
Thursday, October 6, 2016

cakap cakap....orang lama nak cakap sikit....

I am sad at the reaction of some Malaysians over the big discovery of huge amounts of cash in SABAH by SPRM. I am especially disgusted with those who issue negative remarks on the Sabah case. To such elements, nothing is ever good enough.

Come on people, this is quite an achievement in the history of SPRM's arrests /busts. The amount of cash successfully recovered so far is easily the largest amount ( of cash) ever discovered.

Personally, I am happy that SPRM has been making headway into a number of cases be they in DBKL , Immigration Department, or Jabatan Perairan Sabah. Corruption in the public sector affects our quality of life directly you know. This is a very encouraging development in the effort to stamp out corruption in the public sector. Do remember that the job is a very dangerous one. Organised crime is highly dangerous. 

I hope SPRM starts looking at eradicating corruption in the Transport sector too. I am fed up of encountering retread tyre debris on the highway. These can kill. I fear the corruption in the Road Safety sector has become systemic. Retreaded truck tyres are a menace. Surely vehicles that use such tyres should not be allowed on Tolled Highways?!! The speed at which retreaded tyres are considered safe is far below the speeds that big trucks and large buses reach on our highways. Something must be done to realistically LIMIT the speed of commercial vehicles that use retreads.

In any case, SPRM is becoming a really serious force that strikes fear in the hearts of the corrupt. This is indeed a development in the right direction. Bravo to SPRM especially to Dato Azam Baki , the Special Operations Director of SPRM. These people risk their lives to fight corruption. Let us show some appreciation. I am sure stamping out corruption will lead to a better quality of life for all.

Thank you.

steadyaku47 comment :....setuju brother. setuju!

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