
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Datuk Khairul Anwar Rahmat (DKAR) ...let me story you!

Who is Chelliah...aka Robert Chelliah? 

To quote Chelliah himself...."I am considered one of the high soaring eagles in the Migration advisory profession in Australia. And again to quote Chelliah he is "Case Manager and Consultant to Sirul case from the outset" and, still is, according to him as he has yet to receive a letter dismissing his services from Sirul....though the last time he was called upon to provide any "consulting" work to Sirul is over two years ago!

And these are what Chelliah has wrote about this Datuk Khairul Anwar Rahman (DKAR) : 

Robert K Chelliah It is not voluntary. Datok Khairul has been involved from day one. He was present at the first meeting when the Australian lawyer and I briefed the Malaysian lawyers on day one. This character was present and taking notes of our discusdion. I have met him subsquently on several occassions on I have notes of his instructions given diguised as friendly advise. His friendly advise made revealef the hidden agenda.

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Reply10 October at 22:38Edited

Reply10 October at 12:20
Robert K Chelliah i have met and known this Umno loyal Dtuk from day one. I have recorded his conversations when we had our first meeting in Sydney and subsquent meetings. i have case notes
His misus imptessed me with her statistics....statics of they own 9 cars and have two drivers and how it is a problem every night to use which car for the following day and these cars are that costs millions probably.

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Reply10 October at 22:38Edited
E.S. Shankar Who does Dato Khairul represent and what does he want from Sirul? I have not heard of him throughout this Altantuya saga until recently. Why is he poking his nose into Sirul's affairs?
Robert K Chelliah in my case notes he is representing Najib
Robert K Chelliah he was involved from day one...he came as a team with the Kamarul hassan . he was furiously taking notes of discussion but spoke little.
Robert K Chelliah i observed to.australian lawyer at the end of the meeting that he could be either from Special Branch or UMNO watchdog for Nanib. At the subsquent meetings later in months to follow i confirm2d he is from najib...appointed to protect Najib

According to "case notes" kept and tape recordings made by Chelliah of his meetings and discussions with DKAR here are Chelliah's observations:

  • DKAR is involved from day one, in Sirul's case after Sirul's arrest in Australia.
  • DKAR gave "friendly advise" which revealed a "hidden agenda".
  • DKAR's wife impressed Chelliah with her statistics "they own 9 cars and have two drivers and how it is a problem every night to use which car for the following day and these cars are that costs millions probably".
  • And of DKAR, Chelliah observed "to.australian lawyer at the end of the meeting that he could be either from Special Branch or UMNO watchdog for Nanib. At the subsquent meetings later in months to follow i confirm2d he is from najib...appointed to protect Najib"  
Has the "hidden agenda" that Chelliah opined has anything to do with Khairul wanting to protect Najib - whom Chelliah thinks he is representing? Protect Najib from what? How does he protect Najib? By having Sirul exonerate Najib in that Video? Sirul did make the Video... so who put Sirul up to making that video? Nudge nudge wink wink!

This much I know. What was promised to Sirtul for making that video was ringgits. Lots and lots of Ringgits. Millions of Ringgits. And of course there is no point in promising Sirul those millions of ringgits if he is not given his freedom. So millions of ringgits and freedom was promised to Sirul for making that video.   

By whom? 

Many people have visited Sirul in the last two over years. His family, relatives, PAS....SukaGuam and of course his KL Lawyers. Sirul has even spoken to Tun Dr Mahathir...and Tun Dr Mahathir has many millions from his pay out after 22 years as prime minister! So is Tun a suspect too? Maaf Tun...saya tanya aja.  

Of all these people...who would have the credibility to offer millions to Sirul and get Sirul to believe that the offer was the real deal? Possibly a Datuk who can convince  Sirul that he is taking care of Najib's interests? Possibly a Datuk who can afford to visit Sirul many times in Villawood? 

These are just some of the thoughts that has crossed my mind these last few nights. There are many blanks still fill in the blanks. DKAR, as Chelliah opined, loyal to Najib Razak? 

He is from Johor is he not? What is now happening in Johor? Johor Umno is moving away from Najib Razak. Away from thanks to Mahyuddin. Does DKAR know Mahyuddin? Has DKAR spoken to Mahyuddin recently? If he did meet Mahyuddin what was he talking with Mahyuddin about? Nudge nudge wink wink....

There have been a running "battle" fought by Johor Royalty...especially that Brigadier TMJ...against those corrupt leaders in Umno. 

Now was not DKAR at the Istana last week having an audience with the Sultan and TMJ together with Manny Pacquiao? I am sure His Majesty, TMJ and Manny Pacquiao did not discuss the corruption and arrogance of those Umno guys....but then again...they might! You never know ...after all DKAR did resign from all his Umno post about two years ago! Has he had enough of Umno and Najib Razak? I really don't will have to ask the DKAR about this yourself.

As of this morning (Saturday 14th October 2017) all my lines of communication with Sirul is effectively kaput....putus....silenced! Calls go unanswered. SMS are ignored. And this is the weekend that DKAR is in Sydney. Hmmm  would those unanswered SMS and ignored calls have something to do with DKAR being in Sydney? 

This is an evolving situation ...and as it evolves I will share it with you.....and in between these observations I will make my comments, share letters, SMS and other "tit bits" about the situation as and when I think appropriate. 

To be continued.    

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