passing by in the streets below me.  I am awake with a cup of Nescafe and of course in my obligatory sarong and singlet that always puts my whole self at ease. 

Down at your end of the world, in K is  4.27 AM.

Already there is something from my MCKK Whatsapp chat group that makes me smile.

"With regards to the sacking of the US AG Lynch by PM is impossible. He has no authority but by shifting the FBI officer to PM office is OK. PM must have lost his composure to sack US AG it must b done out of frustration very unlike Najib ........"

Laughter may be good for you and a sense of humor is certainly needed to take us through these bewildering slew of events that seems to overwhelm our senses lately.... but is that not what life is all about? 

Some of us wake up in the morning and thank God for the new day. 
Some wake up to new doubts, new challenges and new fears unsure if they could overcome what they must face in the day ahead.
And some of us knows that yesterday no longer is what you do today that will define you by the end of the day. Have you lived your life to the fullest possible?

But enough of this self indulgence that please only us and no others. Let us try to make some sense of what happened yesterday.

Yesterday the Justice Department of the United States told us that Riza Aziz,  Jho Low, and Abu Dhabi government officials Khadem Abdulla Al-Qubaisi and Mohammed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny stole assets worth more than US1 billion from 1MDB and that they were all involved in an international conspiracy to launder that money misappropriated from 1MDB. It also alleges that US$681 million from a 2014 bond sale by 1MDB was transferred to the account of "Malaysian Official 1", who is described in the lawsuits as "a high- ranking official in the Malaysian government who also held a position of authority with 1MDB".

1MDB was created by the government of Malaysia to promote economic development in Malaysia through global partnerships and foreign direct investment, and its funds were intended to be used for improving the well-being of the Malaysian people and so the Malaysian people were defrauded by their actions. 

In simple terms....the US government is telling us that Rosmah's son from a previous marriage stole US1 billion from a company that belongs to the government of Malaysia. The chairman of that company and the head of that government, is Rosmah's present husband, Najib Razak.  

What are the images that comes to your mind when you hear all this?
  • Mahathir, while he was PM, asking Petronas to bail out Mirzan's Konsortium Perkapalan for RM226 million and assuming its debts of RM324 million?
  • Abdullah Badawi, while PM, allowing his brother to secure a lopsided catering contract from MAS for 25 years with a total value of RM6.25 billion?
  • Sharizat getting her family a RM250 million grant meant for a cattle project and using those funds to pay for condominiums, Mercedes etc etc?
Yes ......all that and more!

And this time around, under Najib, already RM42 billion is missing from 1MDB ....and this US Department of Justice action on Rosmah's son is the first real attempt to recover those missing billions!

Come on lah...what is happening with Najib is what has been happening under Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Daim, Pak Lah, Mahyuddin and others ....only this time the amount is in the billions!

I am just trying to put things in perspective. Najib is only doing what has been done by prime ministers and other Umno and BN leaders that came before him. Think about that this morning. Ask yourself where our country is heading and what do you intend to do about it. 

I am not condoning what is happening under Najib's rule.....just trying to make some sense of what is happening in Malaysia today. We get what we deserve....and what we have all done collectively in the past has allowed for someone like Najib to do what he is doing today in the name of government. And the people now trying to change things in Malaysia are part of the problem that our country now finds itself in....THEY ARE NOT THE SOLUTION!.

Using public funds for private gain is do we stop our leaders from continuing to do this?




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