
Friday, November 25, 2016

Kassim S.A. : Umno/Najib to make acting deputy president post valid...or invalid?

Bernama reported last Tuesday that, according to high-ranking Umno member Adnan Mansor, the proposal to amend the Umno constitution by inserting a new clause regarding the acting deputy president’s post was valid.

Adnan was referring to the recommendation made by Najib's deputy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and hoped that no one misjudged or misunderstood it.

After reading it for the fifth time, I certainly do not want to be misjudged or misunderstood and neither do I want to be Miss Malaysia, but I am a little cuntfused.

Under principles and practices of management, the post of a deputy or an assistant is a position that is included in the organisation of an entity. An organisation with clearly defined goals will of course have for each post a description of the authority & responsibility (which to Umno means the power) that come with the post.

When an incumbent is scheduled to be away from work (like when he was heading for London for a working holiday in 1998), he will seek the approval of his superior (which in this case was himself) to delegate his authority to someone (which in this case was his deputy) to carry out his functions during his absence.The person to whom the authority is delegated will be acting on behalf of the incumbent. The superior, in approving the delegation, will decide on the time frame and extent of authority to be delegated. Beyond the time frame, the delegation ceases.

So, with this brilliant proposal and recommendation (which will make Peter Drucker turn in his grave) from these Umno "managers", how will Umno describe the post of an acting deputy president? Better still, why does Umno need an acting deputy president?

Unless the present deputy president is not acting in accordance with the expectations of the president......?

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