
Thursday, October 6, 2016

cakap cakap : Mahathir and the Royals.


Mahathir says the ruler and him had a long discussion when he submitted the 1.2…
steadyaku47 comment : Surely expect nothing less.....or more! 

The Agong and the Sultans are beholden to Umno for their allowances, palaces, Rolls Royces....whatever they have, whatever they enjoy and whatever they will need financially to survive in the manner that they have been accustomed to....all are in the hands of Umno to do as Umno pleases. 
How would any of them survive without their Royal Purse? 
And should PPBM takes government in the next general election the same situation will still prevail....unless you and your peers decide to do with the Sultans what India have done with their Maharajahs many many years ago......something you and your collegues may well want to consider given what is now happening in Malaysia today. 
Saya rasa the best thing to do would be to just put them on a pension....that would be the decent thing to do...camna?  

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